Debunked health care claims live on at Heritage town hall


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Debunked health care claims live on at Heritage town hall

• DeMint called the health care law socialized medicine and said it would make the United States system like those in Britain or Canada. PolitiFact has rated similar claims False, because the health care law leaves in place the private health care system and the free market.

The law does put more regulations on health insurance companies. It also fines most large employers who fail to provide insurance for their employees, and it requires all individuals to have health insurance. In Britain, doctors are employees of the government, while in Canada, the government pays most medical bills as part of a single-payer system. President Barack Obama’s health law has neither of those features.

• DeMint said the law will intervene in decisions between doctors and patients. Though the law puts more regulations on health insurance companies, nothing in the law changes typical interactions between doctors and patients. We rate that claim is False.

• On other issues, DeMint made claims that were partially accurate, but needed additional context. He said the health care law was paid for by cutting from Medicare. He's right that lawmakers did rein in future Medicare spending and then counted the savings as deficit reduction to offset new health care spending. Specifically, the law trimmed extra payments to the Medicare Advantage program. It also set up penalties for hospitals if they don't meet good health benchmarks for Medicare patients. We've rated similar claims Half True.

• DeMint said people on Medicaid, the health insurance for the poor, are less healthy than people who have no health insurance at all. We've found mixed evidence for such claims. In some cases, Medicaid patients do have poorer outcomes, but in other cases, they do better. Experts have warned that more studies are needed. We’ve rated similar claims Half True.






Who "debunked" the claims? Spokespeople for the administration? Politi-fact op-ed disguised as news is nothing but a circle jerk.
Who "debunked" the claims? Spokespeople for the administration? Politi-fact op-ed disguised as news is nothing but a circle jerk.

hazelnutty another not so useful tool for the Democrat party..

and just as pathetic
Dudley asking for sources...too funny.

What a sad commentary - rightwingers whining about sources while unable to produce sources. It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic.

"I don't have facts to back this up, but..." ~ Republican Mantra
• DeMint called the health care law socialized medicine and said it would make the United States system like those in Britain or Canada.

This should have been 'Pants-on-fire' in my view.

I really wish so-called conservatives would stop demagogue-ing this as 'socialism' . For two reasons:

First, it's blatantly untrue. PPACA isn't socialist. It isn't capitalist either, and does away with the last vestiges of a free market when it comes to health care - but it's clearly nothing at all about public ownership of the means of production. Far from undermining private profit, ACA entrenches private corporations in a government granted fiefdom - overseeing all our health care transactions - and leaves us indebted to them for life.

Second, calling it 'socialism' alienates socialists. Intelligent socialists and progressives have as much reason to oppose ACA as conservatives and libertarians. It doesn't make sense to demonize them, or their political philosophy, to score empty political points. Indeed, I don't think we'll be able to turn our nation around until these two groups learn to come together around their common values. ACA is neither socialist or capitalist - it's corporatist, which features the worst aspects of both.

• DeMint said the law will intervene in decisions between doctors and patients. Though the law puts more regulations on health insurance companies, nothing in the law changes typical interactions between doctors and patients.

I'll buy 'false', for now. There's nothing in the law that does this directly. But whoever controls the purse strings ultimately controls everything. And ACA all about controlling purse strings.

• On other issues, DeMint made claims that were partially accurate, but needed additional context. He said the health care law was paid for by cutting from Medicare. He's right that lawmakers did rein in future Medicare spending and then counted the savings as deficit reduction to offset new health care spending. Specifically, the law trimmed extra payments to the Medicare Advantage program. It also set up penalties for hospitals if they don't meet good health benchmarks for Medicare patients. We've rated similar claims Half True.

Fair enough. It's undermining the safety net designed for the poor, to herd us all into the same insurance industry pen.

• DeMint said people on Medicaid, the health insurance for the poor, are less healthy than people who have no health insurance at all. We've found mixed evidence for such claims. In some cases, Medicaid patients do have poorer outcomes, but in other cases, they do better. Experts have warned that more studies are needed. We’ve rated similar claims Half True.

Don't much care.
... ACA is neither socialist or capitalist - it's corporatist, which features the worst aspects of both. ...

A better term would oligarchist. ACA is what happens when an oligarchy, in this case the financial industry, gains control of public policy.

I don't think so, because that implies it's one side controlling the other. ACA isn't about corporations controlling government. Nor is it government controlling business. It's both of them teaming up to control us.
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Dudley asking for sources...too funny.

What a sad commentary - rightwingers whining about sources while unable to produce sources. It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic.

"I don't have facts to back this up, but..." ~ Republican Mantra

LOL< it is you Lefty's that are pathetic, you only quote Lefty sources and claim they have the only truth.

Let's start here, you personally don't shit about the bill.

f you did you would know that Exchanges aren't ready...what does that mean?

There is NO way for any e communication between Ins Co/Gov/Consumer.

All business will have to be done maually creating 10 times the work.

There will be NO way to verify subsidy qualificatios, that is why all the consumer has to do is say he makes "x" amount of dollars and they will get it.

Why is that a problem?

Let's start here....

It means that the Companies having been mandated to spend 80% of ALL premium dollars will be paying claims from an absurdly low prmium collected until the Exchanges ARE up and running. I think you are too stupid understand what that means. So I'll help, it means NOT enough premiums are being collected to cover the claims coming in....

Are you intelligent enough to understand what THAT means?
Dudley asking for sources...too funny.

What a sad commentary - rightwingers whining about sources while unable to produce sources. It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic.

"I don't have facts to back this up, but..." ~ Republican Mantra

LOL< it is you Lefty's that are pathetic, you only quote Lefty sources and claim they have the only truth.

Let's start here, you personally don't shit about the bill.

f you did you would know that Exchanges aren't ready...what does that mean?

There is NO way for any e communication between Ins Co/Gov/Consumer.

All business will have to be done maually creating 10 times the work.

There will be NO way to verify subsidy qualificatios, that is why all the consumer has to do is say he makes "x" amount of dollars and they will get it.

Why is that a problem?

Let's start here....

It means that the Companies having been mandated to spend 80% of ALL premium dollars will be paying claims from an absurdly low prmium collected until the Exchanges ARE up and running. I think you are too stupid understand what that means. So I'll help, it means NOT enough premiums are being collected to cover the claims coming in....

Are you intelligent enough to understand what THAT means?

I won't call you stupid, I don't have to you...
Your take on how the insurance exchange launch will affect insurance companies bottom line is idiotic. The insurance exchange launch won't be a demarcated launch it will be a soft launch - the important dates to remember are;
October 1 launch begins
January 1 insurance bought on the exchange begin to take effect
March 31 open enrollment ends

While the state's campaign may seem to be getting off to a late start, the federal government is pushing the message that Oct. 1, the day when people can start buying insurance, isn't really the big day. It's actually Jan. 1, the first day the new coverage can actually start.

Even then, people don't have to have coverage until the "open enrollment" period closes on March 31. After that, most Americans will either be insured or pay what is initially a nominal penalty of $95 for being uninsured.

Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?
What a sad commentary - rightwingers whining about sources while unable to produce sources. It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic.

"I don't have facts to back this up, but..." ~ Republican Mantra

LOL< it is you Lefty's that are pathetic, you only quote Lefty sources and claim they have the only truth.

Let's start here, you personally don't shit about the bill.

f you did you would know that Exchanges aren't ready...what does that mean?

There is NO way for any e communication between Ins Co/Gov/Consumer.

All business will have to be done maually creating 10 times the work.

There will be NO way to verify subsidy qualificatios, that is why all the consumer has to do is say he makes "x" amount of dollars and they will get it.

Why is that a problem?

Let's start here....

It means that the Companies having been mandated to spend 80% of ALL premium dollars will be paying claims from an absurdly low prmium collected until the Exchanges ARE up and running. I think you are too stupid understand what that means. So I'll help, it means NOT enough premiums are being collected to cover the claims coming in....

Are you intelligent enough to understand what THAT means?

I won't call you stupid, I don't have to you...
Your take on how the insurance exchange launch will affect insurance companies bottom line is idiotic. The insurance exchange launch won't be a demarcated launch it will be a soft launch - the important dates to remember are;
October 1 launch begins
January 1 insurance bought on the exchange begin to take effect
March 31 open enrollment ends

While the state's campaign may seem to be getting off to a late start, the federal government is pushing the message that Oct. 1, the day when people can start buying insurance, isn't really the big day. It's actually Jan. 1, the first day the new coverage can actually start.

Even then, people don't have to have coverage until the "open enrollment" period closes on March 31. After that, most Americans will either be insured or pay what is initially a nominal penalty of $95 for being uninsured.

Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?

(smile) I am in the business you stupid fuck.
What a sad commentary - rightwingers whining about sources while unable to produce sources. It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic.

"I don't have facts to back this up, but..." ~ Republican Mantra

LOL< it is you Lefty's that are pathetic, you only quote Lefty sources and claim they have the only truth.

Let's start here, you personally don't shit about the bill.

f you did you would know that Exchanges aren't ready...what does that mean?

There is NO way for any e communication between Ins Co/Gov/Consumer.

All business will have to be done maually creating 10 times the work.

There will be NO way to verify subsidy qualificatios, that is why all the consumer has to do is say he makes "x" amount of dollars and they will get it.

Why is that a problem?

Let's start here....

It means that the Companies having been mandated to spend 80% of ALL premium dollars will be paying claims from an absurdly low prmium collected until the Exchanges ARE up and running. I think you are too stupid understand what that means. So I'll help, it means NOT enough premiums are being collected to cover the claims coming in....

Are you intelligent enough to understand what THAT means?

I won't call you stupid, I don't have to you...
Your take on how the insurance exchange launch will affect insurance companies bottom line is idiotic. The insurance exchange launch won't be a demarcated launch it will be a soft launch - the important dates to remember are;
October 1 launch begins
January 1 insurance bought on the exchange begin to take effect
March 31 open enrollment ends

While the state's campaign may seem to be getting off to a late start, the federal government is pushing the message that Oct. 1, the day when people can start buying insurance, isn't really the big day. It's actually Jan. 1, the first day the new coverage can actually start.

Even then, people don't have to have coverage until the "open enrollment" period closes on March 31. After that, most Americans will either be insured or pay what is initially a nominal penalty of $95 for being uninsured.

Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?

It isn't "my take", it is what is happening....I laugh at you assholes who simply swallow the Bammy jizz.

When part D came out the same thing happened the Gov subsidies here took 18 months to kicik...18 months of claims paid on subpar premiums.

Get back to when you are educated, not just some stupid fuck with an opinion.
Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?

I'm terrified of government that enslaves us to insurance companies.

You fear competitive bidding? Really? are you some kind of socialist?

Do you have insurance now? If you do have health insurance check out the exchange to see if you can get a better deal-----a deal that is more custom fitted to your situation, if you don't have health insurance check out the exchange to find the best suited affordable insurance for your particular situation and-----and if you can't afford insurance, I'm rich enough to give you a hand up-----a hand up via my tax dollars. Or-----or you can 'choose' to not have insurance - how's that "enslavement"?

• The Health Insurance Marketplace Opens Oct 1st, 2013. Insurance companies will compete to be your healthcare provider via a health insurance exchange pool known as the Affordable Health Insurance Exchange. Americans earning below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible for cost assistance. Read our Complete Guide to the Health Insurance Exchanges to find out how to navigate your State's exchange and how to get the best deals for you, your family and your business.

You scare easy, huh? I hope you don't keep that gun under your pillow loaded -- Oscar.
LOL< it is you Lefty's that are pathetic, you only quote Lefty sources and claim they have the only truth.

Let's start here, you personally don't shit about the bill.

f you did you would know that Exchanges aren't ready...what does that mean?

There is NO way for any e communication between Ins Co/Gov/Consumer.

All business will have to be done maually creating 10 times the work.

There will be NO way to verify subsidy qualificatios, that is why all the consumer has to do is say he makes "x" amount of dollars and they will get it.

Why is that a problem?

Let's start here....

It means that the Companies having been mandated to spend 80% of ALL premium dollars will be paying claims from an absurdly low prmium collected until the Exchanges ARE up and running. I think you are too stupid understand what that means. So I'll help, it means NOT enough premiums are being collected to cover the claims coming in....

Are you intelligent enough to understand what THAT means?

I won't call you stupid, I don't have to you...
Your take on how the insurance exchange launch will affect insurance companies bottom line is idiotic. The insurance exchange launch won't be a demarcated launch it will be a soft launch - the important dates to remember are;
October 1 launch begins
January 1 insurance bought on the exchange begin to take effect
March 31 open enrollment ends

While the state's campaign may seem to be getting off to a late start, the federal government is pushing the message that Oct. 1, the day when people can start buying insurance, isn't really the big day. It's actually Jan. 1, the first day the new coverage can actually start.

Even then, people don't have to have coverage until the "open enrollment" period closes on March 31. After that, most Americans will either be insured or pay what is initially a nominal penalty of $95 for being uninsured.

Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?

It isn't "my take", it is what is happening....I laugh at you assholes who simply swallow the Bammy jizz.

When part D came out the same thing happened the Gov subsidies here took 18 months to kicik...18 months of claims paid on subpar premiums.

Get back to when you are educated, not just some stupid fuck with an opinion.

-pewsh!- I'll take your word for it that the Bush administration fucked up Part D but-----but in case you haven't noticed, that was Part D, we've moved on, now-----now we're talking about Obamacare - try to keep up - K?

LOL - I'll believe you're "in the business" when you post your credentials but-----but in case you didn't notice, this is a message board - you can self identify yourself as "in the business" or-----or you can park your ass in a hangar and call yourself an airplane, both are equally believable but-----but with the nonsense you're known to post about Obamacare most people probably think you're more likely to be an airplane.
I won't call you stupid, I don't have to you...
Your take on how the insurance exchange launch will affect insurance companies bottom line is idiotic. The insurance exchange launch won't be a demarcated launch it will be a soft launch - the important dates to remember are;
October 1 launch begins
January 1 insurance bought on the exchange begin to take effect
March 31 open enrollment ends

While the state's campaign may seem to be getting off to a late start, the federal government is pushing the message that Oct. 1, the day when people can start buying insurance, isn't really the big day. It's actually Jan. 1, the first day the new coverage can actually start.

Even then, people don't have to have coverage until the "open enrollment" period closes on March 31. After that, most Americans will either be insured or pay what is initially a nominal penalty of $95 for being uninsured.

Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?

It isn't "my take", it is what is happening....I laugh at you assholes who simply swallow the Bammy jizz.

When part D came out the same thing happened the Gov subsidies here took 18 months to kicik...18 months of claims paid on subpar premiums.

Get back to when you are educated, not just some stupid fuck with an opinion.

-pewsh!- I'll take your word for it that the Bush administration fucked up Part D but-----but in case you haven't noticed, that was Part D, we've moved on, now-----now we're talking about Obamacare - try to keep up - K?

LOL - I'll believe you're "in the business" when you post your credentials but-----but in case you didn't notice, this is a message board - you can self identify yourself as "in the business" or-----or you can park your ass in a hangar and call yourself an airplane, both are equally believable but-----but with the nonsense you're known to post about Obamacare most people probably think you're more likely to be an airplane.

Translation: "Nuh-Uh."

People like you make me just shake my head.

The Exchanges aren't going to be ready, the subsidies will not be distributed on time, everything will be manual in October, causing 10 times the work....and the industry is in chaos...there is nothing you can do to change those facts.

You should be paying attention to the rates coming out on those single 20 to 30 tear olds, you know....the ones supposedly going to be the financing mechanism of this stupid bill...

This states came out last night and like almost everywhere else they are getting hit the hardest..

You lose son, it is a disaster.
Why are you terrified of people having health insurance?

I'm terrified of government that enslaves us to insurance companies.

Which is, as we all know, is the opposite of what ObamaCare does.

You repeat this lie over and over and I ask you for links over and over and you ignore that over and over and then you repeat the lie over and over.

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