Debunking another new atheist's baby talk on Youtube

Next is-your argument is not compelling-some atheist is lining up to shoot it down. Take a day of rest.

Nope! Hasn't happened yet. The only way it can be countered is by a coherent explication of how an actual infinite is possible or how existence could arise from nonexistence. The fact of what would actually constitute a direct refutation of the cosmological argument should tell one something very important. It has not been debunked. It cannot be debunked. To deny its cogency is to either straw-man it or to deny the veracity of the imperatives of logic while contradictorily attempting to use the same to counter it. Absurdity!

Atheism is madness.
Atheism is as mad as theism. Your arguments only convince you. Unless you perform lobotomies, you won't change anyone's mind.
Atheism is as mad as theism. Your arguments only convince you. Unless you perform lobotomies, you won't change anyone's mind.

Nope! Hasn't happened yet. The only way it can be countered is by ...

mad theists are by nature irrational the opposite of factual atheist. the ism's are the difference.
Mad theists? Factual atheists?

You want some facts? The universe literally popped into existence out of nothing 14 billion years ago and then began to expand and cool.

How’s that for facts?
You want some facts? The universe literally popped into existence out of nothing 14 billion years ago and then began to expand and cool.

no, not the universe - after the moment of singularity, the completion of compaction of past matter into pure energy - the expulsion / explosion from unstable energy, matter reemerged into the universe to begin a new cyclical stage. the universe, Everlasting is unmoved by the event.

How’s that for facts?

yours suck -

Mad theists? Factual atheists?

true theists can only be secular - the christian bible, the desert religions at best are fairytails.
Next is-your argument is not compelling-some atheist is lining up to shoot it down. Take a day of rest.

Nope! Hasn't happened yet. The only way it can be countered is by a coherent explication of how an actual infinite is possible or how existence could arise from nonexistence. The fact of what would actually constitute a direct refutation of the cosmological argument should tell one something very important. It has not been debunked. It cannot be debunked. To deny its cogency is to either straw-man it or to deny the veracity of the imperatives of logic while contradictorily attempting to use the same to counter it. Absurdity!

Atheism is madness.
Atheism is as mad as theism. Your arguments only convince you. Unless you perform lobotomies, you won't change anyone's mind.
Atheism is as mad as theism. Your arguments only convince you. Unless you perform lobotomies, you won't change anyone's mind.

Nope! Hasn't happened yet. The only way it can be countered is by ...

mad theists are by nature irrational the opposite of factual atheist. the ism's are the difference.
Mad theists? Factual atheists?

You want some facts? The universe literally popped into existence out of nothing 14 billion years ago and then began to expand and cool.

How’s that for facts?
You want some facts? The universe literally popped into existence out of nothing 14 billion years ago and then began to expand and cool.

no, not the universe - after the moment of singularity, the completion of compaction of past matter into pure energy - the expulsion / explosion from unstable energy, matter reemerged into the universe to begin a new cyclical stage. the universe, Everlasting is unmoved by the event.

How’s that for facts?

yours suck -

Mad theists? Factual atheists?

true theists can only be secular - the christian bible, the desert religions at best are fairytails.
You know this how?
That’s because you are in denial.
No, it is just that we dont know for a fact that it popped into existence "out of nothing".

When you claim to know this for a fact, you are shamelessly lying. Which surprises nobody.
Keep telling yourself that while arguing unicorns, ice cream and the 6th dimension.
I will, as it is a fact. You are embarrassing yourself. You dont know what the terms "valid" and "sound" mean regarding logic.
Dude, you can’t string together statements that have no sound basis and call it logic, sound or valid or otherwise.

You want to quibble over words and ignore that you have no basis for making those statements which makes your proposition illogical.
Dude, you can’t string together statements that have no sound basis and call it logic, sound or valid or otherwise.
False. Ding, really, please shut your ignorant mouth and read the link so kindly spoonfed to you in this thread.
That’s because you are in denial.
No, it is just that we dont know for a fact that it popped into existence "out of nothing".

When you claim to know this for a fact, you are shamelessly lying. Which surprises nobody.
Sure we do. The second law of thermodynamics says it had to.

Where else do you think it came from? Detroit?
Dude, you can’t string together statements that have no sound basis and call it logic, sound or valid or otherwise.
False. Ding, really, please shut your ignorant mouth and read the link so kindly spoonfed to you in this thread.
No. I don’t think I will shut my ignorant mouth. I’m right. You’re wrong. You can’t make a logical argument that unicorns make ice cream in the 6th dimension. I’ll be damned if I will let you shit all over logic with a ridiculous position that invalidates logic. That would be illogical.
No. I don’t think I will shut my ignorant mouth. I’m right.
No, you are utterly and embarrassingly wrong, and you would fail a discrete mathematics course, a philosophy course, or a computer programming course. In fact, if you diplayed this behavior after being handed your failed test, you would get laughed out of the room by the teacher and the other students.

Ding, your lack of education is showing.
No. I don’t think I will shut my ignorant mouth. I’m right.
No, you are utterly and embarrassingly wrong, and you would fail a discrete mathematics course, a philosophy course, or a computer programming course. In fact, if you diplayed this behavior after being handed your failed test, you would get laughed out of the room by the teacher and the other students.

Ding, your lack of education is showing.
My education background is in engineering.

What’s yours because I don’t believe you are qualified to discuss thermodynamics or logic.
My education background is in engineering.
Irrelevant. What matters is that you clearly have had no logic training.

Is the following statement true, or is it false?:

"If dolphins build skyscrapers, then a milliliter is equal to a cubic kilometer."
Sure we do. The second law of thermodynamics says it had to.
You misspelled true.

Do you understand what thermal equilibrium is?
Not relevant. That doesn't demand that the universe came from nothing just before the big bang. Go peddle your creationist talking points to someone else.
It is literally the reason why the SLoT precludes an infinite acting universe.

So if the universe is not infinite acting it had to have a beginning.

And since we do not see thermal equilibrium we know the universe has not existed forever.

Now you tell me why you believe the universe did not have a beginning because I don’t believe you can.
It is literally the reason why the SLoT precludes an infinite acting universe.
...beginning at the point where the natural laws begin. This point in time can occur more than once. Again, I have no interest in debating your creationist talking points based in 30 year old physics.

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