Decent Denver man being ripped from his wife & kids over archaic immigration policy

He started a business, paid taxes, contributed to his community, and achieve what used to be known as the American Dream?!

Uh oh! Bad HOMBRE!!! :eek:


Appeal to emotion.....

What about appealing to emotion on all those people denied legal immigration because we can't raise the limits due to the current influx of illegals?

It's been the Republican party that has blocked any common sense immigration reform for 10 to 15 years now.

Marco Rubio--a Republican had a plan 4 years ago that they refused to even listen too. So we must assume that this is the 2.0 extension to the Republican Party's Family values platform. Their Christian values at work again--LOL Split em up and move em out.

I wonder how much this is going to cost the taxpayers in welfare and other social services programs?


Like "common sense" gun control?

Any time those words appear before a subject, its code for "give us our way or we will whine like spoiled toddlers"

Build a wall, start deporting the bad ones, if we get a few of the "good ones", oh well.

Once this is done modify our laws to allow for more legal immigrants if we need them.

If WALLS & FENCES worked there wouldn't be anyone crossing the border today. And if you would have actually read the article this man came over on a Visa--and applied several times to renew his visa or get a green card and was denied several times. By an archaic--barbaric Federal immigration policy--that Republicans have refused to reform for the last 10-15 years.

Here is a great video on the WALL--watch to the end and you see how much money we have already WASTED on walls and fences, then this video will move into another video on the terrain and issues associated with structural security. The ONLY WAY to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything they can see can and will always be compromised. (Congress will not appropriate money for another worthless wall, and they have already stated that.)

A new wall would be better guarded, and have better technology behind it.

Again, fix illegal immigration first then fix legal immigration.
Cry me a river.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”

He broke the law and the law needs to be enforced. Did you miss the part that he was he areas first sanctuary resident and because of this illegals seeking sanctuary have flooded the area. Rewarding bad behavior leads to more bad behavior!

Answer this question. If he didn't have a work permit how did he get his first job? Identity theft or working under the table aka tax evasion are the only possible answers. Both are serious crimes. Then how did he get the license and permits to start his business? More up ending the system. These are all things Americans go to jail for!

Stop promoting this behavior and it will stop!
Funny but I don't think Jesus Christ would approve of separating Husbands from wives and chldren or mothers from their children and families.

No one's separating families. Do you know Jesus?...then you know he tasked each of us to help provide for others in need - to reach into our pockets, to give generously. I can't quite put my finger on the verse where he gives you permission to reach into your neighbors pocket to 'give' generously.

BULLSHIT--ripping familes apart was never designed or would have been approved by Jesus Christ. Adolph Hitler was pretty good at it though.

Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.

Have you turned into a complete imbecile? The man overstayed his visa by 14 years. The woman has a deportation order against her for the last six years and she's been arrested at least twice. You really think the American people are going to get on your side with these kinds of examples?

My mother came to this country legally. They can do it too.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

That is a red herring my friend and not a good one. First a large chunk of illegals are on public assistance, so if you want to reduce public assistance then stop illegal immigration.

You know why the GOP said No is because they learned from the Reagan Amnesty law that turned CA from red to blue and only encouraged illegal immigration.

We have a bill on the books to build the wall, sons perfect start is building the damn wall!

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Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.

Have you turned into a complete imbecile? The man overstayed his visa by 14 years. The woman has a deportation order against her for the last six years and she's been arrested at least twice. You really think the American people are going to get on your side with these kinds of examples?

My mother came to this country legally. They can do it too.

Yeah and he continually applied for immigration status throughout those 14 years and was denied by our archaic immigration policy--that Republicans have refused to reform for the last 10 to 15 years.
Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.

Have you turned into a complete imbecile? The man overstayed his visa by 14 years. The woman has a deportation order against her for the last six years and she's been arrested at least twice. You really think the American people are going to get on your side with these kinds of examples?

My mother came to this country legally. They can do it too.

Yeah and he continually applied for immigration status throughout those 14 years and was denied by our archaic immigration policy--that Republicans have refused to reform for the last 10 to 15 years.

Yeah, well, too fucking bad. That's life. Why was he denied?

I also happen to recall the Democrats had two years of a filibuster proof majority under Obama that they could've tackled this issue and instead they spent their time massacring our healthcare system
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

That is a red herring my friend and not a good one. First a large chunk of illegals are on public assistance, so if you want to reduce public assistance then stop illegal immigration.

You know why the GOP said No is because they learned from the Reagan Amnesty law that turned CA from red to blue and only encouraged illegal immigration.

We have a bill on the books to build the wall, sons perfect start is building the damn wall!

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Watch the video dumbass.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

They have found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.

Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.

Have you turned into a complete imbecile? The man overstayed his visa by 14 years. The woman has a deportation order against her for the last six years and she's been arrested at least twice. You really think the American people are going to get on your side with these kinds of examples?

My mother came to this country legally. They can do it too.

Yeah and he continually applied for immigration status throughout those 14 years and was denied by our archaic immigration policy--that Republicans have refused to reform for the last 10 to 15 years.

boo fucking hoo.
What do lefties really want? Do they want to throw the visa program out the window and let people in the Country without keeping records? The guy overstayed a 6 month visa by 14 years. If a politician wants to introduce legislation to aid a single person that's fine but you can't ignore and violate the law because y'all caring lefties feel it's archaic.
The fillthy savage is most likely a rapist and should be separated from the genetic pollution he caused, but they should all regroup and get the fuck out of my country.
“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

He should have never been allowed to open a business or found a job unless he was a legal resident.

If he is employed as a legal resident the employer should be responsible for tracking when legal status expires and terminating employment on that date. If a legal resident and applying for a business license is granted the license should expire on the date legal status expires or normal renew period whichever is less.

When will people begin to understand that the solution isn't building a wall that some politician can point to an say "see what I did" and addressing the reasons illegals come here to begin with and that is jobs. Without jobs they wouldn't come, without jobs they wouldn't stay.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

He should have never been allowed to open a business or found a job unless he was a legal resident.

If he is employed as a legal resident the employer should be responsible for tracking when legal status expires and terminating employment on that date. If a legal resident and applying for a business license is granted the license should expire on the date legal status expires or normal renew period whichever is less.

When will people begin to understand that the solution isn't building a wall that some politician can point to an say "see what I did" and addressing the reasons illegals come here to begin with and that is jobs. Without jobs they wouldn't come, without jobs they wouldn't stay.


Well he did, now are you prepared to pay Welfare benefits for his American born kids, and this woman's 4 American kids up until their of age, and raise them without a father and a mother? They're going to make great gang members without parents.
BULLSHIT--ripping familes apart was never designed or would have been approved by Jesus Christ. Adolph Hitler was pretty good at it though.

Do you know Jesus?...what do you think he might say to a man who abandons his family?...or puts them in jeopardy by disobeying the law. Joseph took his family with him on a long journey.

Oh my, the old Hitler ploy, last refuge of a losing argument.

They're going to make great gang members without parents.

Which is exactly the reason it was a mistake letting thousands of unaccompanied teenage males into this country - and allowing them to stay.

Arturo's kids do have parents though.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

The kids can accompany their parents on their trip back to Mexico.

Problem solved.
Are you saying that American citizens should be deported "back" to Mexico?
bodecea, did you graduate from high school? If so, where? :p

Which is exactly the reason it was a mistake letting thousands of unaccompanied teenage males into this country - and allowing them to stay.

Rape, robbery and murder are diversity according to politically correct douchebags. No society should be exposed to diversity, but ZOG seems obsessed with inflicting it.
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U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to aid Arturo Hernandez Garcia, who spent nine months living in the basement of a Denver church to avoid deportation and was arrested on Wednesday by immigration officers for removal from the U.S.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement The Colorado Democrat’s office said a private bill for the relief of Hernandez Garcia comes as Bennet has reached out to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked for more time in processing his case.

Hernandez Garcia was at work on Wednesday morning when ICE officers detained him unexpectedly. In October 2014, he took refuge in the basement of a Denver church for nine months, returning to his family in July 2015, after ICE sent him letter saying he was no longer an enforcement priority.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Also in Denver, Colorado

A Mexican woman seeking to avoid deportation is taking refuge in a Denver church after U.S. immigration authorities denied her request to remain in the country.

Jeanette Vizguerra (vihz-GEHR'-uh) skipped her scheduled check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Wednesday in suburban Centennial. About 100 supporters demonstrated outside the building as her attorney, Hans Meyer, and a minister went inside and was told Vizguerra would not get another extension.

Meyer says the mother of four has been trying to get a visa granted to crime victims and the government has typically given extensions during that lengthy process.

ICE says she is an "enforcement priority" because she has two misdemeanor convictions and a judge had issued a deportation order for her in 2011.

Vizguerra vowed to continue her fight for her children's sakes.


Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.

Didn't Trump even say these were the people he wouldn't go after? Saying he's two faced would be an insult to two faced people.
Trump said that he wouldn't go after those who had not comitted any crimes. He did not say that he would ask the courts to void prior deportation orders. This man was ordered to be deported 14 years ago.

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