Decent Denver man being ripped from his wife & kids over archaic immigration policy

Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?
Apply the law equally? Melania trump came here with a visiting visa that did not permit her to work. She broke our laws, worked anyways, and is now our first lady. You hypocritical shit heads.
Question for OP or those who agree with him.

Do you think that the law no longer applies to illegal immigrants once they have lived in the US for a certain amount of time?

If so how much time would an illegal alien have to have been in the US in order to be exempt from law. 1 year 14 years what's the numero??

That's been the case for as long as I can remember; the double standard! The few who commit crime have just made it more of a political issue even those all concerned are being quite hypocritical! Between the cheap labor in the fields to keep produce cheap and the many who need support to raise their brats! We're all complicit, creating drama that shouldn't be there! :beer: :dunno: :smartass:

I have yet to hear a good Logic based argument in support of sanctuary cities. Lots of sob stories and Statue of Liberty quotes lol.

Anyone here up to providing a good argument based on logic and facts not emotions??

I'm all ears
Based on logic, sanctuary cities run on immigrants. Mass deportations are damaging to their economy. Laws like the Muslim ban our damaging to our communities, universities, hospitals. Etc. It's all quite logical, if you have any logic.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to aid Arturo Hernandez Garcia, who spent nine months living in the basement of a Denver church to avoid deportation and was arrested on Wednesday by immigration officers for removal from the U.S.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement The Colorado Democrat’s office said a private bill for the relief of Hernandez Garcia comes as Bennet has reached out to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked for more time in processing his case.

Hernandez Garcia was at work on Wednesday morning when ICE officers detained him unexpectedly. In October 2014, he took refuge in the basement of a Denver church for nine months, returning to his family in July 2015, after ICE sent him letter saying he was no longer an enforcement priority.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Also in Denver, Colorado

A Mexican woman seeking to avoid deportation is taking refuge in a Denver church after U.S. immigration authorities denied her request to remain in the country.

Jeanette Vizguerra (vihz-GEHR'-uh) skipped her scheduled check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Wednesday in suburban Centennial. About 100 supporters demonstrated outside the building as her attorney, Hans Meyer, and a minister went inside and was told Vizguerra would not get another extension.

Meyer says the mother of four has been trying to get a visa granted to crime victims and the government has typically given extensions during that lengthy process.

ICE says she is an "enforcement priority" because she has two misdemeanor convictions and a judge had issued a deportation order for her in 2011.

Vizguerra vowed to continue her fight for her children's sakes.


Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.
Buh bye now. NEXT!?
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.

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Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to aid Arturo Hernandez Garcia, who spent nine months living in the basement of a Denver church to avoid deportation and was arrested on Wednesday by immigration officers for removal from the U.S.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement The Colorado Democrat’s office said a private bill for the relief of Hernandez Garcia comes as Bennet has reached out to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked for more time in processing his case.

Hernandez Garcia was at work on Wednesday morning when ICE officers detained him unexpectedly. In October 2014, he took refuge in the basement of a Denver church for nine months, returning to his family in July 2015, after ICE sent him letter saying he was no longer an enforcement priority.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Also in Denver, Colorado

A Mexican woman seeking to avoid deportation is taking refuge in a Denver church after U.S. immigration authorities denied her request to remain in the country.

Jeanette Vizguerra (vihz-GEHR'-uh) skipped her scheduled check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Wednesday in suburban Centennial. About 100 supporters demonstrated outside the building as her attorney, Hans Meyer, and a minister went inside and was told Vizguerra would not get another extension.

Meyer says the mother of four has been trying to get a visa granted to crime victims and the government has typically given extensions during that lengthy process.

ICE says she is an "enforcement priority" because she has two misdemeanor convictions and a judge had issued a deportation order for her in 2011.

Vizguerra vowed to continue her fight for her children's sakes.


Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.
Buh bye now. NEXT!?

Break out your checkbook because you can bet those American born kids are going to stay here on Government assistance programs. That's what happens when you take away their only income--in this case their father who was a flooring contractor.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
We are sending people to Siberia?


Wow, maybe I've been wrong, maybe even there IS something to this whole "Russians" thing...
Why didn't snowflakes cry when OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON suppoorted funding a BORDER BARRIER and increased enforcement at the border in 2006?

Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
We are sending people to Siberia?


Wow, maybe I've been wrong, maybe even there IS something to this whole "Russians" thing...

This guy has lived here for 20 years--what do you expect to find in Mexico? It's equivalent of you being dumped off in Siberia.
Why didn't snowflakes cry when OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON suppoorted funding a BORDER BARRIER and increased enforcement at the border in 2006?

WTF has that got to do with this?

We're talking about a family that has lived in this country for the last 20 years--a man who applied 6 times to get immigration status, who formed his own company--hired employees, paid for business licenses, and payroll taxes whom is now being ripped from his home leaving his wife & kids here, whom is also their only financial support.

Now you're going to be paying for their support. Do get that concept & can you stay on topic?
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia

Why didn't snowflakes cry when OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON suppoorted funding a BORDER BARRIER and increased enforcement at the border in 2006?

WTF has that got to do with this?

We're talking about a family that has lived in this country for the last 20 years--a man who applied 6 times to get immigration status, who formed his own company--hired employees, paid for business licenses, and payroll taxes whom is now being ripped from his home leaving his wife & kids here, whom is also their only financial support.

Now you're going to be paying for their support. Do get that concept & can you stay on topic?
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Obama and Clinton claimed they SUPPORTED ENFORCING FEDERAL IMMIGRATION laws.

If you are here ILLEGALLY....that's YOUR BAD....YOU GOT TO GO.

One way to avoid being deported is to LEGALLY IMMIGRATE.
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to aid Arturo Hernandez Garcia, who spent nine months living in the basement of a Denver church to avoid deportation and was arrested on Wednesday by immigration officers for removal from the U.S.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement The Colorado Democrat’s office said a private bill for the relief of Hernandez Garcia comes as Bennet has reached out to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked for more time in processing his case.

Hernandez Garcia was at work on Wednesday morning when ICE officers detained him unexpectedly. In October 2014, he took refuge in the basement of a Denver church for nine months, returning to his family in July 2015, after ICE sent him letter saying he was no longer an enforcement priority.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Also in Denver, Colorado

A Mexican woman seeking to avoid deportation is taking refuge in a Denver church after U.S. immigration authorities denied her request to remain in the country.

Jeanette Vizguerra (vihz-GEHR'-uh) skipped her scheduled check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Wednesday in suburban Centennial. About 100 supporters demonstrated outside the building as her attorney, Hans Meyer, and a minister went inside and was told Vizguerra would not get another extension.

Meyer says the mother of four has been trying to get a visa granted to crime victims and the government has typically given extensions during that lengthy process.

ICE says she is an "enforcement priority" because she has two misdemeanor convictions and a judge had issued a deportation order for her in 2011.

Vizguerra vowed to continue her fight for her children's sakes.


Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.

Question for OP or those who agree with him.

Do you think that the law no longer applies to illegal immigrants once they have lived in the US for a certain amount of time?

If so how much time would an illegal alien have to have been in the US in order to be exempt from law. 1 year 14 years what's the numero??

That's been the case for as long as I can remember; the double standard! The few who commit crime have just made it more of a political issue even those all concerned are being quite hypocritical! Between the cheap labor in the fields to keep produce cheap and the many who need support to raise their brats! We're all complicit, creating drama that shouldn't be there! :beer: :dunno: :smartass:

I have yet to hear a good Logic based argument in support of sanctuary cities. Lots of sob stories and Statue of Liberty quotes lol.

Anyone here up to providing a good argument based on logic and facts not emotions??

I'm all ears

There is no worthy debate based on logic and facts. Lefties will only debate this on emotion and nobility.
They love nursing their pet illegals with your checkbook.

Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

He's an illegal and should have been deported long ago. I couldn't care less how great a guy he is.

He's an illegal and what applies for one should apply for all. They are all here illegally and should ALL be deported.

Again then you shouldn't mind raising his American born kids on welfare until they're of age?

They were being "raised on welfare" with him difference. Try another desperate spin.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
We are sending people to Siberia?


Wow, maybe I've been wrong, maybe even there IS something to this whole "Russians" thing...

This guy has lived here for 20 years--what do you expect to find in Mexico? It's equivalent of you being dumped off in Siberia.
He lived here 20 years, but 14 years ago he was ordered deported.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
Siberia? They are in danger of freezing to death in mexico? If he's a flooring contractor he can be a flooring contractor in mexico. He can take his wife and kids with him. He should have gone when he was deported 14 years ago.

Whitey Bulger lived a quiet law abiding life for 16 years in Santa Monica. Now he's in prison.
Why didn't snowflakes cry when OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON suppoorted funding a BORDER BARRIER and increased enforcement at the border in 2006?

WTF has that got to do with this?

We're talking about a family that has lived in this country for the last 20 years--a man who applied 6 times to get immigration status, who formed his own company--hired employees, paid for business licenses, and payroll taxes whom is now being ripped from his home leaving his wife & kids here, whom is also their only financial support.

Now you're going to be paying for their support. Do get that concept & can you stay on topic?
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Obama and Clinton claimed they SUPPORTED ENFORCING FEDERAL IMMIGRATION laws.

If you are here ILLEGALLY....that's YOUR BAD....YOU GOT TO GO.

One way to avoid being deported is to LEGALLY IMMIGRATE.

He did legally immigrate--he came over here on a Visa--the Visa expired and he applied 6 times to renew his visa and to obtain a green card and was denied 6 times.

He got into a little workplace altercation and was targeted by immigration officials.

"Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case."
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

While we're at this--we have Avocados and Strawberries rotting on the vine right now--because migrant workers are not "illegally" crossing the border to help farmers with their harvest. Trump has scared them off--and apparently there are no WHITE Americans wanting to work these fields. Migrant workers can't even get a seasonal Green card from Federal immigration authorities to help these farmers bring in their harvest.
After Trump’s immigration order, anxiety grows in Florida’s farm fields

Alabama decided to kick out all undocumented workers out of their state, but it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

So when your grocery bill goes through the roof--milk, eggs, chicken, beef, vegi's and fruits I don't want to hear your complaints. You can call your nearest Republican and bitch to them all day long about it. Republicans have blocked every single immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline. They wouldn't even look at what Marco Rubio came up with 4 years ago.


This is the problem with you Right wingers. You never ever consider the consequences. You're an automatic, knee jerk, tunnel vision reaction--because you have been spoonfed misinformation from right wing talk show hosts for decades.

Someday maybe someone will start a movement called: "Make America SMART again."

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Why didn't snowflakes cry when OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON suppoorted funding a BORDER BARRIER and increased enforcement at the border in 2006?

WTF has that got to do with this?

We're talking about a family that has lived in this country for the last 20 years--a man who applied 6 times to get immigration status, who formed his own company--hired employees, paid for business licenses, and payroll taxes whom is now being ripped from his home leaving his wife & kids here, whom is also their only financial support.

Now you're going to be paying for their support. Do get that concept & can you stay on topic?
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Obama and Clinton claimed they SUPPORTED ENFORCING FEDERAL IMMIGRATION laws.

If you are here ILLEGALLY....that's YOUR BAD....YOU GOT TO GO.

One way to avoid being deported is to LEGALLY IMMIGRATE.

He did legally immigrate--he came over here on a Visa--the Visa expired and he applied 6 times to renew his visa and to obtain a green card and was denied 6 times.

He got into a little workplace altercation and was targeted by immigration officials.

"Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case."
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

While we're at this--we have Avocados and Strawberries rotting on the vine right now--because migrant workers are not "illegally" crossing the border to help farmers with their harvest. Trump has scared them off--and apparently there are no WHITE Americans wanting to work these fields. Migrant workers can't even get a seasonal Green card from Federal immigration authorities to help these farmers bring in their harvest.
After Trump’s immigration order, anxiety grows in Florida’s farm fields

Alabama decided to kick out all undocumented workers out of their state, but it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

So when your grocery bill goes through the roof--milk, eggs, chicken, beef, vegi's and fruits I don't want to hear your complaints. You can call your nearest Republican and bitch to them all day long about it. Republicans have blocked every single immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline. They wouldn't even look at what Marco Rubio came up with 4 years ago.


This is the problem with you Right wingers. You never ever consider the consequences. You're an automatic, knee jerk, tunnel vision reaction--because you have been spoonfed misinformation from right wing talk show hosts for decades.

Someday maybe someone will start a movement called: "Make America SMART again."

If he was here with an expired Visa, he was here illegally.

You should probably brush up on immigration law.

How the United States Immigration System Works
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Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
Siberia? They are in danger of freezing to death in mexico? If he's a flooring contractor he can be a flooring contractor in mexico. He can take his wife and kids with him. He should have gone when he was deported 14 years ago.

Whitey Bulger lived a quiet law abiding life for 16 years in Santa Monica. Now he's in prison.

You've never been to Mexico have you? If someone jerked you out of your home and your business and dropped you off in Mexico you wouldn't survive two days. Right now the peso is 22 to 1 to the American dollar (thanks to Trump and his rhetoric.) Meaning Mexicans can't afford a new floor. They're just trying to eat right now.


So we'll be paying for his kids, and he won't even be able to help with child support, and authorties will not be able to collect child support because he's in MEXICO.

What a WONDERFUL--WONDERFUL train wreck this really is.
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Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?
Apply the law equally? Melania trump came here with a visiting visa that did not permit her to work. She broke our laws, worked anyways, and is now our first lady. You hypocritical shit heads.


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