Decent Denver man being ripped from his wife & kids over archaic immigration policy

Why didn't snowflakes cry when OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON suppoorted funding a BORDER BARRIER and increased enforcement at the border in 2006?

WTF has that got to do with this?

We're talking about a family that has lived in this country for the last 20 years--a man who applied 6 times to get immigration status, who formed his own company--hired employees, paid for business licenses, and payroll taxes whom is now being ripped from his home leaving his wife & kids here, whom is also their only financial support.

Now you're going to be paying for their support. Do get that concept & can you stay on topic?
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Actually, that's not true. We're talking about a convicted criminal who has evaded capture for 20 years. The responsibility, and the problem, is his.

No it's your problem now. A wife and American kids will have no problems getting on social welfare programs--since the only income (their father) has been ripped out of this country.

And your point is???

What's another one? I already support 47% of the country.
So these shit bags don't even plan to keep their children with them?

Further proof they need to go...

If someone was ripping you out of your home--and flying you off to Siberia with no job, no money and no food--I kind of doubt you would be taking your wife and kids either--LOL
Siberia? They are in danger of freezing to death in mexico? If he's a flooring contractor he can be a flooring contractor in mexico. He can take his wife and kids with him. He should have gone when he was deported 14 years ago.

Whitey Bulger lived a quiet law abiding life for 16 years in Santa Monica. Now he's in prison.

You've never been to Mexico have you? If someone jerked you out of your home and your business and dropped you off in Mexico you wouldn't survive two days. Right now the peso is 22 to 1 to the American dollar (thanks to Trump and his rhetoric.) Meaning Mexicans can't afford a new floor. They're just trying to eat right now.


So we'll be paying for his kids, and he won't even be able to help with child support, and authorties will not be able to collect child support because he's in MEXICO.

What a WONDERFUL--WONDERFUL train wreck this is.
I love the emotion ---- unfortunately, it doesn't pas the logic test.

22 pesos per dollar? Hmmm ----

A meal in an inexpensive Mexican restaurant .... 90 pesos (about $4.00)
Domestic Beer (1 pint draught)... 25.00 (about $1.25)
Loaf of bread ... about $1
Dozen eggs .... about $1.20

Cost of Living in Mexico

Try something else if you're going to try to tug a somebody's heartstrings.

For Americans it's a great vacation in Mexico right now. But you're forgetting those that work in Mexico are getting paid Peso's--not American dollars. Now how much do you believe that will translate too back to his kids here in the states when he's trying to support them? How many Mexicans working for Peso's are going to restaurants right now, and are hiring a contractors to install flooring?

Now on your march to deport every single illegal in this country, you may want to consider how many American children they have first. You know those Anchor babies. And while we're on this topic--it requires a 2/3's vote in the Senate and a 2/3's vote in the house and then 38 state legislatures have to sign off on it, or ratify it, in order to repeal or change any amendment to the constitution--including the 14th amendment (birth rights). You'll note that it has nothing to do with who the President is or the U.S. Supreme court. The odds of that happening are less than ZERO.

What nonsense. Where do you get this shit????

All it takes is 5 votes .... 5 votes on the Supreme Court to reverse the current interpretation.

Could you at least pretend you know what the hell you're talking about?
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

They can follow their parents back to Mexico.

They're not going to--we wil be paying to raise them, and without a father they'll end up making great gang members--that we'll probably be paying for to incarcerate when they're older.

Is his wife too stupid to keep the business going? Come on snowflake, tell us how stupid this woman who married an illegal is.

I doubt she lays flooring--and I don't know what her experience is at running a business. But WTF--if she is not capable of running a CONSTRUCTION business or doesn't want to--then she is eligible for every benefit that is available with two kids to raise.

A decision you have no control over dumbass. This will be her decision and her's alone.

I DON'T CARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The SOB broke the law, the judge says he has to go, so he has to go. If she's too stupid to keep the business going maybe a hotel is looking for a maid. OH RIGHT, those jobs are taken by illegals.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

They can follow their parents back to Mexico.

They're not going to--we wil be paying to raise them, and without a father they'll end up making great gang members--that we'll probably be paying for to incarcerate when they're older.

Is his wife too stupid to keep the business going? Come on snowflake, tell us how stupid this woman who married an illegal is.

I doubt she lays flooring--and I don't know what her experience is at running a business. But WTF--if she is not capable of running a CONSTRUCTION business or doesn't want to--then she is eligible for every benefit that is available with two kids to raise.

A decision you have no control over dumbass. This will be her decision and her's alone.

Only 3 people out of a 100 have the balls to open up their own business--and she may be part of the 97 that want nothing to do with it. And this country is kicking out a business owner that was actually creating jobs.

That's an incredible message.

If you are a business owner, you are above the law.

If this guy were a citizen and he cheated on his taxes, would you forgive that too ?
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?
Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

They can follow their parents back to Mexico.

They're not going to--we wil be paying to raise them, and without a father they'll end up making great gang members--that we'll probably be paying for to incarcerate when they're older.

Is his wife too stupid to keep the business going? Come on snowflake, tell us how stupid this woman who married an illegal is.

I doubt she lays flooring--and I don't know what her experience is at running a business. But WTF--if she is not capable of running a CONSTRUCTION business or doesn't want to--then she is eligible for every benefit that is available with two kids to raise.

A decision you have no control over dumbass. This will be her decision and her's alone.

Only 3 people out of a 100 have the balls to open up their own business--and she may be part of the 97 that want nothing to do with it. And this country is kicking out a business owner that was actually creating jobs.

That's an incredible message.

If you are a business owner, you are above the law.

If this guy were a citizen and he cheated on his taxes, would you forgive that too ?

Where do you see that he "cheated" on his taxes? People who are in business in this country are required to do certain things to remain in business--meaning they file returns and pay taxes, pay all the requirements for insurance and payroll taxes, etc. etc.

Even Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business's, because they know that they hire Mexicans and are job creators. Americans haven't caught onto that concept.
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.
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The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.
Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.

Yeah that happens all of the time. Identity theft. But there is no law regarding business people using (with permission--another's social security number) who may be part of or associated with the business. You can put on as many names as you want to as to who is ultimately responsible for a business. The only thing the IRS cares about is who is responsible for paying the taxes. IOW there is nothing illegal about a business doing that, and it's not identity theft.
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That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.

Yeah that happens all of the time. Identity theft. But there is no law regarding business people using (with permission--another's social security number) who may be part or associated with the business. You can put on as many names as you want to as to who is ultimately responsible for a business. The only thing the IRS cares about is who is responsible for paying the taxes. IOW there is nothing illegal about a business doing that.

The guy is illegal, he needs to fix it or leave. I have no sympathy for illegals, they are criminals that steal honest people's IDs, if you are good with that go give your SSI to an illegal. You defend criminals, what a puke!
That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.

Yeah that happens all of the time. Identity theft. But there is no law regarding business people using (with permission--another's social security number) who may be part of or associated with the business. You can put on as many names as you want to as to who is ultimately responsible for a business. The only thing the IRS cares about is who is responsible for paying the taxes. IOW there is nothing illegal about a business doing that, and it's not identity theft.

Umm...businesses typically use a TIN number (Tax Identification Number).
I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.

Yeah that happens all of the time. Identity theft. But there is no law regarding business people using (with permission--another's social security number) who may be part of or associated with the business. You can put on as many names as you want to as to who is ultimately responsible for a business. The only thing the IRS cares about is who is responsible for paying the taxes. IOW there is nothing illegal about a business doing that, and it's not identity theft.

Umm...businesses typically use a TIN number (Tax Identification Number).

Yep that's what we're talking about. In order to get a Federal Tax I.D. there will be a social security number associated with that business. But it is not illegal to obtain a social security number with PERMISSION from another that may be associated with that business in order to obtain a Federal Tax I.D. The IRS only cares about who is responsible for paying the taxes.
That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.

Yeah that happens all of the time. Identity theft. But there is no law regarding business people using (with permission--another's social security number) who may be part of or associated with the business. You can put on as many names as you want to as to who is ultimately responsible for a business. The only thing the IRS cares about is who is responsible for paying the taxes. IOW there is nothing illegal about a business doing that, and it's not identity theft.

You're a fucking idiot, social security numbers are issued to individuals, taxpayer IDs are given to businesses and non-citizens authorized to temporary work in the US.
I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.


Liberals have taught us that business people are liars and cheats. He is probably hiring illegals paying them low wages under the table. He is probably as crooked as they come according to the liberal. Now why would we save such terrible person that owns an evil business that exploits labor?

You don't know that. You're presuming that is what he was doing. Being an illegal I imagine the very last thing he would do is hire an illegal--LOL

Being in a construction business requires a lot of things. 1. The General Contractor is required to send the sub-contractor a 1099 each year. One goes to the IRS the other goes to the sub-contractor. 2. Why would any employer pay someone under the table--when they can write off those wages and payroll taxes? Because if they pay them under the table they are assuming liability back to themselves for required federal income taxes, State taxes, etc. General Contractors will also require certificates of general liability insurance and workman's compensation.

This guy was a "job-site" contractor as stated in the article, meaning he was not working on private individual homes, he was working for General Contractors. I imagine he was probably using a family or friend's social security number for a Federal Tax I.D.--but that still means he was paying taxes.

Mexico is smart enough not to kick out American business people, as they know they are creating jobs for Mexicans. This country obviously hasn't caught onto that concept.

I had my SSI number stolen and taxes filed under my SSI. I got a bill from a state I never stepped foot in claiming I owe taxes for taxes I supposedly filed. It is costing me 1000's to prove I don't owe what the Feds and this state.

So spare me the BS, these illegal immigrants are hurting hard working legal citizens and costing tax payers money out of their own pockets.

Play the stupid game with someone who hasn't had to pay the cost for your illegal friends to be here.

And illegals are the first ones illegals hire, it goes under the table and they pay them nothing. Hell a lot of them don't have licenses to be in construction.

Yeah that happens all of the time. Identity theft. But there is no law regarding business people using (with permission--another's social security number) who may be part of or associated with the business. You can put on as many names as you want to as to who is ultimately responsible for a business. The only thing the IRS cares about is who is responsible for paying the taxes. IOW there is nothing illegal about a business doing that, and it's not identity theft.

You're a fucking idiot, social security numbers are issued to individuals, taxpayer IDs are given to businesses and non-citizens authorized to temporary work in the US.

Look dumbass--I was an electrical contractor working in the State of Colorado for over 30 years. You are required to have a social security number in order to obtain a Federal Tax I.D. number. The Federal tax I.D. number is required so you can make payroll taxes--Social Security/Medicare payments. This is what associates the business to a social security number.

Sol proprietors working by (themselves--no employees) are NOT required to obtain a Federal Tax I.D. they can use their personal social security number to pay their related social security/medicare liabilites along with federal and state income tax liability. In the state of Colorado sol proprietors with no employees, are not required to obtain a workman's comp policy on themselves but they are required to sign a waiver from the building department--they're registered in to obtain the business license, but are still required to obtain a general liability policy in order to obtain the license.

If you have employees a Federal Tax I.D. is required and a social security number will be required in order to obtain that Federal Tax I.D.

Clearly this man had employees--as the article states his "crew"--requiring him to have a Federal Tax I.D. number. Again it is not illegal for another associated with any business for a business to use (with their permission--their social security number) in order to obtain a Federal Tax I.D.
So we are good with illegals committing identity theft, while honest Americans pay thousands of dollars after a fraud is perpetrated against them.

Liberals, help the illegals screw American workers! People like Oreo don't give a damn others as long as they get what they want.

Send the guy back to his country, he is a criminal. Send Oreo with them if he likes them so well.
So we are good with illegals committing identity theft, while honest Americans pay thousands of dollars after a fraud is perpetrated against them.

Liberals, help the illegals screw American workers! People like Oreo don't give a damn others as long as they get what they want.

Send the guy back to his country, he is a criminal. Send Oreo with them if he likes them so well.

That is not identity theft dumbass. As long as he had another that agreed to use their social security number (who was more than likely associated with his business) there is nothing illegal about it.
You really don't have to have a social security number to get a federal tax ID number.

In your experience as a contractor a social security number is required to get a federal ID number. Your experience is not the only experience. There are too many other instances where a person can get a Tax ID number without a social security number.
You really don't have to have a social security number to get a federal tax ID number.

In your experience as a contractor a social security number is required to get a federal ID number. Your experience is not the only experience. There are too many other instances where a person can get a Tax ID number without a social security number.

Then you pull a link up to prove it. This guy is in construction contracting in the state of Colorado. When you're making payroll taxes--there is going to be a Federal Tax I.D. form that you use associated with a number you have been assigned--and a social security number that is associated with that Federal Tax I.D. number.

When General Contractors are filling out their requirements of issuing all sub-contractors a 1099 form--and sending a copy to them and to the IRS they will use that Federal tax I.D. number or if it is a sole proprietor (with no employees) their social security number to identify them to the IRS. (Without either number, the IRS has no idea who they are.)

Now if he was ever issued a green card- (which he clearly wasn't after 6 attempts)-there may be some change to that--but I have never seen or heard of such a thing.
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So we are good with illegals committing identity theft, while honest Americans pay thousands of dollars after a fraud is perpetrated against them.

Liberals, help the illegals screw American workers! People like Oreo don't give a damn others as long as they get what they want.

Send the guy back to his country, he is a criminal. Send Oreo with them if he likes them so well.

That is not identity theft dumbass. As long as he had another that agreed to use their social security number (who was more than likely associated with his business) there is nothing illegal about it.

Man you are a dense idiot. Why didn't he use his SSI number instead of someone else's? Because he didn't have one. If he doesn't have a SSI he cannot apply for a tax ID because he is not allowed to. He and his accomplice committed fraud. If it is his business as you and he claim, he has committed fraud. Now, he is not a citizen of this country, he is here fraudulently. We know damn well that he hires illegal immigrants and so he has violated the law again. He is not a decent person, he is a con man. Send him back home. Relieve the legal citizens of the burden on having to deal with this criminal.

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