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Decision reached in Arbrey case

So what this verdict says is that you can have a Neighborhood Watch but "Watch" is the operative word, If you do anything more than "watch" like trying to stop the criminal you will be severly punisheed.

The same is true of Rittenhouse, he should have stayed in Illinois and minded his own business.

You do not get to determine what another's 'business' is or where they can be. When Rittenhouse retreated, it was clear he was not the aggressor. When Arbury retreated, it was also clear he was not the aggressor. Just liken those that Rittenhouse shot AND those that chased down Arbury, they were guilty of trying to assault someone. Arbury was murdered, Rittenhouse was lucky enough that he was able to defend himself. if only Arbury could have done the same he would still be alive and these three idiots would have taken his place.

And I cannot see how that would be a worse outcome.
Blah blah blah white people. You have no idea what a racist is.
Whites, Indians, blacks enslaved blacks. Whites freed them. Whites gave them equal rights under the law.

Blacks are responsible for their stations in life, not whites. 72% of black women are left to raise their children alone. Usually with 0 financial help from baby daddy. < that label alone should piss you off. 72% of them. And those children? Your children do not know their own fathers. So, mother and children grow up in subpar conditions and the song just repeats, generation after generation. You shoot each other for target practice, you steal others property, you promote violence and the rest of you don't give enough of a shit but to sit around and blame whites for your misfortune. You are not my responsibility.

Grow the fuck up and take accountability for the bad choices blacks continue to make...
One of the programs to assist mothers raising their children REQUIRED that the father be removed from the home. in order to receive food, housing and other benefits.

Then you all turn around use that as a bludgeon?
Everything you say here is wrong.

You keep pretending that slavery was it. We faced aparthheid and today we see laissez faire racism from the likes of you.

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings dispute the opinions of those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms that American history shows that whites have refused to hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children. Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads are living apart from their kids because of inequality and poverty with it’s root cause….WHITE RACISM. The racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting is just one more excuse used to deny problems created by racism. The research showed that black men placed high importance on being a father who provides emotional, discipline, guidance and financial support for his children.

I am black. I know what racism is because I've faced it. You have not. I actually know what the problem is. I'm not white looking for a way to deny what whites have done to cause the problems like you do. So you grow up so you can understand that the choices of racist white policy makers has been the problem.
And dont' forget the system REQUIRED the father be removed from the the home in order for the mother to receive assistance for her children. How fucking duplicitous and hypocritical are these peopole.
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If you would have paid any attention to the trial, you wouldn't be surprised.
If you paid no attention to the trial whatsoever you would not be surprised.

Really, these things usually are not surprising in the least. Day one it was likely Rittenhouse was going to be acquitted under self defense and these three would go to jail for a long time. The video evidence in both trials and the actual established facts were pretty clear to anyone that bothered to look at them with a clear head.

Most of the people surprised are the ones that demanded a certain outcome based on politics and those that drunk the swill that the media calls 'facts' but are bullshit lies.
Another indication of the system working, that prosecutor was also arrested and will be tried for her role in this.

I would not mind seeing the laws massively changed for prosecutors though, they are FAR to lax on allowing prosecutors to make decisions that are more geared to improving ones career than they are for obtaining justice and I doubt whatever time she may have to serve will really be adequate in my opinion. Honestly, she should serve just as long as they do.
It wasn’t the system that lead to this but massive media attention, without which it is doubtful any of this would have come to light.

I don’t consider media as part of the system working.
FALSE! The 4+ minutes leading up to that moment where Arbery ATTACKED Travis, is just the lamebrain, media red herring, designed to villainize the McMichaels. This is what the media wants you to think is important.

It might be if the charge we're talking about was stalking (and even that would be a stretch). But the charges are murder & manslaughter, thereby connected to the shooting . That has only to do with (for the 50th time), Arbery CHOOSING to turn left (which he didn't have to), and ATTACK Travis, fight with him, and try to wrest the shotgun out of Travis' hands. Clear cut self-defense.

Could easily be overturned in an appeal case, IF that trial hinges on evidence, rather than politics, and the 2 to 1 ratio of blacks to white population, in Brunswick.

Poor, senile gramps. :cuckoo:

Moron, that 4+ minute chase to detain him was their defense. You really have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Without that 4+ minutes where they attempted to enforce a citizen's arrest, Travis has no excuse for why HD got out of his Truck and pointed a shotgun at Arbery. Dumbfuck, it why they were convicted because they couldn't convince the jury they were legally authorized to conduct a citizen's arrest. Meaning pulling the shotgun on Arbery gave Arbery the legal right to defend his own life; which he attempted to do.
Say what you will but if Arbrey had just chosen to follow the law and not "cased" or committed crimes within this town, he'd be a live today. Sure, you can say that the jury is right to convict these men but Arbrey screwed up also and invited this on himself.
Huh? What law did Arbery break?
No you don't get it. You are trying a false equivalence. Blacks have not done to whites what whites have done to blacks.
"Done" as in past tense, but you thrive to hold onto the past for the purpose of using it for political power, and for the jockeying of that political power into your favor correct ? Is it for nefarious reasons because you simply hate whitey, and this regardless of any forward progress that has been made over the past century or years ??

Problem is for you though, and for those who are like you, is that your racism has since been noted all due to the scrupulous and nefarious ways that we have since been learning about your character with everyone of your anti-whitey postings, otherwise learning from you how black's who might be like you can be just as racist if not more so, and how one can also be a black supremacists in life just as well.

Your fake cries of alledged "racism" as being everywhere, is being used in order to hide your own racism by attacking what you claim is racism, even if it has to be created or suggested by you when it's not the case these days in most all cases being debated.

We have now seen that certain things or narratives are being pushed for political purposes, and for political power, and this is regardless of how bad the narratives are or might be in character of, and next we see how they are being twisted and made excuses for constantly even after the fake or suggested created narratives or bull crap ends up failing big time.

We see this in many cases, that in those you might make excuses for, well they aren't always holding up to what one might (at the least), figure should be decent cultural standard's to be lived by across-the-board, and this regardless of one's economic status in life or in a lot of instances based upon their created cultural beliefs in life.

Otherwise what is found is that some aren't holding up to a decency standard that wildly you might suggest to us is a more better standard that we should adopt and live by, yet this would be in contrast to our American cultural standard's in which we all (blacks or whites) try to keep, and live by that have worked (proven).

So what it appears is that it is now suggested that we should give up our standard's for a much lesser set of standard's in order to be more inclusive, but even so, it seems that you might want a degraded cultural standard or thing to be accepted by the masses across-the-board, and without any questioning of such a thing these days, even when it doesn't work, but why, why do you and other's seek this when you know it's not right ?? What is the hopes of your end game here ??

It won't be happening (none of it), unless character's, action's, standard's, and cultural changes for the better across-the-board, are being sought after by everyone, and then they are agreed upon by the majority of Americans regardless of race.

Everyone has seen the bull crap now, and they know this bull crap now, yet the brainwashing of the masses has been quite affective over time, and it is being pushed by those who are like you with specific agenda's in play. Raise your standard's, and stand up for those standard's, so this way you won't be attempting to stand up for those things that you know won't fly, but you seem to think that you have to do anyway.

It's all about character, and never about race IM2. Understand this, and you will be a huge American voice for the cause of good to become the norm for those you support in America for the coming years. Teach them right instead of in the ways of wrong. Check your racism at the door if it is hindering you, and free yourself from it so you can truly help others.
Moron, that 4+ minute chase to detain him was their defense. You really have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Without that 4+ minutes where they attempted to enforce a citizen's arrest, Travis has no excuse for why HD got out of his Truck and pointed a shotgun at Arbery. Dumbfuck, it why they were convicted because they couldn't convince the jury they were legally authorized to conduct a citizen's arrest. Meaning pulling the shotgun on Arbery gave Arbery the legal right to defend his own life; which he attempted to do.
As usual, your posts are a total mess, and on this issue they are the worst ever.
1. The defense has nothing to do with what you call a "chase". It is simply that Arbery ATTACKED Travis, and Travis was compelled to defend himself.
2. Look at the video. Travis did not point a shotgun at Arbery until after Arbery had attacked him, which then was a 100% legal action (including shooting Arbery).
3. Travis doesn't need an excuse to get out of his truck, Anybody is entitled to stay in a vehicle or leave a vehicle whenever they wish.
4. The shooting (which is what the trial was about) has nothing to do with "citizen arrest". It was a murder trial, having to do with the shooting (caused by Arbery's ATTACK).
5. Travis did not "pull the shotgun on Arbery", he merely held it in his hand, well before Arbery got to the truck, and under Georgia law, he has a 100% right to do that.
6. Arbery changing his direction of jogging, and turning left (toward Travis), and lunging at Travis, and punching Travis, is why Travis had a "legal right to defend his own life; which he attempted to do" by shooting Arbery.
7. The reason "why they were convicted", is because, as in the Slager/Scott case, just like N. Charleston, SC, Brunswick GA is a heavily black majority voting population (60% black ; 32% white), and this is what the case managers respond to. That + the threat of riots, if the McMichaels were acquitted, which of course, they should have been.

I should be charging you $$$ for the service of cleaning up the Post 792 idiotic mess you left here, and setting it straight.
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Are you one of those pussies that has to carry a gun with them everywhere?

trump is a racist. I never voted for Robert Byrd. I won't be listening to a racist telling me how somebody is not racist according to them. You are so fucking ignorant that you can't see the racism in your comments. Nobody has to tell me shit. I have lived long enough to know when I see a racist.
Closet racist like to tell you what racist are like. Then there are some that just blatantly spew racist hate...not caring what others think. The trump regime asked for those racist to crawl from under their rocks. Remember this?

trump to the Proud Boys: "Stand Back and Stand By"

That made the Proud Boys celebrities in the White Supremacist world.
It wasn’t the system that lead to this but massive media attention, without which it is doubtful any of this would have come to light.

I don’t consider media as part of the system working.
You can argue a counterfactual but the reality is, when this prosecutor tried to cover shit up they went to jail for it.

If her trial lets her off the hook you may have a point but stating it would not have happened is just finding a way to fit this in a narrative.
As usual, your posts are a total mess, and on this issue they are the worst ever.
1. The defense has nothing to do with what you call a "chase".It is simply that Arbery ATTACKED Travis, and Travis was compelled to defend himself.
2. Look at the video, travis did not point a shotgun at Arbery unti after Arbery had attacked him, which then was a 100% legal action (including shooting Arbery).
3. Travis doesn't need an excise to get out of his truck, Anybody is entitled to stay in a vehicle or leave a vehicle whenever thy wish.
4. The shooting (which is what the trial was about) has nothing to do with "citizen arrest"
5. Travis did not "pull the shotgun on Arbery", he merely held it in his hand, well before Arbery got to th truck, and under Georgia law, he has a 100% right to do that.
6. Arbery changing his direction of jogging, and turning left (toward Travis), and lunging at Travis, and punching Travis, is why Travis had a "legal right to defend his own life; which he attempted to do" by shooting Arbery.

I should be charging you $$$ for the service of cleaning up the Post 792 idiotic mess you left here, and setting it straight.
I have never read more lies in one post before! Amazing!
As usual, your posts are a total mess, and on this issue they are the worst ever.
1. The defense has nothing to do with what you call a "chase".It is simply that Arbery ATTACKED Travis, and Travis was compelled to defend himself.
2. Look at the video, travis did not point a shotgun at Arbery unti after Arbery had attacked him, which then was a 100% legal action (including shooting Arbery).
3. Travis doesn't need an excise to get out of his truck, Anybody is entitled to stay in a vehicle or leave a vehicle whenever thy wish.
4. The shooting (which is what the trial was about) has nothing to do with "citizen arrest"
5. Travis did not "pull the shotgun on Arbery", he merely held it in his hand, well before Arbery got to th truck, and under Georgia law, he has a 100% right to do that.
6. Arbery changing his direction of jogging, and turning left (toward Travis), and lunging at Travis, and punching Travis, is why Travis had a "legal right to defend his own life; which he attempted to do" by shooting Arbery.

I should be charging you $$$ for the service of cleaning up the Post 792 idiotic mess you left here, and setting it straight.

The more you post, the more it's obvious that you either missed, or ignored, about 90% of the trial.

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