Declared Socialist closing in on Mrs. Clinton


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
It is is truly astonishing to see the Democratic Party rushing so far off into Socialism that they think Hillary Rodham Clinton is too conservative for them.

Polls show that the Super-Loon, Bernie Sanders. whose only merit is being honest enough to admit he is a raving Socialist, is giving her a good run!

Democrats don't really don't care if she is a crook. The world, excepting only Democrats, now understand that she used her position as Secretary of State to shake down whole countries!

And, that the money thus fraudulently obtained was washed through her husband and their bogus charity, and into their greedy pockets.

And, that they used their own personal internet server to transact the whole dirty business...crimes...possibly even treason...and then washed the server clean to cover up the whole magnificent scam.

Democrats don't give a shit about that...they mostly want Socialism. They think they have tweaked Marx sufficiently and can avoid the collapse experienced by the most recent effort at this insanity---the old ruined U.S.S.R.

This phenomenon is the result of having a really cool Socialist in the White House for going on seven years now. He doesn't admit he is a Socialist--its not time for that just yet, but everybody knows that is exactly what he is...and he is cool, and so Socialism is cool to the Loons and Pinheads...and to the various Aggrieved Groups whom the Loons & Pinheads have bought with money borrowed from our children's future.

They have a false sense of power because they have had this closet Socialist fool in power for 7 years...but that nightmare is about over....and what they have left is this nutcase Bernie Sanders...or the gross, lying, dishonest, incompetent, unhealthy wife of a past president who wants another romp in the White House.

It looks like it is going to be a near run thing.
It is is truly astonishing to see the Democratic Party rushing so far off into Socialism that they think Hillary Rodham Clinton is too conservative for them.

Polls show that the Super-Loon, Bernie Sanders. whose only merit is being honest enough to admit he is a raving Socialist, is giving her a good run!

Democrats don't really don't care if she is a crook. The world, excepting only Democrats, now understand that she used her position as Secretary of State to shake down whole countries!

And, that the money thus fraudulently obtained was washed through her husband and their bogus charity, and into their greedy pockets.

And, that they used their own personal internet server to transact the whole dirty business...crimes...possibly even treason...and then washed the server clean to cover up the whole magnificent scam.

Democrats don't give a shit about that...they mostly want Socialism. They think they have tweaked Marx sufficiently and can avoid the collapse experienced by the most recent effort at this insanity---the old ruined U.S.S.R.

This phenomenon is the result of having a really cool Socialist in the White House for going on seven years now. He doesn't admit he is a Socialist--its not time for that just yet, but everybody knows that is exactly what he is...and he is cool, and so Socialism is cool to the Loons and Pinheads...and to the various Aggrieved Groups whom the Loons & Pinheads have bought with money borrowed from our children's future.

They have a false sense of power because they have had this closet Socialist fool in power for 7 years...but that nightmare is about over....and what they have left is this nutcase Bernie Sanders...or the gross, lying, dishonest, incompetent, unhealthy wife of a past president who wants another romp in the White House.

It looks like it is going to be a near run thing.

Sorry genius, but the real crooks were in the Harding, Nixon, and Reagan administrations. Start reading history books instead of Newsmax or Drudge.
You dummies recklessly leveled the "socialist" accusation at anyone who professed a concern for the the working class of America for the last 6 years and totally wore the stigma off the term. Conservatives have been so nasty and plutocratic that they have made America reassess their politics in a big way. No one wants to join a club that would have such mean people as members.
Actually concern for the working class borders on class consciousness
I see, so what is the conservative's overwhelming concern for the wealthy then? All-American patriotism? Been greasing the skids for the wealthy long enough.
Dems have been dry humping Socialism for 3 generations now, this if finally the crop who openly embraces their inner Mao
You dummies recklessly leveled the "socialist" accusation at anyone who professed a concern for the the working class of America for the last 6 years and totally wore the stigma off the term. Conservatives have been so nasty and plutocratic that they have made America reassess their politics in a big way. No one wants to join a club that would have such mean people as members.
Bernie isn't a socialist?
You dummies recklessly leveled the "socialist" accusation at anyone who professed a concern for the the working class of America for the last 6 years and totally wore the stigma off the term. Conservatives have been so nasty and plutocratic that they have made America reassess their politics in a big way. No one wants to join a club that would have such mean people as members.
Bernie isn't a socialist?
He's a social democrat. I do not think he is going around calling for the nationalization of things like banks and so forth. Of course, every thing left of Limbaugh is communism to you politically unsophisticated yokels.
You dummies recklessly leveled the "socialist" accusation at anyone who professed a concern for the the working class of America for the last 6 years and totally wore the stigma off the term. Conservatives have been so nasty and plutocratic that they have made America reassess their politics in a big way. No one wants to join a club that would have such mean people as members.
Bernie isn't a socialist?
He's a social democrat. I do not think he is going around calling for the nationalization of things like banks and so forth. Of course, every thing left of Limbaugh is communism to you politically unsophisticated yokels.

Banks are already defacto nationalized. FDIC did that. I'd cancel FDIC insurance
Democrats want Socialism.
Democrats don't give a shit about that...they mostly want Socialism.

Are Democrats and liberals really socialists? Looks like it. Numbers from a new Gallup Poll provide some backing for claims made by GOP rivals and conservatives over the years: 53 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of liberals give a “positive review of socialism,” the pollster found, compared to 23 percent of Republicans and 25 percent of conservatives.

Other archetypal beliefs are also very much in play. While three-fourths of both Democrats and liberals give a positive review of the federal government, that sentiment is shared by just 27 percent of Republicans and 32 percent of conservatives. There’s a big divide on the concept of “big business” as well. Gallup found that 75 percent of Republicans, 72 percent of conservatives give thumbs-up to big business, compared to 44 percent of Democrats and 41 percent of liberals.

Read more: Gallup Yes Democrats liberals favor socialism - Washington Times
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PROOF ! liberscum/demorats are commies and traitors.
He's a social democrat. I do not think he is going around calling for the nationalization of things like banks and so forth. Of course, every thing left of Limbaugh is communism to you politically unsophisticated yokels.

Moron. He is a self-described democratic socialist.

And yes, Virginia. There is a difference.
You dummies recklessly leveled the "socialist" accusation at anyone who professed a concern for the the working class of America for the last 6 years and totally wore the stigma off the term. Conservatives have been so nasty and plutocratic that they have made America reassess their politics in a big way. No one wants to join a club that would have such mean people as members.

Tell that to Sarah Palin...............
It is is truly astonishing to see the Democratic Party rushing so far off into Socialism that they think Hillary Rodham Clinton is too conservative for them.

Polls show that the Super-Loon, Bernie Sanders. whose only merit is being honest enough to admit he is a raving Socialist, is giving her a good run!

Democrats don't really don't care if she is a crook. The world, excepting only Democrats, now understand that she used her position as Secretary of State to shake down whole countries!

And, that the money thus fraudulently obtained was washed through her husband and their bogus charity, and into their greedy pockets.

And, that they used their own personal internet server to transact the whole dirty business...crimes...possibly even treason...and then washed the server clean to cover up the whole magnificent scam.

Democrats don't give a shit about that...they mostly want Socialism. They think they have tweaked Marx sufficiently and can avoid the collapse experienced by the most recent effort at this insanity---the old ruined U.S.S.R.

This phenomenon is the result of having a really cool Socialist in the White House for going on seven years now. He doesn't admit he is a Socialist--its not time for that just yet, but everybody knows that is exactly what he is...and he is cool, and so Socialism is cool to the Loons and Pinheads...and to the various Aggrieved Groups whom the Loons & Pinheads have bought with money borrowed from our children's future.

They have a false sense of power because they have had this closet Socialist fool in power for 7 years...but that nightmare is about over....and what they have left is this nutcase Bernie Sanders...or the gross, lying, dishonest, incompetent, unhealthy wife of a past president who wants another romp in the White House.

It looks like it is going to be a near run thing.
So how come, despite allllllllll this, she is polling better than every single declared and potential Republican candidate?

I mean, just how badly do you have to suck right now to be beaten by a sleazebag like Hillary in a public opinion poll?

Weird, huh?
I think I know why Hillary polls better.

Q: How would you defeat ISIS?

A: I sure as shit wouldn't do whatever Hillary would do!

Q: How would you get the economy going again?

A: I sure as shit wouldn't do whatever Hillary would do!

Q: How would you create jobs?

A: I sure as shit wouldn't do whatever Hillary would do!

Q: How would you prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons?

A: I sure as shit wouldn't do whatever Hillary would do!
You dummies recklessly leveled the "socialist" accusation at anyone who professed a concern for the the working class of America for the last 6 years and totally wore the stigma off the term. Conservatives have been so nasty and plutocratic that they have made America reassess their politics in a big way. No one wants to join a club that would have such mean people as members.

Tell that to Sarah Palin...............
Tell her what? She knows what she is selling and it's nothing anyone with a conscience is buying.

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