Zone1 Decline of Christianity a good or a bad thing?


Gold Member
Obviously Christianity declined alot since the middle ages, a good or a bad thing?

My opinion is:

A little bit good (because introduction of religious freedom, yes religious freedom was not always taken for granted, for example only in the 18th or 17th century with the englightened absolute monarchs, the jews got religious freedom, then you wont probably want to have witch hunts, or something)

but it gone too far with extreme blasphemy, and satanistic values, yes we live in the age of satan, it is already more and more open, maybe there will be a openly satanic dictatorship in the future
Obviously Christianity declined alot since the middle ages, a good or a bad thing?

My opinion is:

A little bit good (because introduction of religious freedom, yes religious freedom was not always taken for granted, for example only in the 18th or 17th century with the englightened absolute monarchs, the jews got religious freedom, then you wont probably want to have witch hunts, or something)

but it gone too far with extreme blasphemy, and satanistic values, yes we live in the age of satan, it is already more and more open, maybe there will be a openly satanic dictatorship in the future

Thing is, there needs to be something to get people to have "morals", but what those "Morals" should be is something else. Humanity is in a strange position with free societies struggling to find stability.
Thing is, there needs to be something to get people to have "morals", but what those "Morals" should be is something else.
Morals are community norms. Valid morals assist the prosperity and survival of the community. This is shown by the way different successful communities have different morals.
Thing is, there needs to be something to get people to have "morals", but what those "Morals" should be is something else. Humanity is in a strange position with free societies struggling to find stability.
Secular societies have no problem with morality.

Humanism is the source of morals but religion has claimed the idea of morality as its own but the reality is morals are a product of reason not some deity.
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Morals are community norms. Valid morals assist the prosperity and survival of the community. This is shown by the way different successful communities have different morals.

Yeah, and a good society is one that has the conversations about what morals are and then tries to enforce those morals. Bad ones are those who enforce, but without discussion.
Yeah, and a good society is one that has the conversations about what morals are and then tries to enforce those morals. Bad ones are those who enforce, but without discussion.
Lol. I didn't see 'good' societies mentioned. Only successful and prosperous ones.
Yeah, and a good society is one that has the conversations about what morals are and then tries to enforce those morals.
Like the Confederate States? That good society? I strongly suggest their morals were shown to be not valid.
Lol. I didn't see 'good' societies mentioned. Only successful and prosperous ones.

Yeah, because people measure a society's value in terms of money, and not in terms of how good it is. Europe is different, perhaps the only place where this happens.
Like the Confederate States? That good society? I strongly suggest their morals were shown to be not valid.

Did they really have those conversations? I think not. They were having conversations about how they could make money by enslaving people. Not about morals.

Their morals were given to them by the church, not to be discussed.
Did they really have those conversations? I think not. They were having conversations about how they could make money by enslaving people. Not about morals.
It was moral to use chattel slavery. Ffs.

Have you not read the Cornerstone Speech? When they were having conversations about the morals they'd be enforcing.
Thing is, there needs to be something to get people to have "morals", but what those "Morals" should be is something else. Humanity is in a strange position with free societies struggling to find stability.
Ethics are a preferable alternative to morals
Ethics are a guide for a group of people or a profession

Morals are a personal choice
What a load.

moral adj 1 belonging or relating to the principles of good and evil, or right and wrong. 2 conforming to what is considered by society to be good, right or proper; ethical. [...]
ethics singular noun the study or the science of morals.
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