Decline of the WEST


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Where is the great Art
Where is the great Literature
Where is the great poetry
Etc etc

Sure science is progressing but it seems everything else is dead or dying

What passes for great Art or Literature today is laughable to the centuries of the past

Why is this ??? I think the internet and the genetically damaged morons who run the entertainment industry have destroyed our culture forever
Western genius and creativity has been replaced by the dummies on social media who’s only achievement is showing off their abs or butt

You look around every city in the west and it seems like we’re collapsing on every level
This country feels like the end of a monopoly game when you're losing and the only way you have to make money is to pass go or win some crumbs on a community chest card. When Trump was here there was hope that he could work a little magic but with Biden this country feels more hopeless every day.
Poor Western leadership and lazy business leaders produce poor "talent" that those outside the West have less and less interest in, as they themselves work to recruit these same people and give them a proper forum. It's more irony in the most ironic of times.

Canada has been finished for at least a couple of decade, the result of a police state that even our government fears, while our global reputation is now one of insignificance.

Some of us have warned the U.S about following in our footsteps. The choice is up to you now. More and more, democratic countries are talking about nations other than those in the West...
You had culture? Really?

What examples of it can you give?

The history of the U.S as a nation that defied the powerful military in the world at that time to achieve their own Right to Self Determination, has in itself, been a major source of inspiration for the worlds citizens. Maybe they are losing some of this battle now as culturally, the U.S has lost the appeal to First World Nations and instead looking to impress poorer nations (I doubt citizens in France or Japan view Drake as the cultural icon that an Elvis or even Michael Jackson was).

Cultural contributions were largely significant from the inventor of old. The Edisons and Howard Hughes who pushed the envelope on human pursuits.

There was a time when everyone in the world wanted to visit the U.S and wear cowboy hats, sing like Elvis, play guitar like BB KIng or Jimi Hendrix.

Actors have always been a big part of the projection of the U.S as well, you can go back 100 years to view how big of a global impact Hollywood has had on the worlds view of America. Much tougher now with the woke generation that sees America as just another nation in the world instead of a hyper-driven nation of winners and Exceptional people.

Trump was bringing back the American swagger. It bothered those who didn't want that swagger to return. I bet many of them wish it was still in existence. Swagger and strength when projected to the world draws their attention and you have them emulate you out of interest and curiousity.

Even many citizens in China enjoyed Trump as president simply because he was entertaining and a big promoter of America. Not all the worlds citizens hate America, they want to believe that the America of old can still exist. Many don't understand why this is so important.
Where is the great Art
Where is the great Literature
Where is the great poetry
Etc etc

Sure science is progressing but it seems everything else is dead or dying

What passes for great Art or Literature today is laughable to the centuries of the past

Why is this ??? I think the internet and the genetically damaged morons who run the entertainment industry have destroyed our culture forever
No; I read the old books.

Toxic liberalism breeds mediocrity.

Could truly tremendous performers like the Duke, Lee Marvin or Bronson even arise today because they are so "offensive" to Snowflake Americans who run our culture?
Europe is gone forever by Marxism and diversity

Australia and NZ are something out of 1984

You're not even near that point yet. Americans have a way of countering extreme positions that threaten your Republic.

The problem is that too many who are supposed to be making decisions for the good of America and global influence, are doing what Canadian police apparatus are doing, "they are working for their agencies benefit and not that of the nation.

This can be changed with Patriotic, common sense leadership. As much as people hated Trump, his policiies were effective and the world was taking notice of America again after so many years of just banking on their decline.
Where is the great Art
Where is the great Literature
Where is the great poetry
Etc etc

Sure science is progressing but it seems everything else is dead or dying

What passes for great Art or Literature today is laughable to the centuries of the past

Why is this ??? I think the internet and the genetically damaged morons who run the entertainment industry have destroyed our culture forever
Agreed, to much post modern garbage. BTW there is probably some good stuff out there you just have to look for it.
..undeniably, it's because it is turning into an African/African American shithole.....loving and HONORING criminals!!!!! ....allowing men into spas so they can flash their ***** to little children.....''''allowing'''' a FAILED culture to grow.
....allowing in MILLIONS of immigrants/illegals/etc ...this isn't 1850 or 1950 anymore--much has changed
Agreed, to much post modern garbage. BTW there is probably some good stuff out there you just have to look for it.
It’s far more than cultural things like literature and art. The US is a declining empire in many respects. We don’t do big things for our people anymore. We do war and we lose.

The US economy has become what Chris Hedges calls “military Keynesianism.” Our entire economy revolves around war. Massive military spending and war drives our nation’s economic survival and identity. It will also eventually lead to our demise as it has for every great militaristic empire.
The history of the U.S as a nation that defied the powerful military in the world at that time to achieve their own Right to Self Determination, has in itself, been a major source of inspiration for the worlds citizens.
So there should be some iconic expressions of exemplary cultural achievements. Cowboy hats, that's it?
gipper we don't lose wars--you people are shallow thinkers/etc
Korea win
Vietnam = unwinnable
Iraq-toppled Saddam/etc
Afghanistan - killed many bad guys AND their leader

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