Deep State Feds Continues Attack On Local Police


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether a Florida school district broke federal law when it shared private information about students with the local sheriff’s office. The Pasco County School District shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The agency then used the data to compile a list of students officials believed could “fall into a life of crime,” the newspaper reported. The agency is already facing a federal lawsuit that the intelligence-based policing program violates people’s rights by improperly targeting and harassing them."

Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.

For example, let's say a kid gets into trouble for shoplifting or riding his skateboard in a restricted area...if cops decide they want to pay the kid a visit and shake him down every now and then, why shouldn't they? In the case of one kid, when police came to check up on him, they fined the mother $2,500 for having chickens in her backyard. They arrested another kid’s father after peering through a window in his house and noticing a 17-year-old friend of his son smoking a cigarette.

Basically without this predictive policing program, police wouldn't have a way to crack down on other crimes they stumble across when they go to the houses of these young thugs.
" Scott, a Democrat from Virginia, said evidence shows schools suspend or expel Black and Latino students more frequently than their white peers for similar offenses. “Therefore, any law enforcement system that uses school discipline data to identify children as potential criminals would not only be illegal, but also racially biased.”

Gee, never saw THAT angle coming... Apparently, in America today, you can't shake a bush without a RAY-SUS falling out...
Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.
Isn't that "profiling?" I thought profiling was "racist."
Alt right loonies think that schools should share info on students with the police without a court order?

"The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether a Florida school district broke federal law when it shared private information about students with the local sheriff’s office. The Pasco County School District shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The agency then used the data to compile a list of students officials believed could “fall into a life of crime,” the newspaper reported. The agency is already facing a federal lawsuit that the intelligence-based policing program violates people’s rights by improperly targeting and harassing them."

Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.

For example, let's say a kid gets into trouble for shoplifting or riding his skateboard in a restricted area...if cops decide they want to pay the kid a visit and shake him down every now and then, why shouldn't they? In the case of one kid, when police came to check up on him, they fined the mother $2,500 for having chickens in her backyard. They arrested another kid’s father after peering through a window in his house and noticing a 17-year-old friend of his son smoking a cigarette.

Basically without this predictive policing program, police wouldn't have a way to crack down on other crimes they stumble across when they go to the houses of these young thugs.
So the local police went too far and local school went along with it, as if there were no privacy laws. They screwed up. What is deep state about that? What else should police have access to without warrant, your medical records, our tax returns, college transcripts. It should not cost you personally to protect your private records, should it? Sound like the Department of Education has standards in place, that until overturned by law will have to be complied with. The school will be alright. They just won't be so quick to do mass data dumps to police officials over established privacy regulations.
Sounds like the usual 'Democrat' school system to Me. Violating rights and endangering the community.

"The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether a Florida school district broke federal law when it shared private information about students with the local sheriff’s office. The Pasco County School District shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The agency then used the data to compile a list of students officials believed could “fall into a life of crime,” the newspaper reported. The agency is already facing a federal lawsuit that the intelligence-based policing program violates people’s rights by improperly targeting and harassing them."

Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.

For example, let's say a kid gets into trouble for shoplifting or riding his skateboard in a restricted area...if cops decide they want to pay the kid a visit and shake him down every now and then, why shouldn't they? In the case of one kid, when police came to check up on him, they fined the mother $2,500 for having chickens in her backyard. They arrested another kid’s father after peering through a window in his house and noticing a 17-year-old friend of his son smoking a cigarette.

Basically without this predictive policing program, police wouldn't have a way to crack down on other crimes they stumble across when they go to the houses of these young thugs.

ACAB, right?

"The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether a Florida school district broke federal law when it shared private information about students with the local sheriff’s office. The Pasco County School District shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The agency then used the data to compile a list of students officials believed could “fall into a life of crime,” the newspaper reported. The agency is already facing a federal lawsuit that the intelligence-based policing program violates people’s rights by improperly targeting and harassing them."

Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.

For example, let's say a kid gets into trouble for shoplifting or riding his skateboard in a restricted area...if cops decide they want to pay the kid a visit and shake him down every now and then, why shouldn't they? In the case of one kid, when police came to check up on him, they fined the mother $2,500 for having chickens in her backyard. They arrested another kid’s father after peering through a window in his house and noticing a 17-year-old friend of his son smoking a cigarette.

Basically without this predictive policing program, police wouldn't have a way to crack down on other crimes they stumble across when they go to the houses of these young thugs.

"Deep state, deep state, deep state....." Do you think saying it enough times, it becomes true?

"The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether a Florida school district broke federal law when it shared private information about students with the local sheriff’s office. The Pasco County School District shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The agency then used the data to compile a list of students officials believed could “fall into a life of crime,” the newspaper reported. The agency is already facing a federal lawsuit that the intelligence-based policing program violates people’s rights by improperly targeting and harassing them."

Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.

For example, let's say a kid gets into trouble for shoplifting or riding his skateboard in a restricted area...if cops decide they want to pay the kid a visit and shake him down every now and then, why shouldn't they? In the case of one kid, when police came to check up on him, they fined the mother $2,500 for having chickens in her backyard. They arrested another kid’s father after peering through a window in his house and noticing a 17-year-old friend of his son smoking a cigarette.

Basically without this predictive policing program, police wouldn't have a way to crack down on other crimes they stumble across when they go to the houses of these young thugs.

ACAB, right?
Damn straight Marv.
White 6 Oh no the cops having access to your records? What has the world come to when the police can you know investigate people who have committed crimes.

"The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether a Florida school district broke federal law when it shared private information about students with the local sheriff’s office. The Pasco County School District shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The agency then used the data to compile a list of students officials believed could “fall into a life of crime,” the newspaper reported. The agency is already facing a federal lawsuit that the intelligence-based policing program violates people’s rights by improperly targeting and harassing them."

Do these people ever stop attacking our police?? A school giving personal info about their students to law enforcement so they can compile a list to do predictive policing is not only smart police work, it should be done nationwide.

For example, let's say a kid gets into trouble for shoplifting or riding his skateboard in a restricted area...if cops decide they want to pay the kid a visit and shake him down every now and then, why shouldn't they? In the case of one kid, when police came to check up on him, they fined the mother $2,500 for having chickens in her backyard. They arrested another kid’s father after peering through a window in his house and noticing a 17-year-old friend of his son smoking a cigarette.

Basically without this predictive policing program, police wouldn't have a way to crack down on other crimes they stumble across when they go to the houses of these young thugs.

Why don't you shut up. There are federal privacy laws that are involved in turning over school records to anyone. The Education Department has a duty to ensure these records are kept private. There is nothing smart about it. It is authoritarian.

Your example is horseshit. A school would not have records on a student who shoplifted. The police would already have this. They do not have a right to harass people which is what you are advocating.

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