Deep State swamp rat blocks rand paul question

The real question is whether or not there ever was a so called whistleblower. I suspect like a lot of other shit it was a figment of Schiff's twisted and demented brain and a creation of his imagination. Its totally difficult to produce tarot which never existed and that's the whole problem for Schiff in a nutshell.
However it would be nice if Robert's clamped down on all of this idiotic repetitive bullshit.
All I can say is thank God for who ever invented the mute button on the TV remote.

There is a whistleblower, and that's been confirmed by Republicans as well. The 18th witness that never testified in the public inquiry has documentation that he and Schiff have met, is known, and perhaps helped for the sole reason of impeaching Trump.
So the right to confront your accuser is superseded by your right to say shit and hide over it????

So does Biden gets to confront his accuser and have him hauled in to testify under oath about the allegations he made against Good Old Joe?
The managers keep not answering the posed question. Is not Roberts job to control that. Yesterday Shitts in 3 occasions started his reply with”Let me answer another question posed earlier” Should he be allowed to do that?
Why would you want to know who the whistleblower is?

Don’t you understand whistleblowers?

Yeah, whistleblowers are PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. That's what makes them whistleblowers. Your asshole is a deep state spy. He needs to be exposed, indicted for sedition, tried, and if convicted sent to prison for the rest of his life along with the other conspirators.
So the right to confront your accuser is superseded by your right to say shit and hide over it????

So does Biden gets to confront his accuser and have him hauled in to testify under oath about the allegations he made against Good Old Joe?
Joes not on trial

Well yeah, Joe was never accused of coercing a foreign nation into announcing investigations into his political rivals by denying them the funds Congress appropriated for their defense either. All the witnesses on the call willing to testify are known and have been confronted. The law is there to protect against vindictive people like President "Sonny"!
So the right to confront your accuser is superseded by your right to say shit and hide over it????

So does Biden gets to confront his accuser and have him hauled in to testify under oath about the allegations he made against Good Old Joe?
Joes not on trial

Well yeah, Joe was never accused of coercing a foreign nation into announcing investigations into his political rivals by denying them the funds Congress appropriated for their defense either. All the witnesses on the call willing to testify are known and have been confronted. The law is there to protect against vindictive people like President "Sonny"!

What they testified to is that the transcript was sound and accurate. In the transcript, Trump didn't say anything about the US military aid. The Democrats made that up.
John Roberts blocks Rand Paul's question on whistleblower

John Roberts blocks Rand Paul's question on whistleblower

Sen. Rand Paul's (R-Ky.) attempt to ask about the whistleblower whose report helped spark the impeachment inquiry is running into a roadblock in the form of Chief Justice John Roberts.

A source confirmed that Roberts has indicated he would not read a question from Paul regarding the whistleblower at the center of the House impeachment inquiry.

Roberts is the worst republican appointment to the SC since eisenhower picked earl warren
There is no ‘deep state.’

And laws protecting the identity of whistleblowers are perfectly appropriate and necessary.

Such measures hold public officials accountable and ensure government integrity – that a whistleblower facilitated Trump’s warranted impeachment the consequence of his abuse of power is one such example.

That the authoritarian right is hostile to open government and holding public officials accountable comes as no surprise, of course.
Roberts still leaves a sour taste in peoples mouths with his Obamacare decision. He cost people trillions of dollars.
Rand Paul Releases Impeachment Trial Question Censored by John Roberts
January 30, 2020

Paul’s statement and the censored question:

"My question today is about whether or not individuals who were holdovers from the Obama National Security Council and Democrat partisans conspired with Schiff staffers to plot impeaching the President before there were formal House impeachment proceedings.

My exact question was:

“Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.”

My question is not about a “whistleblower” as I have no independent information on his identity. My question is about the actions of known Obama partisans within the NSC and House staff and how they are reported to have conspired before impeachment proceedings had even begun."
Yeah, Trump is not allowed to know his accuser. . . The Deep State is in charge of the nation now, the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper that is meaningless.

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

Impeachment isn't a criminal prosecution. There are laws that protect whistleblowers.
Only from immediate supervisors. They also have to report a crime.
Roberts just confirmed who the whistleblower is by not allowing the name to be mentioned even though the name was not being mentioned as the whistleblower.
Very clever Mr Paul.
So the right to confront your accuser is superseded by your right to say shit and hide over it????

So does Biden gets to confront his accuser and have him hauled in to testify under oath about the allegations he made against Good Old Joe?
Joes not on trial

Well yeah, Joe was never accused of coercing a foreign nation into announcing investigations into his political rivals by denying them the funds Congress appropriated for their defense either. All the witnesses on the call willing to testify are known and have been confronted. The law is there to protect against vindictive people like President "Sonny"!

What they testified to is that the transcript was sound and accurate. In the transcript, Trump didn't say anything about the US military aid. The Democrats made that up.

The call was merely evidence of the larger plot to which other witnesses have testified. Vindictively confronting them is not enough for the man-child or what?
Roberts just confirmed who the whistleblower is by not allowing the name to be mentioned even though the name was not being mentioned as the whistleblower.
Very clever Mr Paul.

Confirms nothing
Why would you want to know who the whistleblower is?

Don’t you understand whistleblowers?
WTF is that supposed to mean?
It means whistleblower has protections
One of those protections is remaining anonymous and protection against retribution

Now, other than to harass, what reason do you have to know his name?
The reason is that it’s the law and that does Trump your suspicions iof unverifiable mal intent
Yeah, Trump is not allowed to know his accuser. . . The Deep State is in charge of the nation now, the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper that is meaningless.

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

Impeachment isn't a criminal prosecution. There are laws that protect whistleblowers.

There are NO laws that give LEAKERS like this goof anonymity. The ONLY protection whistleblowers get is protection from being fired as retaliation. Also, if this isn’t criminal prosecution, you DO NOT get witnesses. Oops.
The real question is whether or not there ever was a so called whistleblower. I suspect like a lot of other shit it was a figment of Schiff's twisted and demented brain and a creation of his imagination. Its totally difficult to produce tarot which never existed and that's the whole problem for Schiff in a nutshell.
However it would be nice if Robert's clamped down on all of this idiotic repetitive bullshit.
All I can say is thank God for who ever invented the mute button on the TV remote.

There is a whistleblower, and that's been confirmed by Republicans as well. The 18th witness that never testified in the public inquiry has documentation that he and Schiff have met, is known, and perhaps helped for the sole reason of impeaching Trump.

It’s also telling that Schitt won’t release the transcript from that one witness. Because it proves he has been lying the entire time. He blatantly lied on the Senate floor claiming he didn’t know the “whistleblower” and that his staff had nothing to do with it.
Honestly, I read these type threads, and I realize an insanity has taken over this country. I don't what it is. The Chief Justice was doing his job and Rand Paul wanted to flagrantly violate the law. Roberts was right to smack him down. I hope Paul felt small.

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