Deer Antlers, Bronze Chisels or Other


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Archaeology has been a passion of mine since grade school. It's a fascinating discipline but one that was terribly perverted for so many decades. It the egotistical drive to make people believe that WE are the most advanced, most amazing, smartest group to ever walk the planet "archaeology" has made a sham of itself.

However, with the Internet and smart phones and humble people asking question, we are at a tipping point where the overwhelming evidence of prior, far more advanced civilization is an absolute certainty.

The discovery of Gobekli Tepi has completely destroyed the convention, fictional narrative about civilization originating from the Tigris Euphrates 5,000 years ago. The City was built - and then buried - by an advanced civilization 11,000 years ago. Incontrovertible evidence, no reasonable doubt at all about its age.


This is thousands of years prior to our Bronze Age or Iron Age

Now, let's move over to another site that predates our notion of civilization: Giza plateau. This was supposed built by "Egyptians" a few thousand years ago using primitive tools, deer antlers and slave labor. If so, how do you explain this:


That's a block of granite, harder than steel on the Mohs scale. Yet someone core drilled it! Deer antler? Stone tools? Other?

Here's another site: Puma Pukku.


WikiGotItAllWrongapedia tells us "Pumapunku or Puma Punku (Aymara and Quechua which literally means 'Gate of the Puma') is a 6th-century T-shaped and strategically aligned man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental structure on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex, at the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanacu, in western Bolivia."

These stones are andesite, that's a solid 7 on the Mohs scale, harder than steel! What imaginary 6th Century technology existed to make precision cuts in andesite?

Deer antler? Stone tools? Other?
So how was this civilization more advanced than our own?

We can't figure out how they cut and expertly placed 2.5MM stones from a quarry several hundred miles away

We can't figure out how they apparently melted multi-ton stones to make them fit precisely into place

The angelic realm inhabited the earth long before Man was created. They're still here among us as fallen angels after they attempted to dethrone God.

God created the first Man in Mesopotamia
Perfection Then Chaos

Genesis 1:1 refers to God's initial perfect creation. Everything that God made was beautiful, there was no sin anywhere. Verse two, on the other hand, assumes that a great catastrophe occurred that caused the earth to become in a chaotic state through the judgment of God. According to the Gap Theory, the formless and void state, as recorded in Genesis 1:2, is in direct contrast to the perfect initial creation. Something happened between the first two verses of Genesis to cause the earth to become desolate and uninhabitable after having been made perfect. Those holding the Gap Theory contend that this state of ruin could have possibly lasted millions of years.


After this unknown amount of time between the first two verses, God began a re-creation or restitution which involved successive days. The remainder of the first chapter of Genesis deals with the reconstruction of the earth, not the original creation. This re-creation is usually assumed to have occurred only a few thousand years ago and was accomplished in six literal twenty-four hour days. Genesis 1:3-2:3, therefore, is a second creation. Consequently Genesis speaks of creation, judgment, ruin, and recreation

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