Deer Geebus, aint that the damn truth

I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.
I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.
Yes, because we are the rulers of the world!
Do you not see what exceptionalism has gotten us?
You think the liberals will now start opposing our drones and "advisers" in the M.E. just because it's a Republican president? Is that what you think?
LOL no. That is a bug in a bucket compared to bombing 9 countries, overthrowing leaders, droning American citizens, expelling foreign diplomats without offering proof, troops in Iraq, arming/training terrorists, military squads in latin America and commandos in Pakistan.
So you are predicting liberals will give a big thumbs up to Obama's extra judicial assassinations and focus all their attention on the Bush administration? Sadly, you're probably right.

Explain your claim Obama has ordered "extra judicial assassinations" given that Bush&Co declared a war on terror? A war on terror which cost over 4,500 American lives, and ten times that many wounded, + 100,000 (?) + or - innocent civilians killed, wounded or left orphaned.

Comment too on the attempt to kill the sons of Saddam by sending cruise missiles into residential areas and killing house staff.

Extrajudicial Assassination

Kucinich: White House Assassination Policy Is Extrajudicial

The REAL Target of Obama's Next Extrajudicial Assassination

ACLU: Obama’s extra-judicial killings raise ‘profound legal and moral questions’

Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald

Obama's drone wars and the normalisation of extrajudicial murder | Michael Boyle

Well done and researched. Let's for for a moment be pragmatic. Using drones on the leadership of ISIS or AQ, or Seals to kill OML, may not be kosher or legal. But let's consider the alternative side by side with other current issues.

First, let's consider Stand you ground laws. A very popular law in Red States/conservative populations. Is there a real difference from shooting and killing someone who one believes is a threat to them or their property, and one who has threatened to killing kill and terrorize American citizens and destroying their property?

Only the immediacy of the threat; if the threat is real, why should supporters of stand your ground piss and moan about using drones to do the job. In the former situation, the threat is from an American Citizen living in the US; in the latter an American citizen who is hiding in a foreign nation who has or does threaten the lives of our citizenry? What is the duty of the POTUS? To protect us and the US.

In effect, the Bush Cheney Administration decided to invade a foreign and sovereign nation on the pretext they might have weapons to be used against us. Where was all this self righteous indignation then by the Conservative Media and members of the Republican establishment?

And, considering Trump's rash tweets on the use of Nuclear Weapons and the production and proliferation of more, it seems a bit childish and hypocritical to cast blame on Obama and give Trump a pass.

Thought this pic deserved its own thread. You know damn well, things we will back to normal now.
And just think, a couple of months ago, they wanted a war hawk.. Even talked about no fly zones and possibly WW3..
Thank you MisterBeale!

How many troops killed in action this year vs Bush's last year ?

Thought this pic deserved its own thread. You know damn well, things we will back to normal now.
And just think, a couple of months ago, they wanted a war hawk.. Even talked about no fly zones and possibly WW3..
Thank you MisterBeale!

How many troops killed in action this year vs Bush's last year ?
You completely miss the point dumbfuck
Bush was a hawk too. But what in the holy hell does that have to do with Obama? Maybe his nickname "bush 2.0?"
I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.
Yes, because we are the rulers of the world!
Do you not see what exceptionalism has gotten us?
I don't know what you mean. Do you really think the rest of the world would happily leave us alone if we retreated? Shit, we elected an orange haired moron just because the working class lost its ability to buy a second car due to globalism. And you think we would accept anything BUT exceptionalism? Really?

Thought this pic deserved its own thread. You know damn well, things we will back to normal now.
And just think, a couple of months ago, they wanted a war hawk.. Even talked about no fly zones and possibly WW3..
Thank you MisterBeale!

How many troops killed in action this year vs Bush's last year ?


I don't like to look at it. But jew asked.
The US Military nightly body count will start again too.

Who cares, less than 1% of the population, look at all the money made from war, we decided long ago it was worth it, permanently. The US/Israeli arms dealer allies rely upon it, military contractors rely upon it, world bankers rely upon it.

Who do you think you are describing?

The Republicans who elected a non-interventionalist?
I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.
OldLady has gone alt right :ack-1:
I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.
OldLady has gone alt right :ack-1:
I've always had a temper and been a hawk, once I broke my love beads.
I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.
OldLady has gone alt right :ack-1:
I've always had a temper and been a hawk, once I broke my love beads.
don't say love beads around here. Just a heads up :badgrin:
The US Military nightly body count will start again too.

Who cares, less than 1% of the population, look at all the money made from war, we decided long ago it was worth it, permanently. The US/Israeli arms dealer allies rely upon it, military contractors rely upon it, world bankers rely upon it.

Who do you think you are describing?

The Republicans who elected a non-interventionalist?

Your political and economic system(s).
Here is a list of articles and links that prove that Obama is Bush 2.0.

Folks that support him or think he is any different than Bush are Kool-aid drinkers who don't have a clue how the system works, they don't understand the Deep State, and are completely happy just rooting for their team.

The Obama Letdown
The Obama Letdown
"Barack Obama was elected with overwhelming approval to inaugurate an era of change. And at his November 25 press conference, he said that his decisive victory gave him a mandate to change the direction in which America is moving. But his recent economic and foreign policy appointments make it clear that when he chose "change" as his campaign slogan, he was NOT referring to the financial, insurance and real estate (FIRE) sectors, nor to foreign policy. These are where the vested interests concentrate their wealth and power. And change already has been accelerating here. Unfortunately, its direction has been for the top 1% of America's population to raise their share of in the returns to wealth from 37% ten years ago to 57% five years ago and an estimated nearly 70% today.. . . "

This resource is a bit old, but is has links, well over fifty, (maybe a sixth of them now dead for what ever reason :tinfoil:) to progressive and MSM, that should wake any intelligent partisan from their stupefied coma. One of the best. . . It caused this legendary progressive to interview Assange during the height of the Podesta leaks, and come out against Hillary. I loved his documentary War on Democracy.

Perhaps the best thing that can be said about a Trump victory is that it will unite the far progressive left, and the libertarian right into a coalition with a real concern about the future of the nation. No one really wanted Trump. It's what the elites and the ruling mafia dons gave us. If people think they had a "choice" they are delusional.

However, he promised to not be a pawn of the Deep State and the establishment. Intelligent folks knew better. The plebes on the other hand? They will get angry with him when the wars of Oceania continue unabated. Fifteen years of war with no objectives, and bullshit false flags carried out by operation Gladio B and Al CIAda is long enough.

10 Things More Likely to Kill You than Islamic Terror
10 Things More Likely to Kill You than an Islamic Terrorist

1. Television: TV might be linked to earlier deaths among those who watch more than a few hours a day, but more concretely, the devices themselves kill 176 people a year. Literally. They fall on people. That’s 55 times more deaths than Islamic terror claims annually.

2. Fireworks: According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, celebrating the 4th of July might be more deadly than Islamic terror attacks. The organization reports an average of 7.1 deaths per year — meaning Americans are more likely to blow themselves up than be eviscerated by the jihadist bombers they so fear.

3. Cows: Yes, cows. According to the CDC, cattle slay an average of 20 Americans every year. While these deaths occur mostly among farm workers, dogs kill 28 Americans per year, spiders kill seven, and venomous lizards and snakes kill six. All of these animals are still more likely to kill an American than the caliphate and other Islamic boogeymen.

4. Elevators: While the fear of dying as a result of an elevator malfunction has probably plagued many Americans at one time or another, such a worry is likely fleeting. However, if Americans are truly concerned with “common sense,” a virtue Donald Trump frequently touts, they would do well to readjust their phobias. Elevators kill 27 Americans per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

5. Choking: Americans will sooner perish from choking on food or other objects than from an Islamic terror attack. At least 2,500 people per year are killed by this type of asphyxiation — 781 times more than from a jihadi assault. Hot dogs are particularly menacing. Perhaps we should ban them in the same vein as Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims. Then again, killing fewer cows to grind up for beef dogs might lead to an uptick in cattle-on-human violence. America is at a perilous crossroads.

6. Lightning: People often quip that one is “more likely to be struck by lightning” when they want to highlight an event’s improbability. However, even as the number of deaths from lightning decreases over the long-term, it is still higher than the number of people killed by Muslim terror attacks each year. Forty-nine people per year die from being struck by lightning — more than 15 times the rate of death from Islamic extremist murders.

7. Car accidents: Though most Americans are aware of the high risk of death by car accident, this knowledge doesn’t mitigate their extreme Islamophobia. The Association for Safe International Road Travel estimates about 37,000 Americans die each year in vehicular accidents, over 11,562 times the number killed by Muslim fanatics.

8. Heart Attacks: Heart attacks are one of America’s leading killers, claiming 190,625 times more American lives than Islamic terror. 610,000 Americans die from heart attacks per year. Cancer kills 589,430 Americans annually, and diabetes is the main cause of death for 69,071 Americans per year. They are responsible for astronomically more fatalities than radical Islamic terror.

9. Police: According to a three-year average of American police killings logged by killedbypolice.neta more comprehensive database than the federal government’s — police killed 998 people on average per year from 2013-2015. That’s roughly 312 times the average annual number of people killed by Islamic extremists since 9/11. The average number of people killed by Islamic terrorism in the last three years is 7.7 — including the recent shooting in San Bernardino — and by that parallel measure, police are still about 130 times deadlier than terrorists.

10. Prescription Painkillers: The CDC estimates that 44 people die per day from overdosing on pharmaceutical painkillers. Never mind that that number is almost 14 times the number of Americans killed by Islamic terrorism each year. Based on the CDC’s figure, about 16,060 Americans die annually from painkillers — making the Big-Pharma money-makers 5,019 times more deadly than the Islamic terror that has Americans trembling whilst hiding under their blankies.
I dunno, guys. Fenton I know doesn't bitch about Obama just for partisan reasons--TN I'm not so sure. But either way, we are at war with people who want to blow us up and no, I don't believe that pulling out of the M.E. is going to appease them at this point. I'm glad we're "all up in Latin America" because it is the stepladder into the U.S. and everyone who hates us has tried establishing something there. So good for us.

I failed to see the inflection point moving from Bush II to Obama. Hell, Geitner, Summers, Paulson, Goldman Sachs; everyone came along for the ride, and then no real constraints were put on Wall Street so we're most likely going to have another economic meltdown at some point until we actually change something besides swapping out parties (as if we really have two distinct parties) and/or personalities. Obama's been a drone happy muthfuggah and a great deal of our economic situation and debt has to do with us wanting to rule the planet militarily. What is it, a $1T dollar or so military budget? How many military bases and installations across the globe? Obama sure didn’t do anything to slow down the surveillance state apparatus at home either. Neoliberalism and neo-conservatism all wind up in the same place to my eye, with “the people” on the pavement and a heel on our collective adam’s apple. And really now, if you’re going to tell us we need a permit to protest I rather think ya don’t quite grasp the concept of protest, but the system knows a backlash is coming at some point, and I don't much mind that.

Furthermore I must agree with TN on this whole matter of “exceptionalism”; smacks of entitlement. To the resources of others. To the markets of others. To decide the governments of others. To intervene. To hack and then bitch about hackers. To strike preemptively. To bomb the living fuck out of civilians. Once again, when we allow concentrated corporate wealth and power to take over the media/information, the political system, the economic system, and our collective perceptual reality, at some point, it should dawn on us all that they need us fearful, anxious, discombobulated, divided and incoherent.

As for Latin America, we've always been all up in their shit. Almost all of the intervening we've done post WWII is to kill off social movements of citizens, and often those movements were about poverty, equality, and feudalistic conditions of the unsubstantial people. We do not trot around the globe to advance liberty and/or freedom, we do it to advance american style capitalism and military hegemony.

And lo and behold, folks resist. We should all take a page from their book with our exceptional selves.

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