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Deficit Donald Is A Bonehead

You don't fix those issues by risking hyperinflating the currency with even more insane monetary policy than what we pursued after the last financial crisis, won't work, just ask Venezuela.

If you want to fix those issues, make the hard choices, set priorities and do whatever you need to do to reduce spending to bring it inline with revenues. Of course that'll never happen because we're talking about the United States Government where the only thing that matters if buying votes NOW, fuck the future.

OK, I'll propose making those "hard choices" for the DC coxuckers:
Here are recommendations to cut spending and raise revenue to start paying down the $22T Debt and save entitlements

A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and recommend fixes to the Federal Budget

B. Cut Spending: [CUT $625b a year]
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a www.usgovernmentspending.com briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense
2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion
$46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US
https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/05/tax_remittances_can_build_the_wall.html 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:
1. Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF
Social Security fixes:

2. Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF
Medicare Fixes:

Good ideas but I'm hoping you aren't holding your breath for the Federal Government we elected to stop spending??

If so you are pissing up a rope.

I had to google "piss up a rope" ?!
The urban dictionary calls it a reference to "an act of futility"

Anyway, I agree that both parties would sooner see Medicare and Social Security fail so that entitlements crash and burn.
Then the old folks would simply be on their own like in the old days.
Can you imagine the fallout if/when whoever is in Congress and the Senate when Medicare and SS go bankrupt? Brrrrrrrr, DC heads on pikes....

Someone like you might want to edify yourself, and I have a very good source for you to consider. Go back to the Census' of 1900 and 1910. You will see lists at the same address of mostly women and Children, and older men too who live in poor houses.

There is a reason for SS and Medicare, and the ACA. They could be funded but for the no taxes no way policy of the Conservative Republicans, aka, callous conservatives like you.

The Great Irony of this, is the Republican Party with close ties to conservative Christians ignores policies which Jesus advocated for the aged, ill and poor.

We disagree on who is at fault. There are reasons that the Debt is $22T and growing. Too much spending and not enough revenue.
If corporate taxes are raised too much, companies leave the US for low tax countries. We need jobs to enable income tax revenue.
The alternative, since 70% of the US economy is merchandising, is a VAT, or Federal sales tax. I support a 3% Federal sales tax, if you look at my proposed fixes to the Budget, the Debt, and Entitlements, outlined in post #112 on thread page-12.

Here is my question to you, since you brought Jesus into the discussion. Why didn't the Catholic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi try to stabilize the country's finances when the democrats prepared the 2020 Budget? The House controls the Budget, at least somewhat, subject to the approval process. But Nancy and the democrats did NOTHING to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, why not? Both parties are to blame if/when Medicare and SS crash.

Here is the 2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b (these people earned these)
Medicare $625b

Medicaid $412b (these people did not earn these)
Welfare $462b

Interest on the Debt $363bn (Trump is trying to reduce this)

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1

It's all about priorities. Both parties have kicked the can down the road for decades, and the national debt continues to grow with interest paid and deficit spending. Pointing fingers is the game and why we are in the mess we are today.

I don't have a solution, but keeping trump in the White House is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Chaos Reigns and has since Jan 20th, 2017; only liars and fools won't agree.

OK, I'll propose making those "hard choices" for the DC coxuckers:
Here are recommendations to cut spending and raise revenue to start paying down the $22T Debt and save entitlements

A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and recommend fixes to the Federal Budget

B. Cut Spending: [CUT $625b a year]
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a www.usgovernmentspending.com briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense
2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion
$46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US
https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/05/tax_remittances_can_build_the_wall.html 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:
1. Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF
Social Security fixes:

2. Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF
Medicare Fixes:

Good ideas but I'm hoping you aren't holding your breath for the Federal Government we elected to stop spending??

If so you are pissing up a rope.

I had to google "piss up a rope" ?!
The urban dictionary calls it a reference to "an act of futility"

Anyway, I agree that both parties would sooner see Medicare and Social Security fail so that entitlements crash and burn.
Then the old folks would simply be on their own like in the old days.
Can you imagine the fallout if/when whoever is in Congress and the Senate when Medicare and SS go bankrupt? Brrrrrrrr, DC heads on pikes....

Someone like you might want to edify yourself, and I have a very good source for you to consider. Go back to the Census' of 1900 and 1910. You will see lists at the same address of mostly women and Children, and older men too who live in poor houses.

There is a reason for SS and Medicare, and the ACA. They could be funded but for the no taxes no way policy of the Conservative Republicans, aka, callous conservatives like you.

The Great Irony of this, is the Republican Party with close ties to conservative Christians ignores policies which Jesus advocated for the aged, ill and poor.

We disagree on who is at fault. There are reasons that the Debt is $22T and growing. Too much spending and not enough revenue.
If corporate taxes are raised too much, companies leave the US for low tax countries. We need jobs to enable income tax revenue.
The alternative, since 70% of the US economy is merchandising, is a VAT, or Federal sales tax. I support a 3% Federal sales tax, if you look at my proposed fixes to the Budget, the Debt, and Entitlements, outlined in post #112 on thread page-12.

Here is my question to you, since you brought Jesus into the discussion. Why didn't the Catholic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi try to stabilize the country's finances when the democrats prepared the 2020 Budget? The House controls the Budget, at least somewhat, subject to the approval process. But Nancy and the democrats did NOTHING to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, why not? Both parties are to blame if/when Medicare and SS crash.

Here is the 2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b (these people earned these)
Medicare $625b

Medicaid $412b (these people did not earn these)
Welfare $462b

Interest on the Debt $363bn (Trump is trying to reduce this)

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1

It's all about priorities. Both parties have kicked the can down the road for decades, and the national debt continues to grow with interest paid and deficit spending. Pointing fingers is the game and why we are in the mess we are today.

I don't have a solution, but keeping trump in the White House is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Chaos Reigns and has since Jan 20th, 2017; only liars and fools won't agree.

Joni Ernst is the only pol who has a plan to address the fiscal mess, starting with Social Security.

'Hell No,' Say Progressives, After GOP Sen. Joni Ernst Suggests Cutting Social Security 'Behind Closed Doors'

...and the progs are screaming about it. I don't want to just fix Social Security, I want to fix Medicare and the $22T Debt.

I don't see the progs proposing anything that solves the fiscal mess.
Deficit Donald's losing trade war has kept the Dow flat for almost two years, has been bankrupting our nation's farmers, and is now risking an imminent recession.

Deficit Donald has been outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars a year. He has added 13 percent to our national debt since taking office. He does this to artificially juice the GDP numbers, but this profligate spending is no longer working for him.

Deficit Donald is the only guy in the world who managed to lose money on steaks, vodka, and gambling, and now he thinks we can refinance our national debt the way you would refinance your mortgage. It just doesn't get any more stupid than that.

Deficit Donald thinks the Fed should enable his massive big government spending by lowering the interest rate into NEGATIVE territory so he can keep borrowing and spending, spending and borrowing.

What dumbass Deficit Donald doesn't understand is that if interest rates go to zero or less, then no one will want to buy his massive debt.

What a fucking idiot.


The dude (Donald Trump) was famously known for borrowing money for the last 40 years of his life. I am pretty sure the American people knew this would happen and welcomed it.

Wasn't "Make America Great Again" Reagan's campaign slogan too? Reagan increased the national debt by 207% while in office. That is more than any other president except Franklin D Roosevelt. I think America loves deficit spending. How are most households run?
Good ideas but I'm hoping you aren't holding your breath for the Federal Government we elected to stop spending??

If so you are pissing up a rope.

I had to google "piss up a rope" ?!
The urban dictionary calls it a reference to "an act of futility"

Anyway, I agree that both parties would sooner see Medicare and Social Security fail so that entitlements crash and burn.
Then the old folks would simply be on their own like in the old days.
Can you imagine the fallout if/when whoever is in Congress and the Senate when Medicare and SS go bankrupt? Brrrrrrrr, DC heads on pikes....

Someone like you might want to edify yourself, and I have a very good source for you to consider. Go back to the Census' of 1900 and 1910. You will see lists at the same address of mostly women and Children, and older men too who live in poor houses.

There is a reason for SS and Medicare, and the ACA. They could be funded but for the no taxes no way policy of the Conservative Republicans, aka, callous conservatives like you.

The Great Irony of this, is the Republican Party with close ties to conservative Christians ignores policies which Jesus advocated for the aged, ill and poor.

We disagree on who is at fault. There are reasons that the Debt is $22T and growing. Too much spending and not enough revenue.
If corporate taxes are raised too much, companies leave the US for low tax countries. We need jobs to enable income tax revenue.
The alternative, since 70% of the US economy is merchandising, is a VAT, or Federal sales tax. I support a 3% Federal sales tax, if you look at my proposed fixes to the Budget, the Debt, and Entitlements, outlined in post #112 on thread page-12.

Here is my question to you, since you brought Jesus into the discussion. Why didn't the Catholic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi try to stabilize the country's finances when the democrats prepared the 2020 Budget? The House controls the Budget, at least somewhat, subject to the approval process. But Nancy and the democrats did NOTHING to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, why not? Both parties are to blame if/when Medicare and SS crash.

Here is the 2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b (these people earned these)
Medicare $625b

Medicaid $412b (these people did not earn these)
Welfare $462b

Interest on the Debt $363bn (Trump is trying to reduce this)

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1

It's all about priorities. Both parties have kicked the can down the road for decades, and the national debt continues to grow with interest paid and deficit spending. Pointing fingers is the game and why we are in the mess we are today.

I don't have a solution, but keeping trump in the White House is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Chaos Reigns and has since Jan 20th, 2017; only liars and fools won't agree.

Joni Ernst is the only pol who has a plan to address the fiscal mess, starting with Social Security.

'Hell No,' Say Progressives, After GOP Sen. Joni Ernst Suggests Cutting Social Security 'Behind Closed Doors'

...and the progs are screaming about it. I don't want to just fix Social Security, I want to fix Medicare and the $22T Debt.

I don't see the progs proposing anything that solves the fiscal mess.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes, the fiscal mess can be solved but not by ideologues like you, and the ill-named Freedom Caucus.
Tax cuts for the job creators is a good thing.

No tax cuts across the board. Corporate America got a huge tax cut by Ryan, and they didn't create jobs, they spent the money to pay back stock.

Retail and small businesses deserve tax breaks, as do new home buyers whose real estate taxes have gone through the roof. Prop 13 in CA was much like Ryan's Fraud, it has benefited industry and corporations, owners of apt. buildings and commercial buildings which never change hands and thus are never reassessed at current value.
Tax cuts for the job creators is a good thing.

No tax cuts across the board. Corporate America got a huge tax cut by Ryan, and they didn't create jobs, they spent the money to pay back stock.
Actually they did create jobs, there are so many jobs available that our labor force cannot fill them, which is not just a factor of the sheer number of job openings (over 7 million) but also a factor of the available skills in the labor force not aligning with what employers need. I also don't understand what your problem with stock buy backs, they benefit the existing shareholders by increasing the value of their shares, they benefit the holders of index funds (e.g. 401K's, IRA's and other retirement funds) AND by buying back those shares they unlock capital to be invested elsewhere in the economy to grow and expand businesses (creating jobs), this is especially true for mature low growth companies.

What's your alternative to stock buybacks ? companies invest in capacity that doesn't offer a worthwhile ROI or would just be idled? should they have just banked the cash? used it for mergers & acquisitions?

One thing I suggest that business *could* have done with some of the tax savings, is invest more in TRAINING & EDUCATION which might help alleviate the problem of not being able to find qualified labor to fill openings. I know some companies did do that but from what I've read not nearly enough.

Retail and small businesses deserve tax breaks, as do new home buyers whose real estate taxes have gone through the roof.
You're absolutely correct they do and they got them in Donny's Tax Shifting Package; as far as real estate taxes maybe you want to talk to the states about those. People already get a (now capped) federal income tax break for SALT, personally I don't think anybody should be taxed on income that's already been paid to a state/county/city but on the other hand I also don't think people deserve to have their real estate purchases subsidized by other federal tax payers just because they bought property in an area with high real estate taxes.

Prop 13 in CA was much like Ryan's Fraud, it has benefited industry and corporations, owners of apt. buildings and commercial buildings which never change hands and thus are never reassessed at current value.
Doesn't sound like it was anything like "Ryan's Fraud", given one addressed taxes on assets while the other addressed taxes on income.

The problem with "Tax Cuts" wasn't who got how much, the problem was that there weren't any tax CUTS at all there were only tax SHIFTS (into the future) because we're still running deficits and those will have to paid in the future with interest. So if you want to look at who is going to benefit unfairly figure out who is going to get stuck paying back all the additional debt we're accumulating.
I had to google "piss up a rope" ?!
The urban dictionary calls it a reference to "an act of futility"

Anyway, I agree that both parties would sooner see Medicare and Social Security fail so that entitlements crash and burn.
Then the old folks would simply be on their own like in the old days.
Can you imagine the fallout if/when whoever is in Congress and the Senate when Medicare and SS go bankrupt? Brrrrrrrr, DC heads on pikes....

Someone like you might want to edify yourself, and I have a very good source for you to consider. Go back to the Census' of 1900 and 1910. You will see lists at the same address of mostly women and Children, and older men too who live in poor houses.

There is a reason for SS and Medicare, and the ACA. They could be funded but for the no taxes no way policy of the Conservative Republicans, aka, callous conservatives like you.

The Great Irony of this, is the Republican Party with close ties to conservative Christians ignores policies which Jesus advocated for the aged, ill and poor.

We disagree on who is at fault. There are reasons that the Debt is $22T and growing. Too much spending and not enough revenue.
If corporate taxes are raised too much, companies leave the US for low tax countries. We need jobs to enable income tax revenue.
The alternative, since 70% of the US economy is merchandising, is a VAT, or Federal sales tax. I support a 3% Federal sales tax, if you look at my proposed fixes to the Budget, the Debt, and Entitlements, outlined in post #112 on thread page-12.

Here is my question to you, since you brought Jesus into the discussion. Why didn't the Catholic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi try to stabilize the country's finances when the democrats prepared the 2020 Budget? The House controls the Budget, at least somewhat, subject to the approval process. But Nancy and the democrats did NOTHING to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, why not? Both parties are to blame if/when Medicare and SS crash.

Here is the 2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b (these people earned these)
Medicare $625b

Medicaid $412b (these people did not earn these)
Welfare $462b

Interest on the Debt $363bn (Trump is trying to reduce this)

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1

It's all about priorities. Both parties have kicked the can down the road for decades, and the national debt continues to grow with interest paid and deficit spending. Pointing fingers is the game and why we are in the mess we are today.

I don't have a solution, but keeping trump in the White House is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Chaos Reigns and has since Jan 20th, 2017; only liars and fools won't agree.

Joni Ernst is the only pol who has a plan to address the fiscal mess, starting with Social Security.

'Hell No,' Say Progressives, After GOP Sen. Joni Ernst Suggests Cutting Social Security 'Behind Closed Doors'

...and the progs are screaming about it. I don't want to just fix Social Security, I want to fix Medicare and the $22T Debt.

I don't see the progs proposing anything that solves the fiscal mess.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes, the fiscal mess can be solved but not by ideologues like you, and the ill-named Freedom Caucus.

My eyes are open and I don't see your proposed fixes to Medicare, SS and the $22T Debt.
I put my detailed plan up in post #112 on thread page-12, where is yours?
Deficit Donald's losing trade war has kept the Dow flat for almost two years, has been bankrupting our nation's farmers, and is now risking an imminent recession.

Deficit Donald has been outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars a year. He has added 13 percent to our national debt since taking office. He does this to artificially juice the GDP numbers, but this profligate spending is no longer working for him.

Deficit Donald is the only guy in the world who managed to lose money on steaks, vodka, and gambling, and now he thinks we can refinance our national debt the way you would refinance your mortgage. It just doesn't get any more stupid than that.

Deficit Donald thinks the Fed should enable his massive big government spending by lowering the interest rate into NEGATIVE territory so he can keep borrowing and spending, spending and borrowing.

What dumbass Deficit Donald doesn't understand is that if interest rates go to zero or less, then no one will want to buy his massive debt.

What a fucking idiot.

Who else is dumb enough to run a massive deficit in a strong economy?

Those are the times you are supposed to pay down debt

Everyone who stays in office for only 4-8 years, has zero concept of ethics and importance of independence of the Fed, only worries about his own next election and has near-zero long term foresight for this country.

We may as well throw in the other other Donald Trump in here advancing a conspiracy theory about interest rates being kept low for political reasons:

Deficit Donald's losing trade war has kept the Dow flat for almost two years...
DOW's up 3,000 points since you posted that.
... now risking an imminent recession...
He's never even had a negative quarter.
... Deficit Donald has been outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars a year....
Ridiculous. Obama averaged $1,255.63B/yr over his presidency.
Trump's averaged $903.67B/y over his Presidency


... He has added 13 percent to our national debt since taking office. He does this to artificially juice the GDP numbers...
Obama grew the Federal debt from 67.87% of GDP to 104.41% of GDP or 4.57 percentage points/yr.
The Federal Debt as a percentage of revenue through 2018, the last year for which we have that figure is DOWN to 104.29% of GDP.

We can count on your full support for Trump’s New War On Wasteful Spending — An Advance Draft Of The President’s Budget To Congress (FY2021).


President Donald Trump is taking action to declare war on waste.

The president’s budget includes a bold and detailed chapter on curbing waste, fraud, corruption, and taxpayer abuse.

… [a] bloated Federal Government, with duplicative programs and wasteful spending, remains a critical threat to America’s future.

President’s Budget FY2021 | Chapter: Stopping Wasteful And Unnecessary Spending, page 13
Our organization at OpenTheBooks.com has advocated these goals from the pages of The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. With the national debt standing at $23.2 trillion and annual budget deficits of over $1 trillion, we applaud the president for starting a war on waste.

Here are just three of the non-partisan reforms the president will highlight in his FY2021 budget to Congress:

1. End Improper Year-End Waste. The federal government’s use-it-or-lose-it year-end spending spree has been going on for years.

2. Putting an End to Improper Payments.

3. Conducting Oversight of Spending. The Trump administration has already eliminated 31,000 duplicate contracts,


... What dumbass Deficit Donald doesn't understand is that if interest rates go to zero or less, then no one will want to buy his massive debt. ..
Several countries had negative interest rates last year and continued to sell their notes.
  • Japan: -0.10%
  • Sweden: -0.30%
  • European Central Bank: -0.40%
  • Denmark: -0.70%
  • Switzerland: -0.80%

... What a fucking idiot...
And yet, he keeps whipping your asses. And Trump was right about the Fed being wrong to try to tighten, they loosened and we have no inflation problems and the strongest labor market of our lifetimes.

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