Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Deficits are inherited from previous administrations.

I'm not certain if you understand that they are 'running' deficits...?

Democratic Presidents inherit humongous, gigantic, colossal budget busting deficits, from Republican presidents and spend the following 8 yrs reducing them, then the next Republican president massively raises the deficit, to high heaven,

rince and repeat...

Obama increased our debt more than any other President COMBINED, He was a DEMOCRAT. Trump inherited that.
Yes, he did... and that is because he inherited a huge huge huge huge running Budget Deficit, from the previous president....!

He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Obama increased our debt more than any other President COMBINED, He was a DEMOCRAT. Trump inherited that.
Yes, he did... and that is because he inherited a huge huge huge huge running Budget Deficit, from the previous president....!

He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it
Yes, he did... and that is because he inherited a huge huge huge huge running Budget Deficit, from the previous president....!

He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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No it's not.

Because there is never any money in any president's budget that is earmarked for paying down the debt
It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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No it's not.

Because there is never any money in any president's budget that is earmarked for paying down the debt

How can there be money earmarked to pay down the debt when no budget is ever even balanced with what is coming in?

Should they borrow money to lay down the debt? Are you that dumb?

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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No it's not.

Because there is never any money in any president's budget that is earmarked for paying down the debt

How can there be money earmarked to pay down the debt when no budget is ever even balanced with what is coming in?

Should they borrow money to lay down the debt? Are you that dumb?

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And therein lies the rub.

No president ever submits a balanced budget.
But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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No it's not.

Because there is never any money in any president's budget that is earmarked for paying down the debt

How can there be money earmarked to pay down the debt when no budget is ever even balanced with what is coming in?

Should they borrow money to lay down the debt? Are you that dumb?

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And therein lies the rub.

No president ever submits a balanced budget.

And nobody gives a fuck when the president is from their party

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Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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No it's not.

Because there is never any money in any president's budget that is earmarked for paying down the debt

How can there be money earmarked to pay down the debt when no budget is ever even balanced with what is coming in?

Should they borrow money to lay down the debt? Are you that dumb?

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And therein lies the rub.

No president ever submits a balanced budget.

And nobody gives a fuck when the president is from their party

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Well until W that was not entirely true. I think the issue now is more about supply side tax cuts. When the top marginal rate is lower than it's been since before the Great Depression, and rates are near zero, and the econ lacks demand not capital .... tax cuts for the rich don't stimulate gnp growth. Trump's proven it.
Only if it occurs during the fiscal year in which the new president is elected if it occurred before that it is already part of the debt and we all know that no president ever deals with the debt they simply add more to it

But it is still the baseline for the next budget they have to submit. They do not start fresh each year. That is part of the problem

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No it's not.

Because there is never any money in any president's budget that is earmarked for paying down the debt

How can there be money earmarked to pay down the debt when no budget is ever even balanced with what is coming in?

Should they borrow money to lay down the debt? Are you that dumb?

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And therein lies the rub.

No president ever submits a balanced budget.

And nobody gives a fuck when the president is from their party

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Exactly right.
I seem to remember Republicans caring VERY much. In fact they shut down the government and slowed the Recovery from the Great Recession over debt.

I seem to remember Republicans caring VERY much. In fact they shut down the government and slowed the Recovery from the Great Recession over debt.


that was because republicans only care about the debt when democrats are the ones creating it.
Spend and borrow Republicans and Tax and spend Democrats.

Quick quiz.

Which grows the debt more?

Which produces stuff that benefit the middle class and poor and the nation?
Well deficits were much lower until deficit Donald took over.
meaningless if every single president increases the debt
The rate of increase is hardly meaningless.
Well that's true. Theoretically at least if debt only increases at the same rate of gnp growth, there's no actual change in the amount of national effort going to pay interest. However, some years gnp shriks, and with us Boomers retiring, the younger guys are focked. And Trump doesn't care because he won't be around when the shit comes down.

The gop's tax cuts have resulted in tax revenue not rising in % to gnp rising, and spending is of course rising even faster than gnp. The promise of 4% growth is false, and that should be the issue for 2020. Rubio, whom I wanted to be elected, also proposed a tax cut, but his would have gone more to working families' income than capital.
Spend and borrow Republicans and Tax and spend Democrats.

Quick quiz.

Which grows the debt more?

Which produces stuff that benefit the middle class and poor and the nation?
Well deficits were much lower until deficit Donald took over.
meaningless if every single president increases the debt
The rate of increase is hardly meaningless.
It's about as meaningless as the debt itself
Spend and borrow Republicans and Tax and spend Democrats.

Quick quiz.

Which grows the debt more?

Which produces stuff that benefit the middle class and poor and the nation?
Well deficits were much lower until deficit Donald took over.
meaningless if every single president increases the debt
The rate of increase is hardly meaningless.
It's about as meaningless as the debt itself
Yes because paying all that interest is great.
Quick quiz.

Which grows the debt more?

Which produces stuff that benefit the middle class and poor and the nation?
Well deficits were much lower until deficit Donald took over.
meaningless if every single president increases the debt
The rate of increase is hardly meaningless.
It's about as meaningless as the debt itself
Yes because paying all that interest is great.

Small potatoes.

And tell me if the debt is such a big deal then how come no president in our lifetimes has submitted a balanced budget?
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







I would like to see a budget that cut every government spending line by 30%. EVERY line. Military, SS, welfare, DOJ, congressional salaries, infrastructure, foodstamps, foreign aid, everything-----------would you support that?
Obama increased our debt more than any other President COMBINED, He was a DEMOCRAT. Trump inherited that.
Yes, he did... and that is because he inherited a huge huge huge huge running Budget Deficit, from the previous president....!

He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

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