Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Every year Congress increases the budget, whether the Democrats are in charge or whether the Republicans are in charge. Both are fiscally irresponsible.

But oddly the Republicans pile tax cuts for the rich on top of that...and then scream about the debt.

Happens every time and you'll be voting reliably Republican. Don't lie

So you can’t defend the Democrats, thank you. Depends on who runs as to who I’ll vote for, I am a fiscally conservative Republican which means I’m against tax cuts when we are in debt. I am against added spending until we get the debt paid.
Every year Congress increases the budget, whether the Democrats are in charge or whether the Republicans are in charge. Both are fiscally irresponsible.

But oddly the Republicans pile tax cuts for the rich on top of that...and then scream about the debt.

Happens every time and you'll be voting reliably Republican. Don't lie

So you can’t defend the Democrats, thank you. Depends on who runs as to who I’ll vote for, I am a fiscally conservative Republican which means I’m against tax cuts when we are in debt. I am against added spending until we get the debt paid.

So, if you are a fiscally conservative Republican and we have not had a fiscally conservative Republican candidate in the general election since Calvin Coolidge, who do you vote for?
Every year Congress increases the budget, whether the Democrats are in charge or whether the Republicans are in charge. Both are fiscally irresponsible.

But oddly the Republicans pile tax cuts for the rich on top of that...and then scream about the debt.

Happens every time and you'll be voting reliably Republican. Don't lie

So you can’t defend the Democrats, thank you. Depends on who runs as to who I’ll vote for, I am a fiscally conservative Republican which means I’m against tax cuts when we are in debt. I am against added spending until we get the debt paid.

So, if you are a fiscally conservative Republican and we have not had a fiscally conservative Republican candidate in the general election since Calvin Coolidge, who do you vote for?

I’m more of a conservative than a Republican as I rarely vote Republican on a national ticket. I fell into the lesser of two evils years ago, now, I find third party candidates.
So you can’t defend the Democrats, thank you. Depends on who runs as to who I’ll vote for, I am a fiscally conservative Republican which means I’m against tax cuts when we are in debt. I am against added spending until we get the debt paid.

I don't need to.The Republican record on tax cuts and debt hypocrisy is self apparent
So you can’t defend the Democrats, thank you. Depends on who runs as to who I’ll vote for, I am a fiscally conservative Republican which means I’m against tax cuts when we are in debt. I am against added spending until we get the debt paid.

I don't need to.The Republican record on tax cuts and debt hypocrisy is self apparent

Can’t defend your tax and spend Democrats, like I have said and will continue to say until proven wrong, both parties are not going to cut spending and both are going to continue to drive America off the cliff. Let me know if you can defend either party and their reckless spending.
So you can’t defend the Democrats, thank you. Depends on who runs as to who I’ll vote for, I am a fiscally conservative Republican which means I’m against tax cuts when we are in debt. I am against added spending until we get the debt paid.

I don't need to.The Republican record on tax cuts and debt hypocrisy is self apparent

Can’t defend your tax and spend Democrats, like I have said and will continue to say until proven wrong, both parties are not going to cut spending and both are going to continue to drive America off the cliff. Let me know if you can defend either party and their reckless spending.
Spend and borrow Republicans and Tax and spend Democrats.
Sure, I have done enough research to know it does exist. You may want to do the same before showing us how ignorant you are...again.

Please tell me you didn't "research" based on facebook ok?

Show your work. You're either believing some real horse shit or you're lying

Sorry, don't have a Fakebook account, sure sounds like you don't have a clue though.
Talking with a neighbor yesterday, they mentioned something about when selling your house, a percentage goes to Obamacare. Haven't had a chance to research. Have you heard of this?

Just one in a long string of Republican lies.

Sure, I have done enough research to know it does exist. You may want to do the same before showing us how ignorant you are...again.
There Is No Obamacare Tax On Most Home Sales. Really.


Evidently you missed the part that says "MOST HOME SALES", which does not mean ALL HOME SALES...dumbass.
A 3.8 Percent "Sales Tax" on Your Home? -
Evidently you missed the part that says "MOST HOME SALES", which does not mean ALL HOME SALES...dumbass.
A 3.8 Percent "Sales Tax" on Your Home? -

Evidently you missed the part that says it doesn't target homes at all but "unearned income" and would effect almost NO ONE that isn't pretty friggin wealthy

The truth is that only a tiny percentage of home sellers will pay the tax. First of all, only those with incomes over $200,000 a year ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly) will be subject to it. And even for those who have such high incomes, the tax still won’t apply to the first $250,000 on profits from the sale of a personal residence — or to the first $500,000 in the case of a married couple selling their home.
However, a typical home sale would not incur any tax. In March, for example, half of all existing homes sold for $170,700 or less, according to the National Association of Realtors. Obviously, none of those sales could possibly generate a $250,000 profit, and so none would be subject to the tax.

Thus, for the vast majority, the 3.8 percent tax won’t apply. The Tax Foundation, in a report released April 15, said the new tax on investment income (including real estate) "will hit approximately the top-earning two percent of families" when it takes effect in 2013.

So how rich IS your buddy?
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






If you worthless leftist traitor hacks would allow us to cut these socialist programs, this budget wouldn't be necessary.
Evidently you missed the part that says "MOST HOME SALES", which does not mean ALL HOME SALES...dumbass.
A 3.8 Percent "Sales Tax" on Your Home? -

Evidently you missed the part that says it doesn't target homes at all but "unearned income" and would effect almost NO ONE that isn't pretty friggin wealthy

The truth is that only a tiny percentage of home sellers will pay the tax. First of all, only those with incomes over $200,000 a year ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly) will be subject to it. And even for those who have such high incomes, the tax still won’t apply to the first $250,000 on profits from the sale of a personal residence — or to the first $500,000 in the case of a married couple selling their home.

You realize selling a house does boost income for the year the house is sold. Your trailer should be safe though.
Evidently you missed the part that says "MOST HOME SALES", which does not mean ALL HOME SALES...dumbass.
A 3.8 Percent "Sales Tax" on Your Home? -

Evidently you missed the part that says it doesn't target homes at all but "unearned income" and would effect almost NO ONE that isn't pretty friggin wealthy

The truth is that only a tiny percentage of home sellers will pay the tax. First of all, only those with incomes over $200,000 a year ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly) will be subject to it. And even for those who have such high incomes, the tax still won’t apply to the first $250,000 on profits from the sale of a personal residence — or to the first $500,000 in the case of a married couple selling their home.

You realize selling a house does boost income for the year the house is sold. Your trailer should be safe though.
Hey dumbass..Do you even KNOW what unearned income is?

I make over $100K and sold a $400K home last year.

No tax

You're either stupid or a liar or a stupid liar
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Evidently you missed the part that says "MOST HOME SALES", which does not mean ALL HOME SALES...dumbass.
A 3.8 Percent "Sales Tax" on Your Home? -

Evidently you missed the part that says it doesn't target homes at all but "unearned income" and would effect almost NO ONE that isn't pretty friggin wealthy

The truth is that only a tiny percentage of home sellers will pay the tax. First of all, only those with incomes over $200,000 a year ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly) will be subject to it. And even for those who have such high incomes, the tax still won’t apply to the first $250,000 on profits from the sale of a personal residence — or to the first $500,000 in the case of a married couple selling their home.

You realize selling a house does boost income for the year the house is sold. Your trailer should be safe though.
Hey dumbass..Do you even KNOW what unearned income is?

I make over $100K and sold a $400K home last year.

No tax

You're either stupid or a liar or a stupid lair

As a matter of fact I do know what unearned income is. Shall we take a look at the numbers you provided? You make over $100K/year...sure I believe that. As far as selling a $400K house (no telling what shithole that's in) really doesn't make too much difference if you still owed $300K on the house...dumbass.
LOL...fucking idiot.

A $400K home in NJ isn't a shithole my stupid dishonest friend

And making $100K might be out of reach for you...but not everyone
Since when did the scum of the Earth dimocraps get concerned over deficits and/or National Debt?

we ALWAYS have to dig the Country out from Republican President's OVER SPENDING

always get left with Republican over spending and deficits.


get a clue, Ed!

Funny how every democrat president has overspent revenue and added to the debt too isn't it?
Clinton sure was a lot better than most.

Yes in recent times to be sure, but all in all he added to the debt as well.

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