Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Funny how Barry Hussein's spending was never called "Nation busting" even though we got nothing for it but stagnation in eight dismal years
Dismal fuckin years???? What fuckin planet have you morons been living on. The man inherited the worst economy ever since the great depression. He was handed a fucked up deficit and had to work with the most hostile congress and senate in US history and still the BLACK MAN managed to not only put this country back on the right track, he also managed to regain our standings around the world. Compare that to this clown, this nightmare, this white lump of shit Trump and then you'll get your fuckin dismal years, you dumb white fuck head.
Don’t forget he inherited 2 wars.

Sure...quite the legacy.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
Funny how Barry Hussein's spending was never called "Nation busting" even though we got nothing for it but stagnation in eight dismal years
Dismal fuckin years???? What fuckin planet have you morons been living on. The man inherited the worst economy ever since the great depression. He was handed a fucked up deficit and had to work with the most hostile congress and senate in US history and still the BLACK MAN managed to not only put this country back on the right track, he also managed to regain our standings around the world. Compare that to this clown, this nightmare, this white lump of shit Trump and then you'll get your fuckin dismal years, you dumb white fuck head.
Don’t forget he inherited 2 wars.

Sure...quite the legacy.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
Trump did not inherit a mess. You’d have to be an idiot to believe that.
Funny how Barry Hussein's spending was never called "Nation busting" even though we got nothing for it but stagnation in eight dismal years
Dismal fuckin years???? What fuckin planet have you morons been living on. The man inherited the worst economy ever since the great depression. He was handed a fucked up deficit and had to work with the most hostile congress and senate in US history and still the BLACK MAN managed to not only put this country back on the right track, he also managed to regain our standings around the world. Compare that to this clown, this nightmare, this white lump of shit Trump and then you'll get your fuckin dismal years, you dumb white fuck head.
Don’t forget he inherited 2 wars.

Sure...quite the legacy.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?
Since when did the scum of the Earth dimocraps get concerned over deficits and/or National Debt?

we ALWAYS have to dig the Country out from Republican President's OVER SPENDING

always get left with Republican over spending and deficits.


get a clue, Ed!
Since when did the scum of the Earth dimocraps get concerned over deficits and/or National Debt?

we ALWAYS have to dig the Country out from Republican President's OVER SPENDING

always get left with Republican over spending and deficits.


get a clue, Ed!

Funny how every democrat president has overspent revenue and added to the debt too isn't it?
Since when did the scum of the Earth dimocraps get concerned over deficits and/or National Debt?

we ALWAYS have to dig the Country out from Republican President's OVER SPENDING

always get left with Republican over spending and deficits.


get a clue, Ed!

Funny how every democrat president has overspent revenue and added to the debt too isn't it?
Clinton sure was a lot better than most.
Dismal fuckin years???? What fuckin planet have you morons been living on. The man inherited the worst economy ever since the great depression. He was handed a fucked up deficit and had to work with the most hostile congress and senate in US history and still the BLACK MAN managed to not only put this country back on the right track, he also managed to regain our standings around the world. Compare that to this clown, this nightmare, this white lump of shit Trump and then you'll get your fuckin dismal years, you dumb white fuck head.
Don’t forget he inherited 2 wars.

Sure...quite the legacy.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
Starting the wars was the worst.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
Starting the wars was the worst.

I know some of you folks like to harp on the term "lie". Did Obama lie?
Trump got handed a sound economy
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
So, how did he make them worse?

Bush turned Afghanistan from a failed hunt or Bin Laden to nation building. Then Bush invaded Iraq with no plan for that country's future.
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
Starting the wars was the worst.

I know some of you folks like to harp on the term "lie". Did Obama lie?
Everybody lies.

No one lies more than Trump & his followers.
He sure was handed a mess.

And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
Starting the wars was the worst.

I know some of you folks like to harp on the term "lie". Did Obama lie?
Starting the wars was the worst. Nothing really changes that.
And proceeded to make it a bigger mess.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
Starting the wars was the worst.

I know some of you folks like to harp on the term "lie". Did Obama lie?
Everybody lies.

No one lies more than Trump & his followers.
I think Obama sincerely thought most everyone would notice they were better off for Obamacare. And frankly my costs stabilized, I got better "free" wellness care, and my kid got to stay on. But I had a good policy and my employer paid for most of it, and my deductibles are burdensome but when one of us has had an injury or illness, we were able to pay them and get into 100% reimbursable. Still, I can see why some people didn't like it. A family of 4 making making 40K has to pay 4%plus for HC. Trumps bigger and better Obamacare is to give them NO subsidy, so careful what you with for, snowflakes. AND THAT WAS THE IDEA of Obama's statement, and he may have figured Americans weren't so stupid as to fall for Trump and instead make congress raise doctor's and healthcare corp taxes to PAY for healthcare.

Reagan said he'd balance the budget, but his taxcuts created a lack of funding that insures unbalanced budgets. Twenty years from now we may see him as the man who ended our way of life. However, had we reduced military expenditures to the levels they were before WWII and the advent of the Soviet Union as a nuclear power with the conventional military that could conquer W. Europe, out budget would look a lot differently than it does now. So there may have been an IDEA behind his statement that was not an outright lie so much as an overstatement.
How did Obama make the wars worse?

You really need to learn to follow the conversation.
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
Starting the wars was the worst.

I know some of you folks like to harp on the term "lie". Did Obama lie?
Everybody lies.

No one lies more than Trump & his followers.
I think Obama sincerely thought most everyone would notice they were better off for Obamacare. And frankly my costs stabilized, I got better "free" wellness care, and my kid got to stay on. But I had a good policy and my employer paid for most of it, and my deductibles are burdensome but when one of us has had an injury or illness, we were able to pay them and get into 100% reimbursable. Still, I can see why some people didn't like it. A family of 4 making making 40K has to pay 4%plus for HC. Trumps bigger and better Obamacare is to give them NO subsidy, so careful what you with for, snowflakes. AND THAT WAS THE IDEA of Obama's statement, and he may have figured Americans weren't so stupid as to fall for Trump and instead make congress raise doctor's and healthcare corp taxes to PAY for healthcare.

Reagan said he'd balance the budget, but his taxcuts created a lack of funding that insures unbalanced budgets. Twenty years from now we may see him as the man who ended our way of life. However, had we reduced military expenditures to the levels they were before WWII and the advent of the Soviet Union as a nuclear power with the conventional military that could conquer W. Europe, out budget would look a lot differently than it does now. So there may have been an IDEA behind his statement that was not an outright lie so much as an overstatement.

Talking with a neighbor yesterday, they mentioned something about when selling your house, a percentage goes to Obamacare. Haven't had a chance to research. Have you heard of this?
Since when did the scum of the Earth dimocraps get concerned over deficits and/or National Debt?

we ALWAYS have to dig the Country out from Republican President's OVER SPENDING

always get left with Republican over spending and deficits.


get a clue, Ed!

Funny how every democrat president has overspent revenue and added to the debt too isn't it?
Clinton sure was a lot better than most.

YEs he was the best debtor president

Quite a dubious honor don't you think?
Talking with a neighbor yesterday, they mentioned something about when selling your house, a percentage goes to Obamacare. Haven't had a chance to research. Have you heard of this?

Just one in a long string of Republican lies.
Talking with a neighbor yesterday, they mentioned something about when selling your house, a percentage goes to Obamacare. Haven't had a chance to research. Have you heard of this?

Just one in a long string of Republican lies.

Sure, I have done enough research to know it does exist. You may want to do the same before showing us how ignorant you are...again.

They took the last train for the coast....they have been castrated by trump.

What the fuck does a spending slime like you care? If this was Obama’s budget request you’d be in heaven, since it is Trump’s you are faking outrage and showing your hypocrisy.

Now if Trump was making cuts into programs you would also be pissed off because you are an ignorant bigot that obviously cares more for party than country.

Trump needs to cut the spending, he needs to slice and cut everywhere, every program needs to be cut by at least 15%-25%, taxes need to be raised until we get the budget under control. This is pure BS, we need to cut not spend. Trump is acting like an Obama in this area.

Obama never cut to the poor & middle class wehiclke giving to the weralthy.

That is Trump & the Republicans.

Maybe if they quit cutting revenues while increasing spending, our national debt would be shrinking.

You drunk when you posted this? You totally missed the point, surprise surprise, a partisan nut misses the point.

We need to cut ALL spending not just ones you don’t agree with. Democrats and Republicans only know how to spend, not tackle the debt.
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







Trump is as fiscally Conservative as Dennis Hastert was in 2006...

Nothing Conservative at all...

They took the last train for the coast....they have been castrated by trump.

What the fuck does a spending slime like you care? If this was Obama’s budget request you’d be in heaven, since it is Trump’s you are faking outrage and showing your hypocrisy.

Now if Trump was making cuts into programs you would also be pissed off because you are an ignorant bigot that obviously cares more for party than country.

Trump needs to cut the spending, he needs to slice and cut everywhere, every program needs to be cut by at least 15%-25%, taxes need to be raised until we get the budget under control. This is pure BS, we need to cut not spend. Trump is acting like an Obama in this area.

Obama never cut to the poor & middle class wehiclke giving to the weralthy.

That is Trump & the Republicans.

Maybe if they quit cutting revenues while increasing spending, our national debt would be shrinking.

You drunk when you posted this? You totally missed the point, surprise surprise, a partisan nut misses the point.

We need to cut ALL spending not just ones you don’t agree with. Democrats and Republicans only know how to spend, not tackle the debt.
At least a freeze on increases....

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