Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Yes, he did... and that is because he inherited a huge huge huge huge running Budget Deficit, from the previous president....!

He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.
Yes, he did... and that is because he inherited a huge huge huge huge running Budget Deficit, from the previous president....!

He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.
Spend and borrow Republicans and Tax and spend Democrats.

Quick quiz.

Which grows the debt more?

Which produces stuff that benefit the middle class and poor and the nation?
Well deficits were much lower until deficit Donald took over.
meaningless if every single president increases the debt
The rate of increase is hardly meaningless.
Well that's true. Theoretically at least if debt only increases at the same rate of gnp growth, there's no actual change in the amount of national effort going to pay interest. However, some years gnp shriks, and with us Boomers retiring, the younger guys are focked. And Trump doesn't care because he won't be around when the shit comes down.

The gop's tax cuts have resulted in tax revenue not rising in % to gnp rising, and spending is of course rising even faster than gnp. The promise of 4% growth is false, and that should be the issue for 2020. Rubio, whom I wanted to be elected, also proposed a tax cut, but his would have gone more to working families' income than capital.

just a small clarification. the Trump tax cuts cut the tax rate of all brackets, so everyone who pays is not paying a little less. That bill also eliminated and limited deductions used by the rich for second homes etc. It also eliminated the personal exemptions and increased the standard deduction which made filing much easier for millions of middle income people.

and the revenue records do show increases for the last year. A growing economy produces more tax paying businesses and individuals.
Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.

Dude, look in the mirror. You just described yourself. If Hillary were President you would be bitching about the deficit and the debt, but now since your god is sitting in the white house you do not give a fuck about it.

you know you whined about it for 8 years under Obama and now you choose to kiss Trump's ass and ask him to spend even more.
He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.
Quick quiz.

Which grows the debt more?

Which produces stuff that benefit the middle class and poor and the nation?
Well deficits were much lower until deficit Donald took over.
meaningless if every single president increases the debt
The rate of increase is hardly meaningless.
Well that's true. Theoretically at least if debt only increases at the same rate of gnp growth, there's no actual change in the amount of national effort going to pay interest. However, some years gnp shriks, and with us Boomers retiring, the younger guys are focked. And Trump doesn't care because he won't be around when the shit comes down.

The gop's tax cuts have resulted in tax revenue not rising in % to gnp rising, and spending is of course rising even faster than gnp. The promise of 4% growth is false, and that should be the issue for 2020. Rubio, whom I wanted to be elected, also proposed a tax cut, but his would have gone more to working families' income than capital.

just a small clarification. the Trump tax cuts cut the tax rate of all brackets, so everyone who pays is not paying a little less. That bill also eliminated and limited deductions used by the rich for second homes etc. It also eliminated the personal exemptions and increased the standard deduction which made filing much easier for millions of middle income people.

and the revenue records do show increases for the last year. A growing economy produces more tax paying businesses and individuals.

Wrong...revenue records do show decreases for last year, not increases...

The Treasury took in less in 2018 than it did in 2017.

Monthly Treasury Statement

CY18 total tax revenue:$3,330,470,000,000
CY17 total tax revenue:$3,343,634,000,000

$13,164,000,000 less revenue
It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

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The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.

you are left of me, so calling me a lefity is pretty stupid.

As for Obama, I have said 100 times on this forum now that he was the 2nd worst POTUS in the history of the country.

quit projecting your dishonesty on to me.
Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.

Dude, look in the mirror. You just described yourself. If Hillary were President you would be bitching about the deficit and the debt, but now since your god is sitting in the white house you do not give a fuck about it.

you know you whined about it for 8 years under Obama and now you choose to kiss Trump's ass and ask him to spend even more.

I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I have been complaining about the debt since Jimbo Carter. At some point the country is going to have to declare bankruptcy and default on its debt. Would that be terrible? not really.
Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.

Dude, look in the mirror. You just described yourself. If Hillary were President you would be bitching about the deficit and the debt, but now since your god is sitting in the white house you do not give a fuck about it.

you know you whined about it for 8 years under Obama and now you choose to kiss Trump's ass and ask him to spend even more.

I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I have been complaining about the debt since Jimbo Carter. At some point the country is going to have to declare bankruptcy and default on its debt. Would that be terrible? not really.

I have not seen you post anything about the debt with your savior in the White House.
The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

Sent from my iPhone using

did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.

you are left of me, so calling me a lefity is pretty stupid.

As for Obama, I have said 100 times on this forum now that he was the 2nd worst POTUS in the history of the country.

quit projecting your dishonesty on to me.

if that's who you are, why do you take the left side of every discussion. I think you are lying to us.

But we do agree on Obama as one of the worst, FDR may have done more damage, but Obama was a traitor, so that makes him the worst.
Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.

Dude, look in the mirror. You just described yourself. If Hillary were President you would be bitching about the deficit and the debt, but now since your god is sitting in the white house you do not give a fuck about it.

you know you whined about it for 8 years under Obama and now you choose to kiss Trump's ass and ask him to spend even more.

I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I have been complaining about the debt since Jimbo Carter. At some point the country is going to have to declare bankruptcy and default on its debt. Would that be terrible? not really.

I have not seen you post anything about the debt with your savior in the White House.

you haven't been watching very closely. I have been in support of a balanced budget since I joined this message board. I want to see across the board budget cuts to every line in the government budget-------EVERY LINE. including congressional salaries and benefits.

Trump is basically doing what I want a president to do. Put this country first and make us strong and successful. Is he perfect? not even close, but we knew that when we elected him.
But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.

you are left of me, so calling me a lefity is pretty stupid.

As for Obama, I have said 100 times on this forum now that he was the 2nd worst POTUS in the history of the country.

quit projecting your dishonesty on to me.

if that's who you are, why do you take the left side of every discussion. I think you are lying to us.

But we do agree on Obama as one of the worst, FDR may have done more damage, but Obama was a traitor, so that makes him the worst.

as like most Trump worshipers you equate to not liking Trump to "taking the left side".

Bush II was the worst, followed very closely by Obama.
He only inherited the deficit from the last budget of the previous president as all presidents do because they take office in the middle of the fiscal year

It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

Sent from my iPhone using

The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

Sent from my iPhone using

did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.
Independents certainly are best.
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







The libtardos want 73 Trillion for the new green deal and 32 Trillion over the next 10 years for socialized medicine then rail on Trump for wanting a couple hundred billion increase in the budget.

AOC the economist and her minions are best comedy since bernie and Hillaryous debates.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"


$4.7 trillion. Biggest spending ask in the history of the universe! Trump makes the Democrats look like misers!

I can hear your paws slapping over your simian face from here. :lol:


IDC who the POTUS is but this is a problem:

A record-high 28 million able-bodied adults are on Medicaid today, and most are not working at all. Likewise, the number of able-bodied adults on food stamps remains near record highs, with just eight percent of those able-bodied adults working full-time jobs. I am sick of people gaming the system. Time to hold them accountable and force them to work or they can starve for all I care.
It is a little deeper than that. If a CEO takes over a company that lost 100 billion dollars the previous year, that is what they are inheriting, these things do not disappear over night

Sent from my iPhone using

The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

Sent from my iPhone using

did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.
After the first couple years of obama deficits decreased. Deficits are currently increasing in a strong economy. Doesn’t get worse than that.
did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.

you are left of me, so calling me a lefity is pretty stupid.

As for Obama, I have said 100 times on this forum now that he was the 2nd worst POTUS in the history of the country.

quit projecting your dishonesty on to me.

if that's who you are, why do you take the left side of every discussion. I think you are lying to us.

But we do agree on Obama as one of the worst, FDR may have done more damage, but Obama was a traitor, so that makes him the worst.

as like most Trump worshipers you equate to not liking Trump to "taking the left side".

Bush II was the worst, followed very closely by Obama.

I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
The country is not run like a business.

The deficit is a one year stat the debt is a running total

An incoming president only inherits the deficit of the fiscal year in which he takes office. All the other deficits the previous president ran are what the previous president added to the national debt during his term

But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

Sent from my iPhone using

did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.
After the first couple years of obama deficits decreased. Deficits are currently increasing in a strong economy. Doesn’t get worse than that.

Obama added 10 trillion to the national debt in 8 years, you don't do that by reducing annual deficits. Trump has had to spend more to catch the military and border enforcement up after years of neglect by previous presidents.
Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.

you are left of me, so calling me a lefity is pretty stupid.

As for Obama, I have said 100 times on this forum now that he was the 2nd worst POTUS in the history of the country.

quit projecting your dishonesty on to me.

if that's who you are, why do you take the left side of every discussion. I think you are lying to us.

But we do agree on Obama as one of the worst, FDR may have done more damage, but Obama was a traitor, so that makes him the worst.

as like most Trump worshipers you equate to not liking Trump to "taking the left side".

Bush II was the worst, followed very closely by Obama.

I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
But the fact the country spent a trillion more dollars than it took in is the previous still something the new president has to address and deal with.

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did you demand that of Obama? if not, why? in 8 years he doubled the national debt. Did you bitch about that?

Why yes I did, thanks for asking. and Bush II before Obama and Clinton before Bush II and Bush I before Clinton...

this is what sets me apart from most on this forum, my values do not change with the resident of the white house changing.

well good for you. but you are not being completely truthful here. You have been much more vocal when republicans were in office and kind of quiet when the Kenyan messiah was ruling the nation. As someone else said, if Hillary had won we would not be hearing anything from you lefties about the debt.
After the first couple years of obama deficits decreased. Deficits are currently increasing in a strong economy. Doesn’t get worse than that.

Obama added 10 trillion to the national debt in 8 years, you don't do that by reducing annual deficits. Trump has had to spend more to catch the military and border enforcement up after years of neglect by previous presidents.
We don’t need to catch up. Only partisan fools believe that.
Democrats are the most hypocritical people on Earth. If Hillary were President (but she LOST) they wouldn't care about the deficit, nor debt. Now all of a sudden they are all FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. Liars, and hypocrites all.
Yep. Funny, how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors, isn't it?

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