Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

It's about as meaningless as the debt itself

$800 billion in annual interest payments on the national debt? Meaningless...?

Does your ass hurt from pulling that number out of it?

The interest on the national debt is how much the federal government must pay on outstanding public debt each year. The interest on the debt is $479 billion
That 800 is what we will be paying annually within a decade .

But, let's review:

$479 bil in a year? Meaningless. Per conservatives.

You are full of ****

So you can predict the future and you didn't win the billion dollar lottery yet?

I suppose you don't realize that almost one third of the total debt is intragovernmental debt do you?
I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
Don't forget to factor in that the 2008 too big to fail fiasco was actually possible because Clinton repealed Glass Steagal. ANd the real estate bubble was created because the Fed held interest rates at near zero instead of allowing them to rise which would have slowed down the housing market which would have led to more sustainable growth.

And in 2001 Bush inherited the Dot Bomb bubble that burst right after he came into office

The problem you people have is that you think in 4 year chunks and that nothing that happened before any one president's term matters
Bush failed when presented with these problems. He made them worse rather than come up with solutions.

Yes and you can tell someone else would have handled them better right?

You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history

Q. Are you nuts, brainwashed or out of touch with reality


Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery
You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history

I "seem to remember" that the banking debacle and Great Recession started at the end of Bush the Lesser's term as a result of 8 years of Republican policies...and that Republicans then spent ANOTHER 8 years trying to THWART the recovery screaming about the DEBT!!!!...that they had created
You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history

I "seem to remember" that the banking debacle and Great Recession started at the end of Bush the Lesser's term as a result of 8 years of Republican policies...and that Republicans then spent ANOTHER 8 years trying to THWART the recovery screaming about the DEBT!!!!...that they had created

And you don't realize that the deregulation of the financial sector that Clinton signed one month before he left office made that banking debacle possible do you?
It's about as meaningless as the debt itself

$800 billion in annual interest payments on the national debt? Meaningless...?

Does your ass hurt from pulling that number out of it?

The interest on the national debt is how much the federal government must pay on outstanding public debt each year. The interest on the debt is $479 billion
That 800 is what we will be paying annually within a decade .

But, let's review:

$479 bil in a year? Meaningless. Per conservatives.

You are full of ****

So you can predict the future and you didn't win the billion dollar lottery yet?

I suppose you don't realize that almost one third of the total debt is intragovernmental debt do you?
Trump cult:

"$70 billion for education? We gotta cut that!!!!"

"$479 billion for interest on the debt? Meaningless."
It's about as meaningless as the debt itself

$800 billion in annual interest payments on the national debt? Meaningless...?

Does your ass hurt from pulling that number out of it?

The interest on the national debt is how much the federal government must pay on outstanding public debt each year. The interest on the debt is $479 billion
That 800 is what we will be paying annually within a decade .

But, let's review:

$479 bil in a year? Meaningless. Per conservatives.

You are full of ****

So you can predict the future and you didn't win the billion dollar lottery yet?

I suppose you don't realize that almost one third of the total debt is intragovernmental debt do you?
Trump cult:

"$70 billion for education? We gotta cut that!!!!"

"$479 billion for interest on the debt? Meaningless."


I didn't vote for Trump

I always vote third party.

And it is meaningless since the interest on about 30% of the total debt is paid from the government to the government and most of the rest is paid to other Americans via the bonds that are held by various parties and institutions.

So you see a lot of that interest is actually putting money into the American economy
You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history

I "seem to remember" that the banking debacle and Great Recession started at the end of Bush the Lesser's term as a result of 8 years of Republican policies...and that Republicans then spent ANOTHER 8 years trying to THWART the recovery screaming about the DEBT!!!!...that they had created

And you don't realize that the deregulation of the financial sector that Clinton signed one month before he left office made that banking debacle possible do you?
Yup...legislation written by...sponsored by and overwhelmingly passed by REPUBLICANS.

And Bush could have pushed his Republican Congress to amend or cancel that but that's not at ALL what they wanted since the only sector of our economy that was working was the housing market
You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history

I "seem to remember" that the banking debacle and Great Recession started at the end of Bush the Lesser's term as a result of 8 years of Republican policies...and that Republicans then spent ANOTHER 8 years trying to THWART the recovery screaming about the DEBT!!!!...that they had created

And you don't realize that the deregulation of the financial sector that Clinton signed one month before he left office made that banking debacle possible do you?
Yup...legislation written by...sponsored by and overwhelmingly passed by REPUBLICANS.

And Bush could have pushed his Republican Congress to amend or cancel that but that's not at ALL what they wanted since the only sector of our economy that was working was the housing market


Clinton owns that one 100%
as like most Trump worshipers you equate to not liking Trump to "taking the left side".

Bush II was the worst, followed very closely by Obama.

I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
Don't forget to factor in that the 2008 too big to fail fiasco was actually possible because Clinton repealed Glass Steagal. ANd the real estate bubble was created because the Fed held interest rates at near zero instead of allowing them to rise which would have slowed down the housing market which would have led to more sustainable growth.

And in 2001 Bush inherited the Dot Bomb bubble that burst right after he came into office

The problem you people have is that you think in 4 year chunks and that nothing that happened before any one president's term matters
Bush failed when presented with these problems. He made them worse rather than come up with solutions.

Yes and you can tell someone else would have handled them better right?

You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history
I didnt say obama was great. But bush by comparison was aweful.
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







the timing of this post is a bit ironic, as the Democrats lining up to run against trump are endorsing new spending (Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, etc.), to the delight of their faithful, that would increase total spending to 13 trillion +.

thanks for pointing that out, the hypocrisy of the dems knows no bounds.

Except for the fact that G5000 is not a Dem and does not support their spending plans....

as far as hypocrisy knowing no bounds, look in the mirror.

my comment was aimed at generic dems, not G5000 or anyone else. The democrats are proposing new "free" everything plans that will make Bush, Obama, and Trump look like spending misers.

How many times must I say that I oppose deficit spending and increasing the debt no matter which president or party is doing it?

If you would bother to read posts rather than writing insults, you might gain some credibility here.
That is the party he choose to run for POTUS as, yes.

And something like 90% of Republicans support him. I'm not sure if that means that he's a Republican or if they are no longer and have joined the Trump Party (whatever that is)

they support him because they like what he is doing for this country. Making it strong, making it energy independent, building the economy, playing hardball on international trade, securing our borders, PUTTING AMERICA FIRST AND LOVING THIS COUNTRY.

I know that those concepts are foreign to you socialist democrats in the northeast and the left coast, but most of America believes in them.
I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
Don't forget to factor in that the 2008 too big to fail fiasco was actually possible because Clinton repealed Glass Steagal. ANd the real estate bubble was created because the Fed held interest rates at near zero instead of allowing them to rise which would have slowed down the housing market which would have led to more sustainable growth.

And in 2001 Bush inherited the Dot Bomb bubble that burst right after he came into office

The problem you people have is that you think in 4 year chunks and that nothing that happened before any one president's term matters
Bush failed when presented with these problems. He made them worse rather than come up with solutions.

Yes and you can tell someone else would have handled them better right?

You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history
I didnt say obama was great. But bush by comparison was aweful.

reverse the names and you have it right. and its awful, not full of awe.
I agree that going into Iraq was a mistake, but both parties in congress authorized and funded it. Bush did not do it alone. I wish you would stop rewriting history.

It was Bush II's decision, he was the Decider. He as the CIC that ordered the invasion of Iraq. You cannot bring yourself to say an actual bad thing about any Repub, you are a joke.

I was iffy on the invasion but the fact that we did not have an exit strategy was mind boggling and expensive in terms of money and lives.

the invasion was stupid. the aftermath was criminally my opinion.

We could say the same thing about Viet Nam and Korea. Why don't we? 58,000 americans died in viet nam for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's war which Nixon ended by declaring defeat. That fiasco was orders of magnitude worst than Iraq.
Yes pretty much all our military acts end badly. Yet you want to keep spending more...

no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.

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