Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

ah, spin the stats to try to make a failed point. Wow!! great!! When we talk national debt, the only thing that matters is actual dollars added to it. Obama tops all previous presidents COMBINED.

And Bush II topped all previous presidents COMBINED. yet you worship him and bash Obama...why is that?

oh, and Obama did not add more than all the rest combined ,that is just a lie you party masters tell you that you are too stupid to know is false...kind of like the lie that revenue went up after the tax cut

how much debt did Bush 43 add? Obama added 10 trillion. What was the debt when bush took office and when he left? Did he add 10 trillion? Don't think so. I was not happy when Bush increased the debt and said so at the time. But comparing his actual dollar increase to Obama's shows who really did the damage.

Funny, earlier you claimed to be non partisan, but every thing you post is partisan.

Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?
That is the party he choose to run for POTUS as, yes.

And something like 90% of Republicans support him. I'm not sure if that means that he's a Republican or if they are no longer and have joined the Trump Party (whatever that is)

they support him because they like what he is doing for this country. Making it strong, making it energy independent, building the economy, playing hardball on international trade, securing our borders, PUTTING AMERICA FIRST AND LOVING THIS COUNTRY.

I know that those concepts are foreign to you socialist democrats in the northeast and the left coast, but most of America believes in them.
Bullshit. They're buying the snake oil..and "most Americans" are NOT under his spell. His approval is 40%
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
Don't forget to factor in that the 2008 too big to fail fiasco was actually possible because Clinton repealed Glass Steagal. ANd the real estate bubble was created because the Fed held interest rates at near zero instead of allowing them to rise which would have slowed down the housing market which would have led to more sustainable growth.

And in 2001 Bush inherited the Dot Bomb bubble that burst right after he came into office

The problem you people have is that you think in 4 year chunks and that nothing that happened before any one president's term matters
Bush failed when presented with these problems. He made them worse rather than come up with solutions.

Yes and you can tell someone else would have handled them better right?

You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history
I didnt say obama was great. But bush by comparison was aweful.

reverse the names and you have it right. and its awful, not full of awe.
Your partisan stupidity is funny.
And Bush II topped all previous presidents COMBINED. yet you worship him and bash Obama...why is that?

oh, and Obama did not add more than all the rest combined ,that is just a lie you party masters tell you that you are too stupid to know is false...kind of like the lie that revenue went up after the tax cut

how much debt did Bush 43 add? Obama added 10 trillion. What was the debt when bush took office and when he left? Did he add 10 trillion? Don't think so. I was not happy when Bush increased the debt and said so at the time. But comparing his actual dollar increase to Obama's shows who really did the damage.

Funny, earlier you claimed to be non partisan, but every thing you post is partisan.

Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?
And bush went from balanced to disaster.

I doubt they exist. Nobody will step up. Where are the tea party? They proved to be partisan hacks.
It was Bush II's decision, he was the Decider. He as the CIC that ordered the invasion of Iraq. You cannot bring yourself to say an actual bad thing about any Repub, you are a joke.

I was iffy on the invasion but the fact that we did not have an exit strategy was mind boggling and expensive in terms of money and lives.

the invasion was stupid. the aftermath was criminally my opinion.

We could say the same thing about Viet Nam and Korea. Why don't we? 58,000 americans died in viet nam for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's war which Nixon ended by declaring defeat. That fiasco was orders of magnitude worst than Iraq.
Yes pretty much all our military acts end badly. Yet you want to keep spending more...

no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?
I was iffy on the invasion but the fact that we did not have an exit strategy was mind boggling and expensive in terms of money and lives.

the invasion was stupid. the aftermath was criminally my opinion.

We could say the same thing about Viet Nam and Korea. Why don't we? 58,000 americans died in viet nam for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's war which Nixon ended by declaring defeat. That fiasco was orders of magnitude worst than Iraq.
Yes pretty much all our military acts end badly. Yet you want to keep spending more...

no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?

We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
the invasion was stupid. the aftermath was criminally my opinion.

We could say the same thing about Viet Nam and Korea. Why don't we? 58,000 americans died in viet nam for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's war which Nixon ended by declaring defeat. That fiasco was orders of magnitude worst than Iraq.
Yes pretty much all our military acts end badly. Yet you want to keep spending more...

no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?

We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
my comment was aimed at generic dems, not G5000 or anyone else. The democrats are proposing new "free" everything plans that will make Bush, Obama, and Trump look like spending misers.

How many times must I say that I oppose deficit spending and increasing the debt no matter which president or party is doing it?

If you would bother to read posts rather than writing insults, you might gain some credibility here.

yes, you keep saying that you oppose deficit spending and then you keep defending Trump's deficit spending...

you say you oppose deficit spending and then defend deficit spending if it is spent on the "right" things.

you are a fraud and cannot even keep up with your own post
We could say the same thing about Viet Nam and Korea. Why don't we? 58,000 americans died in viet nam for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's war which Nixon ended by declaring defeat. That fiasco was orders of magnitude worst than Iraq.
Yes pretty much all our military acts end badly. Yet you want to keep spending more...

no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?

We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
my comment was aimed at generic dems, not G5000 or anyone else. The democrats are proposing new "free" everything plans that will make Bush, Obama, and Trump look like spending misers.

How many times must I say that I oppose deficit spending and increasing the debt no matter which president or party is doing it?

If you would bother to read posts rather than writing insults, you might gain some credibility here.

yes, you keep saying that you oppose deficit spending and then you keep defending Trump's deficit spending...

you say you oppose deficit spending and then defend deficit spending if it is spent on the "right" things.

you are a fraud and cannot even keep up with your own post

Deficit spending sucks. We need to cut entitlements and get rid of fraud in our system. We have 28 million adults on Medicaid just stealing money. Put them to f@cking work.
Yes pretty much all our military acts end badly. Yet you want to keep spending more...

no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?

We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.
no, I want to bring them home, so does Trump. Its the dems that are the warmongers, along with a few rinos like McCrazy.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?

We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.

That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
So you disapprove of all the increased military spending?

We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.

That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
We were rather miserable during the Great Depression. You are foolish to think we can’t collapse economically.
We need more. Military spend creates innovation and jobs.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.

That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
We were rather miserable during the Great Depression. You are foolish to think we can’t collapse economically.

Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.
Creates debt. The ussr was never defeated militarily, it collapsed economically. The same will happen to us.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.

That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
We were rather miserable during the Great Depression. You are foolish to think we can’t collapse economically.

Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.
We have lots of corrupt politicians. Anything can happen.
USSR was a Communist country. USA is a capitalist country. Apples and oranges.
We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.

That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
We were rather miserable during the Great Depression. You are foolish to think we can’t collapse economically.

Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.
We have lots of corrupt politicians. Anything can happen.

I agree. Lobbyists pollute our political system. We definitely don’t live in a perfect society but it’s better than most. The recent college admission scandal is a real eye opener
And Bush II topped all previous presidents COMBINED. yet you worship him and bash Obama...why is that?

oh, and Obama did not add more than all the rest combined ,that is just a lie you party masters tell you that you are too stupid to know is false...kind of like the lie that revenue went up after the tax cut

how much debt did Bush 43 add? Obama added 10 trillion. What was the debt when bush took office and when he left? Did he add 10 trillion? Don't think so. I was not happy when Bush increased the debt and said so at the time. But comparing his actual dollar increase to Obama's shows who really did the damage.

Funny, earlier you claimed to be non partisan, but every thing you post is partisan.

Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?
Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.

Comparing us to a failed corrupt country like Russia isn't very comforting.

And "meds"? Healthcare is still a very tenuous and costly issue. YOU may have no concern there...but that's you

And education is a back breaker for most middle class families
how much debt did Bush 43 add? Obama added 10 trillion. What was the debt when bush took office and when he left? Did he add 10 trillion? Don't think so. I was not happy when Bush increased the debt and said so at the time. But comparing his actual dollar increase to Obama's shows who really did the damage.

Funny, earlier you claimed to be non partisan, but every thing you post is partisan.

Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?
He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.


How many Recent Republican administrations have done that?

2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?

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