Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Well should he defund your garbage social programs?
We should defund your useless wars.
You need a internet connection because trump is bringing the troops home

no, Trump is talking about bringing the troops home. He has not started doing so yet
And trump is a republican?

Trump is an asshole elected by and still supported by 80% of self proclaimed Republicans; real Republicans were tossed under the bus as RINO's by those biddable fools left behind.

Sometimes you need an attack dog to battle the antisemtic Democrats like Tlaib and Omar
Well should he defund your garbage social programs?
We should defund your useless wars.
You need a internet connection because trump is bringing the troops home

no, Trump is talking about bringing the troops home. He has not started doing so yet
And trump is a republican?

Trump is an asshole elected by and still supported by 80% of self proclaimed Republicans; real Republicans were tossed under the bus as RINO's by those biddable fools left behind.
Lol 99% support trump .. trump is the greatest
There are zealots on both sides. The trolls above being some of them.

That makes constructive discussion impossible
Out of control spending its only bad when the other side does it. How many left right or center would truly be willing to do what would be necessary to start to deal with the national debt? To me this would require tax hikes on everyone not just the rich across the board spending cuts nothing off the table and these would have to be maintained for decades.
the left is for raising the minimum wage, which will generate more tax revenue.
It’s also for more government programs which would negate that revenue and keep us right where we are.
Raising the minimum wage will mean more people can afford more stuff in our first world economy.
Depends on how much you raise it you go that 15 dollars an hour route a lot of small businesses won’t be able to pay that and still turn a profit so they have to let people go cut hours or even both. I’m not opposed to raising the minimum wage but it has to be done with a degree of common sense or it can end up having the opposite effect of what was intended.
I am also advocating for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; because, higher paid labor pays more in taxes, and create more in demand in the long run.
We should defund your useless wars.
You need a internet connection because trump is bringing the troops home

no, Trump is talking about bringing the troops home. He has not started doing so yet
And trump is a republican?

Trump is an asshole elected by and still supported by 80% of self proclaimed Republicans; real Republicans were tossed under the bus as RINO's by those biddable fools left behind.

Sometimes you need an attack dog to battle the antisemtic Democrats like Tlaib and Omar

Another failure, similar to McCain's use of Palin to attack the entire Democratic Party. Two Freshman members of the Democratic Caucus who haven't learned that character assassination is the first and only tactic of Republican tools.

Speaker Pelosi will tolerate their lack of circumspect for only so long.
Name some of the zealots on the Left. Since you said “both sides”.

There are zealots on BOTH sides all over this thread. The poster quoted here being one of them

And it AIN'T Left v Right.

It's anti-Muslim and anti-semite
You need a internet connection because trump is bringing the troops home

no, Trump is talking about bringing the troops home. He has not started doing so yet
And trump is a republican?

Trump is an asshole elected by and still supported by 80% of self proclaimed Republicans; real Republicans were tossed under the bus as RINO's by those biddable fools left behind.

Sometimes you need an attack dog to battle the antisemtic Democrats like Tlaib and Omar

Another failure, similar to McCain's use of Palin to attack the entire Democratic Party. Two Freshman members of the Democratic Caucus who haven't learned that character assassination is the first and only tactic of Republican tools.

Speaker Pelosi will tolerate their lack of circumspect for only so long.

We ll see so far they are spreading their Jew hate without remorse or repercussions
We ll see so far they are spreading their Jew hate without remorse or repercussions

This poster is playing the "anti-semite" card at every opportunity and HE is spreading the "anti-Muslim" hate.

Obviously one of the zealots I mentioned...and mentioning that makes ME a target of course

How am I a zealot when their own party condemned them?
ah, spin the stats to try to make a failed point. Wow!! great!! When we talk national debt, the only thing that matters is actual dollars added to it. Obama tops all previous presidents COMBINED.

And Bush II topped all previous presidents COMBINED. yet you worship him and bash Obama...why is that?

oh, and Obama did not add more than all the rest combined ,that is just a lie you party masters tell you that you are too stupid to know is false...kind of like the lie that revenue went up after the tax cut

how much debt did Bush 43 add? Obama added 10 trillion. What was the debt when bush took office and when he left? Did he add 10 trillion? Don't think so. I was not happy when Bush increased the debt and said so at the time. But comparing his actual dollar increase to Obama's shows who really did the damage.

Funny, earlier you claimed to be non partisan, but every thing you post is partisan.

Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?

Obama start and finish numbers...11,920,519,164,319----19,844,760,368,365...only 7.9 trillion added...which is more than 6 but not more than 6 when you account for the rate of inflation.

Look, Obama sucked, 2nd worst ever. But by every matrix Bush II was far worse.

all my numbers come from the Govt....Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

W and O are equally abhorrent. They're down there with lbj.
if that's who you are, why do you take the left side of every discussion. I think you are lying to us.

But we do agree on Obama as one of the worst, FDR may have done more damage, but Obama was a traitor, so that makes him the worst.

as like most Trump worshipers you equate to not liking Trump to "taking the left side".

Bush II was the worst, followed very closely by Obama.

I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
Don't forget to factor in that the 2008 too big to fail fiasco was actually possible because Clinton repealed Glass Steagal. ANd the real estate bubble was created because the Fed held interest rates at near zero instead of allowing them to rise which would have slowed down the housing market which would have led to more sustainable growth.

And in 2001 Bush inherited the Dot Bomb bubble that burst right after he came into office

The problem you people have is that you think in 4 year chunks and that nothing that happened before any one president's term matters
Bush failed when presented with these problems. He made them worse rather than come up with solutions.

Yes and you can tell someone else would have handled them better right?

You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history
It's about as meaningless as the debt itself

$800 billion in annual interest payments on the national debt? Meaningless...?

Does your ass hurt from pulling that number out of it?

The interest on the national debt is how much the federal government must pay on outstanding public debt each year. The interest on the debt is $479 billion
That 800 is what we will be paying annually within a decade .

But, let's review:

$479 bil in a year? Meaningless. Per conservatives.

You are full of ****
as like most Trump worshipers you equate to not liking Trump to "taking the left side".

Bush II was the worst, followed very closely by Obama.

I worship no one but God and his son Jesus Christ.

If you don't like Trump as a person, that's just fine and it doesn't matter, he is doing the job of president and taking on important issues that were ignored by his predecessors. No other recent president has taken on the trade deficit with China and the EU, no other has opened a dialog with north korea, no other had demanded that the other NATO members pay their fair share. No other has exposed the corrupt DC establishment in both parties-----and that's why both parties and the corrupt lying media hate him.

Bush did some stupid stuff, but Obama was clearly the worst president in my lifetime, and I go back to Truman (the last democrat president with balls).
Bush was clearly the worst. You show how partisan stupid you are. We were in good shape when bush took office and a disaster when he left. Obama brought us to a pretty good situation. Trump inherited a lot of good.
Don't forget to factor in that the 2008 too big to fail fiasco was actually possible because Clinton repealed Glass Steagal. ANd the real estate bubble was created because the Fed held interest rates at near zero instead of allowing them to rise which would have slowed down the housing market which would have led to more sustainable growth.

And in 2001 Bush inherited the Dot Bomb bubble that burst right after he came into office

The problem you people have is that you think in 4 year chunks and that nothing that happened before any one president's term matters
Bush failed when presented with these problems. He made them worse rather than come up with solutions.

Yes and you can tell someone else would have handled them better right?

You seem to forget that the 2008 meltdown didn't occur until the very end of his terms and Obama didn't really do anything either as his "solutions" resulted in the weakest most anemic recovery from a recession in history

Q. Are you nuts, brainwashed or out of touch with reality


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