Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

We don’t have much capitalism anymore. Corrupt politicians are all over it now.

That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
We were rather miserable during the Great Depression. You are foolish to think we can’t collapse economically.

Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.
We have lots of corrupt politicians. Anything can happen.

I agree. Lobbyists pollute our political system. We definitely don’t live in a perfect society but it’s better than most. The recent college admission scandal is a real eye opener
It's not exactly revolutionary that rich parents help their kids get into college with money. It's nothing new. It's just that Don Jr., kind of known for not being too bright should maybe not be the one to talk about buying acceptance.
Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.

Comparing us to a failed corrupt country like Russia isn't very comforting.

And "meds"? Healthcare is still a very tenuous and costly issue. YOU may have no concern there...but that's you

And education is a back breaker for most middle class families

I didn’t bring up Russia and it was actually the USSR and stated it was not a fair comparison. Healthcare is tenuous for whom? Most people are happy with it at least the level of care maybe not the cost. Education is better than anywhere else. Especially here in Boston, MA.

Despite the squabbling we live better lives than most of the people in this planet.
Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?
He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.


How many Recent Republican administrations have done that?

2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?
It’s great relative to the shit we had before and after that.
That is true but we are still a capitalist country with low unemployment and despite our political squabbling people are generally content. People were sacred and miserable in the USSR. If we start losing freedoms like speech and speech is not violence btw and other freedoms then we can talk but for now it is silly to compare 2019 US to 1980s USSR.
We were rather miserable during the Great Depression. You are foolish to think we can’t collapse economically.

Yes but that was due to stock fraud and such. It is possible of course but highly unlikely IMO. As I said most people are very content despite the political squabbling. Even you likely have enough food, meds, education and entertainment to be content. Was not the case for 95% of the people in the old USSR.
We have lots of corrupt politicians. Anything can happen.

I agree. Lobbyists pollute our political system. We definitely don’t live in a perfect society but it’s better than most. The recent college admission scandal is a real eye opener
It's not exactly revolutionary that rich parents help their kids get into college with money. It's nothing new. It's just that Don Jr., kind of known for not being too bright should maybe not be the one to talk about buying acceptance.

Yeah but this was nuts in terms of taking athletic scholarships for non athletes or at least athletic spots. Not surprising but still disturbing
Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?
He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.


How many Recent Republican administrations have done that?

2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?
It’s great relative to the shit we had before and after that.

And the debt still increased

Do you ever wonder what would have happened if the dot bomb bubble burst a little sooner?

Bill's surplus would have gone to shit in a heartbeat
Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?
He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.


How many Recent Republican administrations have done that?

2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?
Blues Everyone here has read your posts and know you support trump and MOST of the BS he throws Why deny it?
2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?

It was actually 4 out of 8 moron.Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

And again douchebag. How many centuries do we have to go back to find a Republican who even had TWO years of budget surplus?
Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?
He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.


How many Recent Republican administrations have done that?

2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?
Blues Everyone here has read your posts and know you support trump and MOST of the BS he throws Why deny it?

OK so post a quote of something that shows my support of Trump. Oh and don't forget to quote when I said I only vote for 3rd party candidates or when I have criticized the republican party
2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?

It was actually 4 out of 8 moron.Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

And again douchebag. How many centuries do we have to go back to find a Republican who even had TWO years of budget surplus?

Doesn't matter because he still added to the debt.

And my statement that every president in my lifetime has increased the debt is absolutely true where everything you say is a fucking lie
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







The libtardos want 73 Trillion for the new green deal and 32 Trillion over the next 10 years for socialized medicine then rail on Trump for wanting a couple hundred billion increase in the budget.

AOC the economist and her minions are best comedy since bernie and Hillaryous debates.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"


I can hear your paws slapping over your simian face from here. :lol:
My bad, Trump blows through Obama's last year by .... ONE.SEVEN TRILLION

WTF is ONE.SEVEN TRILLION? 1.7 trillion?

Do you have any idea how to write a number?
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







The libtardos want 73 Trillion for the new green deal and 32 Trillion over the next 10 years for socialized medicine then rail on Trump for wanting a couple hundred billion increase in the budget.

AOC the economist and her minions are best comedy since bernie and Hillaryous debates.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"


I can hear your paws slapping over your simian face from here. :lol:
My bad, Trump blows through Obama's last year by .... ONE.SEVEN TRILLION

WTF is ONE.SEVEN TRILLION? 1.7 trillion?

Do you have any idea how to write a number?

You have to know how to do basic arithmetic first
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







The libtardos want 73 Trillion for the new green deal and 32 Trillion over the next 10 years for socialized medicine then rail on Trump for wanting a couple hundred billion increase in the budget.

AOC the economist and her minions are best comedy since bernie and Hillaryous debates.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"


I can hear your paws slapping over your simian face from here. :lol:
My bad, Trump blows through Obama's last year by .... ONE.SEVEN TRILLION

WTF is ONE.SEVEN TRILLION? 1.7 trillion?

Do you have any idea how to write a number?
That's good,,When shown what an AH trump is attack the messenger Rule 27 in the Trumps Bible
2 out of 8

I suppose a loser like you would think that's a great record.

And have you got that list of Trump policies you said I support yet or should I just add that to your list of lies?

It was actually 4 out of 8 moron.Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

And again douchebag. How many centuries do we have to go back to find a Republican who even had TWO years of budget surplus?
There is Lesh being civil and then tattling on me for being mean to him. Oh the hypocrisy.
The facts are simple..... Republicans are much better at controlling spending than are dimocraps.
Nope,all of the evidence available for decades shows that's false . You're delusional.
Yeah we just saw what happens to spending with full repub control. Not good.

We saw what happens with republican control for 6 long years of the bush boy years.

The spend like drunken sailors. They deregulate everything they possibly can and give huge tax cuts to filthy rich people and corporations.

They are the most fiscally irresponsible people in our nation and lie about it while they're doing it.

Yeah, never mind 9/11!
We have a SPENDING PROBLEM, not a Revenue problem. Raising taxes will kill the economy which is growing and providing more tax REVENUE due to the tax RATE cuts. Reduce spending, keep tax RATES where they are and you will see a reduction in the deficit.

Why was revenue down last year, in this boom economy?

2018 Fed Income Tax Revenue was up $14 BILLION last year. You're wrong.

why must you people parrot the lies...

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.

I guess you have no idea that CY and FY are two different things.
Didn't Donkey Chompers Occasional Cortex just propose a Green Nude Eel?

Is that gonna be free or is its cost going to be 37 TRILLION dollars?

I'll take what's behind door #2, Alex.

And isn't Comrade Bernie proposing Medicare for all and Free College? At a cost yet to be determined (mostly because their computers won't hold that many 0's)

You people and the shit writers you rely on lying scum.

Nobody is that stupid. Not all the time. Not on every topic.

I can forgive stupid but -- Lying scum?

Fuck you

Fuck me? Fuck you &nyiur immense stupidity.

37 trillion over ten years would be less than what is spent today on healthcare.

You assfucks are just dumber than shit.

That would be in addition to, not instead of, dumbass!

Our federal budget is usually a little over 3 trillion, so the proposal is doubling the federal budget just for healthcare?
We have a SPENDING PROBLEM, not a Revenue problem. Raising taxes will kill the economy which is growing and providing more tax REVENUE due to the tax RATE cuts. Reduce spending, keep tax RATES where they are and you will see a reduction in the deficit.

Why was revenue down last year, in this boom economy?

2018 Fed Income Tax Revenue was up $14 BILLION last year. You're wrong.

why must you people parrot the lies...

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.

I guess you have no idea that CY and FY are two different things.

Yes, I am aware they are different things. I went with CY because the tax cuts took effect at the beginning of the calendar year.

I do love how you totally ignore the negative revenue growth and focus on something as meaninglessness of FY vs CY.

what else can one expect from a mindless Trump ass kisser.
That is the party he choose to run for POTUS as, yes.

And something like 90% of Republicans support him. I'm not sure if that means that he's a Republican or if they are no longer and have joined the Trump Party (whatever that is)

they support him because they like what he is doing for this country. Making it strong, making it energy independent, building the economy, playing hardball on international trade, securing our borders, PUTTING AMERICA FIRST AND LOVING THIS COUNTRY.

I know that those concepts are foreign to you socialist democrats in the northeast and the left coast, but most of America believes in them.
Bullshit. They're buying the snake oil..and "most Americans" are NOT under his spell. His approval is 40%

the most recent poll has his approval rate at 52%. Neither Obama, Bush, or Clinton ever hit over 50%. Stop listening to the FOS assholes on the left coast and the northeast, they do not speak for the majority of americans.

No one ever claimed that Trump was or is a perfect person, we all understand the games that people play in the construction business to get ahead and make money, But, he is doing what a US president should do, make this country safe and successful.

He will win big again in 2020 because all the dems have is a socialist clown show of candidates.
how much debt did Bush 43 add? Obama added 10 trillion. What was the debt when bush took office and when he left? Did he add 10 trillion? Don't think so. I was not happy when Bush increased the debt and said so at the time. But comparing his actual dollar increase to Obama's shows who really did the damage.

Funny, earlier you claimed to be non partisan, but every thing you post is partisan.

Facts are not partisan...that is why you hate them.

On the first day of Bush II's first FY budget the national debt stood at $5,806,151,389,190
On the last day of Bush II's lasty FY budget the national debt stood at $11,909,829,003,511.

What that means is that Bush II added more to the debt than every POTUS before him COMBINED

Ok, if those numbers are correct, and I'm not going to check them, then Bush added 6 trillion and Obama added 10 trillion. Is 10 more or less than 6?
Bush inherited a balanced budget, obama inherited a recession and huge deficits. Are you this partisan dumb? Bush deficits increased, obama deficits decreased for years.

Clinton and Newt put together a balanced budget. Where are the dems today who are willing to step up like Newt did?

He only ran a surplus for two out of 8 years and he still increased the debt.

Let;s not forget that the economy was at the very height of a boom with the Dot Bomb bubble at it's peak as well it was some fortuitous timing don't you think?

yes, of course. the dot com bubble helped him by creating a paper boom in the market that was not backed by anything real.

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