Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






Time to stop funding everything the Left covet.
No, it is time to stop funding the $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures each year, and raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70.

Then we would have a massive surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

You fuckwit partisan hacks have your heads so far up your asses it's amazing you can still breathe.
you just parrot talking points without even knowing what the mean?

Which NATO members are now "paying their fair share" that was not doing so in Jan of 2017?

Who are they paying their fair share to?

Is that any different than the Trump foundation?

What the NATO nations agreed to is that they will put the same % of their GDP into their military that we do, so that the USA does not have to carry the entire burden of defending the NATO nations. If you would listen to something other than CNN you might understand some of this.


None of NATO has agreed to put as much of their GDP in to defense as we do, where do you get these lies?

What they agreed to do was put 2% of their GDP in to their defense, and they agreed to do so years before Trump even decided to run for president. As of this year 2 NATO counties have meet this goal.

So tell me, what has Trump accomplished in this area?

Also, will the US have a corresponding cut in defense spending as NATO spending goes up?

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the point is that those countries never lived up to that commitment until Trump called them on it and threatened to remove our bases from their countries if they didn't step up.

They had not even hit the deadline for doing so yet. Trump changed nothing, Trump took credit for an agreement made in 2014, and you believed him and kissed his ass for being so amazing.

Yes, I think eventually we can reduce defense spending, once our military is brought up to speed to overcome any and all threats from China and Russia which are spending huge sums of money on their military. China has the largest military in the world right now.

Russia spends less than a tenth of what we spend on defense, how are they so amazing spending less on their entire military than we did on a single aircraft system?

China spends less than 1/3 if what we do, how is that huge spending?

All you do is parrot talking points, you have no actual knowledge

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educate yourself, goofer

From Hardware to Software: China’s 2019 Military Budget and Priorities
You should have read your own link, dumbass. It's right there in the first paragraph:

March has marked the budget season for the United States and China alike. Earlier this month, at the National People’s Congress, Beijing announced a 7.5 percentage increase in its projected defence spending over last year. It will spend $177.54 billion on sustaining, growing, and modernising its military. The United States, a little more than a year after acknowledging it was in an era of great-power competition again, announced a $750 billion defence budget.

China: $177.65 billion.
US: $750 billion.

Not even close!
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






Time to stop funding everything the Left covet.
No, it is time to stop funding the $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures each year, and raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70.

Then we would have a massive surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

You fuckwit partisan hacks have your heads so far up your asses it's amazing you can still breathe.
I have yet to meet any American who says he is broke and walks in a demands more money from his boss.
In an economy which Trump is always bragging is booming, Trump managed to DECREASE revenues, and INCREASE spending and deficits.

It's takes a very special kind of retard to achieve that in a booming economy.

And you tards didn't wait for Obama to break Bush's debt record before you started criticizing his spending. You started in on Obama on day one of his Administration.

And yet you remain dead silent about Trump's debt.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

well G, I have consistently said that deficit spending must stop. How would medicare for all and the green new deal reduce deficits? Trump has cut the federal budget, but not enough. We agree on that.

What kind of hard drugs are you taking that has caused you to say "Trump has cut the federal budget"?!?!?

Have you seen the title of this topic?

What Trumpsters say would be funny, if it wasn't so damn sad.

read it and weep, libtards. your lies are being uncovered every day.

Trump budget calls for eliminating offices, programs in cost-cutting bid
Hey dumbshit. It's still the largest spending budget in the history of the Universe.

$4.7 trillion.

Read that number over and over, Redfish. Over and over and over and over until it finally sinks in.

Donald Trump is the biggest spender of other people's money that has ever lived since the dawn of time.

I'm serious when I ask you what hard drugs you are doing which causes you to claim, "Trump has cut the federal budget."

Holy fuck, that's some serious fucking stupidity right there. Profound retardation.

So, you're saying he can build Our Wall with those funds that "he's spending"?
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






Time to stop funding everything the Left covet.
No, it is time to stop funding the $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures each year, and raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70.

Then we would have a massive surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

You fuckwit partisan hacks have your heads so far up your asses it's amazing you can still breathe.
I have yet to meet any American who says he is broke and walks in a demands more money from his boss.

Yet the people you vote for walk in and say “ I am broke but will keep spending more and more”...and you go “yes, please do”.

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Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






Time to stop funding everything the Left covet.
No, it is time to stop funding the $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures each year, and raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70.

Then we would have a massive surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

You fuckwit partisan hacks have your heads so far up your asses it's amazing you can still breathe.
I have yet to meet any American who says he is broke and walks in a demands more money from his boss.
Art of the Deal
In an economy which Trump is always bragging is booming, Trump managed to DECREASE revenues, and INCREASE spending and deficits.

It's takes a very special kind of retard to achieve that in a booming economy.

And you tards didn't wait for Obama to break Bush's debt record before you started criticizing his spending. You started in on Obama on day one of his Administration.

And yet you remain dead silent about Trump's debt.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

well G, I have consistently said that deficit spending must stop. How would medicare for all and the green new deal reduce deficits? Trump has cut the federal budget, but not enough. We agree on that.

What kind of hard drugs are you taking that has caused you to say "Trump has cut the federal budget"?!?!?

Have you seen the title of this topic?

What Trumpsters say would be funny, if it wasn't so damn sad.

read it and weep, libtards. your lies are being uncovered every day.

Trump budget calls for eliminating offices, programs in cost-cutting bid
Hey dumbshit. It's still the largest spending budget in the history of the Universe.

$4.7 trillion.

Read that number over and over, Redfish. Over and over and over and over until it finally sinks in.

Donald Trump is the biggest spender of other people's money that has ever lived since the dawn of time.

I'm serious when I ask you what hard drugs you are doing which causes you to claim, "Trump has cut the federal budget."

Holy fuck, that's some serious fucking stupidity right there. Profound retardation.

do you understand inflation? do you understand that 2019 dollars are not worth as much as 1895 dollars, or 2008 dollars?

Speaking of profound retardation, you display it every day on this board.

I posted a link giving you a list of the budget items that have been cut or reduced, your inability to comprehend simple English words confirms your "profound retardation".
Because he cannot negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag????

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wrong, its because the dems are scared shitless of Trump and are determined to stop him from doing his job of protecting this nation. He is clearly the best negotiator ever to sit in the oval office. Ask little Kim of NK how he got billions from Clinton and bush and Obama and got nothing from Trump. Ask the EU and NATO, ask China about tariffs and trade deficits. Ask anyone in NY who has ever dealt with him on a construction job, ask the construction unions in NY.

Kim got more from Trump than any of them, he got legitimacy from Trump. Trump made Kim an equal on the world stage. That is priceless. And Trump got nothing in exchange. Kim also got vital military training exercises canceled.

Trump has gotten nothing from the EU or NATO and trade deficits are at all time highs.

Any more talking points to parrot?

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He walked away from the table when Kim would not give up his nukes. At the same kind of negotiation Clinton gave him billions of US dollars and Bush looked the other way.... Yes, now the world knows what Kim looks like, BFD. Kim also now knows that if he ever shoots a missile at a US territory or one of our allies, NK will cease to exist in about 30 minutes.

NK was never going to give up his nukes. Only you fools thought he was.

Exactly. Only Trumptards fell for that hoax.

he has not done a test or missile firing since Trump put the fear of destruction in him. His nukes are his only way to stay in power, keeping his people in the dark is the other thing that he has to do to survive. If the NK people ever get to see the real world they will revolt and remove the Kim family from power, THAT is his biggest fear.

But knowing all that, which previous president has even attempted to open a dialog with the little dictator? Clinton and Bush just sent him money that he used to develop the nukes that he has today.
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






Time to stop funding everything the Left covet.
No, it is time to stop funding the $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures each year, and raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70.

Then we would have a massive surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

You fuckwit partisan hacks have your heads so far up your asses it's amazing you can still breathe.
I have yet to meet any American who says he is broke and walks in a demands more money from his boss.
Art of the Deal

part of the art of the deal is knowing when to walk away from the table.

Thank you for proving my point. According to your link China will spend 76% less on defense than we do.

How is it that they can be such a threat for 76% less being spent?

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China's military and defense industry are one and the same. The published budget numbers do not reflect what is actually being spent, but the numbers of Chinese troops, ships, planes, missiles, and tanks do show what they are actually doing. They also manipulate their currency to control the perception of what they spend.

again, you really need to study some of this before making a fool of yourself.

You keep parroting talking points but never have a single fact to support a thing you said.

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what I said about china is 100% true, if you would bother to spend some time educating yourself rather than listening to the liars on CNN you would know that.

You post talking points, you never back them up. Give me some facts and figures on the Chinese military.

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2019 China Military Strength
he has not done a test or missile firing since Trump put the fear of destruction in him. His nukes are his only way to stay in power, keeping his people in the dark is the other thing that he has to do to survive. If the NK people ever get to see the real world they will revolt and remove the Kim family from power, THAT is his biggest fear.

He has not done any testing since the last one because he has not needed to. After each series of test there is always a break in testing as you analyze the data and make correction before you start the next round.

at home Un is stronger than ever. he has stood up to the American leader and even got him to cancel military exercises. Trump has given him more standing with his people that anyone could have.
to the OP

which of the 2020 democrat contenders would submit a smaller annual budget request?

How do they include medicare for all and the green new deal without massive budget increases?
Thank you for proving my point. According to your link China will spend 76% less on defense than we do.

How is it that they can be such a threat for 76% less being spent?

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China's military and defense industry are one and the same. The published budget numbers do not reflect what is actually being spent, but the numbers of Chinese troops, ships, planes, missiles, and tanks do show what they are actually doing. They also manipulate their currency to control the perception of what they spend.

again, you really need to study some of this before making a fool of yourself.

You keep parroting talking points but never have a single fact to support a thing you said.

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what I said about china is 100% true, if you would bother to spend some time educating yourself rather than listening to the liars on CNN you would know that.

You post talking points, you never back them up. Give me some facts and figures on the Chinese military.

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2019 China Military Strength

Thanks for backing up what I have been saying about defense spending.


Our defense budget...$714,000,000,000.
he has not done a test or missile firing since Trump put the fear of destruction in him. His nukes are his only way to stay in power, keeping his people in the dark is the other thing that he has to do to survive. If the NK people ever get to see the real world they will revolt and remove the Kim family from power, THAT is his biggest fear.

He has not done any testing since the last one because he has not needed to. After each series of test there is always a break in testing as you analyze the data and make correction before you start the next round.

at home Un is stronger than ever. he has stood up to the American leader and even got him to cancel military exercises. Trump has given him more standing with his people that anyone could have.

your knowledge of international politics is sadly lacking if you believe any of what you just posted. The testing stopped because Trump told him that if it continued that the survival of his country was in jeopardy and the Chinese supported that position.
China's military and defense industry are one and the same. The published budget numbers do not reflect what is actually being spent, but the numbers of Chinese troops, ships, planes, missiles, and tanks do show what they are actually doing. They also manipulate their currency to control the perception of what they spend.

again, you really need to study some of this before making a fool of yourself.

You keep parroting talking points but never have a single fact to support a thing you said.

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what I said about china is 100% true, if you would bother to spend some time educating yourself rather than listening to the liars on CNN you would know that.

You post talking points, you never back them up. Give me some facts and figures on the Chinese military.

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2019 China Military Strength

Thanks for backing up what I have been saying about defense spending.

View attachment 251197

Our defense budget...$714,000,000,000.
You keep parroting talking points but never have a single fact to support a thing you said.

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what I said about china is 100% true, if you would bother to spend some time educating yourself rather than listening to the liars on CNN you would know that.

You post talking points, you never back them up. Give me some facts and figures on the Chinese military.

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2019 China Military Strength

Thanks for backing up what I have been saying about defense spending.

View attachment 251197

Our defense budget...$714,000,000,000.

The actual Chinese defense expenditure cannot be accurately determined, their budget is not an open book. the exchange rate between the dollar and the Yuan is 100/669. did you bother to compare the numbers of active troops?
to the OP

which of the 2020 democrat contenders would submit a smaller annual budget request?

How do they include medicare for all and the green new deal without massive budget increases?

waiting for an answer----------------anyone? gator, anyone?
he has not done a test or missile firing since Trump put the fear of destruction in him. His nukes are his only way to stay in power, keeping his people in the dark is the other thing that he has to do to survive. If the NK people ever get to see the real world they will revolt and remove the Kim family from power, THAT is his biggest fear.

He has not done any testing since the last one because he has not needed to. After each series of test there is always a break in testing as you analyze the data and make correction before you start the next round.

at home Un is stronger than ever. he has stood up to the American leader and even got him to cancel military exercises. Trump has given him more standing with his people that anyone could have.

your knowledge of international politics is sadly lacking if you believe any of what you just posted. The testing stopped because Trump told him that if it continued that the survival of his country was in jeopardy and the Chinese supported that position.

you have no knowledge of anything, let alone international politics. There has always been pauses in the testing, that is a natural part of the process. But your talking points left that out and your knowledge of the world is equal to that of a 6 year old so you have no way of understanding how testing of missiles work.

There was a 5 year gap between 93 and 98, there was a 3 year gap between 2009 and 2012, there was another 2 year gap between 2014 and 2016. The current break in testing is barely over a year.
to the OP

which of the 2020 democrat contenders would submit a smaller annual budget request?

How do they include medicare for all and the green new deal without massive budget increases?

waiting for an answer----------------anyone? gator, anyone?

NONE OF THEM, as they are no different than the Repubs. That is why anyone that votes for the duopoly is a fucking moron.
what I said about china is 100% true, if you would bother to spend some time educating yourself rather than listening to the liars on CNN you would know that.

You post talking points, you never back them up. Give me some facts and figures on the Chinese military.

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2019 China Military Strength

Thanks for backing up what I have been saying about defense spending.

View attachment 251197

Our defense budget...$714,000,000,000.

The actual Chinese defense expenditure cannot be accurately determined, their budget is not an open book. the exchange rate between the dollar and the Yuan is 100/669. did you bother to compare the numbers of active troops?

It was your link buddy!

active troops is about as meaningless as a measure in this day and age.

How are they going to get those troops anywhere?

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