Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

I'll tell you again why Trump has massively exploded government spending.

It's to artificially juice the GDP growth figure.

That's why.

Yet we have literally insane tards trying to tell us Trump CUT spending.

and he still could not get it to 3% because he was stupid enough to start a trade war at the same time
As I keep saying, it takes a special kind of retard to decrease revenues and increase spending in an economy he is claiming is booming.

An economy Trump claims out of one side of his mouth is strong, and out of the other side of his mouth screams that a 25 basis point interest rate hike would crash it!

plus we were told we needed the trade war because we were being the same time they told us the economy is the best in a lifetime.
And he’s managed to increase our trade deficits too. Deficit Donald is perfect name.

sometimes you have to take a hit in order to reach the goal. China is now buying RICE from the USA. The tariffs are working, the Chinese understand that the US will no longer be their patsy on trade. Its very hard to reverse a policy that's been in place for decades, but its getting done.

you lefties can spin and lie all you want but the majority of the American people see the truth. Not one of the dem/lib fools running in 2020 has an icebergs chance in hell of ever sitting in the oval office.
Only thing deficit Donald is successful at is spending. Tariffs are working when trade deficits increase? You are a special kind of dumb. Fed thinks the economy will slow this year. More failure.
to the OP

which of the 2020 democrat contenders would submit a smaller annual budget request?

How do they include medicare for all and the green new deal without massive budget increases?

waiting for an answer----------------anyone? gator, anyone?
You poor bastards.

When you can't defend Trump, go with the "B-b-b-b-b-b-but the other guy!" defense. It's all you have. Red herrings and bullshit. No wonder you call yourself Redfish.


I actually posted several times before the election independent budget analyses which showed Trump would add more to the debt than Clinton. You all ignored it.

And you still ignore his spending. Worse, you DEFEND it, and make up incredible lies that he CUT spending.

You are really sick in the head, dude.

Seriously. I am not even joking. It takes actual mental illness to claim adding a trillion dollars in government spending means Trump has CUT spending.

I never said that total spending was cut, I said that some elements in the budget have been cut, and that is true. I am as opposed to deficit spending as you are, but yet you support democrats who would explode the federal budget with crap like medicare for all, open borders, SS for illegals, and the asinine green new deal. How can you support those morons and be opposed to deficit spending? Please try to answer without the juvenile insults.
You can’t be opposed to deficits and support trump. He drastically increased deficits during a strong economy. It gets no worse.
Hey, did you guys know there has been 25 percent inflation since 2016?


ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

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he has not done a test or missile firing since Trump put the fear of destruction in him. His nukes are his only way to stay in power, keeping his people in the dark is the other thing that he has to do to survive. If the NK people ever get to see the real world they will revolt and remove the Kim family from power, THAT is his biggest fear.

He has not done any testing since the last one because he has not needed to. After each series of test there is always a break in testing as you analyze the data and make correction before you start the next round.

at home Un is stronger than ever. he has stood up to the American leader and even got him to cancel military exercises. Trump has given him more standing with his people that anyone could have.

your knowledge of international politics is sadly lacking if you believe any of what you just posted. The testing stopped because Trump told him that if it continued that the survival of his country was in jeopardy and the Chinese supported that position.

you have no knowledge of anything, let alone international politics. There has always been pauses in the testing, that is a natural part of the process. But your talking points left that out and your knowledge of the world is equal to that of a 6 year old so you have no way of understanding how testing of missiles work.

There was a 5 year gap between 93 and 98, there was a 3 year gap between 2009 and 2012, there was another 2 year gap between 2014 and 2016. The current break in testing is barely over a year.

yeah, right, and I have some ocean front property in Kansas for sale as soon as the oceans rise enough to get there

I give verified facts and you reply with this? Typical. Though given your intelligence I have no doubt you would buy oceanfront property in Kansas.

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you gave no facts about the NK nuke program, you gave talking points and propaganda points.

I do have some ocean front property, but its actually on the ocean today. On land that the prophet algore said would be under water 5 years ago.

as to intelligence, I am perfectly willing to go one on one with you on any topic, using knowledge and facts rather than talking points and bullshit.

My MBA from Harvard taught me how do discuss things with liberals, I was one of the few conservatives in my class and they still gave me my diploma.
Hey, did you guys know there has been 25 percent inflation since 2016?


ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.
But it was OK for Obama to have a NATION BUST deficit and DEBT. Largest in history. And it was all to pay back UNIONS, and cronies on Wall Street that got him elected.

All of a sudden the loser Democrats are fiscal conservatives?
Hey, did you guys know there has been 25 percent inflation since 2016?


ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.
Clinton who balanced the budget. Yeah what a disaster.
But it was OK for Obama to have a NATION BUST deficit and DEBT. Largest in history. And it was all to pay back UNIONS, and cronies on Wall Street that got him elected.

All of a sudden the loser Democrats are fiscal conservatives?
But but but...sad. Increased deficits in a strong economy. No excuse for it.
Hey, did you guys know there has been 25 percent inflation since 2016?


ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.

And no Repub has any chance to win the state I live in. And yet more than 2 million people still voted for the Repub.

And no Dem had any chance of winning Wyoming yet people still voted for the Dem in that state.

That is the nature of our system.

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He has not done any testing since the last one because he has not needed to. After each series of test there is always a break in testing as you analyze the data and make correction before you start the next round.

at home Un is stronger than ever. he has stood up to the American leader and even got him to cancel military exercises. Trump has given him more standing with his people that anyone could have.

your knowledge of international politics is sadly lacking if you believe any of what you just posted. The testing stopped because Trump told him that if it continued that the survival of his country was in jeopardy and the Chinese supported that position.

you have no knowledge of anything, let alone international politics. There has always been pauses in the testing, that is a natural part of the process. But your talking points left that out and your knowledge of the world is equal to that of a 6 year old so you have no way of understanding how testing of missiles work.

There was a 5 year gap between 93 and 98, there was a 3 year gap between 2009 and 2012, there was another 2 year gap between 2014 and 2016. The current break in testing is barely over a year.

yeah, right, and I have some ocean front property in Kansas for sale as soon as the oceans rise enough to get there

I give verified facts and you reply with this? Typical. Though given your intelligence I have no doubt you would buy oceanfront property in Kansas.

Sent from my iPhone using

you gave no facts about the NK nuke program, you gave talking points and propaganda points.

I do have some ocean front property, but its actually on the ocean today. On land that the prophet algore said would be under water 5 years ago.

as to intelligence, I am perfectly willing to go one on one with you on any topic, using knowledge and facts rather than talking points and bullshit.

My MBA from Harvard taught me how do discuss things with liberals, I was one of the few conservatives in my class and they still gave me my diploma.

I gave actual dates of pausing in missile testing by NK in the part that were far longer than the current pause.

You have an MBA from Harvard about as much as Trump has a Purple Heart.

You are a fraud, all you do is parrot talking points and lack the basic intelligence to know what you are parroting.

Sent from my iPhone using
I'll tell you again why Trump has massively exploded government spending.

It's to artificially juice the GDP growth figure.

That's why.

Yet we have literally insane tards trying to tell us Trump CUT spending.

and he still could not get it to 3% because he was stupid enough to start a trade war at the same time
As I keep saying, it takes a special kind of retard to decrease revenues and increase spending in an economy he is claiming is booming.

An economy Trump claims out of one side of his mouth is strong, and out of the other side of his mouth screams that a 25 basis point interest rate hike would crash it!

plus we were told we needed the trade war because we were being the same time they told us the economy is the best in a lifetime.
And he’s managed to increase our trade deficits too. Deficit Donald is perfect name.

sometimes you have to take a hit in order to reach the goal. China is now buying RICE from the USA. The tariffs are working, the Chinese understand that the US will no longer be their patsy on trade. Its very hard to reverse a policy that's been in place for decades, but its getting done.

you lefties can spin and lie all you want but the majority of the American people see the truth. Not one of the dem/lib fools running in 2020 has an icebergs chance in hell of ever sitting in the oval office.

China is the largest importer of rice in the world, them buying rice from us is about as significant as the sun coming up this morning.

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Hey, did you guys know there has been 25 percent inflation since 2016?


ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.
Clinton who balanced the budget. Yeah what a disaster.

Clinton and newt worked together to achieve a balanced budget, I give them credit for that. the rest of Clinton's time in office was a disaster. Which of the current crop of dem hopefuls would work with the GOP to balance the budget?

How do you balance a budget that has medicare for all, SS for illegals, green deal, and trains to Europe in it?
and he still could not get it to 3% because he was stupid enough to start a trade war at the same time
As I keep saying, it takes a special kind of retard to decrease revenues and increase spending in an economy he is claiming is booming.

An economy Trump claims out of one side of his mouth is strong, and out of the other side of his mouth screams that a 25 basis point interest rate hike would crash it!

plus we were told we needed the trade war because we were being the same time they told us the economy is the best in a lifetime.
And he’s managed to increase our trade deficits too. Deficit Donald is perfect name.

sometimes you have to take a hit in order to reach the goal. China is now buying RICE from the USA. The tariffs are working, the Chinese understand that the US will no longer be their patsy on trade. Its very hard to reverse a policy that's been in place for decades, but its getting done.

you lefties can spin and lie all you want but the majority of the American people see the truth. Not one of the dem/lib fools running in 2020 has an icebergs chance in hell of ever sitting in the oval office.

China is the largest importer of rice in the world, them buying rice from us is about as significant as the sun coming up this morning.

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It never happened before, so that makes it significant.
your knowledge of international politics is sadly lacking if you believe any of what you just posted. The testing stopped because Trump told him that if it continued that the survival of his country was in jeopardy and the Chinese supported that position.

you have no knowledge of anything, let alone international politics. There has always been pauses in the testing, that is a natural part of the process. But your talking points left that out and your knowledge of the world is equal to that of a 6 year old so you have no way of understanding how testing of missiles work.

There was a 5 year gap between 93 and 98, there was a 3 year gap between 2009 and 2012, there was another 2 year gap between 2014 and 2016. The current break in testing is barely over a year.

yeah, right, and I have some ocean front property in Kansas for sale as soon as the oceans rise enough to get there

I give verified facts and you reply with this? Typical. Though given your intelligence I have no doubt you would buy oceanfront property in Kansas.

Sent from my iPhone using

you gave no facts about the NK nuke program, you gave talking points and propaganda points.

I do have some ocean front property, but its actually on the ocean today. On land that the prophet algore said would be under water 5 years ago.

as to intelligence, I am perfectly willing to go one on one with you on any topic, using knowledge and facts rather than talking points and bullshit.

My MBA from Harvard taught me how do discuss things with liberals, I was one of the few conservatives in my class and they still gave me my diploma.

I gave actual dates of pausing in missile testing by NK in the part that were far longer than the current pause.

You have an MBA from Harvard about as much as Trump has a Purple Heart.

You are a fraud, all you do is parrot talking points and lack the basic intelligence to know what you are parroting.

Sent from my iPhone using

I would post a pic of my degree, but it has my name on it and you might recognize it.

funny that you libs always call anyone a fraud who refutes your bullshit. debate by insult, failed tactic but keep it up, it verifies your ignorance.
ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.
Clinton who balanced the budget. Yeah what a disaster.

Clinton and newt worked together to achieve a balanced budget, I give them credit for that. the rest of Clinton's time in office was a disaster. Which of the current crop of dem hopefuls would work with the GOP to balance the budget?

How do you balance a budget that has medicare for all, SS for illegals, green deal, and trains to Europe in it?
The amazingly strong economy was a disaster? Welfare reform was also a disaster? Huge decrease in crime rates a disaster? All that and balancing the budget. Your partisan stupidity is impressive.
you have no knowledge of anything, let alone international politics. There has always been pauses in the testing, that is a natural part of the process. But your talking points left that out and your knowledge of the world is equal to that of a 6 year old so you have no way of understanding how testing of missiles work.

There was a 5 year gap between 93 and 98, there was a 3 year gap between 2009 and 2012, there was another 2 year gap between 2014 and 2016. The current break in testing is barely over a year.

yeah, right, and I have some ocean front property in Kansas for sale as soon as the oceans rise enough to get there

I give verified facts and you reply with this? Typical. Though given your intelligence I have no doubt you would buy oceanfront property in Kansas.

Sent from my iPhone using

you gave no facts about the NK nuke program, you gave talking points and propaganda points.

I do have some ocean front property, but its actually on the ocean today. On land that the prophet algore said would be under water 5 years ago.

as to intelligence, I am perfectly willing to go one on one with you on any topic, using knowledge and facts rather than talking points and bullshit.

My MBA from Harvard taught me how do discuss things with liberals, I was one of the few conservatives in my class and they still gave me my diploma.

I gave actual dates of pausing in missile testing by NK in the part that were far longer than the current pause.

You have an MBA from Harvard about as much as Trump has a Purple Heart.

You are a fraud, all you do is parrot talking points and lack the basic intelligence to know what you are parroting.

Sent from my iPhone using

I would post a pic of my degree, but it has my name on it and you might recognize it.

funny that you libs always call anyone a fraud who refutes your bullshit. debate by insult, failed tactic but keep it up, it verifies your ignorance.
You would know ignorance that is for sure...
Hey, did you guys know there has been 25 percent inflation since 2016?


ask him if inflation counts when comparing who added more of the debt...Bush II or Obama.

sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.

And no Repub has any chance to win the state I live in. And yet more than 2 million people still voted for the Repub.

And no Dem had any chance of winning Wyoming yet people still voted for the Dem in that state.

That is the nature of our system.

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yes, the EC prevents CA, NY, FL, and TX from choosing our presidents, not only that, it prevents NYC, LA, Houston, and MIami/Dade from choosing our presidents. The founders got it right on that and just about everything else.
yeah, right, and I have some ocean front property in Kansas for sale as soon as the oceans rise enough to get there

I give verified facts and you reply with this? Typical. Though given your intelligence I have no doubt you would buy oceanfront property in Kansas.

Sent from my iPhone using

you gave no facts about the NK nuke program, you gave talking points and propaganda points.

I do have some ocean front property, but its actually on the ocean today. On land that the prophet algore said would be under water 5 years ago.

as to intelligence, I am perfectly willing to go one on one with you on any topic, using knowledge and facts rather than talking points and bullshit.

My MBA from Harvard taught me how do discuss things with liberals, I was one of the few conservatives in my class and they still gave me my diploma.

I gave actual dates of pausing in missile testing by NK in the part that were far longer than the current pause.

You have an MBA from Harvard about as much as Trump has a Purple Heart.

You are a fraud, all you do is parrot talking points and lack the basic intelligence to know what you are parroting.

Sent from my iPhone using

I would post a pic of my degree, but it has my name on it and you might recognize it.

funny that you libs always call anyone a fraud who refutes your bullshit. debate by insult, failed tactic but keep it up, it verifies your ignorance.
You would know ignorance that is for sure...

true, you, the media, and the dems display it every day, so its quite easy to recognize.
I give verified facts and you reply with this? Typical. Though given your intelligence I have no doubt you would buy oceanfront property in Kansas.

Sent from my iPhone using

you gave no facts about the NK nuke program, you gave talking points and propaganda points.

I do have some ocean front property, but its actually on the ocean today. On land that the prophet algore said would be under water 5 years ago.

as to intelligence, I am perfectly willing to go one on one with you on any topic, using knowledge and facts rather than talking points and bullshit.

My MBA from Harvard taught me how do discuss things with liberals, I was one of the few conservatives in my class and they still gave me my diploma.

I gave actual dates of pausing in missile testing by NK in the part that were far longer than the current pause.

You have an MBA from Harvard about as much as Trump has a Purple Heart.

You are a fraud, all you do is parrot talking points and lack the basic intelligence to know what you are parroting.

Sent from my iPhone using

I would post a pic of my degree, but it has my name on it and you might recognize it.

funny that you libs always call anyone a fraud who refutes your bullshit. debate by insult, failed tactic but keep it up, it verifies your ignorance.
You would know ignorance that is for sure...

true, you, the media, and the dems display it every day, so its quite easy to recognize.
You are on display today. Bravo.
sure it counts, do the math and get back to us. But as long as we are looking at actual dollars added to the debt, Obama is the worst in history, and believe me, I am not a Bush fan. The entire Bush family has been a huge disappointment. His biggest accomplishment was standing with the fireman in the 9/11 rubble.

But you don't care about any of that, you waste your votes on some obscure 3rd party candidate that has zero chance of winning.

My 3rd party candidate had the same chance of winning the state as Trump did.

Sent from my iPhone using

actually that is not even close to being true. No third party candidate had a chance to win any state. Perot was the closest in recent history and those who voted for him helped elect Clinton. Sadly, I was one of them.
Clinton who balanced the budget. Yeah what a disaster.

Clinton and newt worked together to achieve a balanced budget, I give them credit for that. the rest of Clinton's time in office was a disaster. Which of the current crop of dem hopefuls would work with the GOP to balance the budget?

How do you balance a budget that has medicare for all, SS for illegals, green deal, and trains to Europe in it?
The amazingly strong economy was a disaster? Welfare reform was also a disaster? Huge decrease in crime rates a disaster? All that and balancing the budget. Your partisan stupidity is impressive.

LOL, that Clinton false dot com economy caused "the great recession of 2008" that you libs are so happy to continue to bring up. The paper only dot com market plus the stupid "everyone is entitled to own a house" bullshit caused that crash that you guys keep talking about.

blow jobs in the oval office, throwing lamps in the white house living quarters, screaming at the staff, the Clintons are trailer trash.

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