Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

First of all...interest is not the only obligation the federal government has.'

So what? They don't have to add a penny of debt to pay the interest they owe. Obviously.

By the middle of October the federal government runs out of money.

Not if they only pay interest on the debt.

Your own link explained that to you

This one?

View attachment 547623
Now you want to cut spending by 40%?

That's insane.
Again you stupid fucking idiot. Interest is NOT the only obligation that the Federal government has.

Forget your post already?


The debt ceiling doesn't need to increase to pay interest on debt they already borrowed.

Who said it was their only obligation? Are you hearing voices?
What does that even mean?

In a couple weeks we don't have enough money to cover existing obligations.

We have these same arguments and stupid claims every fucking time you jerk offs play chicken with the economy
Wouldn’t the debt ceiling be required to have been raised to cover that last spending?

If not, why does it have to be raised now?

Explain in detail how that works.
Again you stupid fucking idiot. Interest is NOT the only obligation that the Federal government has.

They have a LOT of other obligations. How stupid are you?
Current tax receipts cover all those, Dipshit.
Here's a good description of what the GOP did to our economy back in the early part of the Obama Administration.

And that was over a 2.3% cut to just PART of our spending.

This moron wants to cut it FORTY per cent across the board.

Todd needs to go sit in the corner
Idiots. We raise the debt ceiling routinely. It is nothing more than writing the check to pay for debts you already accrued. The time to whine is when we OBLIGATE ourselves...not when it's time to write the check
Idiots. We raise the debt ceiling routinely. It is nothing more than writing the check to pay for debts you already accrued. The time to whine is when we OBLIGATE ourselves...not when it's time to write the check
How can they “obligate” us to debt in violation of the debt ceiling?
Then why didn’t they have to raise the debt ceiling back then?

Explain in detail.
Back when? What are you talking about?

They raise the debt ceiling ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

It's routine and you never notice because it's completely unremarkable and unavoidable.
Back when? What are you talking about?

They raise the debt ceiling ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

It's routine and you never notice because it's completely unremarkable and unavoidable.
Cool.Just spend the money and worry about the debt ceiling later, right?
GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus..
The GOP Congress spent like CRAZY and completely wasted and squandered that balanced budget. (then they crashed the economy 7 years later)

In 2016, Obama's last year, the US annual deficit was at $587 B a year.
In 2020 the US deficit was projected to be $1.1 T, precovid (it came in at $3T)

Trump and the GOP doubled the yearly budget deficit in just 3 years, AND they never had 3% GDP annually.

Now these trash republican try and claim to be the fiscally responsible ones even though the GOP has destroyed the countries finances. The GOP refuses to do the right thing and fund our government to keep the economy booming under Biden. The GOP has raised the debt ceiling countless times for themselves, but never for anybody else. the GOP is playing games with our economy. The economy is booming and the GOP are jealous because they such at the economy.

This is just another example of the joke and failure of the GOP. The GOP has destroyed our finances, and they won't work with the dems to help our country. The GOP doesn't care about our country at all, they care about the GOP. Party over country. Why else would the GOP spend so recklessly for so long???

Everything posted here is 100% fact, I know you hate it, I know you people are squirming and crying right now, but the truth can be a tough pill for Trumpers to swallow. You hate the truth. You hate my facts. Facts are kryptonite to a Trumper.

Your title has a typo. It says $7B as in billion, but the debt added under Trump's 4 years is $7TRILLION
You people have no idea how any of this works do you?

And we've had this same "issue" like seven times in the last 15 years.

Christ this is stupid

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