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Define liberals and conservatives

This might be a broad brush definition of both and does not apply to all but I think it fits.
Conservative- believes there way of thinking and doing things is the only way.
Liberal- believes there way of thinking and doing things is the only way.
Conservatives trust big government deeply when it comes to matters of war.

Liberals are far less trusting of Washington to bureaucrats when it comes to war.

Take the Cold War for instance.

Conservatives accepted the official Washington narrative verbatim. They saw it as a matter of good (USA) versus evil (Soviet Union). Liberals thought this was too simple for the complex nuances of foreign policy. They don't think nations act because of "good and evil" but rather because of geopolitical reasons having largely to do with global markets. They saw the Cold War as a context for re-tooling the global market system in the aftermath of WWII. The threat of the Soviet Union was used by the USA as a context for intervention in the 3rd world so that the US could bring resource rich parts of the 3rd world under the eagle's protective wing. This is why many of our products are made in Vietnam, Taiwan, Honduras and Nicaragua. The Soviets did the same thing. They used the threat of the USA to maintain control over their satellites. (This worked until Gorby torn down the curtain). In many ways it wasn't a direct conflict so much as a complex way of maintaining global order. Conservatives know none of this because they tend to accept what Big Government says without questioning it (when it comes to war. when it comes to domestic matters, they are agitated by their leaders in Talk Radio, Television and Washington to question government - so they question. When it comes to war, their leaders do not accept questioning - so they don't question).

Same thing with the War on Terrorism. Conservatives trusted Big Government's narrative verbatim. Liberals outside of Washington were more inclined to question Washington. They saw our conflict with radical Islam more as a context for intervention in a vital region. Liberals believe that there are evil jihadists who pose a very real threat to the USA, but they saw regime change in Iraq as part of a much wider project to stabilize a region that the global economy depends upon deeply. Conservatives tend not to see the more complex economic and geopolitical reasons for global conflict. They tend to accept Big Government's bumper sticker narratives about Good versus Evil. Liberal think foreign policy is more complicated, and they don't trust in government's desire or ability to save the world. (Conservatives are much more trusting of Big Government. They always have been)
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A conservative is someone who rises above his personal self-interest and promotes moral and economic values to all. A conservative is willing to learn and advocate the insights of economics and the logic of the Bible for the benefit of all.

More formally, a conservative typically adheres to principles of personal responsibility, moral values, and limited government, agreeing with George Washington's Farewell Address that "religion and morality are indispensable supports" to political prosperity.

Former President Ronald Reagan said, "The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom."

Specifically, conservatives seek or support:

* Limited government and balanced budgets
* Capitalism and free markets
* Classroom prayer
* Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
* Abstinence education
* Traditional marriage, not same-sex marriage
* The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond a reasonable doubt
* Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
* Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
* Laws against pornography
* The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
* Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
* Parental control of education (parental rights)
* Private medical care and retirement plans
* Canceling failed social support programs
* No world government
* Enforcement of current laws regarding immigration
* Respect for our military ... past and present
* Rejection of junk science such as evolution and global warming
* Minimal taxation
* Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
* Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government
* A strong national defense
* An Originalist interpretation of the Constitution
* A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it


A liberal is someone who favors censorship of Christianity plus increased government spending and power, as in ObamaCare. Increasingly, liberals side with the homosexual agenda, including supporting homosexual "marriage". Many liberals favor a welfare state where people receive endless entitlements without working. Liberals are often anti-Christian, or otherwise disagree with moral or social principles held by many American Christians. The liberal ideology has worsened over the years and degenerated into economically delusional views and intolerant ideology. Some liberals simply support, in knee-jerk fashion, the opposite of conservative principles without having any meaningful values of their own.

Polling data has consistently shown that a decreasingly large percentage of Americans identify as conservative, rather than as liberal, currently by 38% to 21%. Younger people and those with higher levels of education are more likely to identify as liberal.

The decline in liberal principles can be illustrated by how Franklin Delano Roosevelt opposed and condemned public sector unions, stating that the idea of collective bargaining can't be transferred from the private to the public sector, as that would result in the government being unable to carry out its duties. Yet today, decades later, Democrats and liberals are in lock-step with public sector unions, as they "donate" money to the reelection campaign in exchange for more taxpayer money in their wallets and fluffed up pensions.

A liberal generally supports many of the following political positions and practices:

* Spending money on government programs (the significant economic problems in the Eurozone due to government debt will no doubt increasingly discredit this aspect of liberal ideology and make things more difficult for advocates of liberal economic ideologies)
* Government's ability to solve economic problems
* The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy
* Taxpayer-funded and/or legalized abortion
* Censorship of teacher-led prayer in classrooms and school/state-sponsored religious events
* Support for gun control
* Affirmative action
* Opposition to government regulation or restriction of obscenity, pornography and violence in video games as a First Amendment right
* Government-funded medical care, such as ObamaCare
* Taxpayer funded and government controlled public education
* Insisting that men and women be placed in the same jobs in the military
* Legalized same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption
* Tax and spend
* Support for economic sector regulations
* Support and spreading of political correctness
* Support of non-syndicalist labor unions
* Encouraging promiscuity through sexual education (the teaching of safe sex) rather than teaching abstinence from premarital sex
* A "living Constitution" that is reinterpreted as liberals prefer, rather than how it is thought to have been intended
* Government programs to rehabilitate criminals
* Abolition of the death penalty
* Environmentalism
* Globalism
* Support for the constitutionally mandated separation of church and state
* Opposition to full private property rights
* Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine
* In 2005, it was reported by CBS News that liberals were most likely supporters of the theory of evolution
* Opposition to domestic wire-tapping as authorized in the Patriot Act
* Opposition of the War on Terrorism
* Withholds support to the War on Terrorism
* Tolerance of different ideas and lifestyles (just as long as those with different ideas and lifestyles identify themselves as liberal or to the left of the political spectrum)
* Do not support a laissez-faire capitalist economy and support regulation of business

Liberals currently use two clauses to try and expand their power: the Commerce Clause and the General Welfare Clause. The general welfare clause mentions "promoting the general welfare". This to a liberal means taxing the rich at increased rates and redistributing that money. The commerce clause, on the other hand, says that Congress has the power to regulate trade with foreign nations, between the states and with the indian tribes. Since the days of FDR this clause has been interpreted very loosely and has resulted in the federal government expanding its power. The latest example is The Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as ObamaCare. In the ACA, the liberals justify the individual mandate by saying it regulates commerce between the states.

Current dictionaries describe the liberal ideology by pretending that a liberal is "a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties" or "a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets," or "open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc." or "favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by government protection of civil liberties.


Open-minded, tolerant. Just as long as one's ideology resembles or closely resembles theirs. Additionally, they are open-minded and tolerant to the point of absurd. If you want to stick your schtick in a monkey? Cool. If you want to throw shit through an airplane's propeller blades and call it art? Cool. And, their open-mindedness and tolerance gets more and more loose as each decade passes. Soon, at this rate, one might surmise that child molestation will be a-okay with them within the next decade or two and, if you want to whip your chubby out and do some random broad right in the middle of a restaurant, for instance, they'll cheer you on. In the not too distant future, if leftist policies become rampant, one may be able to -- like a dog -- just jump some random broad walking down the street of whom one wants to have sex with and go to town.

Generous. With other peoples' money, things, etc.

Not bound by tradition, rules, laws, manners, etc., etc., etc.

Supports the killing of an unborn child, advocates the saving of Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, etc., etc., etc.

Blames America first.

Can read a book and retain information long enough to pass a test in order to graduate high school or college but, are really quite stupid and have the common sense of a bucket of shit.

Revise history to suit their needs by instituting linguistic gymnastics to twist logic and turn around an event 360 degrees from what it actually was.

Drug addled malcontents.

Can't fight their own battles and are generally cowards on their own unless they're with a group of their conservative friends, in which case, they will open their big mouths and mouth off and start a fight and, then, run away and let their conservative friends fight the fight for them of which they started. And, then, in the absence of their conservative friends, will strut around like a world-class heavyweight champ, proclaiming he/she kicked the asses of those he/she was mouthing off to and allege his/her conservative friends just stood and watched or, even ran away.

Think spit balls, protest signs, bellicose loud yelling and other such non-harmful activity is intimidating.

And more.

Some of the things I can agree with, but this:

The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy

Why would you say that? It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go, stopped looking for him and stood by and watched Christians in Iraq to be slaughtered and chased out of their homeland.

More made up bullshit. No one "let" anyone go and, no one "stopped" looking for him. And, you don't even want to get into the issue of Iraq with me.

Did you just call George Bush a "liar"?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Turns out he wasn't in a cave, he was in a "villa".
Um... it's fact that Bush threw up his hands on Bin Laden and decided to murder innocent brown people and his own countrymen while shattering America's economy to settle a family score. You can't rewrite history that quickly conservatives.
I don't know how the party of "feed the poor and they will breed"

The party of "disaster victims should pay to be rescued"

The party of "cut school lunches for poor children"

The party of "move jobs to China"

The party that let Bin Laden go

The party of "corporations are people"

The party that apologized to BP

The party of "cut benefits for veterans"

The party that blocked health care for first responders

The party that believes in investing in America is a waste of money

The party that tricked America into invading Iraq

The party that stopped looking for Bin Laden

The party whose policies brought down the economy

The party that believes science is a faith

The party that supported voter suppression

The party that supported fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers

The party that blamed what happened after Katrina on the victims of Katrina

The party that supports tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans

The party that blocked investigating BP

The party of voter suppression

The party of "let him die"

The party whose presidential nominee moved one of his companies to China this month

The party of Death Panels

The party of "we have no smart people"

The party that filled the Justice Department with Bible School Graduates

The party that loves a fetus more than a child

The party of "education is for snobs"

can believe they are the party that loves America. I wish they could secede like so many want to. I really wish they could. The country they would create would be hell on earth with it's people living in the stone age. They would end up worshiping rocks and rivers.

When I put this list together, I didn't make it up. Most of these actually come from Republican Presidential Debates or Video of Republican leaders. I simply wouldn't think up most of this stuff. It wouldn't occur to me. I'm not that kind of person.
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility; sacrifice! Liberals believe in the sacrifice of others! Bush is not a conservative.
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility; sacrifice! Liberals believe in the sacrifice of others! Bush is not a conservative.

I don't know what conservatives believe in, but it's not "personal responsibility". They took no responsibility for the mess they created during the last 20 years. And they created a lot of mess.
Just repeating your talking points per verbatim over and over and over and over and over and over and over again doesn't substantiate your case and make it true. Your summation that the country was started by liberals and the Constitution is a liberal document is your fantasy and, nothing more. And, your summation that the proponents of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties were the liberals, is your fantasy, nothing more. Now, insofar as your allegations concerning women, that I will have to research a little more. But, since you're getting so much else wrong, I can only presume you're most likely wrong in this case, as well.
Those aren't talking points, they are FACTS. Those aren't fantasies, they are FACTS.

Only "FACTS" dreamed up in your delusional imagination.

Thanks for the laugh, you joke! :lol:
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility; sacrifice! Liberals believe in the sacrifice of others! Bush is not a conservative.

And what does Israel stand for? Israel stands for sucking the American teat (billions and billions of American dollars) for all it can. Israel does not practice personal-responsibility... it is totally dependent on American monetary handouts and technology for it's survival.

Fuck Israel... what do you have to say about that?
This might be a broad brush definition of both and does not apply to all but I think it fits.
Conservative- believes there way of thinking and doing things is the only way.
Liberal- believes there way of thinking and doing things is the only way.

FTW! :lol:
Some of the things I can agree with, but this:

The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy

Why would you say that? It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go, stopped looking for him and stood by and watched Christians in Iraq to be slaughtered and chased out of their homeland.

More made up bullshit. No one "let" anyone go and, no one "stopped" looking for him. And, you don't even want to get into the issue of Iraq with me.

Did you just call George Bush a "liar"?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o"]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Turns out he wasn't in a cave, he was in a "villa".

Fail! No, I didn't call George W. Bush a liar. That George W. Bush wasn't thinking about bin Laden 24/7 and pacing the floor with his head in his hands has no bearing on what the military was doing. Further...what, you think the president is going to give bin Laden credence by saying, "Woe is me...woe is me...where is bin Laden, he's so important, we just have to find him...woe is me"? Apparently you're unaware of the fact that we wanted to diminish his importance in the eyes of his collective and you can't achieve this by saying "Woe is me...woe is me...where is bin Laden, he's so important, we just have to find him...woe is me". And, you can thank George W. Bush for those policies it was he put in place, which allowed your punk-in-chief to allegedly get him. Furthermore, obviously you're unaware of the fact that the woman who actually ultimately ended up allegedly discovering where he was began her search in 2005 and the capture of one of bin Laden's couriers in 2005 was key to his alleged capture. Get a clue...stupid.
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility; sacrifice! Liberals believe in the sacrifice of others! Bush is not a conservative.

And what does Israel stand for? Israel stands for sucking the American teat (billions and billions of American dollars) for all it can. Israel does not practice personal-responsibility... it is totally dependent on American monetary handouts and technology for it's survival.

Fuck Israel... what do you have to say about that?
Israel is a democracy surrounded by barbaric muslim fucks! They are the smartest people on the plannet - phd's, patents, chess grandmasters etc . ( prorportionately ) The jews have given the world many advancements. You hating Israel is your right - I hate islam, and I don't think we should ever give any koran believing country shit! Israel is not dependent on the US, or it's sorry ass communist, muslim loving president - I say.
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility; sacrifice! Liberals believe in the sacrifice of others! Bush is not a conservative.

And what does Israel stand for? Israel stands for sucking the American teat (billions and billions of American dollars) for all it can. Israel does not practice personal-responsibility... it is totally dependent on American monetary handouts and technology for it's survival.

Fuck Israel... what do you have to say about that?
Israel is a democracy surrounded by barbaric muslim fucks! They are the smartest people on the plannet - phd's, patents, chess grandmasters etc . ( prorportionately ) The jews have given the world many advancements. You hating Israel is your right - I hate islam, and I don't think we should ever give any koran believing country shit! Israel is not dependent on the US, or it's sorry ass communist, muslim loving president - I say.

Israel is a theocratic socialist state surrounded by Palestinian Arabs. Palestine's lawful owners .

I sincerely hope Hamas finds the way to obliterate Israhell and the zionuts.


Conservatives believe in personal responsibility; sacrifice! Liberals believe in the sacrifice of others! Bush is not a conservative.

And what does Israel stand for? Israel stands for sucking the American teat (billions and billions of American dollars) for all it can. Israel does not practice personal-responsibility... it is totally dependent on American monetary handouts and technology for it's survival.

Fuck Israel... what do you have to say about that?
Israel is a democracy surrounded by barbaric muslim fucks! They are the smartest people on the plannet - phd's, patents, chess grandmasters etc . ( prorportionately ) The jews have given the world many advancements. You hating Israel is your right - I hate islam, and I don't think we should ever give any koran believing country shit! Israel is not dependent on the US, or it's sorry ass communist, muslim loving president - I say.

Then why does Israel have it's leash attached to the US?
Israel is surrounded by enemies - it is obviously prudent to have us as an ally. Fuck the palestinians - every time there is a rocket launch I woud obliterate the block where it was launched, and give candy to the jewish children!
And what does Israel stand for? Israel stands for sucking the American teat (billions and billions of American dollars) for all it can. Israel does not practice personal-responsibility... it is totally dependent on American monetary handouts and technology for it's survival.

Fuck Israel... what do you have to say about that?
Israel is a democracy surrounded by barbaric muslim fucks! They are the smartest people on the plannet - phd's, patents, chess grandmasters etc . ( prorportionately ) The jews have given the world many advancements. You hating Israel is your right - I hate islam, and I don't think we should ever give any koran believing country shit! Israel is not dependent on the US, or it's sorry ass communist, muslim loving president - I say.

Then why does Israel have it's leash attached to the US?

US Taxpayers owe them a living.

The Palestinians know that the US has been financing their Holocaust , reason they retaliated on 09/11.



Liberals believe someone's problems can be blamed on someone else, not that person. The government's responsibility is to even the playing field for that person that has fucked up their life. People should be allowed to fuck up their lives then get bailed out by other people via taking their taxes to help that person. White people especially the rich white people are to blame for minorities fucking up their lives with drugs, crime, out of wedlock kids, unemployment, STDs, etc. Being friendly with bad people, even giving them stuff, will help them become your friend in time. Pretty much nobody is to blame for their problems except white people that control the money.

That about sums up liberals. Conservatives are the total opposite of that shit above.
Liberals believe someone's problems can be blamed on someone else, not that person. The government's responsibility is to even the playing field for that person that has fucked up their life. People should be allowed to fuck up their lives then get bailed out by other people via taking their taxes to help that person. White people especially the rich white people are to blame for minorities fucking up their lives with drugs, crime, out of wedlock kids, unemployment, STDs, etc. Being friendly with bad people, even giving them stuff, will help them become your friend in time. Pretty much nobody is to blame for their problems except white people that control the money.

That about sums up liberals. Conservatives are the total opposite of that shit above.


"Conservatives" love the shit above but ONLY when an Aryan is in charged.

Fucking Republicans have been elected numerous times since the fascist attack on the economy began in the early 1900's. But they have REFUSED to restore the Constitution .

Sure nut.

You're confusing the GOP with conservative. Not every GOPer is a conservative, some are liberal and some moderate.

Liberals believe someone's problems can be blamed on someone else, not that person. The government's responsibility is to even the playing field for that person that has fucked up their life. People should be allowed to fuck up their lives then get bailed out by other people via taking their taxes to help that person. White people especially the rich white people are to blame for minorities fucking up their lives with drugs, crime, out of wedlock kids, unemployment, STDs, etc. Being friendly with bad people, even giving them stuff, will help them become your friend in time. Pretty much nobody is to blame for their problems except white people that control the money.

That about sums up liberals. Conservatives are the total opposite of that shit above.


"Conservatives" love the shit above but ONLY when an Aryan is in charged.

Fucking Republicans have been elected numerous times since the fascist attack on the economy began in the early 1900's. But they have REFUSED to restore the Constitution .

And what does Israel stand for? Israel stands for sucking the American teat (billions and billions of American dollars) for all it can. Israel does not practice personal-responsibility... it is totally dependent on American monetary handouts and technology for it's survival.

Fuck Israel... what do you have to say about that?
Israel is a democracy surrounded by barbaric muslim fucks! They are the smartest people on the plannet - phd's, patents, chess grandmasters etc . ( prorportionately ) The jews have given the world many advancements. You hating Israel is your right - I hate islam, and I don't think we should ever give any koran believing country shit! Israel is not dependent on the US, or it's sorry ass communist, muslim loving president - I say.

Israel is a theocratic socialist state surrounded by Palestinian Arabs. Palestine's lawful owners .

LOL@Palestinian Arabs...Palestine's lawful owners.

I sincerely hope Hamas finds the way to obliterate Israhell and the zionuts.

They're not going to be able to. Keep dreaming...though.


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