Defining "Liberalism"

God you are so dense.

Good to see you praying, Billy-ZeroIQ....

,,,,shows there is hope for you.

Now, style point:
Your attempt at an insult....jejune and vapid though it like
the fabled Eunuch in the Harem-

He wants to....he just can't.
(Have someone explain that to you.)

In order to get a good zinger in, first, it should be clever, and, second,
it should be in a post where you've made a good point.

Alas, you never make a good, I guess I wasted this advice.

Carry on.

See you're missing the point. I am not thowing a zinger at you or trying to be clever. I am not trying to one up you. I am just describing you accurately.

And the panel says.....

'Another zero, Billy.'

Poor Billy: A pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.
Good to see you praying, Billy-ZeroIQ....

,,,,shows there is hope for you.

Now, style point:
Your attempt at an insult....jejune and vapid though it like
the fabled Eunuch in the Harem-

He wants to....he just can't.
(Have someone explain that to you.)

In order to get a good zinger in, first, it should be clever, and, second,
it should be in a post where you've made a good point.

Alas, you never make a good, I guess I wasted this advice.

Carry on.

See you're missing the point. I am not thowing a zinger at you or trying to be clever. I am not trying to one up you. I am just describing you accurately.

And the panel says.....

'Another zero, Billy.'

Poor Billy: A pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.

Oh, gee you got me.
I love it when people think they know your entire set of beliefs and values better than you do.
Poor baby.

You didn't like the deft way I used your attempt to dissemble, and nailed you with a prime example of communism in our very midst?

Tsk tsk.....

Perhaps you should return to your feeble attempts at humorous posts.

Then again......

You nailed nothing. The ACA requires individuals to purchase insurance from private insurance companies, and private corporations to provide insurance for their workers from privately owned insurance companies. Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies, all hospitals would be owned by the state, and all health care workers would be employees of the state. It depends on privately owned hospitals, and doctors working in private practice to provide care. The ACA doesn't even qualify as "socialized medicine".

Put your dunce cap on and go to the back of the class.
Last edited:
Poor baby.

You didn't like the deft way I used your attempt to dissemble, and nailed you with a prime example of communism in our very midst?

Tsk tsk.....

Perhaps you should return to your feeble attempts at humorous posts.

Then again......

You nailed nothing. The ACA requires individuals to purchase insurance from private insurance companies, and private corporations to provide insurance for their workers from privately owned insurance companies. Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies, all hospitals would be owned by the state, and all health care workers would be employees of the state. It depends on privately owned hospitals, and doctors working in private practice to provide care. The ACA doesn't even qualify as "socialized medicine".

Put your dunce cap on and go to the back of the class.

Back so soon?

I thought you'd still be wipin' off the cream pie I smooshed in your kisser!

This one:

You wrote
"Links please to ANY part of the Democratic Platform which endorses ....any major goal of communism?"

And I promptly posted the Democrat convention where they removed 'God' from their platform.


" Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

I mean stuuuuppppid did that make you look?


" Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies,..."

[ame=]President Obama Wants A Single Payer Health Care System - YouTube[/ame]

.42 Obama: gov is the only entity that pays for healthcare
.46 Obama: everybody has a government paid for plan (no private, no employer plan)
1.02 Obama: I happen to be a proponent of a universal single payer plan
1.20 Obama: we may not get there immediately

So.....Obama is a communist? Is that what you're saying?


You must be gettin' to like cream pie, huh?
Yeah, it's called "permeationism"

dimocrap scum have been at it for decades
Poor baby.

You didn't like the deft way I used your attempt to dissemble, and nailed you with a prime example of communism in our very midst?

Tsk tsk.....

Perhaps you should return to your feeble attempts at humorous posts.

Then again......

You nailed nothing. The ACA requires individuals to purchase insurance from private insurance companies, and private corporations to provide insurance for their workers from privately owned insurance companies. Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies, all hospitals would be owned by the state, and all health care workers would be employees of the state. It depends on privately owned hospitals, and doctors working in private practice to provide care. The ACA doesn't even qualify as "socialized medicine".

Put your dunce cap on and go to the back of the class.

Back so soon?

I thought you'd still be wipin' off the cream pie I smooshed in your kisser!

This one:

You wrote
"Links please to ANY part of the Democratic Platform which endorses ....any major goal of communism?"

And I promptly posted the Democrat convention where they removed 'God' from their platform.


" Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

I mean stuuuuppppid did that make you look?


" Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies,..."

[ame=]President Obama Wants A Single Payer Health Care System - YouTube[/ame]

.42 Obama: gov is the only entity that pays for healthcare
.46 Obama: everybody has a government paid for plan (no private, no employer plan)
1.02 Obama: I happen to be a proponent of a universal single payer plan
1.20 Obama: we may not get there immediately

So.....Obama is a communist? Is that what you're saying?


You must be gettin' to like cream pie, huh?

And yet he laid out ACA ultimately. What does that tell you?

Have you noticed there are no democrats in office who advocate for communism? What does that tell you?
Bernie Sanders is an admitted, registered socialist.

Yet he caucuses with and 100% votes with dimocrap scum.

What does that tell you?

communism is a misnomer, there has never been any such thing.

It's all 'socialism' of one brand or another.

International socialism, National socialism, Fascism, democratic socialism. social(ist) democracy and many more.

'communism' is what remains after government 'withers away'

Here's a primer on about a High School Sophomore level.

Read it and get back to us

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernie Sanders is an admitted, registered socialist.

Yet he caucuses with and 100% votes with dimocrap scum.

What does that tell you?

communism is a misnomer, there has never been any such thing.

It's all 'socialism' of one brand or another.

International socialism, National socialism, Fascism, democratic socialism. social(ist) democracy and many more.

'communism' is what remains after government 'withers away'

Here's a primer on about a High School Sophomore level.

Read it and get back to us

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's amazing how you all ignore fundamental definitions of words.
Bernie Sanders is an admitted, registered socialist.

Yet he caucuses with and 100% votes with dimocrap scum.

What does that tell you?

communism is a misnomer, there has never been any such thing.

It's all 'socialism' of one brand or another.

International socialism, National socialism, Fascism, democratic socialism. social(ist) democracy and many more.

'communism' is what remains after government 'withers away'

Here's a primer on about a High School Sophomore level.

Read it and get back to us

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's amazing how you all ignore fundamental definitions of words.

It is you who ignores the fundamental definitions of words by substituting colloquialisms and High School definitions for them.

communism is a form of Stateless Government. Read up on Bukharin....

Actually, read anything other than what you have been.

It's one thing to be ignorant.... ALL of us are ignorant about something. Even me.

It's quite another to be taught something that is false and believe it to be true.

Which is apparently what has happened to you.

The Marxian definition of communism is the stateless society that exists after government withers away and the workers take over the means of production.
You nailed nothing. The ACA requires individuals to purchase insurance from private insurance companies, and private corporations to provide insurance for their workers from privately owned insurance companies. Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies, all hospitals would be owned by the state, and all health care workers would be employees of the state. It depends on privately owned hospitals, and doctors working in private practice to provide care. The ACA doesn't even qualify as "socialized medicine".

Put your dunce cap on and go to the back of the class.

Back so soon?

I thought you'd still be wipin' off the cream pie I smooshed in your kisser!

This one:

You wrote
"Links please to ANY part of the Democratic Platform which endorses ....any major goal of communism?"

And I promptly posted the Democrat convention where they removed 'God' from their platform.


" Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

I mean stuuuuppppid did that make you look?


" Under a communist system, there would be no private insurance companies,..."

[ame=]President Obama Wants A Single Payer Health Care System - YouTube[/ame]

.42 Obama: gov is the only entity that pays for healthcare
.46 Obama: everybody has a government paid for plan (no private, no employer plan)
1.02 Obama: I happen to be a proponent of a universal single payer plan
1.20 Obama: we may not get there immediately

So.....Obama is a communist? Is that what you're saying?


You must be gettin' to like cream pie, huh?

And yet he laid out ACA ultimately. What does that tell you?

Have you noticed there are no democrats in office who advocate for communism? What does that tell you?

"Have you noticed there are no democrats in office who advocate for communism?"

Astounding record you have: wrong, 100% every time!

1. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialists occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

a. Before the socialist network infiltrated the Democratic Party, its ideology permeated academic institutions for decades.

b. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

2. Based on ideas similar to those of the Fabians, it was decided to drop the word ‘socialism’ and continued as the ‘Congressional Progressive Caucus.’ Stealth was determined to be more effective….boring from within.

3.Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA., knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line.
The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

a. The Socialist International, the SI, boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”

4. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America.

a. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies
b. And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.

This is way over your head, isn't it, Billy-ZeroIQ?

That's why you are a 'reliable Democrat voter.'
Bernie Sanders is an admitted, registered socialist.

Yet he caucuses with and 100% votes with dimocrap scum.

What does that tell you?

communism is a misnomer, there has never been any such thing.

It's all 'socialism' of one brand or another.

International socialism, National socialism, Fascism, democratic socialism. social(ist) democracy and many more.

'communism' is what remains after government 'withers away'

Here's a primer on about a High School Sophomore level.

Read it and get back to us

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can have socialist policies and not be a socialist nation. Social security for instance has been a positive good.
Bernie Sanders is an admitted, registered socialist.

Yet he caucuses with and 100% votes with dimocrap scum.

What does that tell you?

communism is a misnomer, there has never been any such thing.

It's all 'socialism' of one brand or another.

International socialism, National socialism, Fascism, democratic socialism. social(ist) democracy and many more.

'communism' is what remains after government 'withers away'

Here's a primer on about a High School Sophomore level.

Read it and get back to us

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can have socialist policies and not be a socialist nation. Social security for instance has been a positive good.

socialism itself isn't all that bad. To be quite blunt with you.

It's the socialists I can't stand. ESPECIALLY American socialists.

Upton Sinclair ruined socialism in this Country by making it dishonest.

read up on that douchebag.

If socialists would be honest, if they would be up front about what they want, what it will cost, the liberties we will have to give up, the price we'll have to pay...

I could discuss that with them.

But they're lying scumbags. ESPECIALLY in this Country.

And the MOST onerous aspect of American socialism is that it's Anti-American.

It's Anti-American because our resident socialist idiots see America as the only thing that stands between socialist nirvana and them.

A miscalculation on their part. Americans are very reasonable but we don't like being lied to.

In Europe, for example, many of your left wing parties are just as Patriotic, and in some cases MORE Patriotic than are their Conservative opponents.

But not here. Here, socialists HATE America and they HATE Americans.

And when they deny it, they're just back to lying again.

In fact -- It's about all they do.

They lie. It's their pathology. Which is why socialism will fail here.

Too bad. socialism has some good things to offer.

Except for socialists. Can't stand them
Bernie Sanders is an admitted, registered socialist.

Yet he caucuses with and 100% votes with dimocrap scum.

What does that tell you?

communism is a misnomer, there has never been any such thing.

It's all 'socialism' of one brand or another.

International socialism, National socialism, Fascism, democratic socialism. social(ist) democracy and many more.

'communism' is what remains after government 'withers away'

Here's a primer on about a High School Sophomore level.

Read it and get back to us

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can have socialist policies and not be a socialist nation. Social security for instance has been a positive good.

socialism itself isn't all that bad. To be quite blunt with you.

It's the socialists I can't stand. ESPECIALLY American socialists.

Upton Sinclair ruined socialism in this Country by making it dishonest.

read up on that douchebag.

If socialists would be honest, if they would be up front about what they want, what it will cost, the liberties we will have to give up, the price we'll have to pay...

I could discuss that with them.

But they're lying scumbags. ESPECIALLY in this Country.

And the MOST onerous aspect of American socialism is that it's Anti-American.

It's Anti-American because our resident socialist idiots see America as the only thing that stands between socialist nirvana and them.

A miscalculation on their part. Americans are very reasonable but we don't like being lied to.

In Europe, for example, many of your left wing parties are just as Patriotic, and in some cases MORE Patriotic than are their Conservative opponents.

But not here. Here, socialists HATE America and they HATE Americans.

And when they deny it, they're just back to lying again.

In fact -- It's about all they do.

They lie. It's their pathology. Which is why socialism will fail here.

Too bad. socialism has some good things to offer.

Except for socialists. Can't stand them

So you think Upton Sinclair was lying about working conditions which he wrote about in his books? Socialists hate America? That's as silly a statement as "capitalists hate America".
You still haven't posted links at any part of the Democrats' platform which adopts communist goals. Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform. So adhering to the Constitution, a document you claim to worship, is the best you've got?

Templar posted a long list of Communist Party goals and then tried to tie policy to those goals. Trying to say that the national parks prove government ownership of private lands has been achieved is a real stretch but at least he took on the challenge. He still couldn't provide one link to the Democratic Party platform which matched any of those goals.

And just to be clear, a single payer, government funded health care system is still not communism. Especially when doctors are in private practice and hospitals are privately owned. Single payer simply means that there is one entity billed for health care, which reduces overhead for the doctors, and costs to the system. Administration currently takes nearly 1/3 of all health care dollars expended in the US. In Canada, it's 9%.

Just changing to a single payer system would reduce health care expenditures in the US by nearly 25% without reducing $$$ spent on actual care.

But don't let's facts get in the way of your constant fear mongering and claims that everyone doesn't believe in your right wing corporatist agenda is a communist out to destroy America.

At this point, the only thing needed to destroy the US economy is to turn it over to the right wingers and let them finish the job that Bush and the Republicans started.
You still haven't posted links at any part of the Democrats' platform which adopts communist goals. Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform. So adhering to the Constitution, a document you claim to worship, is the best you've got?

Templar posted a long list of Communist Party goals and then tried to tie policy to those goals. Trying to say that the national parks prove government ownership of private lands has been achieved is a real stretch but at least he took on the challenge. He still couldn't provide one link to the Democratic Party platform which matched any of those goals.

And just to be clear, a single payer, government funded health care system is still not communism. Especially when doctors are in private practice and hospitals are privately owned. Single payer simply means that there is one entity billed for health care, which reduces overhead for the doctors, and costs to the system. Administration currently takes nearly 1/3 of all health care dollars expended in the US. In Canada, it's 9%.

Just changing to a single payer system would reduce health care expenditures in the US by nearly 25% without reducing $$$ spent on actual care.

But don't let's facts get in the way of your constant fear mongering and claims that everyone doesn't believe in your right wing corporatist agenda is a communist out to destroy America.

At this point, the only thing needed to destroy the US economy is to turn it over to the right wingers and let them finish the job that Bush and the Republicans started.

No it isn't.

That is just simply a lie. It isn't there.

Now go back to school and visit the library. Maybe you can check out a book there that isn't full of shit
You still haven't posted links at any part of the Democrats' platform which adopts communist goals. Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform. So adhering to the Constitution, a document you claim to worship, is the best you've got?

Templar posted a long list of Communist Party goals and then tried to tie policy to those goals. Trying to say that the national parks prove government ownership of private lands has been achieved is a real stretch but at least he took on the challenge. He still couldn't provide one link to the Democratic Party platform which matched any of those goals.

And just to be clear, a single payer, government funded health care system is still not communism. Especially when doctors are in private practice and hospitals are privately owned. Single payer simply means that there is one entity billed for health care, which reduces overhead for the doctors, and costs to the system. Administration currently takes nearly 1/3 of all health care dollars expended in the US. In Canada, it's 9%.

Just changing to a single payer system would reduce health care expenditures in the US by nearly 25% without reducing $$$ spent on actual care.

But don't let's facts get in the way of your constant fear mongering and claims that everyone doesn't believe in your right wing corporatist agenda is a communist out to destroy America.

At this point, the only thing needed to destroy the US economy is to turn it over to the right wingers and let them finish the job that Bush and the Republicans started.

"Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform."

I won't say that you are a liar.
Rather you are simply too, too stupid to even create a fiction.

Pay attention.
There is no such demand or instruction in the US Constitution.

As for the famous “separation of church and state,” the phrase appears in no federal document. In fact, at the time of ratification of the Constitution, ten of the thirteen colonies had some provision recognizing Christianity as either the official, or the recommended religion in their state constitutions.

So...a simple test to see which of us has had an actual education.
If you can prove your is you.
Otherwise: Cream Pie time.....and you remain as dumb as a box of hair.
You still haven't posted links at any part of the Democrats' platform which adopts communist goals. Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform. So adhering to the Constitution, a document you claim to worship, is the best you've got?

Templar posted a long list of Communist Party goals and then tried to tie policy to those goals. Trying to say that the national parks prove government ownership of private lands has been achieved is a real stretch but at least he took on the challenge. He still couldn't provide one link to the Democratic Party platform which matched any of those goals.

And just to be clear, a single payer, government funded health care system is still not communism. Especially when doctors are in private practice and hospitals are privately owned. Single payer simply means that there is one entity billed for health care, which reduces overhead for the doctors, and costs to the system. Administration currently takes nearly 1/3 of all health care dollars expended in the US. In Canada, it's 9%.

Just changing to a single payer system would reduce health care expenditures in the US by nearly 25% without reducing $$$ spent on actual care.

But don't let's facts get in the way of your constant fear mongering and claims that everyone doesn't believe in your right wing corporatist agenda is a communist out to destroy America.

At this point, the only thing needed to destroy the US economy is to turn it over to the right wingers and let them finish the job that Bush and the Republicans started.

"Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform."

I won't say that you are a liar.
Rather you are simply too, too stupid to even create a fiction.

Pay attention.
There is no such demand or instruction in the US Constitution.

As for the famous “separation of church and state,” the phrase appears in no federal document. In fact, at the time of ratification of the Constitution, ten of the thirteen colonies had some provision recognizing Christianity as either the official, or the recommended religion in their state constitutions.

So...a simple test to see which of us has had an actual education.
If you can prove your is you.
Otherwise: Cream Pie time.....and you remain as dumb as a box of hair.

U.S. Supreme Court Decisions on Separation of Church and State
You still haven't posted links at any part of the Democrats' platform which adopts communist goals. Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform. So adhering to the Constitution, a document you claim to worship, is the best you've got?

Templar posted a long list of Communist Party goals and then tried to tie policy to those goals. Trying to say that the national parks prove government ownership of private lands has been achieved is a real stretch but at least he took on the challenge. He still couldn't provide one link to the Democratic Party platform which matched any of those goals.

And just to be clear, a single payer, government funded health care system is still not communism. Especially when doctors are in private practice and hospitals are privately owned. Single payer simply means that there is one entity billed for health care, which reduces overhead for the doctors, and costs to the system. Administration currently takes nearly 1/3 of all health care dollars expended in the US. In Canada, it's 9%.

Just changing to a single payer system would reduce health care expenditures in the US by nearly 25% without reducing $$$ spent on actual care.

But don't let's facts get in the way of your constant fear mongering and claims that everyone doesn't believe in your right wing corporatist agenda is a communist out to destroy America.

At this point, the only thing needed to destroy the US economy is to turn it over to the right wingers and let them finish the job that Bush and the Republicans started.

"Separation of Church and State is in the US Constitution which is why Democrats wanted references to God removed from the platform."

I won't say that you are a liar.
Rather you are simply too, too stupid to even create a fiction.

Pay attention.
There is no such demand or instruction in the US Constitution.

As for the famous “separation of church and state,” the phrase appears in no federal document. In fact, at the time of ratification of the Constitution, ten of the thirteen colonies had some provision recognizing Christianity as either the official, or the recommended religion in their state constitutions.

So...a simple test to see which of us has had an actual education.
If you can prove your is you.
Otherwise: Cream Pie time.....and you remain as dumb as a box of hair.

U.S. Supreme Court Decisions on Separation of Church and State

And, another mistake by the Supreme Court:

"Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court held that African Americans, whether slave or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court,[2][3] and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States"
Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wanna defend this mistake by the court, too?

"During the course of American judicial history, particularly with the landmark decision of Everson v. Board of Education, Jefferson was subtly and erroneously attributed with the remark ‘high and impregnable’ wall.

The force behind the misguided interpretation comes from the anti-Catholic former Ku Klux Klan member, Justice Hugo Black: The ‘high and impregnable’ wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson’s wall; rather, it is the wall that Justice Hugo Black built in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education. The full quote by Justice Hugo Black is, ‘The First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.’

In essence, Justice Hugo Black with his often quoted remark conflated Jefferson’s trope of separation between church and state with the First Amendment which references the non-establishment clause and free exercise of religion. Those were two entirely separate concepts at the time in 1802."
‘Writing About Anything I Want To | because I can.

Again....there is no reference in the Constitution to any such separation.

"... the misguided interpretation comes from the anti-Catholic former Ku Klux Klan member, Justice Hugo Black..."

Black was appointed by FDR.

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