Reagan was great? Surely you jest. He was a corporate master. He was an actor.
Surely you are a moron. Reagan was great. One of the three greatest presidents in U.S. history. He was a true leader, he was humble, he freed up markets and individuals, he brought down the U.S.S.R. without firing a shot because he was the ultimate statesman. The list goes on and on.

His administration was second to Nixon's with felony convictions. We were also a creditor nation before Reagan, a debtor nation after him, if you're old enough to remember that. Maybe things were set in action for this to happen before he was prez and he couldn't do anything about it, I'll grant him that. Nevertheless, he definitely was not great, especially with the Texas bush scumbags in his administration running amuck dealing drugs and facilitating illegal arms to muslims and all.
Reagan's policies led to longest peacetime economic expansion in history. He set into motion a plan that would lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. He successfully got tax reform done. Not bad.
Reagan was great? Surely you jest. He was a corporate master. He was an actor.
Surely you are a moron. Reagan was great. One of the three greatest presidents in U.S. history. He was a true leader, he was humble, he freed up markets and individuals, he brought down the U.S.S.R. without firing a shot because he was the ultimate statesman. The list goes on and on.

His administration was second to Nixon's with felony convictions. We were also a creditor nation before Reagan, a debtor nation after him, if you're old enough to remember that. Maybe things were set in action for this to happen before he was prez and he couldn't do anything about it, I'll grant him that. Nevertheless, he definitely was not great, especially with the Texas bush scumbags in his administration running amuck dealing drugs and facilitating illegal arms to muslims and all.
He was one of the most successful presidents in U.S. history and remains one of the most beloved. Easily one of the three greatest of all time (along with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson).

As far as selling arms to muslims - that was the proverbial two-birds-with-one stone maneuvering that made Reagan so great. For starters, he had the approval of Israel. But he sold the arms to get hostages back while at the same time using the money from the sales to fund the Contra's against the communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua because the Tip O'Neil Dumbocrat Congress refused to act to stop communism because of their political games. It was a win-win. We got back hostages and we helped a rebel group against communists.
Reagan's policies led to longest peacetime economic expansion in history. He set into motion a plan that would lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. He successfully got tax reform done. Not bad.

He didn't keep his eye on his criminal bush cabal underlings, and what great economic expansion, since we became a debtor nation under him. Still, what was to follow was no better. bush 1 couldn't wait to go into iraq, clinton into the balkans. So much for the peacetime expansion. I'm hoping Trump will be different from all our previous presidents. We'll see.
Reagan was great? Surely you jest. He was a corporate master. He was an actor.
Surely you are a moron. Reagan was great. One of the three greatest presidents in U.S. history. He was a true leader, he was humble, he freed up markets and individuals, he brought down the U.S.S.R. without firing a shot because he was the ultimate statesman. The list goes on and on.

His administration was second to Nixon's with felony convictions. We were also a creditor nation before Reagan, a debtor nation after him, if you're old enough to remember that. Maybe things were set in action for this to happen before he was prez and he couldn't do anything about it, I'll grant him that. Nevertheless, he definitely was not great, especially with the Texas bush scumbags in his administration running amuck dealing drugs and facilitating illegal arms to muslims and all.
He was one of the most successful presidents in U.S. history and remains one of the most beloved. Easily one of the three greatest of all time (along with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson).

As far as selling arms to muslims - that was the proverbial two-birds-with-one stone maneuvering that made Reagan so great. For starters, he had the approval of Israel. But he sold the arms to get hostages back while at the same time using the money from the sales to fund the Contra's against the communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua because the Tip O'Neil Dumbocrat Congress refused to act to stop communism because of their political games. It was a win-win. We got back hostages and we helped a rebel group against communists.

Oh, Reagan had the approval of Israel. First I heard that our Presidents had to get Israel's approval before they acted.
Oh, Reagan had the approval of Israel. First I heard that our Presidents had to get Israel's approval before they did acted.
Well yeah - as an anti-semite, left-wing hatriot, of course you wouldn't give a shit about Israel. But what real U.S. leaders do is make sure that their allies are ok with an action such as putting arms into the hands of someone that wants to destroy that ally. And Israel gave President Reagan their blessing on the arms deal.
Definitely making America great again...

"The Trump administration has escalated the long-standing U.S. counterterrorism campaign in Yemen, a failed state that has slipped into anarchy amidst a multi-sided war.

In recent days, the Pentagon has launched over 40 airstrikes against leaders and bases of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, regarded by U.S. intelligence officials as the most dangerous of al-Qaeda’s many franchises."

Al-Qaeda knows what's coming - they experienced being hunted by the Bush Administration. But ISIS has only known the weak, limp-wristed, accommodating policies of Barack Obama. They are in for the shock of their lives.
I have to salute you President Trump - you've been exceptional your first two weeks on the job. Quite possibly the most impressive first two weeks of a presidency in my lifetime.

This will create jobs and - more importantly - create affordable energy for America. The exact opposite of what Barack Obama attempted to accomplish during his administration.

"The final easement granted on Wednesday by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete the Dakota Access pipeline project sent a clear signal to our nation: Infrastructure development is once again a priority."

Pipeline Easement Marks a New Day for US Energy
You are saluting the destruction of our entire system of government for the benefit of 400 billionaires. And in the end, you'll be fucked just as much as the rest of us.
You are saluting the destruction of our entire system of government for the benefit of 400 billionaires. And in the end, you'll be fucked just as much as the rest of us.
Do you care to expound on that hyperbole or are you content with being a typical left-wing partisan hack?

Barack Obama attempted to destroy our entire system of government. All President Trump has done so far is restore it. He has restored power back to the states and back to the people.
Great? You mean like Afghanistan or the Congo???

It use to be that being a developed first world nation with high quality of life was what made a nation great...Today? Well, to you people the opposite does.

Weird people I am dealing with.
Great? You mean like Afghanistan or the Congo??? Weird people I am dealing with.
No - I mean like the United States before you Democrats became left-wing hatriots hell-bent on collapsing the U.S.
Reagan was great? Surely you jest. He was a corporate master. He was an actor.
What's your idea of great, PolPot?
Cleaning house - definitely a big step towards making America great again...

Rex Tillerson cleans house at State Department

Hey dare patriot. You see, you would classify me as non patriotic as to which I wear the label proudly. You see, I was born in this so called great nation over 80 years ago. I can take any man half my age in a brawl even today. I didn't vote for hildabeast and I didn't vote for Donnie. But I don't mind what trump is doing. I have never seen a great president in my lifetime...including Donnie. They all cater to the uber wealthy... So I call america the land of the rich, the home of the send out the poor to fight for me. That's the reality. I'm sure you agree.
I never called President Trump a "great president" and I highly doubt I ever will. However - you have seen a truly great president in your lifetime: Ronald Reagan. Shame on you for not recognizing that.

Sent from my SM-G930U using mobile app
Historians usually rate Reagan about midway, say 20th out out of 40. After all Reagan did vote for FDR, so that may have elevated his standing.
Do you care to expound on that hyperbole or are you content with being a typical left-wing partisan hack?
I'm the most non-partisan, un-biased, most objective poster at this website. You're just so far to the right, you make Nixon look like a bleeding heart liberal.

Barack Obama attempted to destroy our entire system of government.
And just how did he try to do that? Give me 3 specific examples.

All President Trump has done so far is restore it.
Restore what? What did he restore? So far, he...

is ending healthcare for 20 million people;

fired all 39 attorney generals and is being very slow to replace them, leaving the DOJ unable to do the job it was created to do;

put a woman (who spent her life protesting public schools) as the Secretary of Education;

put a man (who spent his life suing the environmental groups) as Secretary of Energy;

puts a racist as Attorney General;

trashes the judiciary;

tells one lie after another, making us the laughing stock of the world;

writes executive orders that are un-Constitutional; WTF has he restored?

He has restored power back to the states and back to the people.
Wrong! He's cut federal funding to the states while adding the burden of social programs on the respective governors.

The difference between you and me, is I don't defend (or say thank you) to someone f'ing me in the A!
Patriot will you buy this american born, retired business owning white married man a hatriot tshirt just so I can annoy people? God that would be fun.
Anybody remember what Hussein was doing during his first two months in office? I don't either. He was probably thinking about attacking corporations and working out that laughable "cash for clunkers" thing. Maybe Hussein was figuring out how to cut America's energy production to make the US a "level playing field" so that 3rd world countries like his homeland could compete with the last Superpower.
Historians usually rate Reagan about midway, say 20th out out of 40. After all Reagan did vote for FDR, so that may have elevated his standing.
Historians are mostly a bunch of commie propagandists.
Historians usually rate Reagan about midway, say 20th out out of 40. After all Reagan did vote for FDR, so that may have elevated his standing.
Historians are mostly a bunch of commie propagandists.
What educated groups in the US are not commie propagandists?
Engineers, business majors. Public universities are mostly indoctrination centers for indoctrinating the young with the ideas that support the deep state.

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