We should let you opt out but fuck you if or when you run out of money
Bingo! I agree 100%. That is liberty. People should be free to make their own decisions and they should have to live with the results of those decisions.

If you want your SS Ponzi scheme - do it yourselves. Create a voluntary program that people pay into of their own free will. Ever notice that your side of the aisle does everything at the barrel of a gun?
My grandmothers both benefitted from social security.
Of course...because they didn’t pay into it! That’s what I said. The only people who benefit are the one’s who didn’t pay into it. The rest of America got screwed by the Ponzi scheme.
My grandparents paid into it. So did my parents and me
They they didn’t “benefit”. At all. They had all of that money already and would have had more had it not been confiscated by the government.
Agree or not we’re gonna try things your way right? Unless Americans show up and vote no and I don’t see that happening.
Agree or not we’re gonna try things your way right?
I wish! But I don’t see Social Security going away any time soon. Especially with Donald Trump in office. He wants nationalized healthcare. I don’t see him signing legislation dissolving Social Security.
As union membership declined so did the middle class. No coincidence.
Uh...no. As progressivism became more radicalized, the middle class declined. That is no coincidence.
I liked it when employees made $35 hr and ceos made $10 million.

You like the ceo making $50 million and the workers $10.

I’m starting to agree. If you aren’t doing a job that is valued like assembly line worker why are you making more than $10 hr? The only reason they made more was the union. So fuck them. I work in an organization where everyone makes between $40-$50k. Only us salespeople or engineers make more. I’m cool with it because my skill is highly paid. Screw the rest who aren’t even smart enough to organize
I liked it when employees made $35 hr and ceos made $10 million. You like the ceo making $50 million and the workers $10.
I don’t like or dislike either. I just like liberty, choice, and free-will. If a CEO can demand $50 million in the free market, good for him or her. If an employee can demand $35 per hour in the free market, good for him or her.
I’m starting to agree. If you aren’t doing a job that is valued like assembly line worker why are you making more than $10 hr? The only reason they made more was the union. So fuck them.
Screw the rest who aren’t even smart enough to organize
The only thing that I would say to that is, if someone needs to “organize” to make a decent wage then they lack the talent and skills and thus they don’t deserve that wage anyway. But...people have the right to unionize and I would never deny them that right (though businesses should have the right to reject unionization and exclusively use non-union labor if they so choose).
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So much stupidity in the last 10 or 20 posts by the poser. Good bye and good luck loser.
So much stupidity in the last 10 or 20 posts by the poser. Good bye and good luck loser.
Me or patriot?

You may think his ideas are stupid but they are winning elections so you better start being more convincing
President Trump has done the unthinkable. He has anti-constitutional progressives actually respecting (even desiring) the 10th Amendment.
Incredibly, the Democrats know that for this plan to gain momentum, they must argue that the law restricts states’ rights. That’s correct—Democrats are now championing states’ rights.
That’s right - the people who have fought for over a century to make the federal government the only government in the U.S. now suddenly want to limit the federal government to their 18 enumerated powers. Thank you Mr. President!

Democrats Are Arguing for Constitutional Right to a Tax Deduction
President Trump has done the unthinkable. He has anti-constitutional progressives actually respecting (even desiring) the 10th Amendment.
Incredibly, the Democrats know that for this plan to gain momentum, they must argue that the law restricts states’ rights. That’s correct—Democrats are now championing states’ rights.
That’s right - the people who have fought for over a century to make the federal government the only government in the U.S. now suddenly want to limit the federal government to their 18 enumerated powers. Thank you Mr. President!

Democrats Are Arguing for Constitutional Right to a Tax Deduction
You don’t think republicans cherry pick the constitution? In Michigan they struggle with pot. We passed medical pot and republicans argued federal law.
We passed medical pot and republicans argued federal law.
Your post doesn’t make sense, SB. If they argued that the federal government had the constitutional right to control drug laws, then you’d have a point.

But what the Republican’s in Michigan were correct as you described it. Federal law trumps state law. So as long as the federal law is in place (unconstitutional as it is), you have a serious problem on your hands. Ask the people of Colorado who have been busted by the DEA for something their state told them they were “allowed” to do.
We passed medical pot and republicans argued federal law.
Your post doesn’t make sense, SB. If they argued that the federal government had the constitutional right to control drug laws, then you’d have a point.

But what the Republican’s in Michigan were correct as you described it. Federal law trumps state law. So as long as the federal law is in place (unconstitutional as it is), you have a serious problem on your hands. Ask the people of Colorado who have been busted by the DEA for something their state told them they were “allowed” to do.
I have a friend with five grow houses in Michigan. All legal locally but I can see Jeff sessions raiding him
I have a friend with five grow houses in Michigan. All legal locally but I can see Jeff sessions raiding him
Your friend is taking a heck of a risk. Federal indictments are more successful and more severe.

One thing is for certain - this mess needs to get straightened out. You can’t have state governments telling their citizens something is legal and then have the federal government arresting them.

This is another perfect example of why the federal government needs to stay in their lane and strictly adhere to their 18 enumerated powers. If the American people want the federal government to oversee drugs, then they should amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. If they don’t, then the federal government needs to respect the will of the people and the limitation of their own powers.

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