Actually facts are good except when they come from delusional repukes. They they are modified to fit the narrative of the day.
What Tax Man just said was “facts are good except when they don’t support the progressive ideology - which is 99.999% of the time”.
Repuke is conservative wanna be patriots. They are the one's who manipulate information to fit their narrative. Kinda like you just did with what I posted. DERP!
Life was great because the economy was improving for almost 8 years and then this fungus gets to play presidente and shit starts to collapse.
Snowflake...8 years ago (2010 midterms) the Republican Party took over the nation. It’s no coincidence that the recovery immediately began shortly thereafter.

And...since President Trump was sworn in...the economy has been even better (record DJI, lower unemployment, lower taxes). So you sound like an absolute idiotic claiming that “shit” has “started to collapse” after he was sworn in.

You are the quintessential partisan hack. Everything has been exponentially better under President Trump and that is indisputable. The only people crying are the parasites who are finding it harder to mooch off of society.
More of the partisan lies or should I say information that is made to fit the narrative of the poster. Now you are more reminiscent of ashes from jews floating down from the ovens than I am. So keep your snowflake to yourself. The bush economic downfall was abated when Obama took office and without any repuke help put this nation on a path to recovery that was stable and continual, even into Heir putins term.
Are you old and don’t think it’ll happen to you? Are you young and don’t realize you won’t always be?
I’m educated and I understand that nobody has the right to take from someone else. I’m informed and realize that socialism has collapsed every nation that has ever tried it. I’m studied and recognize that each of us is responsible for own damn selves unless we choose - of our own free will - to assist others.
You sound like a classic military mind, very closed and blocked to anything that doesn't fit your programming.
After 8 long years of Barack Insane Obama’s failed “cower and appease” strategy, it is so refreshing to see real leadership in the White House once again.
Praising the president’s leadership, South Korean national security adviser Chung Eui-Yong...revealed Thursday evening that Kim is eager to meet “Trump as soon as possible.”

Pence emphasized that “the North Koreans are coming to the table despite the United States making zero concessions,” as past U.S. presidents have done to appease the Kim regime. Instead of concessions, the U.S. has continued to ratchet up the pressure on North Korea, urging it to pursue a path of peace instead of destruction.
Kim Jong Un understands that the U.S. has a real leader in the Oval Office now, who will not tolerate any of his antics. Appeasement does not ingratiate the U.S. to maniacs. But showing resolve and superior strength causes maniacs to heel.

Pence: Kim Jong Un Wants to Talk Because Trump Stood Firm
Trump is a pussy. He is long on bravado and short on action.
That’s why a Republican House, Senate, White, and 33 Republican states just produced the second best unemployment rate for the African-American community in U.S. history.

And of course you view that as “bad policy” because you want to keep the African-Americans community on the government plantation and voting Dumbocrat.

MORONIC Fox news? propaganda......

Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.

[Trump] is implying that he caused these low African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates.

And a big problem with that claim is that those rates had been falling for long before Trump took office, and their declines don't appear to have picked up speed. This implies that there's nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate.

Indeed, both of these rates have been falling relatively steadily since around 2010, early in President Obama's tenure in the White House.

FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics
Rumpy claims lots of things but cannot prove anything.
Your facts do not coincide with real facts. That makes you dumb!
A. Thank you for admitting that I post nothing but facts

B. There aren’t different types of facts. There are only facts.
Trump is a pussy. He is long on bravado and short on action.
Yeah, he is such a “pussy” that all he has done is dominate every field (business, entertainment, politics) that he has ever entered. :laugh:

Listening to you trolls attempt to spread a false narrative is so bizarre and absurd.
Are you old and don’t think it’ll happen to you? Are you young and don’t realize you won’t always be?
I’m educated and I understand that nobody has the right to take from someone else. I’m informed and realize that socialism has collapsed every nation that has ever tried it. I’m studied and recognize that each of us is responsible for own damn selves unless we choose - of our own free will - to assist others.
You sound like a classic military mind, very closed and blocked to anything that doesn't fit your programming.
And he for sure has family members who either benefitted from

Social security and Medicare

A pension

A love one who left them some money

A union job

Dig deep enough you find the hypocrites in all of them
You sound like a classic military mind, very closed and blocked to anything that doesn't fit your programming.
You sound like a classic parasite. Believing your mere existence entitles you to steal from other people.
Trump is a pussy. He is long on bravado and short on action.
Yeah, he is such a “pussy” that all he has done is dominate every field (business, entertainment, politics) that he has ever entered. :laugh:

Listening to you trolls attempt to spread a false narrative is so bizarre and absurd.
Well he did go bankrupt a bunch and stiffed a lot of people along the way but yes he is impressive. And he might actually get some things done
And he for sure has family members who either benefitted from Social security and Medicare.
Nope. Nobody “benefits” from Social Security or Medicare except for the parasites like you who never paid into it. The rest - who did - have been screwed by it.
A pension
That’s an idiotic straw man. A pension is the free-will choice of a private corporation, dumb ass.
A love one who left them some money
Another idiotic straw man. An inheritance is the free-will choice of a family member. And what do you anti-American parasites do? Attempt to tax it and take it.
A union job
Again...nothing to do with government. A union is the free-will choice of those that form the union, as well as those that choose to accept a union job.
Dig deep enough you find the hypocrites in all of them
It requires absolutely no digging at all to point out your failed false narratives.
And he for sure has family members who either benefitted from Social security and Medicare.
Nope. Nobody “benefits” from Social Security or Medicare except for the parasites like you who never paid into it. The rest - who did - have been screwed by it.
A pension
That’s an idiotic straw man. A pension is the free-will choice of a private corporation, dumb ass.
A love one who left them some money
Another idiotic straw man. An inheritance is the free-will choice of a family member. And what do you anti-American parasites do? Attempt to tax it and take it.
A union job
Again...nothing to do with government. A union is the free-will choice of those that form the union, as well as those that choose to accept a union job.
Dig deep enough you find the hypocrites in all of them
It requires absolutely no digging at all to point out your failed false narratives.
My grandmothers both benefitted from social security.

It’s very simple. I might only live to 66 but I might also live to 100. It’s a great program. Social security and Medicare
And he for sure has family members who either benefitted from Social security and Medicare.
Nope. Nobody “benefits” from Social Security or Medicare except for the parasites like you who never paid into it. The rest - who did - have been screwed by it.
A pension
That’s an idiotic straw man. A pension is the free-will choice of a private corporation, dumb ass.
A love one who left them some money
Another idiotic straw man. An inheritance is the free-will choice of a family member. And what do you anti-American parasites do? Attempt to tax it and take it.
A union job
Again...nothing to do with government. A union is the free-will choice of those that form the union, as well as those that choose to accept a union job.
Dig deep enough you find the hypocrites in all of them
It requires absolutely no digging at all to point out your failed false narratives.
Your way health problems will wipe out the middle class.

Think about how our old dying love ones each racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills.

Unless you are suggesting it won’t cost a lot to have a baby or to die when your way is fully implemented?
My grandmothers both benefitted from social security.
Of course...because they didn’t pay into it! That’s what I said. The only people who benefit are the one’s who didn’t pay into it. The rest of America got screwed by the Ponzi scheme.
And he for sure has family members who either benefitted from Social security and Medicare.
Nope. Nobody “benefits” from Social Security or Medicare except for the parasites like you who never paid into it. The rest - who did - have been screwed by it.
A pension
That’s an idiotic straw man. A pension is the free-will choice of a private corporation, dumb ass.
A love one who left them some money
Another idiotic straw man. An inheritance is the free-will choice of a family member. And what do you anti-American parasites do? Attempt to tax it and take it.
A union job
Again...nothing to do with government. A union is the free-will choice of those that form the union, as well as those that choose to accept a union job.
Dig deep enough you find the hypocrites in all of them
It requires absolutely no digging at all to point out your failed false narratives.
America was great when 35% of the working population was unionized. As union membership declined so did the middle class. No coincidence.

Point is, America was great during this time when the big three were in Michigan and workers were overpaid.

When did your way work better because my dad did very well for himself at Ford.

Add to that pension social security and Medicare you can’t tell me a time when the middle class had it so good.

You aren’t making America better if you are destroying social security and Medicare
It’s very simple. I might only live to 66 but I might also live to 100.
It is very simple. You might only live to 40 or 50 (as millions do). And then the government confiscates the tens of thousands of dollars that were taken from you. Your spouse doesn’t get it. Your children don’t get it. The government confiscates and celebrates that you paid into a system and then died before benefiting from it.
It’s very simple. I might only live to 66 but I might also live to 100.
It is very simple. You might only live to 40 or 50 (as millions do). And then the government confiscates the tens of thousands of dollars that were taken from you. Your spouse doesn’t get it. Your children don’t get it. The government confiscates and celebrates that you paid into a system and then died before benefiting from it.
But if you live to 100.

We should let you opt out but fuck you if or when you run out of money
Your way health problems will wipe out the middle class.
My way is what the U.S. used to build the ultimate superpower and a thriving middle class. There was no Medicare in the 1700’s or the 1800’s. Healthcare was so inexpensive (because government wasn’t throwing money at it) that people didn’t even need health insurance!
Think about how our old dying love ones each racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills.
Yeah...because Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and government regulations have caused hundred dollar procedures to become hundred-thousand dollar procedures.
Unless you are suggesting it won’t cost a lot to have a baby or to die when your way is fully implemented?
Both would be dirt-cheap. Look at laser eye surgery. It is healthcare. It is extremely advanced and high tech. And costs have continue to plummet while results have drastically improved because there is no government subsidization for it. The market demand drives it. If prices don’t drop due to competition, they go out of business.
My grandmothers both benefitted from social security.
Of course...because they didn’t pay into it! That’s what I said. The only people who benefit are the one’s who didn’t pay into it. The rest of America got screwed by the Ponzi scheme.
My grandparents paid into it. So did my parents and me
They they didn’t “benefit”. At all. They had all of that money already and would have had more had it not been confiscated by the government.

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