Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Bossi is spreading more horse manure. It is possible to physically measure people experiencing a "spiritual trance" induced via prayer or meditation. Once again your ignorance is on display.

Look, jackass, you've pointed out that we can measure brain waves. I think most educated people understand we can now do this. It signifies the brain is working, thought is happening, and no doubt, if they ever hooked up your brain, the needle would be sucked off the bottom of the chart by be massive black hole of dark energy residing in your cranium.

It's important to note, before we had the capability to measure brain activity, we did not have any physical way to verify or confirm what was happening inside a person's head. We discovered that, and before it was discovered, it wasn't known. If this concept of discovery and knowledge applies to brain waves, why can't it also apply to spiritual nature? Perhaps we simply haven't learned how to measure spiritual nature physically, just as there was once a time we couldn't measure brain activity? Were brain waves happening before we discovered how to measure them? Of course they were, and it would have been foolish and closed minded to have concluded there was no such thing, in fact, we may have never discovered how to measure brain waves if we refused to believe they existed.

Notice how Boss always uses crude language whenever his ignorance is exposed. Then he backpedals like crazy after deliberately removing the statement where he was just caught lying. Boss is as transparent as plastic wrap, just as thinskinned and equally as shallow. His religious agenda is obvious to all even though he insists upon denying it.
Here's a hint boys and girls... If the post you're about to submit is all about another member and says little about the topic at hand, it's probably a troll post.

Let's get back to discussing spiritual possibilities instead of each other, shall we?
Here's a hint boys and girls... If the post you're about to submit is all about another member and says little about the topic at hand, it's probably a troll post.

Let's get back to discussing spiritual possibilities instead of each other, shall we?
ok, but it still begs the question what is spirituality?
Notice how Boss always uses crude language whenever his ignorance is exposed. Then he backpedals like crazy after deliberately removing the statement where he was just caught lying. Boss is as transparent as plastic wrap, just as thinskinned and equally as shallow. His religious agenda is obvious to all even though he insists upon denying it.

I didn't remove any statement, haven't backpedalled and I haven't lied. I don't have a religious agenda, I have repeatedly said this is not a theological debate. Also, "jackass" is not "crude language," it is an appropriate descriptor in your case. Now, why don't you follow the Mod's advice, and get back on topic?
why would anyone ascribe Spirituality as exclusive to mankind when obviously it is consistent with all life forms - feather / fur coloration as an example.
why would anyone ascribe Spirituality as exclusive to mankind when obviously it is consistent with all life forms - feather / fur coloration as an example.

Guess it would depend on how you define it. - consensus on that eludes us. Maybe the assumption is that spirituality demands a certain level of sophistication from the minds and community supporting it
ok, but it still begs the question what is spirituality?

That has been answered numerous times.

If that were true, this thread would be short, and it would start sans the big shiny ?.

And yet it's true.

"Is there such a thing as a spiritual realm?" :dunno: "What happens at death?"
:eusa_eh: "Is God possible?!?"​

These questions have been answered.

Over and over and over and over and over again in this thread alone.

2,000 + years of bloody discussion and PROOF still eludes the Monkeys...

To Life after Death Possibilities! :beer:
:beer: To the Sentient Monkey life that we know of, which makes it all possible!
why would anyone ascribe Spirituality as exclusive to mankind when obviously it is consistent with all life forms - feather / fur coloration as an example.

Guess it would depend on how you define it. - consensus on that eludes us. Maybe the assumption is that spirituality demands a certain level of sophistication from the minds and community supporting it

Quote: Originally Posted by daws101
ok, but it still begs the question what is spirituality?

Boss:That has been answered numerous times.

not Boss but Spirituality is the directed functions of Physiology - Heart beat is manual, building a Pyramid is Spirituality ... found in all living beings.

why it would not be recognized by Atheist as being objectionable makes little sense - ie Boss's response to 101.
ok, but it still begs the question what is spirituality?

That has been answered numerous times.

If that were true, this thread would be short, and it would start sans the big shiny ?.

And yet it's true.

"Is there such a thing as a spiritual realm?" :dunno: "What happens at death?"
:eusa_eh: "Is God possible?!?"​

These questions have been answered.

Over and over and over and over and over etc. in this thread alone.

2,000 + years of bloody discussion and PROOF still eludes the Monkeys...

To Life after Death Possibilities! :beer:
:beer: To the Sentient Monkey life that we know of, which makes it all possible!

Well, the thread would be short if we eliminated all the superfluous commentary, denigration of religion, insults and adhoms toward the thread author, and attempts to derail the topic.

We're not like the monkeys, Joe, that's the whole point here. We possess an attribute the monkeys never will have, the ability to make a spiritual connection to something greater than self. It's not the product of evolution, nothing else in nature does it.

Proof is whatever an individual acknowledges as proof, it is entirely subjective. Those who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, can find no proof... ever. While those who are able to accept spiritual nature, will argue there is overwhelming proof. So it becomes a matter of perception, and the answer is dependent upon whether you accept spiritual evidence. Logic dictates, if we are trying to prove a spiritual entity, we must examine spiritual evidence, just the same as proving a physical entity with physical evidence. But someone who rejects spiritual evidence is the same as someone who rejects physical evidence, trying to prove something physical, it is futile, the mind is closed to that possibility.
That has been answered numerous times.

If that were true, this thread would be short, and it would start sans the big shiny ?.

And yet it's true.

"Is there such a thing as a spiritual realm?" :dunno: "What happens at death?"
:eusa_eh: "Is God possible?!?"​

These questions have been answered.

Over and over and over and over and over etc. in this thread alone.

2,000 + years of bloody discussion and PROOF still eludes the Monkeys...

To Life after Death Possibilities! :beer:
:beer: To the Sentient Monkey life that we know of, which makes it all possible!

Well, the thread would be short if we eliminated all the superfluous commentary, denigration of religion, insults and adhoms toward the thread author, and attempts to derail the topic.

We're not like the monkeys, Joe, that's the whole point here. We possess an attribute the monkeys never will have, the ability to make a spiritual connection to something greater than self. It's not the product of evolution, nothing else in nature does it.

Proof is whatever an individual acknowledges as proof, it is entirely subjective. Those who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, can find no proof... ever. While those who are able to accept spiritual nature, will argue there is overwhelming proof. So it becomes a matter of perception, and the answer is dependent upon whether you accept spiritual evidence. Logic dictates, if we are trying to prove a spiritual entity, we must examine spiritual evidence, just the same as proving a physical entity with physical evidence. But someone who rejects spiritual evidence is the same as someone who rejects physical evidence, trying to prove something physical, it is futile, the mind is closed to that possibility.

Exactly! We're not 'monkeys', we're 'Monkeys'!

And the difference between monkeys and Monkeys is Spiritual Possibilities. Ain't it beautiful?
Actually, the true beauty for us is also the true terror. No matter what any Monkey tells you... the unknown is called the UNknown for a reason.
That has been answered numerous times.

If that were true, this thread would be short, and it would start sans the big shiny ?.

And yet it's true.

"Is there such a thing as a spiritual realm?" :dunno: "What happens at death?"
:eusa_eh: "Is God possible?!?"​

These questions have been answered.

Over and over and over and over and over etc. in this thread alone.

2,000 + years of bloody discussion and PROOF still eludes the Monkeys...

To Life after Death Possibilities! :beer:
:beer: To the Sentient Monkey life that we know of, which makes it all possible!

Well, the thread would be short if we eliminated all the superfluous commentary, denigration of religion, insults and adhoms toward the thread author, and attempts to derail the topic.

We're not like the monkeys, Joe, that's the whole point here. We possess an attribute the monkeys never will have, the ability to make a spiritual connection to something greater than self. It's not the product of evolution, nothing else in nature does it.

Proof is whatever an individual acknowledges as proof, it is entirely subjective. Those who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, can find no proof... ever. While those who are able to accept spiritual nature, will argue there is overwhelming proof. So it becomes a matter of perception, and the answer is dependent upon whether you accept spiritual evidence. Logic dictates, if we are trying to prove a spiritual entity, we must examine spiritual evidence, just the same as proving a physical entity with physical evidence. But someone who rejects spiritual evidence is the same as someone who rejects physical evidence, trying to prove something physical, it is futile, the mind is closed to that possibility.

"While those who are able to accept spiritual nature, will argue there is overwhelming proof" is just utter nonsense. Spirituality exists because it is a state of mind that can be physically measured and anyone can train their mind to reach this state. Simply because spirituality exists does NOT mean that it is "overwhelming proof" of anything BUT a state of mind. It is completely fallacious to presume that those who reject your bogus "spiritual evidence" are rejecting the factual, provable physical reality of spirituality. So your entire premise is based upon YOUR erroneous ASSUMPTION that there is a "black & white divide over spirituality" itself.

Furthermore your ASSUMPTION that only humankind has any "spirituality" is unproven. Elephants visit the bones of their dead and are obviously making a "connection" of some sort. A pride of lions was filmed paying their last respects to a deceased family member. Endless examples of family pets mourning the loss of their owners and/or other pets abound. Simply because they don't go around preaching and singing hymns and conducting elaborate burial routines does not mean that they are bereft of all spirituality. It is simply arrogance on your behalf to ASSUME that only mankind has this imaginary "spiritual connection". There is plenty of what YOU term "spiritual evidence" to indicate that spirituality exists in the animal kingdom. Of course none of them have ever heard of religion or gods or any other superstitious nonsense. Instead they simply go about their lives killing or being killed as the case may be without "worshiping" any imaginary "creator".

Animals demonstrate emotions of anger, love, affection, etc and have the means to communicate amongst themselves using more highly tuned senses like smell. Under your inane misunderstanding of Darwin mankind should no longer have any sense of smell at all since it is no longer vital to our survival and yet it still persists. The spiritual state of mind serves a purpose to enable us to handle events such as the loss of someone near and dear. That it has been perverted by religion to control people like you does not mean that it is "evidence" of anything else. Your reproductive instincts have been perverted by advertisers to sell you vehicles.

To summarize; spirituality exists, can be physically measured and serves a useful purpose in allowing us to cope with traumatic events in our lives. It is NOT evidence of anything imaginary no matter how much self deception is employed.
If that were true, this thread would be short, and it would start sans the big shiny ?.

And yet it's true.

"Is there such a thing as a spiritual realm?" :dunno: "What happens at death?"
:eusa_eh: "Is God possible?!?"​

These questions have been answered.

Over and over and over and over and over etc. in this thread alone.

2,000 + years of bloody discussion and PROOF still eludes the Monkeys...

To Life after Death Possibilities! :beer:
:beer: To the Sentient Monkey life that we know of, which makes it all possible!

Well, the thread would be short if we eliminated all the superfluous commentary, denigration of religion, insults and adhoms toward the thread author, and attempts to derail the topic.

We're not like the monkeys, Joe, that's the whole point here. We possess an attribute the monkeys never will have, the ability to make a spiritual connection to something greater than self. It's not the product of evolution, nothing else in nature does it.

Proof is whatever an individual acknowledges as proof, it is entirely subjective. Those who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, can find no proof... ever. While those who are able to accept spiritual nature, will argue there is overwhelming proof. So it becomes a matter of perception, and the answer is dependent upon whether you accept spiritual evidence. Logic dictates, if we are trying to prove a spiritual entity, we must examine spiritual evidence, just the same as proving a physical entity with physical evidence. But someone who rejects spiritual evidence is the same as someone who rejects physical evidence, trying to prove something physical, it is futile, the mind is closed to that possibility.

"While those who are able to accept spiritual nature, will argue there is overwhelming proof" is just utter nonsense. Spirituality exists because it is a state of mind that can be physically measured and anyone can train their mind to reach this state. Simply because spirituality exists does NOT mean that it is "overwhelming proof" of anything BUT a state of mind. It is completely fallacious to presume that those who reject your bogus "spiritual evidence" are rejecting the factual, provable physical reality of spirituality. So your entire premise is based upon YOUR erroneous ASSUMPTION that there is a "black & white divide over spirituality" itself.

Furthermore your ASSUMPTION that only humankind has any "spirituality" is unproven. Elephants visit the bones of their dead and are obviously making a "connection" of some sort. A pride of lions was filmed paying their last respects to a deceased family member. Endless examples of family pets mourning the loss of their owners and/or other pets abound. Simply because they don't go around preaching and singing hymns and conducting elaborate burial routines does not mean that they are bereft of all spirituality. It is simply arrogance on your behalf to ASSUME that only mankind has this imaginary "spiritual connection". There is plenty of what YOU term "spiritual evidence" to indicate that spirituality exists in the animal kingdom. Of course none of them have ever heard of religion or gods or any other superstitious nonsense. Instead they simply go about their lives killing or being killed as the case may be without "worshiping" any imaginary "creator".

Animals demonstrate emotions of anger, love, affection, etc and have the means to communicate amongst themselves using more highly tuned senses like smell. Under your inane misunderstanding of Darwin mankind should no longer have any sense of smell at all since it is no longer vital to our survival and yet it still persists. The spiritual state of mind serves a purpose to enable us to handle events such as the loss of someone near and dear. That it has been perverted by religion to control people like you does not mean that it is "evidence" of anything else. Your reproductive instincts have been perverted by advertisers to sell you vehicles.

To summarize; spirituality exists, can be physically measured and serves a useful purpose in allowing us to cope with traumatic events in our lives. It is NOT evidence of anything imaginary no matter how much self deception is employed.

The behavior of animals is difficult to use as demonstrations of anything since we do not know what they are thinking. Is the elephant going to the bones of dead elephants in respect of the dead or to get resources located at the place the elephant happened to die, but we project a human motivation not understanding what they gain being at that place? Are the lions mourning their dead or verifying in a simple way if the lion is still unresponsive?

Anthropomorphism is something that spiritualists seem to ignore when making their observations of human like behavior among animals.
Actually, the true beauty for us is also the true terror. No matter what any Monkey tells you... the unknown is called the UNknown for a reason.

But there are different kinds of unknowns.

Some unknowns are known categorically, such as how many miles are there between Miami and the location of the next meteorite landing.

Some unknowns are not even known categorically, such as what possible events might disrupt the construction of a new, never been done before, machine. As an engineer, I can assure you that no process is ever executed exactly according to plan.

Some unknowns are unknown personally though it may be known by others, like lookup information you haven't looked up yet, or a set of experiences you have not yet experienced and so cannot conceive of what some specific experience really is because it is completely unknown to you.

Some unknowns are unknown only because our technology and/or conceptions of the universe are not adequate to understand them, like radio waves were unknown to the 18th century sciences. Radio waves still existed but no one was yet able to perceive them due to lack of ability.

So if the existence of God is an unknown to you, perhaps a more relevant question is 'Why is this an unknown?' Is it unknown because you don't have the ability to perceive God while others may, or is it because you haven't bothered to look into the matter? The latter describes most of the agnostics I personally know; it simply doesn't bother them one way or the other and the whole subject is tldr, lol.

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