Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Thank you for the clarification. The poster concerned is definitely "lowering the importance of one of the discordant factors" in this instance.

No one can accurately say how old the universe and earth is so I do not place importance on the issue.

So unless they can it pin it down to exactly 3:17 pm on 11/23/13769850238 BC it doesn't count for you?

It won't matter concerning my beliefs. Almost can be way off the mark.
Thank you for the clarification. The poster concerned is definitely "lowering the importance of one of the discordant factors" in this instance.

No one can accurately say how old the universe and earth is so I do not place importance on the issue.

True, but unless God is playing a huge and cruel trick on mankind by leaving misleading evidence in His creation that suggests it is extremely old, we can be sure that the Earth and the Universe are extremely old; billions of years old, though no specific number can be 100% certain.

Some things are not always the way they seem. Why would God have to be playing a cruel trick on mankind ? it is mans opinions on some issues having us believing as many do.

Entropy can that not give the appearance of age ?
LOL... where did I call you a name, Dorito?
You just did it again. You have called me a liar (when you are the one doing all of the lying) and you have used other foul names that no genuine "spiritualist" would ever use.

I called you a liar because you continue to claim I am speaking of a "deity" when I never have. Whenever someone repeatedly claims something that isn't true, that person is defined as a liar. If you don't like being called a liar, stop telling lies. Ooo... "foul names" ....shame on me! Maybe I am going to "burn in hell" for calling you "Dorito?" What the heck gives you the authority to determine what spiritually connected people would or wouldn't do? Did they send you a funny looking hat and summon you to The Vatican? Save your guilt trips, they don't work on me.

There is nothing I have said that is "blathering nonsense" at all.
Since you haven't proven any of your blather it is de facto nonsense. Your feeble attempts to distort human history does not equate to evidence of what you are pretending "exists".

There is nothing "feeble" about the history of human spirituality. It has existed as long as there has been human civilization. Your attempts to refute that, are indeed "feeble."

It is a reality outside the material world, that we have the ability to connect to, while no other living things can. This is why we are special among all living things. This is why our unique attributes are unmatched in nature and evolution can't explain them.
Once again your appalling ignorance is on display. Animals also display similar trance states to those of humans. Your overweening ARROGANCE assumes that this does not exist in the animal kingdom.

I've not mentioned anything about a "trance state" or whether other animals have them. When I see monkeys going off to church and carrying bibles around, I will accept that other animals are spiritually connected. As it stands, there is no evidence that other animals are spiritually connected. There is nothing "arrogant" about making that point. There IS something "arrogant" about insisting human spirituality is nothing more than a meditative trance.

According to you in this post, I am a blathering feeble liar who is arrogantly displaying ignorance...but you claim it is ME who is calling you names? That's funny... sad and pathetic, but still... very funny! Enjoy your funny hat, Pope Dorito!
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While you have every right to your beliefs they cannot stop the march of progress and knowledge.

And yet, in spite of the march, 95% of all humans, still have some spiritual understanding.
And yet, in spite of the march, 95% of all humans, still have some spiritual understanding.
If Spiritual Existence is not part of the physical realm, by what possible procedure could you assess the figure for such a probability?

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"spiritual energy which I (Boss) refer to as "god" ...

how do you define Life ?

certainly you do not believe it is a combination of both positive and negative energy ?

the Living Spiritual Universe is not specifically defined ?

Life is created by spiritual energy, just like the universe. You said it best, way back in the thread... All life is spiritual.

As for afterlife, I was mostly jerking his chain, I don't know if our spirits live on, but since they aren't confined to physical nature, it's reasonable to presume they do. Death is something experienced in the physical realm. I suppose spirits can "die" or become so weak in energy as to become inconsequential, and absorbed by the rest of spiritual nature.

OP: Perhaps this is where we can interject some relative physical science, from none other than the father of evolution, Mr. Charles Darwin. In his book, Origin of the Species, Darwin points out that behavioral traits which are inherent in a species, exist for some fundamental reason pertaining to the advancement of the species, otherwise they are discarded over time through natural selection. No species of animal we have ever studied, just does something inherently, with no fundamental reason. Salmon swim upstream for a reason. Dogs wag their tails for a reason. We may not understand the reason, but Darwin tells us, there has to be one.

So there you have it, in just a few short paragraphs. Definitive proof that God exists!

Boss: Like I said, there is positive and negative spiritual energy. Both are present in our universe, and we as humans, have the capability to tap into either one.

Boss: No species of animal we have ever studied, just does something inherently, with no fundamental reason.

Boss: The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you. I'm sorry that your brain apparently cannot comprehend such a god, but that's not my problem, is it?

So there you have it, in just a few short paragraphs. Definitive proof that God exists!

Life is created by spiritual energy ....

Like I said, there is positive and negative spiritual energy - No species of animal we have ever studied, just does something inherently, with no fundamental reason - The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you.

there is something a little confusing to your: "Definitive proof that God exists!"

you have stated there exists both Positive and Negative spiritual energy - and that "Life is created by spiritual energy" as agreed - but also there exists a certainty that all living matter at its inception be Pure as the defining ingredient for it to exist ... so where in your "Definitive" proof by your definition of "God" is the purity between Positive and Negative Spirituality resolved ?
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Tree-ring counting can be interpreted in several different ways with different factors being considered. I don't know how old the earth is and it's not that important to me.

Also it means nothing to anyone who subscribes to Old Earth Creationism anyway, so it begs the question, unless someone here is defending Young Earth Creationism.

Youwerecreated, do you believe our Earth was created from absolutely nothing less than 100k years ago?

Yes, I find it Hard to believe the Big Bang created all we see on this planet and in the universe.

I have no reason to doubt the scriptures and the bible say's God created the heavens and the earth.

The Big Bang was simply an event. It did not choose to create anything.

The Big Bang is what happened when God decided to create the universe.
All one has to do is look at the creationists thread and see how disengenuous of the sciences you two are.

They won't have to look far at that nonsense Daws was posting the last couple of days lol. They can even see it here.
how is that possible creationism is not science.
what nonsense have I posted ? the answer is none.
the more you claim it's nonsense the more factual it is.
LOL... where did I call you a name, Dorito?
You just did it again. You have called me a liar (when you are the one doing all of the lying) and you have used other foul names that no genuine "spiritualist" would ever use.

I called you a liar because you continue to claim I am speaking of a "deity" when I never have. Whenever someone repeatedly claims something that isn't true, that person is defined as a liar. If you don't like being called a liar, stop telling lies. Ooo... "foul names" ....shame on me! Maybe I am going to "burn in hell" for calling you "Dorito?" What the heck gives you the authority to determine what spiritually connected people would or wouldn't do? Did they send you a funny looking hat and summon you to The Vatican? Save your guilt trips, they don't work on me.

There is nothing I have said that is "blathering nonsense" at all.
Since you haven't proven any of your blather it is de facto nonsense. Your feeble attempts to distort human history does not equate to evidence of what you are pretending "exists".

There is nothing "feeble" about the history of human spirituality. It has existed as long as there has been human civilization. Your attempts to refute that, are indeed "feeble."

It is a reality outside the material world, that we have the ability to connect to, while no other living things can. This is why we are special among all living things. This is why our unique attributes are unmatched in nature and evolution can't explain them.
Once again your appalling ignorance is on display. Animals also display similar trance states to those of humans. Your overweening ARROGANCE assumes that this does not exist in the animal kingdom.

I've not mentioned anything about a "trance state" or whether other animals have them. When I see monkeys going off to church and carrying bibles around, I will accept that other animals are spiritually connected. As it stands, there is no evidence that other animals are spiritually connected. There is nothing "arrogant" about making that point. There IS something "arrogant" about insisting human spirituality is nothing more than a meditative trance.

According to you in this post, I am a blathering feeble liar who is arrogantly displaying ignorance...but you claim it is ME who is calling you names? That's funny... sad and pathetic, but still... very funny! Enjoy your funny hat, Pope Dorito!

Yet another insipid response from you that is rife with distortions and canards. Obviously it is a waste of time calling you on them since you infest a pool of denial.

Instead let's move on to your redefining the religion of Spiritualism to suit yourself. Why don't you enlighten everyone as to what YOU believe it means and where your "definitive proof" of YOUR God "exists" in it.
All one has to do is look at the creationists thread and see how disengenuous of the sciences you two are.

They won't have to look far at that nonsense Daws was posting the last couple of days lol. They can even see it here.
how is that possible creationism is not science.
what nonsense have I posted ? the answer is none.
the more you claim it's nonsense the more factual it is.

Or maybe it makes sense to you and due to poor communication it makes NO sense to him?

I have yet to meet a single evangelical with a college degree who cannot admit the possibility of evolution and the Big Bang being true after just 15 minutes of discussing and listening to a person who wasn't trying to beat them over the head with what they regard as questionable science.
Now this is the level of ignorance I am speaking of.

Now all you have to is go back from there and watch daws dance.
wow! talk about A COMPLETE DISCONNECT from reality...
only you would say this statement of fact:" and as always you be wrong...
genetics and microbiology are for all practical purposes the same : Genetic Microbiology is a sub discipline of microbiology dealing especially with genetic components of life such as DNA and RNA....
what we were actually discussing is your imaginary superiority in education and life in general.
you spend most of your time here looking for some fantasy breech in your detractors evidence or character you can exploit."- me IS IGNORANCE .
How strange that you keep insisting that you have supplied "scientific evidence" of your spirit worlds yet you refuse to identify where we can find this evidence.

Provide a link to a peer reviewed scientific journal. I'm just tingling with excitement to read of this spirit world you claim exists.

I'm a bit suspicious as you insist I must have a prior committment to believe In your spirit worlds In order to accept the evidence of your spirit worlds. That sounds a bit like someone who's either a fool or a religious zealot.

Therefore, give us a link to a reliable, peer reviewed journal. There's a good fellow.

Oh peer reviews can't be wrong. like I said mental midget.

The Bible was peer reviewed
if you want to call 325 years after the fact "peer reviewed" !
No what it shows evolutionist refuting their own theory by applying such dates and theory. You're correct I don't believe the earth is as old as claimed by your side.

Dendrochronology (tree-ring counting) refutes a young earth, the old measurement being 11,000, which is higher than the 6,000 to 10,000 years posited by young earthers. How do you deal with this?

Not if God made the trees with rings. You don't know the Creationist theory well enough to anticipate such a simple response? Then you don't really know much about Creationism.

How about asking why God placed animals geographically close to other animals of similar structure and behavior? One of the early observations that led to the theory of evolution was that species that naturally arose near each other were similar to each other in surprising ways.

Why were nearly ALL early evolutionists Christians if it is antithetical to Christianity?
another classic argument from a false premise!
there is no evidence god did anything... therefore anything taken from that false premise is by definition false.
2"Why were nearly ALL early evolutionists Christians if it is antithetical to Christianity?"- JB
ANSWER: Because most everybody was.
I missed this little gem. Daws, I assure you, I am not the least bit agitated. I am at peace with my spiritual self, you are the one who seems agitated to me.

This brings up another aspect regarding spirituality, the people who are connected spiritually, are happier, more content, mentally stable, healthier, and less likely to be addicted to alcohol and drugs or commit suicide.

Strange that someone who claims not to be "agitated" and "at peace" with his "spiritual self" has to make such frequent use of profanities.

Once again you :dig: your own hole ever deeper with your tissue of lies.

I use profanities for effect, which obviously works, hence your response.
The use of profanity demonstrates an intellectual shortcoming in not being able to express yourself cogently and coherently.
Remember, I don't believe in god of religion, I believe in god of nature. My god doesn't frown upon use of profanities.
You deny having a God and then you claim to have one. Obviously you are conflicted in your own beliefs. This probably explains your intense levels of frustration and confusion.
So sorry that your self-righteous piety doesn't work on me.. go attack a Christian with it.

YOU are the one claiming to be "spiritual" and yet nothing in your posts shows any indication of "spirituality". Instead you come across as a bombastic arrogant blowhard. You really need to work on your marketing skills if you expect anyone to buy into your snake oil brand of "spirituality" that you are trying to sell in this thread.
No what it shows evolutionist refuting their own theory by applying such dates and theory. You're correct I don't believe the earth is as old as claimed by your side.

Dendrochronology (tree-ring counting) refutes a young earth, the old measurement being 11,000, which is higher than the 6,000 to 10,000 years posited by young earthers. How do you deal with this?

Tree-ring counting can be interpreted in several different ways with different factors being considered. I don't know how old the earth is and it's not that important to me.
lair liar pants on fire !
you've spent god knows (pun intended)how many pages on the creationist thread attempting to prove a young earth.
now you say it's not that important.. who's ass are you trying to kiss now?
if it isn't obvious to other posters by now ywc will latch on to any mention of god or Christianity that he imagines will bolster his bullshit.
And yet, in spite of the march, 95% of all humans, still have some spiritual understanding.
If Spiritual Existence is not part of the physical realm, by what possible procedure could you assess the figure for such a probability?

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Well.... Whenever we do these things called "surveys" where we ask people for their opinions and stuff, the statistics consistently show that 5% claim to have no spiritual beliefs whatsoever, which is defined as "Nihilistic." When we subtract the 5% Nihilists from 100% of all humans, we come up with 95% who are not Nihilistic. Now these 95% vary in the degree at which they acknowledge spirituality, but they weren't inclined to identify as Nihilists. The curious thing is, this statistic is largely unchanged throughout human history....even as Science has grown in popularity and enlightened us on so many aspects of the physical universe.

Glad to have cleared that up for you!
"spiritual energy which I (Boss) refer to as "god" ...

how do you define Life ?

certainly you do not believe it is a combination of both positive and negative energy ?

the Living Spiritual Universe is not specifically defined ?

Life is created by spiritual energy, just like the universe. You said it best, way back in the thread... All life is spiritual.

As for afterlife, I was mostly jerking his chain, I don't know if our spirits live on, but since they aren't confined to physical nature, it's reasonable to presume they do. Death is something experienced in the physical realm. I suppose spirits can "die" or become so weak in energy as to become inconsequential, and absorbed by the rest of spiritual nature.

So there you have it, in just a few short paragraphs. Definitive proof that God exists!

Life is created by spiritual energy ....

Like I said, there is positive and negative spiritual energy - No species of animal we have ever studied, just does something inherently, with no fundamental reason - The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you.

there is something a little confusing to your: "Definitive proof that God exists!"

you have stated there exists both Positive and Negative spiritual energy - and that "Life is created by spiritual energy" as agreed - but also there exists a certainty that all living matter at its inception be Pure as the defining ingredient for it to exist ... so where in your "Definitive" proof by your definition of "God" is the purity between Positive and Negative Spirituality resolved ?

Well, I never stated that all living matter must be "pure" and I am not sure what parameters are being set here, with the use of this particular word. There does seem to be a fairly common understanding among us, of what is "good" and what is "evil," even if the lines are sometimes blurred.

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