Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

And this scientific ignoramus claims to be a MOLECULAR biologist. :rofl::lmao: Before you can understand the structure of a molecule, you must understand the structure of the atom, especially the electrons which are the key to how atoms combine into molecules. This idiot thinks protons and neutrons are in orbit! :cuckoo:

Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons do not orbit an atom, they make up the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus.

The universe IS chaotic!!! Something in the universe is smashing into something else constantly. The universe is a Perpetual Commotion Machine.

Uhm.. I never claimed to be a molecular biologist, I think that was YWC.

Maybe he can explain the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons thing better than I? The point is still, from the smallest things to the farthest reaching things, our universe has pattern of design. Now.... Go and blow up ANYTHING... and see what results?

Pattern or Chaos?
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

YWC also claims to command the French forces at Waterloo.
Uhm.. I never claimed to be a molecular biologist, I think that was YWC.

Maybe he can explain the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons thing better than I? The point is still, from the smallest things to the farthest reaching things, our universe has pattern of design. Now.... Go and blow up ANYTHING... and see what results?

Pattern or Chaos?
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

YWC also claims to command the French forces at Waterloo.

I am elderly but not that elderly. :evil:
There are some things that raise a lot of questions. I'm neither religious, agnostic, or atheistic.... just indifferent and curious.

If you're religious, you have a LOT of philosophical things to contend with. How do you reckon the possible existence of other gods, when you've set your heart on a certain deity? How can you prove your god exists? How do you know you're truly on the path of salvation? The whole issue with religion is that you can't know. You have to have faith. If God intended people to have unrefutable evidence of his existence and mandates, well, there wouldn't be any need for faith. If God wants us to have faith, He wouldn't provide ground-breaking proof that He exists.

If you're atheistic, there's a lot of things you have to work with, too. Do you just not believe and continue life randomly and pointlessly on a rock in space? How do you explain the origins of life? If you are an atheist, do youbelieve in abiogenesis? If human came from ape-like things, and they came from scurrying things and so on and so forth backwards in time, what was before the first living thing? Can a living thing pop into existence? Can it come from a chemical reaction? It doesn't make sense. If life can't come from rocks and other materials... how'd it get here?
you bring up a point that makes no sense to me I've heard a lot of believers say "continue life randomly and pointlessly on a rock in space".
or something close to that.
how does believing in a non provable Deity make life any less random?
the use of the word random :
1. made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern:
Statistics. of or characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen.

unknown, unidentified, or out of place: A couple of random guys showed up at the party.

odd and unpredictable in an amusing way: my totally random to describe existence is a misnomer .
there are random moments in life in the same way there are coincidental moments .
for the most part life is not random.
there are patterns in nature (there is no evidence these patterns are the product of conscience design)
time as we experience it seems to have a pattern.
we make or own patterns of behavior.
the only benefit I can see from spiritual belief is it's an organizing force for good or ill.
the same thing can be said about sports,government and the arts.
to make this brief I think believers use terms like random to appear to have an answer to the age old question: what is the meaning of life.
the reality is "they" are as clueless about that as they claim non believers are.
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Isn't it curious, we find atoms, the smallest thing in the universe we can see... and they are orbited by little round protons, neutrons, and electrons. Then we can go to the most powerful telescopes and as far out into the universe as we can look, we see small suns, orbited by planets and planets orbited by moons... a pattern. Big Bangs do not create patterns, they create chaos. This is a testable hypothesis. So what can be the physical science explanation for pattern, order, logic, where we should find chaos?

Spiritual energy.
And this scientific ignoramus claims to be a MOLECULAR biologist. :rofl::lmao: Before you can understand the structure of a molecule, you must understand the structure of the atom, especially the electrons which are the key to how atoms combine into molecules. This idiot thinks protons and neutrons are in orbit! :cuckoo:

Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons do not orbit an atom, they make up the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus.

The universe IS chaotic!!! Something in the universe is smashing into something else constantly. The universe is a Perpetual Commotion Machine.

This a good answer that anyone could have googled why don't you give Boss the chance to explain it.

Daws this why you were lying you needed Physics and Biochemistry to understand Rna at the molecular level.
since I was not lying it appears the liar is you..
why needlessly mention me in this post?
still trying to kiss jb's and boss's ass ?
or fruitlessly trying to rebuild your non existent credibility?.
Uhm.. I never claimed to be a molecular biologist, I think that was YWC.

Maybe he can explain the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons thing better than I? The point is still, from the smallest things to the farthest reaching things, our universe has pattern of design. Now.... Go and blow up ANYTHING... and see what results?

Pattern or Chaos?
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

Parts of the universe can be considered Chaotic but we can set our calendars to other parts of the universe because of it's predictable order So in my opinion it is both.
Actually our calendars have to be adjusted because the "order" is changing as chaos takes over.
Uhm.. I never claimed to be a molecular biologist, I think that was YWC.

Maybe he can explain the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons thing better than I? The point is still, from the smallest things to the farthest reaching things, our universe has pattern of design. Now.... Go and blow up ANYTHING... and see what results?

Pattern or Chaos?
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

Parts of the universe can be considered Chaotic but we can set our calendars to other parts of the universe because of it's predictable order So in my opinion it is both.
that's only true for now it can and will change.
the universe does not run on your imaginary scheduled.
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

YWC also claims to command the French forces at Waterloo.

I am elderly but not that elderly. :evil:
he also sees design were it does not exist..
And this scientific ignoramus claims to be a MOLECULAR biologist. :rofl::lmao: Before you can understand the structure of a molecule, you must understand the structure of the atom, especially the electrons which are the key to how atoms combine into molecules. This idiot thinks protons and neutrons are in orbit! :cuckoo:

Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons do not orbit an atom, they make up the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus.

The universe IS chaotic!!! Something in the universe is smashing into something else constantly. The universe is a Perpetual Commotion Machine.

This a good answer that anyone could have googled why don't you give Boss the chance to explain it.

Daws this why you were lying you needed Physics and Biochemistry to understand Rna at the molecular level.
since I was not lying it appears the liar is you..
why needlessly mention me in this post?
still trying to kiss jb's and boss's ass ?
or fruitlessly trying to rebuild your non existent credibility?.
Daws my response needs further explanation lol.
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

Parts of the universe can be considered Chaotic but we can set our calendars to other parts of the universe because of it's predictable order So in my opinion it is both.
that's only true for now it can and will change.
the universe does not run on your imaginary scheduled.

This a good answer that anyone could have googled why don't you give Boss the chance to explain it.

Daws this why you were lying you needed Physics and Biochemistry to understand Rna at the molecular level.
since I was not lying it appears the liar is you..
why needlessly mention me in this post?
still trying to kiss jb's and boss's ass ?
or fruitlessly trying to rebuild your non existent credibility?.
Daws my response needs further explanation lol.
true everyone can see it's meaningless.
except for the you kissing ass that needs no further explanation..
Let it be noted that Boss is befuddled. The fact of a chaotic universe is not in question, as was demonstrated.
More befuddlement as the speed of light has nothing to do with any bogus claim of “order” in the universe.

My only befuddlement is how inept you are at language. Are you taking "order" to mean perfect order in all instances? Utopian and absolute? Because, that isn't what I implied at all. The speed of light is constant, it doesn't change randomly by chance, it is reliable... there is order to it. The same with all principles of physics, it has order. We can rely on this order to repeat itself. Nothing in our physical universe is random in reality, it is either there or not there. If it is there, it can be defined predictably and reliably, there is order and logic to it.

Yet more religious claims made by Boss in connection with an “intelligent Designer”. It seems Boss has identified again that he is just an ordinary, pedestrian intelligent design “creationist”.

Well you can keep calling it a "religious claim" but I am merely observing facts. I explained to you about our amazing atmosphere, which protects us from deadly rays from space that would otherwise kill every living thing on our planet, if it weren't so fucking amazing, and good at doing what it does.

It seems Boss would have us believe that his gawds “intelligently designed” the universe.... just once in a while, the gawds are subject to an oopsies.

I didn't say that, did I? Spiritual nature intelligently designed the universe, but we have to break this down word for word, and explore what each of us believes with regard to the individual words, because we are talking about completely opposing concepts. The spiritual energy which created the physical universe, didn't make mistakes.

Yet we still have Boss insisting that his gawds designed an orderly universe when, as noted, Boss's gawds provide "order" by way of planetary bombardment by meteors, asteroids, etc. Galaxies collide, stars exhaust their fuel and explode in emission of energy that is "cosmic" in scale which obliterates other space objects. Black holes consume entire portions of space. Space objects collide and are reduced to dust. There are also huge areas of the cosmos which are empty and other areas relatively dense with planets, stars, etc.

Again, you seem to think I have proposed a specific incarnation of this outer-worldly being who behaves and acts like a morally superior human and calls himself God. And that I believe HE did all this, on his own accord, subject to the laws of physical nature, like a human being. And being that such a being did this, he must have really been fucked up to create so much chaos in the universe filled with order, because that makes sense in your human brain.

I want you to think about all the phenomenal events you just reeled off, they are happening all over our universe, every second of every day... has been happening for billions of years... will happen for billions more, most likely... Still... we exist here on our planet, with the ability to reason and rationalize thought, explore and create, appreciate nature's wonders and beauty, completely oblivious to the events you described. Doesn't that seem peculiar in the least bit to you? Do you honestly believe, just the right amount of chaos happened, to create this environment and all living things we are aware of in reality?

It seem the gawds have played a cruel joke on Boss.

No... it seems you've played a cruel joke on yourself.
Let it be noted that Boss is befuddled. The fact of a chaotic universe is not in question, as was demonstrated.
More befuddlement as the speed of light has nothing to do with any bogus claim of “order” in the universe.

My only befuddlement is how inept you are at language. Are you taking "order" to mean perfect order in all instances? Utopian and absolute? Because, that isn't what I implied at all. The speed of light is constant, it doesn't change randomly by chance, it is reliable... there is order to it. The same with all principles of physics, it has order. We can rely on this order to repeat itself. Nothing in our physical universe is random in reality, it is either there or not there. If it is there, it can be defined predictably and reliably, there is order and logic to it.

Yet more religious claims made by Boss in connection with an “intelligent Designer”. It seems Boss has identified again that he is just an ordinary, pedestrian intelligent design “creationist”.

Well you can keep calling it a "religious claim" but I am merely observing facts. I explained to you about our amazing atmosphere, which protects us from deadly rays from space that would otherwise kill every living thing on our planet, if it weren't so fucking amazing, and good at doing what it does.

I didn't say that, did I? Spiritual nature intelligently designed the universe, but we have to break this down word for word, and explore what each of us believes with regard to the individual words, because we are talking about completely opposing concepts. The spiritual energy which created the physical universe, didn't make mistakes.

Yet we still have Boss insisting that his gawds designed an orderly universe when, as noted, Boss's gawds provide "order" by way of planetary bombardment by meteors, asteroids, etc. Galaxies collide, stars exhaust their fuel and explode in emission of energy that is "cosmic" in scale which obliterates other space objects. Black holes consume entire portions of space. Space objects collide and are reduced to dust. There are also huge areas of the cosmos which are empty and other areas relatively dense with planets, stars, etc.

Again, you seem to think I have proposed a specific incarnation of this outer-worldly being who behaves and acts like a morally superior human and calls himself God. And that I believe HE did all this, on his own accord, subject to the laws of physical nature, like a human being. And being that such a being did this, he must have really been fucked up to create so much chaos in the universe filled with order, because that makes sense in your human brain.

I want you to think about all the phenomenal events you just reeled off, they are happening all over our universe, every second of every day... has been happening for billions of years... will happen for billions more, most likely... Still... we exist here on our planet, with the ability to reason and rationalize thought, explore and create, appreciate nature's wonders and beauty, completely oblivious to the events you described. Doesn't that seem peculiar in the least bit to you? Do you honestly believe, just the right amount of chaos happened, to create this environment and all living things we are aware of in reality?

It seem the gawds have played a cruel joke on Boss.

No... it seems you've played a cruel joke on yourself.
so much for a scathing retort ...
Let it be noted that Boss is befuddled. The fact of a chaotic universe is not in question, as was demonstrated.
More befuddlement as the speed of light has nothing to do with any bogus claim of “order” in the universe.

My only befuddlement is how inept you are at language. Are you taking "order" to mean perfect order in all instances? Utopian and absolute? Because, that isn't what I implied at all. The speed of light is constant, it doesn't change randomly by chance, it is reliable... there is order to it. The same with all principles of physics, it has order. We can rely on this order to repeat itself. Nothing in our physical universe is random in reality, it is either there or not there. If it is there, it can be defined predictably and reliably, there is order and logic to it.

Well you can keep calling it a "religious claim" but I am merely observing facts. I explained to you about our amazing atmosphere, which protects us from deadly rays from space that would otherwise kill every living thing on our planet, if it weren't so fucking amazing, and good at doing what it does.

I didn't say that, did I? Spiritual nature intelligently designed the universe, but we have to break this down word for word, and explore what each of us believes with regard to the individual words, because we are talking about completely opposing concepts. The spiritual energy which created the physical universe, didn't make mistakes.

Again, you seem to think I have proposed a specific incarnation of this outer-worldly being who behaves and acts like a morally superior human and calls himself God. And that I believe HE did all this, on his own accord, subject to the laws of physical nature, like a human being. And being that such a being did this, he must have really been fucked up to create so much chaos in the universe filled with order, because that makes sense in your human brain.

I want you to think about all the phenomenal events you just reeled off, they are happening all over our universe, every second of every day... has been happening for billions of years... will happen for billions more, most likely... Still... we exist here on our planet, with the ability to reason and rationalize thought, explore and create, appreciate nature's wonders and beauty, completely oblivious to the events you described. Doesn't that seem peculiar in the least bit to you? Do you honestly believe, just the right amount of chaos happened, to create this environment and all living things we are aware of in reality?

It seem the gawds have played a cruel joke on Boss.

No... it seems you've played a cruel joke on yourself.
so much for a scathing retort ...

Boss you shouldn't waste your time with Ruggedtouch or his girlfriend Jaws.
And this scientific ignoramus claims to be a MOLECULAR biologist. :rofl::lmao: Before you can understand the structure of a molecule, you must understand the structure of the atom, especially the electrons which are the key to how atoms combine into molecules. This idiot thinks protons and neutrons are in orbit! :cuckoo:

Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons do not orbit an atom, they make up the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus.

The universe IS chaotic!!! Something in the universe is smashing into something else constantly. The universe is a Perpetual Commotion Machine.

Uhm.. I never claimed to be a molecular biologist, I think that was YWC.

Maybe he can explain the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons thing better than I? The point is still, from the smallest things to the farthest reaching things, our universe has pattern of design. Now.... Go and blow up ANYTHING... and see what results?

Pattern or Chaos?
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

What is a "short period of time" in relation to the universe and physical existence? What we observe, from the smallest atom to the farthest planetary system, is similarity of pattern. i.e.; design. Even the chaotic events in the universe are predictable, because physics has order, it isn't random. You simply can't argue that "chaos wins out in the end" because we've not reached "the end" of time yet. According to Dorito, the universe doesn't have a beginning or end, so how can chaos win out in the end?
My only befuddlement is how inept you are at language. Are you taking "order" to mean perfect order in all instances? Utopian and absolute? Because, that isn't what I implied at all. The speed of light is constant, it doesn't change randomly by chance, it is reliable... there is order to it. The same with all principles of physics, it has order. We can rely on this order to repeat itself. Nothing in our physical universe is random in reality, it is either there or not there. If it is there, it can be defined predictably and reliably, there is order and logic to it.

Well you can keep calling it a "religious claim" but I am merely observing facts. I explained to you about our amazing atmosphere, which protects us from deadly rays from space that would otherwise kill every living thing on our planet, if it weren't so fucking amazing, and good at doing what it does.

I didn't say that, did I? Spiritual nature intelligently designed the universe, but we have to break this down word for word, and explore what each of us believes with regard to the individual words, because we are talking about completely opposing concepts. The spiritual energy which created the physical universe, didn't make mistakes.

Again, you seem to think I have proposed a specific incarnation of this outer-worldly being who behaves and acts like a morally superior human and calls himself God. And that I believe HE did all this, on his own accord, subject to the laws of physical nature, like a human being. And being that such a being did this, he must have really been fucked up to create so much chaos in the universe filled with order, because that makes sense in your human brain.

I want you to think about all the phenomenal events you just reeled off, they are happening all over our universe, every second of every day... has been happening for billions of years... will happen for billions more, most likely... Still... we exist here on our planet, with the ability to reason and rationalize thought, explore and create, appreciate nature's wonders and beauty, completely oblivious to the events you described. Doesn't that seem peculiar in the least bit to you? Do you honestly believe, just the right amount of chaos happened, to create this environment and all living things we are aware of in reality?

No... it seems you've played a cruel joke on yourself.
so much for a scathing retort ...

Boss you shouldn't waste your time with Ruggedtouch or his girlfriend Jaws.
brown nose much?
Uhm.. I never claimed to be a molecular biologist, I think that was YWC.

Maybe he can explain the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons thing better than I? The point is still, from the smallest things to the farthest reaching things, our universe has pattern of design. Now.... Go and blow up ANYTHING... and see what results?

Pattern or Chaos?
And that point is still wrong because as was pointed out, the universe is chaotic. You are simply pontificating that chaos is a pattern. Blow something up and you set it in motion. The universe is in motion with something colliding into something else due to that chaotic motion. For short periods you might observe some gravitational patterns to the objects in chaotic motion, but the patterns never last. Chaos wins out in the end.

What is a "short period of time" in relation to the universe and physical existence? What we observe, from the smallest atom to the farthest planetary system, is similarity of pattern. i.e.; design. Even the chaotic events in the universe are predictable, because physics has order, it isn't random. You simply can't argue that "chaos wins out in the end" because we've not reached "the end" of time yet. According to Dorito, the universe doesn't have a beginning or end, so how can chaos win out in the end?
You seem to think that if you repeat your erroneous pontification that by your almighty authority it is declared to be true.

The most common pattern in the universe is the vortex. In no atom, from the smallest to the largest, do the electrons orbit in a vortex. So your bullshit breaks down immediately no matter how much you pontificate.

And as was pointed out, while the universe has no beginning or end, TIME does. In time, all the chaotic matter in the universe will have collided into one universal unstable compressed mass that will again go bang and time will begin again.
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