Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Nope, just the chaos of gravity. But that was an amazing shift of gears from something unsupported by science and physics to an intelligently designed and ingenious system of function!

Is this theory repeatable and testable? If not, it still has no basis in science or physics. Still, it appears to be a functional "system" which indicates intelligent design and pattern, not chaos. So there is actually a DOUBLE-fail here.... 1st, this is an unsupported THEORY and 2nd, it denotes design and pattern.

More unintelligent creationist drivel? Why doesn't Boss just join the original creationist thread instead of trying to start his own?

Irony: A thread titled 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?' running strong after 128 pages and 29 days.

The only truth to this thread is that it's posed as a question.


[ame=]Ironic - Alanis Morissette - YouTube[/ame]

6 weeks / 201 pages and cooking :dunno: All questions - no answers.

That was an understatement. No self respecting person would ever allow themselves to be talked down to in such a condescending manner. As for the content, there are kids in elementary schools who could poke holes in that nonsense.

Really !!!!

How many kinds you've seen them do that !! ,,,
I never saw such a thing , because I just see what is descent , polite and honest ^ ^
So, don't trust the lying media , and don't miss watching those videos , they are very healthy to the brain
major waste of bandwidth....

That was an understatement. No self respecting person would ever allow themselves to be talked down to in such a condescending manner. As for the content, there are kids in elementary schools who could poke holes in that nonsense.

Really !!!!

How many kinds you've seen them do that !! ,,,
I never saw such a thing , because I just see what is descent , polite and honest ^ ^
So, don't trust the lying media , and don't miss watching those videos , they are very healthy to the brain

Given that you have the internet at your fingertips you could try doing your own research to find out for yourself instead of only using it as an extension of your dogma. FYI brainwashing is mentally unhealthy at the best of times although those videos barely make it into the "dunk and rinse" category for those who are already believers.
not a damn thing in the universe to support this theory that the universe contracts and regenerates

there is no reason for it to contract - after the explosion everything is expanding outwards where in the extreme future due to its angular projectile will eventually collide back into itself causing the finite compression necessary to again cause another expansive explosion.
not a damn thing in the universe to support this theory that the universe contracts and regenerates

there is no reason for it to contract - after the explosion everything is expanding outwards where in the extreme future due to its angular projectile will eventually collide back into itself causing the finite compression necessary to again cause another expansive explosion.

That assumes a contained universe. Current measurements indicate an infinite universe. The assumption of serial big bangs has flaws. The more probable likelihood is that big bangs are events that occur at random intervals whenever matter becomes too dense in that part of the universe. The expansion of our tiny visible portion of the universe could be due to the heating of dark matter by the abundance of stars in our "neighborhood". Elsewhere the universe could be contracting because dark energy is coalescing back into dark matter. The limitations of our tools means that we are speculating as to what is happening in the rest of the universe. Granted this speculation is based upon the knowledge and data that we currently have in our possession but obviously there is a lot more to learn.
And this is a wonderful little fairy tale that science and physics doesn't support.
I love how a pompous idiot who thinks protons and neutrons rotate around an atom acts like he knows what science and physics support. One of the three possible fates of the universe is the "Big Crunch" I described above in layman's terms for a simpleton like you.


Wow.... what an intelligently designed and ingenious system of function!


I guess graphs they use to demonstrate their theories proves it happened.
Here is why the Big Crunch Theory now exists... Because the Big Bang Theory didn't sufficiently contradict an intelligent designer. The findings in the universe, constantly expanding, had proven that this Big Bang thing had happened, but if physical universe was not in existence yet, what caused it to go boom? Since believing in creation was not an option, they began to ponder how to cycle back to where the bang completes a revolution, and they developed this theory, along with discovery of black holes, that maybe the universe contracts as well, and we simply haven't been around long enough to know?

Make no mistake, if this theory had ever been tested and proven, we wouldn't be having this conversation. So there's simply no peer-reviewed evidence to consider, no published findings in science journals, not a damn thing in the universe to support this theory that the universe contracts and regenerates, as the cute little illustration depicts. Not a goddamn thing!

Yet... here it is, presented as if this is the scientific FACT that no one can refute or question! The really astonishing thing is, even if they are entirely correct, and the universe operates in a systematic way, like the freaking cycles on a washing machine... does that somehow "disprove" an intelligent designing force? Or is it more evidence OF such a force?

Peer reviews don't carry a lot of weight with me if the majority was correct most of the time vegas would be out of business.
I love how a pompous idiot who thinks protons and neutrons rotate around an atom acts like he knows what science and physics support. One of the three possible fates of the universe is the "Big Crunch" I described above in layman's terms for a simpleton like you.


The expansion of the universe is proven to be accelerating.

There will be no Big Crunch.

There are some theories that are speculative and not supported by any science at the moment but that 'work around' the accelerating universe problem, but so far all the concepts tossed out essentially to support an infinitely lasting universe have been proven wrong, and I don't see any reason to suppose this will stop. It seems that atheists are so desperate to believe the universe is of infinite duration that they propose fanciful things that science consistently knocks down.
Not exactly, the oldest farthest extremes of the universe are found to be accelerating away from us, but that does not necessarily mean they are expanding. They could also be accelerating towards a super massive universal black hole and therefore be contracting.

You seem to have an infinitely expanding universe confused with a cyclic universe.

Must we remind ourselves what a Theory is.
Here is why the Big Crunch Theory now exists... Because the Big Bang Theory didn't sufficiently contradict an intelligent designer. The findings in the universe, constantly expanding, had proven that this Big Bang thing had happened, but if physical universe was not in existence yet, what caused it to go boom? Since believing in creation was not an option, they began to ponder how to cycle back to where the bang completes a revolution, and they developed this theory, along with discovery of black holes, that maybe the universe contracts as well, and we simply haven't been around long enough to know?

Make no mistake, if this theory had ever been tested and proven, we wouldn't be having this conversation. So there's simply no peer-reviewed evidence to consider, no published findings in science journals, not a damn thing in the universe to support this theory that the universe contracts and regenerates, as the cute little illustration depicts. Not a goddamn thing!

Yet... here it is, presented as if this is the scientific FACT that no one can refute or question! The really astonishing thing is, even if they are entirely correct, and the universe operates in a systematic way, like the freaking cycles on a washing machine... does that somehow "disprove" an intelligent designing force? Or is it more evidence OF such a force?

The above truly displays the fallacy of the intelligent design creationist. You should be aware that the theories surrounding the Big Bang and the Big Crunch are not intended to contradict your religious beliefs. They are theories, proposed to account for the function of nature based upon the available science. The hyper-religious such as Boss predefine the function of nature as being subordinate to his gawds / supermagical intelligent designer. For that personality type, all of nature can be explained with the four word, “the gawds did it”.

Religious faith is not a requirement to understand the natural world. And in fact, faith can often be a limitation to exploration and the seeking of knowledge. “Holy texts” laud faith. Faith is needed only when reason fails. If reason fails, then anything outside of reason by definition is irrational. The Universe is eminently explicable in Natural terms; obviously not every mystery has been penetrated, but many things that were beyond our understanding 50 years ago are now commonly accepted facts. This has been the history of humanity. Why should we assume such intellectual evolution will cease? Reason and empirical evidence verifies our existence, and faith is necessary only when non-authorities attempt to foist their non-authoritative points of view on those gullible enough to either follow or have need to follow.

We see clearly that Boss leads his argumentation with the prior insistence that his gawds are true and thus, requires that science must be false because it doesn't "disprove" his gawds.

Humanity is evolving away from gawds mythologies, that much is clear. Religious beliefs have nowhere near the power and clout they used to, and as science progresses forward, the god of the gaps pleadings get thinner and thinner.

Would you consider this as intelligent design ?

Genetically Engineered Animals

How bout this ?

Engineered enzymes for chemical production. [Biotechnol Bioeng. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI
Here is why the Big Crunch Theory now exists... Because the Big Bang Theory didn't sufficiently contradict an intelligent designer. The findings in the universe, constantly expanding, had proven that this Big Bang thing had happened, but if physical universe was not in existence yet, what caused it to go boom? Since believing in creation was not an option, they began to ponder how to cycle back to where the bang completes a revolution, and they developed this theory, along with discovery of black holes, that maybe the universe contracts as well, and we simply haven't been around long enough to know?

Make no mistake, if this theory had ever been tested and proven, we wouldn't be having this conversation. So there's simply no peer-reviewed evidence to consider, no published findings in science journals, not a damn thing in the universe to support this theory that the universe contracts and regenerates, as the cute little illustration depicts. Not a goddamn thing!

Yet... here it is, presented as if this is the scientific FACT that no one can refute or question! The really astonishing thing is, even if they are entirely correct, and the universe operates in a systematic way, like the freaking cycles on a washing machine... does that somehow "disprove" an intelligent designing force? Or is it more evidence OF such a force?

The above truly displays the fallacy of the intelligent design creationist. You should be aware that the theories surrounding the Big Bang and the Big Crunch are not intended to contradict your religious beliefs. They are theories, proposed to account for the function of nature based upon the available science. The hyper-religious such as Boss predefine the function of nature as being subordinate to his gawds / supermagical intelligent designer. For that personality type, all of nature can be explained with the four word, “the gawds did it”.

Religious faith is not a requirement to understand the natural world. And in fact, faith can often be a limitation to exploration and the seeking of knowledge. “Holy texts” laud faith. Faith is needed only when reason fails. If reason fails, then anything outside of reason by definition is irrational. The Universe is eminently explicable in Natural terms; obviously not every mystery has been penetrated, but many things that were beyond our understanding 50 years ago are now commonly accepted facts. This has been the history of humanity. Why should we assume such intellectual evolution will cease? Reason and empirical evidence verifies our existence, and faith is necessary only when non-authorities attempt to foist their non-authoritative points of view on those gullible enough to either follow or have need to follow.

We see clearly that Boss leads his argumentation with the prior insistence that his gawds are true and thus, requires that science must be false because it doesn't "disprove" his gawds.

Humanity is evolving away from gawds mythologies, that much is clear. Religious beliefs have nowhere near the power and clout they used to, and as science progresses forward, the god of the gaps pleadings get thinner and thinner.

Would you consider this as intelligent design ?

Genetically Engineered Animals

How bout this ?

Engineered enzymes for chemical production. [Biotechnol Bioeng. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI

Lets assume for the sake of discussion that God exists as the supreme living being whose absolute existence is the source and sustainer of all that is seen and unseen who could have in theory created any possible reality.

Would that God require human beings to believe in things that contradict known truths about this reality created by him to be saved?

Isn't it much more likely that some other despicable creature would tell you that to be saved you have to believe that Jesus was an edible triune mangod who floated up into the sky and will return one day when the dead come out of their graves to take believers up into hebbin to rule the earth for an eternity while they watch unbelievers burn forever in sulfurous flames?

Did you never read the story about the serpent in the garden?
We see clearly that Boss leads his argumentation with the prior insistence that his gawds are true and thus, requires that science must be false because it doesn't "disprove" his gawds.

I only pointed out the cute little illustration of a cyclical universe, is not supported by science or physics. It is a theory that has not been tested or verified and can't be tested or verified. It is being falsely submitted here, as if it is "science" when it is not. Science is testable and verifiable, this theory isn't. This theory is more akin to "because I say so" than anything I have presented. But even IF the theory is absolutely correct, it still doesn't disprove a creator, in fact, it reinforces such a possibility because we have yet another "system" of organized structure and form, not what you generally get when things explode.
Lets assume for the sake of discussion that God exists as the supreme living being whose absolute existence is the source and sustainer of all that is seen and unseen who could have in theory created any possible reality.

Would that God require human beings to believe in things that contradict known truths about this reality created by him to be saved?

Isn't it much more likely that some other despicable creature would tell you that to be saved you have to believe that Jesus was an edible triune mangod who floated up into the sky and will return one day when the dead come out of their graves to take believers up into hebbin to rule the earth for an eternity while they watch unbelievers burn forever in sulfurous flames?

Did you never read the story about the serpent in the garden?

Are you incapable of seeing God as anything other than a "super human" being? Obviously, there are a lot of religions who believe in such a God, but is there something inside of your brain that prohibits any other possibilities?

What if God is merely a super-intelligent energy force? It has no sense of logic or human attributes, it is like electricity, it doesn't care if you worship it or acknowledge it? Why would such an energy "require" anything? Would it care that we have misconceptions of it?
If a god exists, all we can do is speculate as to what it is.
not a damn thing in the universe to support this theory that the universe contracts and regenerates

there is no reason for it to contract - after the explosion everything is expanding outwards where in the extreme future due to its angular projectile will eventually collide back into itself causing the finite compression necessary to again cause another expansive explosion.

Whu?? Due to it's "angular projectile?" Dude... go blow something up! See if it's "angular projectile" causes whatever you blew up to return to it's original state again! Go ahead, test it several times, see if you can ever cause the blown up object to ever return to the state it was in before it exploded? This theory is BUNK, plain and simple. It has NO basis in physics or science. You may as well be claiming the supreme spiritual energy periodically gathers all the elements in the universe together again, and starts over. It has just as much scientific basis as this bullshit.
Lets assume for the sake of discussion that God exists as the supreme living being whose absolute existence is the source and sustainer of all that is seen and unseen who could have in theory created any possible reality.

Would that God require human beings to believe in things that contradict known truths about this reality created by him to be saved?

Isn't it much more likely that some other despicable creature would tell you that to be saved you have to believe that Jesus was an edible triune mangod who floated up into the sky and will return one day when the dead come out of their graves to take believers up into hebbin to rule the earth for an eternity while they watch unbelievers burn forever in sulfurous flames?

Did you never read the story about the serpent in the garden?

Are you incapable of seeing God as anything other than a "super human" being? Obviously, there are a lot of religions who believe in such a God, but is there something inside of your brain that prohibits any other possibilities?

What if God is merely a super-intelligent energy force? It has no sense of logic or human attributes, it is like electricity, it doesn't care if you worship it or acknowledge it? Why would such an energy "require" anything? Would it care that we have misconceptions of it?

Who said anything about any 'super human being'?

And WTF is a super intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic?

Damn you are dense.
Lets assume for the sake of discussion that God exists as the supreme living being whose absolute existence is the source and sustainer of all that is seen and unseen who could have in theory created any possible reality.

Would that God require human beings to believe in things that contradict known truths about this reality created by him to be saved?

Isn't it much more likely that some other despicable creature would tell you that to be saved you have to believe that Jesus was an edible triune mangod who floated up into the sky and will return one day when the dead come out of their graves to take believers up into hebbin to rule the earth for an eternity while they watch unbelievers burn forever in sulfurous flames?

Did you never read the story about the serpent in the garden?

Are you incapable of seeing God as anything other than a "super human" being? Obviously, there are a lot of religions who believe in such a God, but is there something inside of your brain that prohibits any other possibilities?

What if God is merely a super-intelligent energy force? It has no sense of logic or human attributes, it is like electricity, it doesn't care if you worship it or acknowledge it? Why would such an energy "require" anything? Would it care that we have misconceptions of it?

Who said anything about any 'super human being'?

And WTF is a super intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic?

Damn you are dense.

I've highlighted where you said it. A super intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic, could perhaps be god? It's a suggested possibility, are you opposed to possibilities?

And don't worry your little head about my density, Ed assures me, I will eventually become so dense, I will explode into billions of pieces and then regenerate and start over again!
Are you incapable of seeing God as anything other than a "super human" being? Obviously, there are a lot of religions who believe in such a God, but is there something inside of your brain that prohibits any other possibilities?

What if God is merely a super-intelligent energy force? It has no sense of logic or human attributes, it is like electricity, it doesn't care if you worship it or acknowledge it? Why would such an energy "require" anything? Would it care that we have misconceptions of it?

Who said anything about any 'super human being'?

And WTF is a super intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic?

Damn you are dense.

I've highlighted where you said it. A super intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic, could perhaps be god? It's a suggested possibility, are you opposed to possibilities?

And don't worry your little head about my density, Ed assures me, I will eventually become so dense, I will explode into billions of pieces and then regenerate and start over again!

THE supreme living being is not a super-human being, in fact it would not have any physical attributes to qualify as God.

You were just trying to make the subject of what I wrote to YWC about your pathetic unsuccessful attempts to deal with being soundly refuted over and over and over and over and over..........again.

The point was that even if God existed people who claim to know all about him( even if their concept of God is just an intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic) and then try to persuade others into 'believing' their bullshit that contradicts both reality and logic are hardly distinguishable from the serpent described in the fairy tale.

That was the point.

and don't worry about me worrying about your state of confusion. I really don't care if you lack the integrity to admit your errors shut up and go back to the drawing board.

I can clearly see your dedication to the super intelligent energy force that has no sense of logic and that you have your well deserved reward already.


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