Delta Airlines steps in to the political fray - Attacks Conservatives

Ann can complain on Twitter.

Liberals in charge of Delta's media relations can blast Coulter.

At least Delta didn't beat her like United beat the AsIan physician until he had knocked out teeth and brain damage.
She was prolly standing at an angle where they couldn't see her.

Happens often with "the mouth so busy frothing it has no time to eat".
Who was the genius that thought yeah let's move Coulter, she's quiet and won't make a fuss.
Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.
OH the indignity the poor pampered and pandering bitch had to suffer for the loss of that 3"! Her behavior now is quit telling of her character, the spoiled child!

Poor Snowflake Annie
Maybe if she told them she was a Tranny

Maybe one day the airlines will learn giving the seat one person paid for to someone else is not good business and that they will always be the one who comes off looking bad.
Ann can complain on Twitter.

Liberals in charge of Delta's media relations can blast Coulter.

At least Delta didn't beat her like United beat the AsIan physician until he had knocked out teeth and brain damage.

Damn, and I had my hopes up so much.
Ann can complain on Twitter.

Liberals in charge of Delta's media relations can blast Coulter.

At least Delta didn't beat her like United beat the AsIan physician until he had knocked out teeth and brain damage.
1) United didn't beat anyone. It was a Republic airlines aircraft, but the security was City of Chicago, that famous bastion of authoritarian liberalism.

2) Coulter blasted Dr. Dao when it happened: Ann Coulter on Twitter
Sorry about the dragging, but the convicted pill-mill doctor should be deported. Dreamland

3) She wasn't bumped and she wasn't moved to another row; she was only moved over a seat in the same row with the same leg-room: Ann Coulter had to switch seats on a Delta flight. Then came the tirade.
Coulter didn’t just slam Delta for moving her from her “PRE-BOOKED seat” with extra leg room (to another seat in the same row, according to the airline). She also documented the experience in photos and tweet after tweet, which she shared with her 1.6 million followers, not to mention the wider spectrum of people fascinated by things Ann Coulter does.

4) Coulter is free to bitch, spin or whatever she pleases. She also can fly any other airline she pleases. It's a free country. I think she's mostly bitching for A) because like so many in her business, she's an attention whore and B) to milk Delta for free tickets. My guess is she'll quietly ride Delta for years, perhaps on a discount.
She paid extra for what Delta calls Delta comfort. She reserved the seat in advance. I would like to see Delta's explanation of the reason she was moved. If it was political, she should sue and receive a large settlement. No form of discrimination should be tolerated in this country.

If she was black or gay, the entire media would be screaming about this 24/7.

Come on Delta, tell us why you did it.
Memo to Publicity Department ...

As part of our ongoing strategy to enhance the Delta brand, we're going to inconvenience and humiliate a known public figure who has access to most media outlets and will eviscerate us in the press.

Brilliant idea, right?
Maybe one day the airlines will learn giving the seat one person paid for to someone else is not good business and that they will always be the one who comes off looking bad.
Should we nationalize the airlines? No. Pass federal laws dictating how they should be run? Already done. As a frequent flyer, I, too, wish they'd stop overbooking, but as a savvy traveler, I know why they do it just like I know why they charge for extra luggage.

While I agree, on the surface, it looks bad, but underneath, they're on marginal profit line; feast and famine. They're still paying off debt from the Great Recession and paying off modernizing their fleets: Airline Industry Financial Strength, Sales per Employee, Debt to Equity, Quick Ratio, Leverage Ratio by Company

What is the average debt/equity ratio of airline companies?
The average long-term debt/equity ratio of companies in the major airlines industry is 104.89, which indicates that for every $1 of shareholders' equity, the average company in the industry has $104.89 in total liabilities. Since the major airline industry is highly capital-intensive, companies in this industry tend to have high debt/equity ratios.

Similarly, the average long-term debt/equity ratio of companies in the regional airlines industry is 78.16, indicating that the average company in the regional airlines industry has $78.16 in debt per $1 of shareholders' equity.

The average of the long-term debt/equity ratios of companies in the airlines sector is 91.53, or (104.89 + 78.16) / 2. This average includes the long-term debt/equity ratios of large-, mid- and small-cap companies. Delta Air Lines Inc. has a long-term debt/equity ratio of 105.82; American Airlines Group Inc. has 684.59; United Continental Holdings, 408.44; Spirit Airlines Inc., 30.39; and Virgin America Inc., 28.39. American Airlines and United Continental are using high debt levels to finance their growth compared to the overall sector.
Delta replies: Delta hits back at Ann Coulter after her tweetstorm over seat mix-up
Delta said Coulter had originally booked a window seat in an exit row, but changed it to one in the aisle less than 24 hours before. The airline said it "inadvertently" moved Coulter during boarding, to another window seat in the same row "when working to accommodate several passengers with seating requests."

The airline said that while there was some confusion over seating assignments initially, all passengers complied with a flight attendant's request to move to the seats listed on their ticket. It was only when Coulter began tweeting on Saturday that Delta became aware of the issue, the airline added.

"Delta expects mutual civility throughout the entire travel experience," it said. "We will refund Ms. Coulter's $30 for the preferred seat on the exit row that she purchased."

Delta also said its customer care and social media teams tried reaching the political analyst several times to apologize, but did not hear back from her until Sunday evening.

Coulter continued her social media tirade well into Sunday night.
Memo to Publicity Department ...

As part of our ongoing strategy to enhance the Delta brand, we're going to inconvenience and humiliate a known public figure who has access to most media outlets and will eviscerate us in the press.

Brilliant idea, right?
Because public figures, celebrities and the rich have more rights than anyone else? :D

"All Animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
Why didn't she just take her broom like usual? Plenty of room for her hairy legs and Adam's Apple that way.
Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.

Still waiting on the OP to essplain the last two words of his title.............. :eusa_whistle:
Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.
And what was the content of the "blast" against Coulter?

Here are the two tweets in question from Delta's social media team:
  1. We're sorry you did not receive the preferred seat you paid for and will refund your $30.
  2. Additionally, your insults about our other customers and employees are unacceptable and unnecessary.
Why did they say the second line? Let's check Coulter's tweets:
  • Hey @Delta, if it was so important for the dachshund-legged woman to take my seat, she should have BOOKED THE SEAT IN ADVANCE. Like I did.
  • Airline crew training at @Delta: Replicate Stanley Milgram's prison experiment at Yale, inducing normal ppl to brutally torture fellow man.
  • This will be a more pleasant flight, provided they don't use @Delta flight attendants.
Coulter should have gotten the seat she paid for. But this is about $30 and three inches of legroom.

Now, OP: Can you please explain to everyone how denying one person three inches of legroom is an attack against conservatives? Or are conservatives such easily triggered snowflakes that being denied a tiny amount of legroom is equivalent to, as Coulter put it, brutal torture?

While we're on the subject, how is saying "your insults are unacceptable" equivalent to "full tilt bashing"? Maybe, just maybe, you're a little troll hoping to stir up trouble and further divide this country.

Go back to class, middle schooler.
She paid extra for what Delta calls Delta comfort. She reserved the seat in advance. I would like to see Delta's explanation of the reason she was moved. If it was political, she should sue and receive a large settlement. No form of discrimination should be tolerated in this country.

If she was black or gay, the entire media would be screaming about this 24/7.

Come on Delta, tell us why you did it.
Post #15. A $30 charge for extra legroom. It appears she switched her seat less than 24 hours prior. I'm also guessing Delta was trying to keep a group (family?) together. Funny how Coulter is flying coach, not First Class. I guess her heyday is over. ;)

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