Dem Booed Over Birth Control at Town Hall

You are attempting to force employers to purchase products they don't want. I would say that constitutes tyranny.

Is the concept of a benefit mandate for a health insurance product new for you? Is that the problem we're running into here?

No, the Prophet Obama forced ACA on us two years ago.

Doesn't mean I agreed with it then and doesn't mean I have to agree with it now.

The Prophet screwed us then and he's trying to screw us now.

Of course you don't think it is tyranny. You think forcing people to buy health insurance whether they can afford it or not or want it or not, is a gift from the Prophet Obama himself as well as forcing business who are on the verge of bankruptcy now to pay for it for their employees.


Immie, you can keep on repeating this all you want, it doesn't make it any more true.

Insurers met with the administration, and agreed to provide the coverage.

Obama didn't force them to do anything.
You are attempting to force employers to purchase products they don't want. I would say that constitutes tyranny.

Is the concept of a benefit mandate for a health insurance product new for you? Is that the problem we're running into here?

If it was that easy,....
though dictates do, in general, have a rather "non-liberty" sound to them

Probably a violation of the First Amendment

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
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Insurers are paying for nothing they will pass the increased costs onto the people paying premiums.

There are no "increased costs", there are specifically "Decreased Costs" when birth control is provided.

So how many unintended pregnancies will be prevented?
How have these unintended pregnancies added to the cost function
of insurance companies?

No kidding, it is not like anyone is actually prevented from purchasing contraceptive devices on their own.

You know, come to think of it, the Prophet been our President when I was a teenagers, I might have lost my virginity earlier than I did.

Insurers are paying for nothing they will pass the increased costs onto the people paying premiums.

There are no "increased costs", there are specifically "Decreased Costs" when birth control is provided.

So how many unintended pregnancies will be prevented?
How have these unintended pregnancies added to the cost function
of insurance companies?

No kidding, it is not like anyone is actually prevented from purchasing contraceptive devices on their own.

You know, come to think of it, if the Prophet been our President when I was a teenagers, I might have lost my virginity earlier than I did. I mean if I had free and easy access to birth control, who knows what I might have done. I was never thrilled about walking into a pharmacy and saying, "can I have a rubber please"?

Is that what you two are trying to promote here?

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CNN's results are roughly the same as two other recent polls: Rasmussen found that voters opposed Obama's policy 50% to 39%, and Pew found that voters opposed the policy 48% to 44%.

the telling factor was Papa Obama trying to step back from the
original HHS mandate- they know they stepped in it big
If their internal polls showed different- they would have done nothing

The wording of the question produced the alternate results.

In the CBS/New York times poll, people were asked if they approved of the insurers paying for birth control, which is the actual Obama compromise policy.

While in the alternate polls, that information was not provided, and people were asked to comment based on what they had heard in the news.

It is your story and you can tell it any way you want

The rest will live in the real world
He stepped into it, big time
What is your point?

Is there anything in the Constitution which would prohibit the federal government from contributing to the religious hospitals?

As long as the federal funding doesn't require the hospital to provide services contrary to the teachings of their religion then there is nothing prohibiting the hospital from accepting funds from the federal government.
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It was the Right that started bitching about it.

Well, you see, when the president violates the Constitution many of us tend to have a problem with that. I realize you people don't because the Constitution is an obstacle to your agenda of government controlling everyone's lives from cradle to grave.

Same old shit...

When someone who disagrees with your political views is Constitutionally elected he must be violating YOUR Constitution

It has jack shit to do with my views. He is violating the First Amendment. Funny how you Obamabots are the first ones to scream separation of church and state when someone wants to give a prayer at graduation or put a nativity scene at the city hall, but when the opposite occurs and the government attempts to inject itself in the church you jump around like a bunch of rah rah cheerleaders.

You're all fucking hypocrites and you don't give a damn about people's freedom.
Forcing those who don't want your products to purchase them is tyranny. Totally.

I know you are in the business in some way. I have often wanted to ask you, what you stand to gain from ACA. Might you be willing to disclose the fact that you will profit from it? Not even how much.


Who is forcing people to buy birth control?

The priests don't want birth control? They don't have to get birth control.

It's not like they need it anyway, considering the only people they have sex with are pre-adolescent and male.
Chicken shits hiding behind their warped sense of the Constitution. Its separate or its not. No jumping to your best advantage.
your argument sounds a lot like the blaming the victim of rape
for how she was dressed

Papa Obama stepped into it, big time
Gave the right a another issue to use and
show his radical ways

He never would have tried to step back from his HHS dictate
if it was otherwise

but that is just the way it is .,..

Wow, that is pretty much the worst metaphor I have ever heard.

Not because it's offensive, though it is, but because it just makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
Forcing those who don't want your products to purchase them is tyranny. Totally.

I know you are in the business in some way. I have often wanted to ask you, what you stand to gain from ACA. Might you be willing to disclose the fact that you will profit from it? Not even how much.


Who is forcing people to buy birth control?

The priests don't want birth control? They don't have to get birth control.

It's not like they need it anyway, considering the only people they have sex with are pre-adolescent and male.

It isnt a question of forcing purchase, it is a question of forcing others to pay for it.

CNN's results are roughly the same as two other recent polls: Rasmussen found that voters opposed Obama's policy 50% to 39%, and Pew found that voters opposed the policy 48% to 44%.

the telling factor was Papa Obama trying to step back from the
original HHS mandate- they know they stepped in it big
If their internal polls showed different- they would have done nothing

The wording of the question produced the alternate results.

In the CBS/New York times poll, people were asked if they approved of the insurers paying for birth control, which is the actual Obama compromise policy.

While in the alternate polls, that information was not provided, and people were asked to comment based on what they had heard in the news.

Anyone that thinks that insurance companies are going to pay for it deserves to get stuck with the bill.
Of course you don't think it is tyranny. You think forcing people to buy health insurance whether they can afford it or not or want it or not, is a gift from the Prophet Obama himself as well as forcing business who are on the verge of bankruptcy now to pay for it for their employees.


Immie, you can keep on repeating this all you want, it doesn't make it any more true.

Insurers met with the administration, and agreed to provide the coverage.

Obama didn't force them to do anything.

They met with the administration? When?
Forcing those who don't want your products to purchase them is tyranny. Totally.

I know you are in the business in some way. I have often wanted to ask you, what you stand to gain from ACA. Might you be willing to disclose the fact that you will profit from it? Not even how much.


Who is forcing people to buy birth control?

The priests don't want birth control? They don't have to get birth control.

It's not like they need it anyway, considering the only people they have sex with are pre-adolescent and male.

just like public school teachers

You have really lost your mind on this. conservatives aren't trying to force anyone to not use contraception, we're trying to make it so you fucking libtards can't force us to PAY for it!

Fucking lying idiot!!

I'm not talking about this specific instance, I am talking about Rick Santorum and company supporting state mandates banning contraception.

But don't take my word for it, Here's direct quotes from the man himself:

"One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." - Oct. 18, 2011

"The state of Connecticut has the right to ban contraception." - 2006, in reference to the 1965 Court Decision which overturned the Connecticut law

Rick Santorum reiterated his belief that states should have the right to outlaw contraception during an interview with ABC News yesterday, saying:
“The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that.” - Jan 2012

It should be noted that Rick's contraception comment is noted as one of the main reasons he lost the election in 2006.

Lest you forget, Rick Santorum is currently leading the Republican presidential field.

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