Dem candidate accuses double amputee vet of not being ‘man enough to stand behind’ ads (Florida)

It's clearly a figure of speech...


It is much more profound than that. As Bripat so intelligently points out, he is just resorting to Democrat tactics. His justification in half a dozen attack threads now.
We all know that Democrats would never cut a Republican candidate any slack for making such an insensitive remark.

Yeah, you are probably right. PC is easy prey for Democrats.

This is what I do not understand though. You are peddling more petty nonsense than anyone else on USMB right now, and always justify it by claiming that you are just stooping to the other sides tactics.

What "petty nonsense" is that?
Remember the BIG BLOWUP the fucking Dimwits in here made of this...and he wasn't even mocking the disabled!!!


I did not get that either

Liberals were more concerned about attacking Trump for immodesty than pointing out his history of exploitation and crime (among other things).

How interested are they in pointing out Hillary's history of exploitation and crime?

Again, you're attacking the Republican and ignoring the Democrat. You are obviously in the tank for Hillary.
Sounds like Ann Coulter and her attack on Max Cleland who lost a number of limbs in Vietnam and ran as a Democrat.

Rather odd also that conservatives would decry someone speaking badly of someone elses physical 'afflictions'. Apparently irony is lost on the lot. What if the guy only coughed, THEN he'd be fair game.
An Coulter simply pointed out that Max Cleland wasn't a hero. Getting blown up by your own grenade is not heroic. It's pathetic.
The rest of the US population just has to come to terms with the fact that Trump supporters are what you get from scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is juts who they are. They operate on emotion and that's it. Trump yells and screams at rallies and has tweeting meltdowns at 3am about a beauty queen's weight from 1996. You can't expect rationality from them.
How interested are they in pointing out Hillary's history of exploitation and crime?

Again, you're attacking the Republican and ignoring the Democrat. You are obviously in the tank for Hillary.

What does Hillary have to do with anything? How was I attacking the Republican?

Nevermind, you seem to have drawn some invisible battle lines that only you are aware of.
What was in the ads?

What difference does it make?
Makes a huge difference if the ads were total bulshit

What was in the ads fingerboy? Afraid to tell us aren't you?

No, it doesn't make a bit of difference if the ads are total bullshit.

Demanding that a veteran with no legs STAND behind his ads is the ultimate in insensitivity.
Figure of speech

Which word should he have used? Get out your Thesaurus
The rest of the US population just has to come to terms with the fact that Trump supporters are what you get from scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is juts who they are. They operate on emotion and that's it. Trump yells and screams at rallies and has tweeting meltdowns at 3am about a beauty queen's weight from 1996. You can't expect rationality from them.
Low information voters
What was in the ads?

What difference does it make?
Makes a huge difference if the ads were total bulshit

What was in the ads fingerboy? Afraid to tell us aren't you?

No, it doesn't make a bit of difference if the ads are total bullshit.

Demanding that a veteran with no legs STAND behind his ads is the ultimate in insensitivity.
Figure of speech

Which word should he have used? Get out your Thesaurus

I've already explained why that is no defence.

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