Dem to Double Amputee Vet: You're Not Man Enough to Stand By Your Ads

Obama hasn't fired anyone. The 'CEO' of his State Dept got 4 people needlessly killed and he did not punish her. Reid & Castro broke the law & Barry refused to punish them because 'they were sorry'. His chief law enforcer was caught perpetrating 3 felony counts of perjury, but since Holder was protecting his ass in the Fast-abd-Furious Scandal no charges were pressed.

In the military if you take classified info home with you when you're not suppose to, put it on an unauthorized unprotected server, send/receive it, break laws regarding possessing it, storage, transporting it, and illegal destruction of it you don't just 'get fired' you go to jail...NOT so in the Obama administration!

Your disdain for the military is duly noted.

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