Dem to Double Amputee Vet: You're Not Man Enough to Stand By Your Ads

He didnt. He was just angry I answered for him. If you note he is trying to avoid the question. No balls whatsoever.
I'm here what do you want from my balls?
I want them to descend and make an appearance so you can answer the question posed to you.
Which was?
Do you respect the killer John McVeigh?
I respect his service
I figured as much.
That truly one must be a fk not to respect those who sacrifice

Timothy McVeigh double sacrificed. He sacrificed himself in military service and he sacrificed himself in blowing up hundreds of people for a cause he thought was worthwhile blowing up hundreds of people and he lost his life because of it.

How much do you respect McVeigh?
He was found guilty of his actions and put to death good riddance has nothing to do with his military service. So?

And who has anything to do with their military service AFTER they have left? This is the whole point of being a veteran.
Yeah? Making false accusations about a career though is

What false accusations?
The dude's service sort of obvious don't you think? You can question someone's qualification to run for office, not his commitment to duty.
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Timothy McVeigh double sacrificed. He sacrificed himself in military service and he sacrificed himself in blowing up hundreds of people for a cause he thought was worthwhile blowing up hundreds of people and he lost his life because of it.

How much do you respect McVeigh?
He was found guilty of his actions and put to death good riddance has nothing to do with his military service. So?

And who has anything to do with their military service AFTER they have left? This is the whole point of being a veteran.
Yeah? Making false accusations about a career though is

What false accusations?
The dudes service sort of obvious don't you think? You can question someone's qualification to run for office, not his commitment to duty.

Why can't you question his commitment to duty? Maybe he's being financed by some large corporation who want him to do their bidding. Being in the military doesn't stop people wanting to be rich, or working for their own reasons.
Timothy McVeigh double sacrificed. He sacrificed himself in military service and he sacrificed himself in blowing up hundreds of people for a cause he thought was worthwhile blowing up hundreds of people and he lost his life because of it.

How much do you respect McVeigh?
He was found guilty of his actions and put to death good riddance has nothing to do with his military service. So?

And who has anything to do with their military service AFTER they have left? This is the whole point of being a veteran.
Yeah? Making false accusations about a career though is

What false accusations?
The dudes service sort of obvious don't you think? You can question someone's qualification to run for office, not his commitment to duty.
Whats obvious about it and no one questioned his commitment to duty.
Better question, what sacrifices and services did he make?

What good did he do guarding Opium plantations from rebels? Implicit of the term sacrifice, what purpose did his amputations serve for the good of the country?

Stocking him up for war certainly benefited the bloated military-industrial complex. The "assistance" initiatives that the US military worked on helped fuel the Taliban to immeasurable heights. All those raw drug materials that the Taliban government had limited trade on are giving the Mexican Drug Cartels an abundant heroin supply.
Yes, you are drunk.
He was found guilty of his actions and put to death good riddance has nothing to do with his military service. So?

And who has anything to do with their military service AFTER they have left? This is the whole point of being a veteran.
Yeah? Making false accusations about a career though is

What false accusations?
The dudes service sort of obvious don't you think? You can question someone's qualification to run for office, not his commitment to duty.
Whats obvious about it and no one questioned his commitment to duty.
Sure they did,
Better question, what sacrifices and services did he make?

What good did he do guarding Opium plantations from rebels? Implicit of the term sacrifice, what purpose did his amputations serve for the good of the country?

Stocking him up for war certainly benefited the bloated military-industrial complex. The "assistance" initiatives that the US military worked on helped fuel the Taliban to immeasurable heights. All those raw drug materials that the Taliban government had limited trade on are giving the Mexican Drug Cartels an abundant heroin supply.
Yes, you are drunk.
Dude, he's more than drunk
He was found guilty of his actions and put to death good riddance has nothing to do with his military service. So?

And who has anything to do with their military service AFTER they have left? This is the whole point of being a veteran.
Yeah? Making false accusations about a career though is

What false accusations?
The dudes service sort of obvious don't you think? You can question someone's qualification to run for office, not his commitment to duty.

Why can't you question his commitment to duty? Maybe he's being financed by some large corporation who want him to do their bidding. Being in the military doesn't stop people wanting to be rich, or working for their own reasons.
Huh? I thought you were military. You hear of rank and file?
One has to be a low life to disrespect a vet. Not because he's a man, but because he's a veteran.

I'd say someone has to be a lowlife not to respect other human beings until they have proven that they don't demand this respect. Some vets don't demand respect. How about Timothy McVeigh. Respect?
McVeigh was a terrorist first and veteran second. What he did was in the name of terrorism.
Better question, what sacrifices and services did he make?

What good did he do guarding Opium plantations from rebels? Implicit of the term sacrifice, what purpose did his amputations serve for the good of the country?

Stocking him up for war certainly benefited the bloated military-industrial complex. The "assistance" initiatives that the US military worked on helped fuel the Taliban to immeasurable heights. All those raw drug materials that the Taliban government had limited trade on are giving the Mexican Drug Cartels an abundant heroin supply.
Yes, you are drunk.
Dude, he's more than drunk
He's a liberal....:lol:
One has to be a low life to disrespect a vet. Not because he's a man, but because he's a veteran.

I'd say someone has to be a lowlife not to respect other human beings until they have proven that they don't demand this respect. Some vets don't demand respect. How about Timothy McVeigh. Respect?
McVeigh was a terrorist first and veteran second. What he did was in the name of terrorism.

And aren't other veterans something else first and veterans second? Or do you get to decide what they are first and second based on what is convenient for you?
This post is a fucking joke.

John Kerry had the fucking courage to face combat.

And your president, his opponent, not only used family connections to hide from battle, but he got shameless partisans inside the armed services to lie about Kerry's Purple Heart. It was pure evil. People who were not on the boat where Kerry was shot claim he did not face actual fire - yet all the people on the fucking boat say otherwise (including a republican). According to the people aligned against Kerry, the U.S. Military lied about everything.

Kerry also received a Silver Star for helping soldiers in two separate ambushes. He risked his life to save gunman Fred Short, who, unlike the partisans who swiftboated Kerry, was actually on the boat where the ambush took place.

The OP is insane. His political leaders attack people who actually faced combat & received Purple Hearts, yet he's offended when his own dear leaders are not given due respect for their service.

It's a fucking joke. If the OP cared about military service, he would credit democrats for their service, but instead he supports a political party that shits on people who had the actual courage to face the enemy. Yes, Kerry criticized the Vietnam Policy because it fed the lives of innocent soldiers into a terminal civil war, but at least he had the courage to fight. On the other hand, your candidate dodged actual service but wore a flag pin and claimed to love the troops - except when one of those troops threatened his presidency. And then he assembled a group of shameless partisan hacks to lie on his behalf.

Nice. Keep on lecturing us about the virtues of military service.
The mindless following that military service conditions makes him a great candidate.

He wont have any issue taking orders from lobbyists to support an immoral ruling class agenda.
Can you tell me anywhere else, in the civilian world, where 20yos are running, working on, responsible for multi-million dollar pieces of equipment, responsible for all of it, running / leading teams, etc.... In many cases that is what some military members are doing while civilians are working at Mc Donalds, getting coffee as interns, still in college, etc. It's not true for everyone, but in many case it is.

Dependability, resourcefulness, honesty, integrity, ingenuity, thinking outside the box, dealing with people, leadership.... I know 'you Libs' hate the military, which is why you try to degrade them, insult their abilities / talents, and degrade their achievements and accomplishments all the time.
John Kerry was in Viet Nam...but he lacked the courage to come home and tell the truth. Instead he lied his ass off about atrocities it was proven he never saw. He betrayed his fellow military brethren and lied his ass off to jump start his own personal political career. I mentioned earlier about all the good qualities many military members have - Kerry is not an example of one of them.
Can you tell me anywhere else, in the civilian world, where 20yos are running, working on, responsible for multi-million dollar pieces of equipment, responsible for all of it, running / leading teams, etc.... In many cases that is what some military members are doing while civilians are working at Mc Donalds, getting coffee as interns, still in college, etc. It's not true for everyone, but in many case it is.

Government soldier = government tool.

Attacking civilians is not going to prove that to be any less true.

Pretty funny that you are praising the military and denouncing real working class Americans though.

Dependability, resourcefulness, honesty, integrity, ingenuity, thinking outside the box, dealing with people, leadership....

False. That is all propaganda used to brainwash you mindless tools.

The only thing the military teaches is following orders, killing enemies of the state, and serving the ruling class.

Rarely a soldier wakes up and realizes the evil agenda their service had supported.

I know 'you Libs' hate the military, which is why you try to degrade them, insult their abilities / talents, and degrade their achievements and accomplishments all the time.

Again, all their "achievements" and "accomplishments" have been harmful towards America.

They help the government keep warm bodies on payroll, ensure that the military-industrial complex has an abundance of weapon contracts, and maintain global US imperialist hegemony. I will give them that.
The mindless following that military service conditions makes him a great candidate.

He wont have any issue taking orders from lobbyists to support an immoral ruling class agenda.
Can you tell me anywhere else, in the civilian world, where 20yos are running, working on, responsible for multi-million dollar pieces of equipment, responsible for all of it, running / leading teams, etc.... In many cases that is what some military members are doing while civilians are working at Mc Donalds, getting coffee as interns, still in college, etc. It's not true for everyone, but in many case it is.

Dependability, resourcefulness, honesty, integrity, ingenuity, thinking outside the box, dealing with people, leadership.... I know 'you Libs' hate the military, which is why you try to degrade them, insult their abilities / talents, and degrade their achievements and accomplishments all the time.
You can pick a number of industries like IT for example. The difference is when they fuck up in the military the tax payers pay for it. When they fuck up in real life they get fired.

Many people in the military are actually there as a last resort. You have your hicks from the rural areas trying to escape bordom and having to have sex with cows because there are few women around except their sisters and mothers all the way to inner city youth given the option of going to prison or the military. some actually pan out and make good soldiers. Most dont.

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