Dem Congressman:food stamps and unemployment benefits stimulate economy


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
No wonder your economy is so FUBAR'd. Your Dems in government are stupid or insane or both.

As it is pointed out in the article, if that were the case well hell's bells America should be in fabulous economic shape. But it's not. Sheesh. And Dems re-elect these morons over and over and over. Freaking nutbars.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters on Tuesday that the two most “stimulative” things the government can do is provide food stamps and unemployment insurance, reports.

Well if that’s the case, the economy should be thoroughly “stimulated.” A report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) last month states that there are now roughly 45 million Americans receiving food stamps. That’s one in every seven people.

Further, government spending on food stamps, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), increased by 65 percent between 2007 and 2011. It’s frustrating — we should be more stimulated by now. Instead, the U.S. remains in one of the slowest so-called economic recoveries arguably in American history.

Democrat Steny Hoyer Says Food Stamps, Unemployment Benefits Two ‘Most Stimulative’ Things For the Economy |
That is correct, the food stamp program gives a lot of people who could not buy food the means to do so. Then they buy food with it. It does actually stimulate commerce. It even works a whole lot better than trickle down economics because the poor need to spend their food stamps on food, and they don't just take the benefit and sit on it.

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