Dem Congresswoman Makes Startling Connection Between Obama and Islamist Extremists


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama's foreign policies have favored the radical Muslims. No doubt about that. Look at how far the extremists have come with Obama's help. The evil Islamic caliphate is closer to reality than ever. Obama is the president they have been waiting for all their lives.

"Proud liberal" Bill Maher and Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic Congresswoman, agree on at least one thing: that it’s "crazy" President Obama and his administration won’t criticize Islamic practices or acknowledge Islamic extremists.

During an appearance on Maher’s show Friday night, Tusli went even further when she made the startling assertion (starting at around the 2:30 mark) that the Obama administration is,

Essentially working hand in hand with Islamic extremists on the ground there who are working to overthrow Assad so that they can take over and establish their Islamic caliphate.

Tulsi also noted:

"It’s this philosophy that gets in the way of us being able to accomplish our mission and defeat those who are threatening us.

"It goes to the problem of not really recognizing there actually are things that are right and wrong."
Should have asked Putin, who apparently NAILED IT long ago!

Well, conservatives have been saying this for years...

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Maher is a diehard liberal and he was talking with a Dem congresswoman. Should have been the usual Obama love fest, but even Maher has been outspoken regarding Obama's favoritism of Muslims and his refusal to discuss radical Muslims.

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