Dem Holds Slight Lead in PA-18

Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?

Ok, you are just an idiot.
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?

Ok, you are just an idiot.
I'd worry if someone as wrongheaded and stupid as you liked me. I'd know I'D be doing something wrong.

I see you couldn't answer my question. Let's add coward to your list.
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I am waiting for Republicans to start distancing themselves from Trump, his stance on tariffs would be a good point to start
Most have.

Establishment Republicans stand in Trump's way just as much as they did Reagan.

They despise Trump. I despise them.

Reagan would never have anything to do with Trump. He would repudiate everything Trump stands for.
Reagan was very tough on Russia unlike Putin's little whore.
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?

Ok, you are just an idiot.
I'd worry if someone as wrongheaded and stupid as liked me.

Lol! At least I can write complete sentences, you should try it some time.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?

Ok, you are just an idiot.
I'd worry if someone as wrongheaded and stupid as liked me.

Lol! At least I can write complete sentences, you should try it some time.
If you look I corrected my sentence tampon breath. If that's the best you got there's a job in this White House waiting for you.
Happiest man in America tonite is Gary Cohn who got out of this dysfunctional crumbling White House
PA Courts Violated their own Constitution by redrawing all the districts in PA.

That’s how Dimscum steal Elections. In the Courts....FISA or otherwise doesn’t matter to them.


The US Constitution trumps the PA Constitution.

After Pennsylvania is forced to redraw their illegally gerrymandered districts, the Democrats are going to pick up several House seats in the state. Same with N. Carolina.

This is one reason Repugs have been able to maintain their advantage in the House - they flat-out fucking cheat.
Yup, conclusive proof is near impossible when the Democratic Party refuses to comply with efforts to clean up the voter roles and require evidence that the voter is actually voting legally. That's good enough for me to declare Pennsylvania as a corrupted voter state that has fully embraced illegal voting.

btw.. The Original Tree link was fine with me but Democrats are certainly in lock-step denying the reality, no doubt.

it's good to see you've still got nothing after all these years

Sheesh, can I help it if Democrats support illegal voting by refusing to act, nope.

Does your opinion have value to me .. definitely not... :lol:
Study after study proves that doesn’t happen but we see you’re immune to facts.

So where are Your links ... :lol:
Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

Ultra left wing biased source funded by George Soros.. but thanks for the laugh...

.. ohhh the memories..

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dems have not done so well in these special elections thus far

In earlier congressional races you are correct, but since that time the Democrats have flipped 39 state legislative seats.
post it

Democrats flip 38th statehouse seat since Trump took office - CNNPolitics

also, roy moore

if the dems are smart and run against the current gop congress, they could win
state house seats --LOL

in dem country

even you del should be ashamed of yourself

i was waiting for a dumbass like you to post that link --LOL

almost as misleading as evertown


Not in dem country. Some of them have been in districts that are red and went heavily for Trump.


i know you guys are full of wishful thinking
Yup, the GOP don't like losing almost 40 lege seats in special elections any more than do the Dems.

To make fun of the other side and ignoring one's own is hypocritical, but that is partisanship for you.
What a ridiculous lie.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?

Ok, you are just an idiot.
I'd worry if someone as wrongheaded and stupid as liked me.

Lol! At least I can write complete sentences, you should try it some time.
If you look I corrected my sentence tampon breath. If that's the best you got there's a job in this White House waiting for you.

That’s all you got? Insults and lies?

You messed up and looked stupid, I still have your original screwed up post.

To answer your question, yes the GOP would impeach Trump if they believed he did something illegal. Of course you al ready believe that Trump has done something illegal, just as partisan nuts thought Obama committed crimes, that is the issue with partisan nuts on both sides, you are nuts. That’s okay because you nuts provide me lots of laughs.
Papa jumps on someone for what he (Papa) does all the time: lame and hypocritical.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?

Ok, you are just an idiot.
I'd worry if someone as wrongheaded and stupid as liked me.

Lol! At least I can write complete sentences, you should try it some time.
If you look I corrected my sentence tampon breath. If that's the best you got there's a job in this White House waiting for you.

That’s all you got? Insults and lies?

You messed up and looked stupid, I still have your original screwed up post.

To answer your question, yes the GOP would impeach Trump if they believed he did something illegal. Of course you al ready believe that Trump has done something illegal, just as partisan nuts thought Obama committed crimes, that is the issue with partisan nuts on both sides, you are nuts. That’s okay because you nuts provide me lots of laughs.

The GOP will NEVER believe Trump did something illegal, even if collusion with Russia is eventually proven. There is already substantial evidence regarding obstruction of justice.

You want to know why the GOP will never believe Trump did something illegal? Because they are morally bankrupt as a political party. They are pathetic, hypocritical apologists for Trump. 24 hours per day. 365 days per year.

The GOP had no credibility before Trump became President, and they definitely don't have any now.
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.

They were also supposed to outvote Republicans in Texas this week...didn't quite happen that way...

NARRATIVE FAIL: Media Hypes Blue Wave In Texas. Republicans Shut It Down.

Leading up to Texans voting in the state's primary races on Tuesday, the media had tried to portray Texas as being on the verge of going blue for the first time in decades. The results, however, showed a very different story about what is going on in the state.

Sure, Democrats, motivated by their hatred of President Donald Trump, showed up in large numbers, topping the one million mark for the first time since the 2002 primaries –– but Republicans one-upped them. The AP reports:

Republicans responded in even larger numbers, passing 1.5 million, breaking the party record of 1.48 million set in 2010.

Thank you democrats for pushing gun control...
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.

They were also supposed to outvote Republicans in Texas this week...didn't quite happen that way...

NARRATIVE FAIL: Media Hypes Blue Wave In Texas. Republicans Shut It Down.

Leading up to Texans voting in the state's primary races on Tuesday, the media had tried to portray Texas as being on the verge of going blue for the first time in decades. The results, however, showed a very different story about what is going on in the state.

Sure, Democrats, motivated by their hatred of President Donald Trump, showed up in large numbers, topping the one million mark for the first time since the 2002 primaries –– but Republicans one-upped them. The AP reports:

Republicans responded in even larger numbers, passing 1.5 million, breaking the party record of 1.48 million set in 2010.

Thank you democrats for pushing gun control...
Trump hatred MAY motivate their base, but hopefully their hysteria that we see daily will motivate our base as well. My worry is that the party in power gets comfortable and forgets what it could be like under an Obama or Hillary.
state house seats --LOL

in dem country
Those state house seats are every bit as important as congressional seats, over the whole. And I am curious when new hampshire became "dem country"

that being the case the repubs over the past few years flipped over 1000 of them nationally

Yes, that's the effect of gerrymandering. Congrats, they cheat.

keep thinking that creep

people are tired of you sickos and your fucked up platform

after all you have been reduced to nothing more then the party of hate

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