Dem Party's Rightful 2016 Pres Candidate Defends Armed Hamas Terrorists, Calls Them 'Protestors'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Late last week and just in time for Passover, Hamas terrorists in Gaza organized a mass riot of 30,000 Palestinians and demanded they storm the border with Israel.

In preparation for the violence, the Israeli Defense Forces warned terrorists they would be met with lethal force."

These 'protestors' initiated the violence by throwing FIRE-BOMBS and rocks at Israeli IDF Forces, The IDF responded, defending themselves, by firing tear gas and rubber bullets. Several Palestinians died in the conflict. Now the recognized terrorist group Hamas, is organizing violence against Israel and its IDF.

The RIGHTFUL 2016 DNC Presidential Candidate, who would have won his party's nomination had Hillary and the DNC not rigged their primaries / cheated in debates / etc, has defended the terrorist group Hamas, calling them and those responding to their call for participation in violent attacks on Israel 'Protestors'.

"The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response."
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
March 31, 2018

The former presidential candidate doubled down on his statement during an interview over the weekend."

If you don't want to get shot, don't throw fire-bombs, throw rocks, and attack the IDF. When you attend violent events where you are called by a recognized terrorist group to engage in violence, you are not a 'protestor' - you just joined a terrorist group, supporting their cause / event. That makes you a TERRORIST!

Katie Pavlich - Bernie Sanders Defends Violent Hamas Terrorists as 'Demonstrators'
Well, Dems did boo both G-d and Israel at their convention so this is not a surprise
With Bernie, what can you expect from a nutty old coot who blamed global warming for the Paris massacre? Even though Islam was a genocidal bloodbath for 1200 years before the Industrial Age started pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. There really is no fool like an old fool.
"Late last week and just in time for Passover, Hamas terrorists in Gaza organized a mass riot of 30,000 Palestinians and demanded they storm the border with Israel.

In preparation for the violence, the Israeli Defense Forces warned terrorists they would be met with lethal force."

These 'protestors' initiated the violence by throwing FIRE-BOMBS and rocks at Israeli IDF Forces, The IDF responded, defending themselves, by firing tear gas and rubber bullets. Several Palestinians died in the conflict. Now the recognized terrorist group Hamas, is organizing violence against Israel and its IDF.

The RIGHTFUL 2016 DNC Presidential Candidate, who would have won his party's nomination had Hillary and the DNC not rigged their primaries / cheated in debates / etc, has defended the terrorist group Hamas, calling them and those responding to their call for participation in violent attacks on Israel 'Protestors'.

"The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response."
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
March 31, 2018

The former presidential candidate doubled down on his statement during an interview over the weekend."

If you don't want to get shot, don't throw fire-bombs, throw rocks, and attack the IDF. When you attend violent events where you are called by a recognized terrorist group to engage in violence, you are not a 'protestor' - you just joined a terrorist group, supporting their cause / event. That makes you a TERRORIST!

Katie Pavlich - Bernie Sanders Defends Violent Hamas Terrorists as 'Demonstrators'

You are a lying little weasel. Clinton got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders 42%. You are the cheater.,

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