Dem Sen. Kamala Harris: “I Applaud” Los Angeles Mayor For Defunding Police

The smartest thing that ever came out of her mouth was Willie's cock....
Joe’s VP pick making sure Trump gets 85% of the vote.

She is 24/7 surrounded by a gauntlet of heavily armed security detail and walled estate or the equivalent thereof. She wants for nothing while lecturing those who depend on the government for protection to give up their dependencies and have faith in the magic "nice police" fairies who never were and never shall be. She is a predator of the worst stripe; a man-eater who feeds on brainwashing others to hate their own reflections.
Common for Socialist leaders to live like royalty while the 99% struggle to stay alive.

“Armed, plain-clothes LAPD officers were dispatched to California cities outside of Los Angeles at least a dozen times to provide security for U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris at public events, media appearances, and a party. LA taxpayers paid for airline tickets, hotel stays, car rentals, and meals, according to detailed expense reports obtained by NBC News. The total cost of the trips, not including the officers’ overtime, topped $28,000. . . . The $28K was just a starting point in the cost extravaganza — overtime and other expenses made the total close to $50K.”

Common for Socialist leaders to live like royalty while the 99% struggle to stay alive.

“Armed, plain-clothes LAPD officers were dispatched to California cities outside of Los Angeles at least a dozen times to provide security for U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris at public events, media appearances, and a party. LA taxpayers paid for airline tickets, hotel stays, car rentals, and meals, according to detailed expense reports obtained by NBC News. The total cost of the trips, not including the officers’ overtime, topped $28,000. . . . The $28K was just a starting point in the cost extravaganza — overtime and other expenses made the total close to $50K.”

Right now the only thing keeping US from going hunting for Commies, is the law. If there is no law, then the Commies think they win. But who will come protect the Commies if there are no police? Actions have consequences, if you make the police go away, you have no one to help you...
Common for Socialist leaders to live like royalty while the 99% struggle to stay alive.
Harris is another corporate whore, not a socialist.

"FORMER CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY General Kamala Harris on Wednesday vaguely acknowledged The Intercept’s report about her declining to prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank for foreclosure violations in 2013, but offered no explanation."

This Is Why Kamala Harris Refused To Prosecute Steve Mnuchin — Steemit

A socialist would have prosecuted the "Foreclosure King."
She still thinks she has a shot at VP. Granted the DNC is really good at shooting itself in the foot but they aren't even this lame.

Harris was the very person that allowed corrupt cops to walk.
She still thinks she has a shot at VP. Granted the DNC is really good at shooting itself in the foot but they aren't even this lame.

Harris was the very person that allowed corrupt cops to walk.
Well, considering every poll shows that 80-90% of the voters are against defunding police, she’d make a perfect running mate for Sundowners Joe.
A little respect, please, for a lady who may be our next Vice President and then very quickly our President.

She can say and do anything she wants. Today in this country, certain people are untouchable. You had better keep quiet, or they will label you with the R-word and destroy your career -- something akin to the #MeToo movement that insists that a woman never, ever lies.

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