Dem traitor pelosi picks first MUSLIM to serve on House Intel Committee

Let's just let our sworn enemies run our country.

First Muslim tapped to serve on House Intel Committee -

jan 13 2015
Washington (CNN)Indiana Rep Andre carson will be the first Muslim to serve on House intelligence committee. House Democratic leader Pelosi announced she would name Carson to panel at weekly caucus meeting on Tuesday, according to two senior House Democratic leadership aides.

Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson would be "formally announced" soon as part of the roster Democrats on the intelligence panel, according to these aides.
Nancy is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Right when everyone in the world is talking about Islamic terror (except the White House) she decides to make exactly the wrong decision. Just goes to show you what we can look forward to in Washington till we can drum all of these monosynaptic cretins out.
I swear the RWnuts on this forum would vote to take religious freedom out of the Constitution if they could.

Yeah, but only for Muslims. At least to start. If any of the other religions got uppity, maybe them too.
"Dem traitor pelosi picks first MUSLIM to serve on House Intel Committee"

We've come to expect this sort of ridiculous ignorance, hate, and stupidity from the OP; that some on the USMB right actually agree with it is sad and telling.

The ignorant, hateful and stupid tend to emit a subatomic particle know as the Idion. It draws other Idions to it.
Since so many here are claiming that Rep. Carson is an Enemy of the've called the FBI, right?
Carson is my rep, and he's done an outstanding job. I like how he's so very cool-headed and rational. That's what really enrages the kooks, the way Carson never dignifies their endless religion-baiting and race-baiting with a response.

I did not vote for him the first time he ran. He had basically inherited the seat from his grandmother Julia Carson, and I didn't like the nepotism involved there. However, he won, and he has proven himself since them, so he gets my vote now.
Yeah, but only for Muslims. At least to start. If any of the other religions got uppity, maybe them too.

Except the jooz. They can do anything they want and if anyone criticizes them, the press calls them anti-semites.
Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance.
Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia.
Sad, sad, sad.
Let's just let our sworn enemies run our country.

First Muslim tapped to serve on House Intel Committee -

jan 13 2015
Washington (CNN)Indiana Rep Andre carson will be the first Muslim to serve on House intelligence committee. House Democratic leader Pelosi announced she would name Carson to panel at weekly caucus meeting on Tuesday, according to two senior House Democratic leadership aides.

Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson would be "formally announced" soon as part of the roster Democrats on the intelligence panel, according to these aides.
Are Republicans in the process of changing the commie charge to Muslim? Republicans have been using the commie thing since the 1930's and it has always gotten good reviews. To try and scare people with the "he's a Muslim" just doesn't have the impact as "he's a commie,"
Let's just let our sworn enemies run our country.

First Muslim tapped to serve on House Intel Committee -

jan 13 2015
Washington (CNN)Indiana Rep Andre carson will be the first Muslim to serve on House intelligence committee. House Democratic leader Pelosi announced she would name Carson to panel at weekly caucus meeting on Tuesday, according to two senior House Democratic leadership aides.

Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson would be "formally announced" soon as part of the roster Democrats on the intelligence panel, according to these aides.
Are Republicans in the process of changing the commie charge to Muslim? Republicans have been using the commie thing since the 1930's and it has always gotten good reviews. To try and scare people with the "he's a Muslim" just doesn't have the impact as "he's a commie,"
Fascists always required an enemy. The Sand ******* will do for now.

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