Dem Vows to Shut Down Senate Over Any Bill Requiring Companies to Give 'Back Door' Access to Encrypt

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Dem Vows to Shut Down Senate Over Any Bill Requiring Companies to Give 'Back Door' Access to Encrypted Info

Wyden is threatening a filibuster over this issue and he's absolutely right. The federal government continues to chip away at our personal privacy under the guise of fighting terrorism. They lied for years about intercepting communications and collecting data on everyday Americans until they were exposed by Snowden (and he's been called the traitor, ironically). Fear is not a way to run a country and protect people's liberties.

Wyden, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, vowed to filibuster any legislative attempt to require companies to build a “back door” that could be used to retrieve encrypted data.

“If there is any legislation to require companies to build back doors into their products – because I think it’s wrong from a security standpoint, I think it’s wrong from a liberty standpoint and I think it’s wrong from an economic standpoint – I will filibuster that bill. I will shut down the United States Senate,” Wyden declared to applause from the audience of college students.

Dem Vows to Shut Down Senate Over Any Bill Requiring Companies Give 'Back Door' Access to Encrypted Info
It's a shame that the judicial system in the greatest Country in the world is apparently powerless to uncover cyber evidence in cases of terrorism or mass murder just because certain companies think the freaking encryption that keeps perverts secure to access porno sites is more important than National security. We shouldn't need legislation.
4th Amendment, whitehall, so take that to the bank.

mmmhm. Keep thinkin that. They have us by the balls from where I'm sitting.

Rand and Wyden have been working well together. They've introduced some much needed legislation regarding this stuff.

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