Dem women wear white to honor .....KKK?

Here, learn a little about the history of women's suffrage. Dressing in white to show support for that cause is not a new thing.

Woman in White: Hillary Clinton’s Suffragette Tribute - History in the Headlines

Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.
I'd really like to know what their point is.
Pro-choice, Planned Parenthood funding

and? curious, any conservative women in there?
How would I know? They're all dead. But you had asked what their point was, and I told you. Don't know what that's got to do with the deflection technique of pointing out that the two parties have pretty much reversed their platforms--it was in the 60's, wasn't it? Should you get up to speed?
so you avoided the question. are conservative women part of planned parenthood or pro-choice?
You are off the rails dude. The democratic party stands for the oppressed,

You mean the fascist democratic party stands ON the oppressed, using them as a stage to grandstand.

the less fortunate, the minorities, and for those who do not have the power or strength to fight for themselves.


You fascists stand for power, raw power to lord over others. You seek the lowest levels of society as the easiest for you thugs to rule.

51 years since Johnson declared a "war on poverty" and poverty rates are up.

Why? Because you fascist don't want to end poverty, quite the opposite. You want to GROW poverty to expand your power.

Though I do not agree with many of their policies, especially on the fiscal level I still respect their core values as I do for republicans. There is no excuse for you to lie and misrepresent what the majority of their supporters believe in.

Every party has wing nuts and those who have extreme and misguided views, you aren't fooling anybody by painting the masses by your manipulated and distorted interpretation of a few on the fringe. Grow up

Most of America recognizes that for the first time in a lifetime, real change is here. This creates fear and hatred among the ruling classes, which you express here on their behalf.

democrats love one thing, and only one thing, POWER.
Your generalizations are a joke. I don't know if you really think your fooling people or if you really believe that garbage. Either way is good for a laugh and sigh of disappointment
Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.
I'd really like to know what their point is.
Pro-choice, Planned Parenthood funding

and? curious, any conservative women in there?
How would I know? They're all dead. But you had asked what their point was, and I told you. Don't know what that's got to do with the deflection technique of pointing out that the two parties have pretty much reversed their platforms--it was in the 60's, wasn't it? Should you get up to speed?
so you avoided the question. are conservative women part of planned parenthood or pro-choice?
Many are and many aren't. I know plenty of conservative republican women who believe in small government, strong military and conservative fiscal policy but are pro choice and pro LGBT rights. It's usually the devote religious types that subscribe to the conservative social issues. Bottom line, it's divided across the board
I'd really like to know what their point is.
Pro-choice, Planned Parenthood funding

and? curious, any conservative women in there?
How would I know? They're all dead. But you had asked what their point was, and I told you. Don't know what that's got to do with the deflection technique of pointing out that the two parties have pretty much reversed their platforms--it was in the 60's, wasn't it? Should you get up to speed?
so you avoided the question. are conservative women part of planned parenthood or pro-choice?
Many are and many aren't. I know plenty of conservative republican women who believe in small government, strong military and conservative fiscal policy but are pro choice and pro LGBT rights. It's usually the devote religious types that subscribe to the conservative social issues. Bottom line, it's divided across the board
the target is not conservative women right?
Pro-choice, Planned Parenthood funding

and? curious, any conservative women in there?
How would I know? They're all dead. But you had asked what their point was, and I told you. Don't know what that's got to do with the deflection technique of pointing out that the two parties have pretty much reversed their platforms--it was in the 60's, wasn't it? Should you get up to speed?
so you avoided the question. are conservative women part of planned parenthood or pro-choice?
Many are and many aren't. I know plenty of conservative republican women who believe in small government, strong military and conservative fiscal policy but are pro choice and pro LGBT rights. It's usually the devote religious types that subscribe to the conservative social issues. Bottom line, it's divided across the board
the target is not conservative women right?
What target?
Why is the truth ridiculous? because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth.

Liberals, Dippy, founded this country, wrote the Constitution, came up with the idea that "all men are created equal" and eradicated discrimination. It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.
Today's liberals have nothing in common with the classical liberals who comprise our Founding Fathers. You people hate the country as founded.
Why is the truth ridiculous? because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth.

Liberals, Dippy, founded this country, wrote the Constitution, came up with the idea that "all men are created equal" and eradicated discrimination. It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.
Today's liberals have nothing in common with the classical liberals who comprise our Founding Fathers. You people hate the country as founded.

NO shit dumbass

You were a pleb with no rights at the founding, if we had kept their vision you would have ended up as some fuedal peasant on some corps land. Drinking the corps water, breathing their air, getting paid in their currency, and having your wife stolen by them.

You stupid bastard

Some of us were fucking chattel

Unless you are OLD fucking money that has stood for a few centuries already. Putting your lot in that system would be a bold fucking choice for an idiot like you.
Why did they choose to use white? Was it to celebrate white solidarity? <--- This is how a democrat would spin that.
Why did they choose to use white? Was it to celebrate white solidarity? <--- This is how a democrat would spin that.

Presumably because white would stand out visually in a group photo. Any protest is all about getting one's point noticed.

In other news --- Duh.
It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.

That's just not even close to being true.

Democrats/Progressives pigeon hole everyone for the purpose of promulgating a plan to pander to each according to the deficits perceived by the Progressives.

Do y'all take illiterate pills before signing in here?

The post says nothing about "Democrats" OR "Progressives". What it does say is Liberal. Learn how to read.

Liberals -- who founded this country and wrote its Constitution --- and did so long before there was any such thing as "Democrats" or "Progressives", whatever that means --- came up with the concept "all men are created equal". You can't possibly believe that and believe that slavery is legitimate at the same time. Sorry if that's just too complex for you.
Why is the truth ridiculous? because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth.

Liberals, Dippy, founded this country, wrote the Constitution, came up with the idea that "all men are created equal" and eradicated discrimination. It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.
Today's liberals have nothing in common with the classical liberals who comprise our Founding Fathers. You people hate the country as founded.

There's no such thing as "classical Liberal". There is simply Liberal, in its true and correct definition.... and then there is a crowd of anti-Liberals who desperately flail at misdefining that term into its own opposite, so that that crowd can have its fascism by dressing up the Founders as the bad guys and affixing the disingenuous bullshit adjective "classical" as if it's some kind of get-out-of-English-free card that allows y'all fascists to pretend that a term actually means the opposite of itself.

It doesn't . You can't do that.

If you point to a contemporary person whose agenda doesn't sync with "Liberal" --- the true meaning, the one that founded this country --- then that agenda simply is not Liberal, so you can stop calling it something it's not.

Freaking DUH.
It's a joke dumbass. But it was a horrendous decision for them to wear all white like that.

Finally, something useful.

Fashion tips from theHawk.

Hahahahahahahahahaha ...

Yeah I think Steve McRacist is the fashion reporter here. :gay:

Strangely silent on this matter --- Steve_McGarrett
Thanks for the alert. Steve McGarrett's Fashion Report is not ready yet due to Mardi Gras festivities I've been on. For the time being, I will contribute this to the thread.

Akron Ohio, 1925.

Identified here: Daisy Douglas Barr -- Ku Klu Quaker? Very interesting backstory.

and? curious, any conservative women in there?

In that parade pic, definitely. All of them.
Liberals, Dippy, founded this country, wrote the Constitution, came up with the idea that "all men are created equal" and eradicated discrimination. It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.

Democrats aren't "liberal". They are Marxist loving communists, socialists, and feminists, otherwise known as "progressives". They want a dominating government, abolition of the second amendment, they despise freedom of speech, they hate Christianity, and they want an open borders policy in order to eradicate the white Christian culture that America was founded by and thrived by for centuries. They embrace the queer-enabler and pro-Islam Agenda, because they know both will destabilize society. They embrace "free trade" and shipping jobs overseas to destabilize our economy, since they also hate capitalism with a passion. They want it to fail so they can bring about a government controlled system of income redistribution and "universal income".

You dupes have been exposed for what you really are, and rejected.

I made no mention of "Democrats". Go learn how to read.

"Progressivism" was a hundred years ago. See if the library will let you back in after the last time you went in there demanding to know where the "fuck books" were, and if they do look for the "political science" section.

The discussion is about Democrats being racist. You brought up "liberalism" as a defense. But if you're agreeing that Democrats and liberals of today are nothing like the "liberals" that founded the country then we are in agreement.

WRONG Dipweed. The quote I responded to is still sitting in the nest. It reads, if you need it singled out, and I quote:

"because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth"

--- what's the subject there, Dippy? Is the word "Democrat" in there at all?

As I said ----- go learn how to read.
so which party do you think it represents then?

It doesn't represent a "party" at all. This is the first thing y'all binary-bots need to hammer into your thick collective head --- NOT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO, AFFILIATED WITH, OR REPRESENTED BY ONE OF THE TWO POLITICAL PARTES THAT MAKE UP THE ENTRENCHED DUOPOLY. So the question itself is inoperative.

Liberalism is a philosophy. A Liberal may choose to be a Republican, a Democrat, some third or new party, or no party at all. No party is necessary to believe in Liberal principles.

Political parties are for practicality ---- organizing power. They are not for representing philosophies, and they certainly don't have, and cannot have, a monopoly on any one. Political parties and philosophies are two different things.

Start there, and get over this juvenile comic-book worldveiw.
Democrats aren't "liberal". They are Marxist loving communists, socialists, and feminists, otherwise known as "progressives". They want a dominating government, abolition of the second amendment, they despise freedom of speech, they hate Christianity, and they want an open borders policy in order to eradicate the white Christian culture that America was founded by and thrived by for centuries. They embrace the queer-enabler and pro-Islam Agenda, because they know both will destabilize society. They embrace "free trade" and shipping jobs overseas to destabilize our economy, since they also hate capitalism with a passion. They want it to fail so they can bring about a government controlled system of income redistribution and "universal income".

You dupes have been exposed for what you really are, and rejected.

I made no mention of "Democrats". Go learn how to read.

"Progressivism" was a hundred years ago. See if the library will let you back in after the last time you went in there demanding to know where the "fuck books" were, and if they do look for the "political science" section.

The discussion is about Democrats being racist. You brought up "liberalism" as a defense. But if you're agreeing that Democrats and liberals of today are nothing like the "liberals" that founded the country then we are in agreement.

WRONG Dipweed. The quote I responded to is still sitting in the nest. It reads, if you need it singled out, and I quote:

"because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth"

--- what's the subject there, Dippy? Is the word "Democrat" in there at all?

As I said ----- go learn how to read.
so which party do you think it represents then?

It doesn't represent a "party" at all. This is the first thing y'all binary-bots need to hammer into your thick collective head --- NOT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO, AFFILIATED WITH, OR REPRESENTED BY ONE OF THE TWO POLITICAL PARTES THAT MAKE UP THE ENTRENCHED DUOPOLY. So the question itself is inoperative.

Liberalism is a philosophy. A Liberal may choose to be a Republican, a Democrat, some third or new party, or no party at all. No party is necessary to believe in Liberal principles.

Political parties are for practicality ---- organizing power. They are not for representing philosophies, and they certainly don't have, and cannot have, a monopoly on any one. Political parties and philosophies are two different things.

Start there, and get over this juvenile comic-book worldveiw.
Name one liberal republican besides McCain
I made no mention of "Democrats". Go learn how to read.

"Progressivism" was a hundred years ago. See if the library will let you back in after the last time you went in there demanding to know where the "fuck books" were, and if they do look for the "political science" section.

The discussion is about Democrats being racist. You brought up "liberalism" as a defense. But if you're agreeing that Democrats and liberals of today are nothing like the "liberals" that founded the country then we are in agreement.

WRONG Dipweed. The quote I responded to is still sitting in the nest. It reads, if you need it singled out, and I quote:

"because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth"

--- what's the subject there, Dippy? Is the word "Democrat" in there at all?

As I said ----- go learn how to read.
so which party do you think it represents then?

It doesn't represent a "party" at all. This is the first thing y'all binary-bots need to hammer into your thick collective head --- NOT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO, AFFILIATED WITH, OR REPRESENTED BY ONE OF THE TWO POLITICAL PARTES THAT MAKE UP THE ENTRENCHED DUOPOLY. So the question itself is inoperative.

Liberalism is a philosophy. A Liberal may choose to be a Republican, a Democrat, some third or new party, or no party at all. No party is necessary to believe in Liberal principles.

Political parties are for practicality ---- organizing power. They are not for representing philosophies, and they certainly don't have, and cannot have, a monopoly on any one. Political parties and philosophies are two different things.

Start there, and get over this juvenile comic-book worldveiw.
Name one liberal republican besides McCain

I just knew the entire point of that post would sail blithely over your pointy head. Thanks for not letting me down.
The discussion is about Democrats being racist. You brought up "liberalism" as a defense. But if you're agreeing that Democrats and liberals of today are nothing like the "liberals" that founded the country then we are in agreement.

WRONG Dipweed. The quote I responded to is still sitting in the nest. It reads, if you need it singled out, and I quote:

"because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth"

--- what's the subject there, Dippy? Is the word "Democrat" in there at all?

As I said ----- go learn how to read.
so which party do you think it represents then?

It doesn't represent a "party" at all. This is the first thing y'all binary-bots need to hammer into your thick collective head --- NOT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO, AFFILIATED WITH, OR REPRESENTED BY ONE OF THE TWO POLITICAL PARTES THAT MAKE UP THE ENTRENCHED DUOPOLY. So the question itself is inoperative.

Liberalism is a philosophy. A Liberal may choose to be a Republican, a Democrat, some third or new party, or no party at all. No party is necessary to believe in Liberal principles.

Political parties are for practicality ---- organizing power. They are not for representing philosophies, and they certainly don't have, and cannot have, a monopoly on any one. Political parties and philosophies are two different things.

Start there, and get over this juvenile comic-book worldveiw.
Name one liberal republican besides McCain

I just knew the entire point of that post would sail blithely over your pointy head. Thanks for not letting me down.
The only pointy caps lay over the heads of them there women!
Why is the truth ridiculous? because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth.

Liberals, Dippy, founded this country, wrote the Constitution, came up with the idea that "all men are created equal" and eradicated discrimination. It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.

Look up the definition of classical liberal .Todays left not even close
Why is the truth ridiculous? because liberals don't like truth, or is it just because they don't want to admit they are the most racist, discriminatory, offensive beings on earth.

Liberals, Dippy, founded this country, wrote the Constitution, came up with the idea that "all men are created equal" and eradicated discrimination. It is not even possible to be a Liberal and a racist simultaneously. Get your head out of your ass.

Look up the definition of classical liberal .Todays left not even close
that's why one can only call them leftists, the liberals seemed to have left. see the play on words there?

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