Demand for black linguistic justice

It takes a very special sort of dedication to be in this country for several generations and still be incapable of learning the language.

Heck, just about every other group gets it down in a single generation.
No, they don't.
Yes they do.

Nope. Usually at least two generations. Trust me.
I don't have to trust you, I know way more people than you and have met way more people than you.

:lmao: Highly unlikely. Highly. :lmao:
Uh huh.

Got any other funny jokes to tell?
Apparently, we DO need an official language. In order to be NATURALIZED in this country, you have to be conversant in English...

Not to a very high degree, and there is NO requirement to speak English at all to be a natural born citizen, nor is there any requirement to maintain any degree or incremental improvement in English. Otherwise, we would have thrown Jitler out long ago. There IS however, a requirement on the part of the government to provide due process and equal protection under the law, as well as to ensure equal voting rights. Then there's the First Amendment and all that stuff about freedom of speech and all. Well, you get the idea.
We need English to be official, and that's that.

No, that’s not that. The Bill of Rights is that.
Do you approve of taxes for every cause that is not explicitly included by the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights does explicitly protect freedom of speech.
It does not guarantee anyone has to pay for translating your foreign language.
The Constitution called and asked me to tell you that you are wrong.
Now I know why you are the sole jurist on the US Supreme Court.
Do you know what happens when someone who does not speak English is on trial?
I posted that was fine.
We just don't need to pays 10s of millions of dollars in taxes every year for every toilet to have a sign to Wash Your Hands in 100 languages.
It takes a very special sort of dedication to be in this country for several generations and still be incapable of learning the language.

Heck, just about every other group gets it down in a single generation.
No, they don't.
Yes they do.

Nope. Usually at least two generations. Trust me.
I don't have to trust you, I know way more people than you and have met way more people than you.

:lmao: Highly unlikely. Highly. :lmao:
Uh huh.

Got any other funny jokes to tell?
Apparently, we DO need an official language. In order to be NATURALIZED in this country, you have to be conversant in English...

Not to a very high degree, and there is NO requirement to speak English at all to be a natural born citizen, nor is there any requirement to maintain any degree or incremental improvement in English. Otherwise, we would have thrown Jitler out long ago. There IS however, a requirement on the part of the government to provide due process and equal protection under the law, as well as to ensure equal voting rights. Then there's the First Amendment and all that stuff about freedom of speech and all. Well, you get the idea.
We need English to be official, and that's that.

No, that’s not that. The Bill of Rights is that.
Do you approve of taxes for every cause that is not explicitly included by the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights does explicitly protect freedom of speech.
It does not guarantee anyone has to pay for translating your foreign language.
The Constitution called and asked me to tell you that you are wrong.
Now I know why you are the sole jurist on the US Supreme Court.
Do you know what happens when someone who does not speak English is on trial?
Yeah...they are found guilty and go to jail for Trespassing.
Apparently, we DO need an official language. In order to be NATURALIZED in this country, you have to be conversant in English...

Not to a very high degree, and there is NO requirement to speak English at all to be a natural born citizen, nor is there any requirement to maintain any degree or incremental improvement in English. Otherwise, we would have thrown Jitler out long ago. There IS however, a requirement on the part of the government to provide due process and equal protection under the law, as well as to ensure equal voting rights. Then there's the First Amendment and all that stuff about freedom of speech and all. Well, you get the idea.
We need English to be official, and that's that.

No, that’s not that. The Bill of Rights is that.
Do you approve of taxes for every cause that is not explicitly included by the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights does explicitly protect freedom of speech.
It does not guarantee anyone has to pay for translating your foreign language.
The Constitution called and asked me to tell you that you are wrong.
Now I know why you are the sole jurist on the US Supreme Court.
Do you know what happens when someone who does not speak English is on trial?
Yeah...they are found guilty and go to jail for Trespassing.
Apparently, we DO need an official language. In order to be NATURALIZED in this country, you have to be conversant in English...

Not to a very high degree, and there is NO requirement to speak English at all to be a natural born citizen, nor is there any requirement to maintain any degree or incremental improvement in English. Otherwise, we would have thrown Jitler out long ago. There IS however, a requirement on the part of the government to provide due process and equal protection under the law, as well as to ensure equal voting rights. Then there's the First Amendment and all that stuff about freedom of speech and all. Well, you get the idea.
We need English to be official, and that's that.

No, that’s not that. The Bill of Rights is that.
Do you approve of taxes for every cause that is not explicitly included by the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights does explicitly protect freedom of speech.
It does not guarantee anyone has to pay for translating your foreign language.
The Constitution called and asked me to tell you that you are wrong.
Now I know why you are the sole jurist on the US Supreme Court.
Do you know what happens when someone who does not speak English is on trial?
Yeah...they are found guilty and go to jail for Trespassing.
If there's one thing I learned from you...Liberals such as yourself are Mentally Ill.
It takes a very special sort of dedication to be in this country for several generations and still be incapable of learning the language.

Heck, just about every other group gets it down in a single generation.
No, they don't.
Yes they do.

Nope. Usually at least two generations. Trust me.
Why should we trust you? Maybe shitforbrains just runs in your family, dumbass and you're all naturally slow.
It takes a very special sort of dedication to be in this country for several generations and still be incapable of learning the language.

Heck, just about every other group gets it down in a single generation.
No, they don't.
Yes they do.

Nope. Usually at least two generations. Trust me.
Why should we trust you? Maybe shitforbrains just runs in your family, dumbass and you're all naturally slow.
UpChuk is a Bleeding Heart Liberal.
It takes a very special sort of dedication to be in this country for several generations and still be incapable of learning the language.

Heck, just about every other group gets it down in a single generation.
No, they don't.
Yes they do.

Nope. Usually at least two generations. Trust me.
Why should we trust you? ....

Because I know what I'm talking about. I have been educated, trained, and working in exactly this field for over a quarter of a century.

Trust me.

We DEMAND that:

  1. teachers stop using academic language and standard English as the accepted communicative norm, which reflects White Mainstream English!
  2. teachers stop teaching Black students to code-switch! Instead, we must teach Black students about anti-Black linguistic racism and white linguistic supremacy!
  3. political discussions and praxis center Black Language as teacher-researcher activism for classrooms and communities!
  4. teachers develop and teach Black Linguistic Consciousness that works to decolonize the mind (and/or) language, unlearn white supremacy, and unravel anti-Black linguistic racism!
  5. Black dispositions are centered in the research and teaching of Black Language!
Why are white people so obsessed with grammar and punctuation ? People in the world worry about hunger or being poor. But white people's biggest worry is finding out that a person has used ‘their’ when should have used ‘there’"


If you want a white person to love you say this

Hey White Person. I'm sending this cover letter out for this job. Can you look this over for me and see if it's ok?”

It's a scientific fact that it's impossible for a white person to turn down the opportunity to proofread.

Clinging on to good grammar is like hanging on to a skill that will never come back into popularity, or usefulness. Kind of like saying, “I was the best quarterback in my high school.”

When was the last time you ever heard anyone say, “He’s really smart, you can tell by his grammar.”

All new languages started off as slang.

Then they gradually became more formalized with their own rules until they evolved into a new language altogether.

How did you get French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian from Latin?

The English language is a language born of change. There isn’t a single word that you use today who’s original meaning or spelling hasn’t been altered.

So long as you are capable of expressing yourself in a way that satisfies your needs, than language has done it’s job.

Ebonics shows is that whites and blacks in America live in a cultural isolation from one another. From this cultural isolation will be born new modes of speech which if allowed to go on for long enough will become separate languages.

Ebonics is just another variety of English, like Irish English, Scottish English, Welsh English, Jamaican English.

And the irony is for all whites insistence on proper grammar and speech they will try to talk in "ebonics" to make them sound cool.

Why are white people so obsessed with grammar and punctuation ? People in the world worry about hunger or being poor. ...

Expressing oneself properly and accurately is not a matter of race, it is a matter of dignity and self-respect. Neglecting these often results in, or is a by-product of, poverty and hunger.


When was the last time you ever heard anyone say, “He’s really smart, you can tell by his grammar.”


Many people in many places conclude everyday that those who cannot or will not express themselves accurately are uneducated or disrespectful.
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...Heck, just about every other group gets it down in a single generation.

Acquiring a new language is a process that involves more factors than just the vocabulary and grammar of that language. Newly arrived immigrant families tend to fully assimilate to primary use of English over at least two generations. However, by the time they get to that 2nd (or sometimes 3rd) generation, as many as 95% of immigrants from non-English speaking countries speak English primarily or exclusively in the home.

I had a friend who went to Virginia State University which is historically black. My friend is white. He basically got to go to school for free because the University had to meet State mandated diversity quotas. Yes, we both loved the irony. However, I digress.

My friend had a black debate professor. One of the students asked "why do I have talk white?"

The professor calmly stated: You have a sick child and take your child to a black pediatrician. The doctor says when you walk in, "So my brutha, How's my little homie-bro....whazzzup!!!!"

The professor said you would probably take your child and run out of the office. His point being you can talk slang all you want in your personal life, but if you want to be perceived as a professional in a work environment you need to speak proper English.
...So long as you are capable of expressing yourself in a way that satisfies your needs, than [sic] language has done it’s [sic] job.

Needs like getting a good job? Needs like earning respect? Needs like success in society generally?

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