Demise of the Petrodollar: Gazprom's Possible Switch to Euros

The "petrodollar" is the American dollar. Why would the radical American left celebrate the decline of the US dollar and get away with promoting the insane global warming concept that caused it?

Say what?
Please explain how the global warming theory will destroy the dollar.

In fact, a shift away from oil would be highly beneficial to America.
Even if you ignore global warming, it would free America from the oil need, dominated by people you hate.

The American right are really fucking stupid, or at least, uneducated morons such as yourself are.

You don't understand the relationship between the theory of global warming and fossil fuel production? In short there is no replacement for fossil fuel. Bird killing windmills are a joke and acres of solar panels are a laughable tiny percentage of the grid. When democrats and the president condemn the production of fossil fuel and switch over to wind and sun the global energy equation changes and the producers of fossil fuel become more powerful in Euros or rubles or whatever exchange and the dollar becomes redundant.

Fossil fuel use is a major contributor to the problem of global warming and, even if you don't subscribe to that theory, it's use is highly polluting anyway, thus undesirable in the long term.
Investment needs to be increased, as it has in other countries.

RenewableUK | Press Releases - Record Breaking month for wind energy

During December, a total of 2,841,080 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity were generated by wind power for the National Grid – enough to power more than 5.7 million British homes - at a time of year which traditionally sees a high demand for electricity. Overall, wind power supplied 10% of Britain’s total electricity demand for homes, businesses and factories.

Over the course of one week (starting on Monday 16th December), wind generated a record 783,886 MWh – the highest ever for a seven-day period – providing 13% of Britain’s total electricity needs that week.

The Saturday before Christmas (21st December), one of the busiest shopping days of the year, saw a record daily amount of electricity produced from wind with 132,812 MWh generated, 17% of the nation’s total electricity demand that day.

That figure means far less dependence on fossil fuels and far less effect on the British economy if oil prices rise. Over time, with more investment in electric cars, Britain could be totally free of the oil problem, leaving places like America, that can manage a pathetic 4% of its power by wind, to struggle as supplies become more difficult to obtain.
Oh, yea, it will be another nail in the coffin of the petrodollar, but that's dead anyway, so live with it.
30% may be conservative.
The total collapse of the dollar would probably totally fuck the US economy, leaving massive unemployed and no likely return to what Americans consider to be normality.
The greatest danger to the world is America's massive military. Any mess may well mean wars to take what you want, rather than see your people starve.

We produce a lot of food in this country. Much of it being controlled by the assholes who are tanking the system. They will push a Global Reset, a new currency, probably electronic in nature, and will seize the actual assets all over the world as they hold a lot of the deeds. People who can't pay their taxes, will lose their property as others buy the property for taxes but it'll take 3 years worth to do so. Then take that property as well.

I've heard the old timers talk about that including my parents, who told me how they seized everything they could get their hands on. My parents were poor. They grew the food they ate anyway back then, and they hardly even knew anything was different during the depression.

Could it spark WWIII. Absolutely.
My mom was a child during the GD and it was the WPA that saved her family.
Even so it took WWII to fully stimulate the economy, and that, of course, was before the nuclear genie left the bottle. A Second Constitutional Convention might give Americans an opportunity to re-tool their economy without a major war, but I wouldn't trust any of the current crop of Republicans AND Democrats to organize it since the "Corporation" would be ground zero for any lasting change.

A Convention could easily be hijacked.........Especially with the money that would be thrown around to the uniformed public to get their way, or maintain their power.....

The Federal Reserve is on the top of my list.
I'm not into the Global Warming portion of this thread..........I'm not in that fan club.

I'm into the currency BS going on worldwide and how to end it.
I'm not into the Global Warming portion of this thread..........I'm not in that fan club.

I'm into the currency BS going on worldwide and how to end it.

renewable energy, regardless of your opinions on global warming, will effect the issue brought up by the OP.
If the UK can manage 10% of its energy needs with non dollar generation, that's another blow to the petrodollar.
Gas and oil stations are dollar use generation, wind is not.

Even small losses to the petrodollar effect the dollar's global value, because these small losses add up to big losses.

The US is trying to buy friends with military power, Japan being a prime example, but Japan and China now trade in local currencies, rejecting the dollar in mutual transactions.
I'm not into the Global Warming portion of this thread..........I'm not in that fan club.

I'm into the currency BS going on worldwide and how to end it.

renewable energy, regardless of your opinions on global warming, will effect the issue brought up by the OP.
If the UK can manage 10% of its energy needs with non dollar generation, that's another blow to the petrodollar.
Gas and oil stations are dollar use generation, wind is not.

Even small losses to the petrodollar effect the dollar's global value, because these small losses add up to big losses.

The US is trying to buy friends with military power, Japan being a prime example, but Japan and China now trade in local currencies, rejecting the dollar in mutual transactions.

I don't want the dollar destroyed. I want it restored and end the manipulation of global bankers on fiat currency.................

I have no problem with capitalism.....What we have is BS, not real capitalism..

Energy produces a lot of jobs. And it's real, the Markets and currency manipulators operate on BS.
I'm not into the Global Warming portion of this thread..........I'm not in that fan club.

I'm into the currency BS going on worldwide and how to end it.

renewable energy, regardless of your opinions on global warming, will effect the issue brought up by the OP.
If the UK can manage 10% of its energy needs with non dollar generation, that's another blow to the petrodollar.
Gas and oil stations are dollar use generation, wind is not.

Even small losses to the petrodollar effect the dollar's global value, because these small losses add up to big losses.

The US is trying to buy friends with military power, Japan being a prime example, but Japan and China now trade in local currencies, rejecting the dollar in mutual transactions.

I don't want the dollar destroyed. I want it restored and end the manipulation of global bankers on fiat currency.................

I have no problem with capitalism.....What we have is BS, not real capitalism..

Energy produces a lot of jobs. And it's real, the Markets and currency manipulators operate on BS.

It makes no difference.
The problem is really simple.
America's national debt will kill the country if they don't lose it.
They can't do that, so they must have the petrodollar to keep the value artificially high.

Once that's eroded to a point where the value of the dollar falls, you're fucked.
Even at 20% of world transactions being non dollar, you have serious problems and it's unlikely you can stop it.
We produce a lot of food in this country. Much of it being controlled by the assholes who are tanking the system. They will push a Global Reset, a new currency, probably electronic in nature, and will seize the actual assets all over the world as they hold a lot of the deeds. People who can't pay their taxes, will lose their property as others buy the property for taxes but it'll take 3 years worth to do so. Then take that property as well.

I've heard the old timers talk about that including my parents, who told me how they seized everything they could get their hands on. My parents were poor. They grew the food they ate anyway back then, and they hardly even knew anything was different during the depression.

Could it spark WWIII. Absolutely.
My mom was a child during the GD and it was the WPA that saved her family.
Even so it took WWII to fully stimulate the economy, and that, of course, was before the nuclear genie left the bottle. A Second Constitutional Convention might give Americans an opportunity to re-tool their economy without a major war, but I wouldn't trust any of the current crop of Republicans AND Democrats to organize it since the "Corporation" would be ground zero for any lasting change.

A Convention could easily be hijacked.........Especially with the money that would be thrown around to the uniformed public to get their way, or maintain their power.....

The Federal Reserve is on the top of my list.
That could work. Central bankers have stated for centuries they don't care who writes a country's laws if they control its money supply. That attitude might be unacceptable to a majority of voters if the public/private nature of the Fed could be made clear. Finally, there is a class nature to this struggle as was made evident by a letter from the Rothschilds to colleagues in New York during the height of the US Civil War:

"The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863."

I still haven't found out what this "tremendous advantage that capital derives from the (central banking?) system" refers to.

Do you have any idea?

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