Demise of the Petrodollar: Gazprom's Possible Switch to Euros

I don't think the radical left really thought it out. The usual anti-American-American knee jerk response to a Russian economic coup is celebration but the issue is about freaking oil not euros. Fossil fuel still runs the world based economy and they don't realize it because of their hatred for capitalism and corporations. Russia and China will rule the world in the 21st century as long as the US relies on 2nd century technology upgraded to kill migratory birds and laughable acres of useless solar panels.
I don't think the radical left really thought it out. The usual anti-American-American knee jerk response to a Russian economic coup is celebration but the issue is about freaking oil not euros. Fossil fuel still runs the world based economy and they don't realize it because of their hatred for capitalism and corporations. Russia and China will rule the world in the 21st century as long as the US relies on 2nd century technology upgraded to kill migratory birds and laughable acres of useless solar panels.
Fossil fuels are 20th century technology. If China and Russia put all their energy eggs in that basket, they'll find the 2nd century looks good by comparison. The US could subsidize 21st century energy policy by taxing fossil fuel corporations into extinction and transferring those $trillions into new energy paradigms:

"An important subfield of nanotechnology related to energy is nanofabrication. Nanofabrication is the process of designing and creating devices on the nanoscale.

"Creating devices smaller than 100 nanometers opens many doors for the development of new ways to capture, store, and transfer energy.

"The inherent level of control that nanofabrication could give scientists and engineers would be critical in providing the capability of solving many of the problems that the world is facing today related to the current generation of energy technologies."

Energy applications of nanotechnology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama is a progressives wet dream. He wants to disarm Americans, give their money away to illegals, control their health care, control their pay, control their school lunches, control what they can say, control who they can associate with, control, control, control....

That's the progressive's mantra....control, then murder in vast quantities...
Do you remember what Mark Twain said about the difference between the almost-right word and the right word? It's the difference between the lightening bug and the lightening; consider: Obama is Wall Street's boy as the bug, the lightening starts with "B" and rhymes with Rich.

If you haven't figured it out are the progressives. Multinationals figured out a long time ago that they needed you brainless types to fight against them so they could get government to pass all sorts of onerous laws that infringe on peoples individual rights.

You are such a one dimensional thinker....Remember this? This is your occupied clowns being coopted by the bankers and they are so fucking clueless they didn't even realize it....

Occupy Wall Street Divided - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central
One thing I have figured out is that John Dewey was correct about politics being the shadow cast by big business, when are you reactionaries planning to catch up?
30% plus increase in prices.

The IMF is been discussing this very issue. Global reset is coming, probably a little while after the next massive bust cycle in the markets.

More than likely triggered in Europe which is falling apart faster than we are.
30% plus increase in prices.

The IMF is been discussing this very issue. Global reset is coming, probably a little while after the next massive bust cycle in the markets.

More than likely triggered in Europe which is falling apart faster than we are.
30% plus in what length of time, or is that knowable at this point?
30% plus increase in prices.

The IMF is been discussing this very issue. Global reset is coming, probably a little while after the next massive bust cycle in the markets.

More than likely triggered in Europe which is falling apart faster than we are.
30% plus in what length of time, or is that knowable at this point?

Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
The "petrodollar" is the American dollar. Why would the radical American left celebrate the decline of the US dollar and get away with promoting the insane global warming concept that caused it?
30% plus increase in prices.

The IMF is been discussing this very issue. Global reset is coming, probably a little while after the next massive bust cycle in the markets.

More than likely triggered in Europe which is falling apart faster than we are.
30% plus in what length of time, or is that knowable at this point?

Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D
30% plus in what length of time, or is that knowable at this point?

Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

They cannot keep the Fiat Currency machine afloat forever. It is only a matter of time before the false recovery will implode........Worse than last time. Collapsing economies world wide. Pushing to reset with a new denomination at a later date.

The crash of our currency due to our idiotic policies will be world wide. Forcing a new Global Currency not yet disclosed.

England was the last, and in 1944 the Dollar replaced it.
30% plus in what length of time, or is that knowable at this point?

Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

Does "the end justify the means"? The Petrodollar is the US dollar. While Barry Hussein is vowing to "wean the US off oil" the rest of the world is going with the Russian economic plan based on fossil fuel production. What's wrong with this concept?
[ame=]Bob Seger- Turn the Page - YouTube[/ame]
Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

Does "the end justify the means"? The Petrodollar is the US dollar. While Barry Hussein is vowing to "wean the US off oil" the rest of the world is going with the Russian economic plan based on fossil fuel production. What's wrong with this concept?
It's hard to know where to start answering your last question.
Peak oil, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine?
Petrodollar warfare, maybe?

"The invasion of Iraq may well be remembered as the first oil currency war. Far from being a response to 9-11 terrorism or Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, Petrodollar Warfare argues that the invasion was precipitated by two converging phenomena: the imminent peak in global oil production, and the ascendance of the euro currency"

Petrodollar Warfare - Home

I wonder why so many conservatives don't understand simple karma.
What we've sown in Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and beyond is coming home to roost.
If we don't wean ourselves off of War, we will vanish from the page of time.
The "petrodollar" is the American dollar. Why would the radical American left celebrate the decline of the US dollar and get away with promoting the insane global warming concept that caused it?

Say what?
Please explain how the global warming theory will destroy the dollar.

In fact, a shift away from oil would be highly beneficial to America.
Even if you ignore global warming, it would free America from the oil need, dominated by people you hate.

The American right are really fucking stupid, or at least, uneducated morons such as yourself are.
30% plus in what length of time, or is that knowable at this point?

Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

30% may be conservative.
The total collapse of the dollar would probably totally fuck the US economy, leaving massive unemployed and no likely return to what Americans consider to be normality.
The greatest danger to the world is America's massive military. Any mess may well mean wars to take what you want, rather than see your people starve.
Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

30% may be conservative.
The total collapse of the dollar would probably totally fuck the US economy, leaving massive unemployed and no likely return to what Americans consider to be normality.
The greatest danger to the world is America's massive military. Any mess may well mean wars to take what you want, rather than see your people starve.

We produce a lot of food in this country. Much of it being controlled by the assholes who are tanking the system. They will push a Global Reset, a new currency, probably electronic in nature, and will seize the actual assets all over the world as they hold a lot of the deeds. People who can't pay their taxes, will lose their property as others buy the property for taxes but it'll take 3 years worth to do so. Then take that property as well.

I've heard the old timers talk about that including my parents, who told me how they seized everything they could get their hands on. My parents were poor. They grew the food they ate anyway back then, and they hardly even knew anything was different during the depression.

Could it spark WWIII. Absolutely.
Could it spark WWIII. Absolutely.

That's why the Chinese and others aren't dumping their holdings.
They're aware such a massive, sudden crash would probably mean war, so they're doing it slowly, hoping to remove the dollar bit by bit, causing a slow, steady decline you won't notice as much, as gradual change over a generation is far harder to see.

In my opinion, it's now too late for America to do much about the situation. So many people are pissed off with your foreign policy, they're inclined to side with the Chinese and trade without the dollar - that and it's cheaper and easier to do so.
Could it spark WWIII. Absolutely.

That's why the Chinese and others aren't dumping their holdings.
They're aware such a massive, sudden crash would probably mean war, so they're doing it slowly, hoping to remove the dollar bit by bit, causing a slow, steady decline you won't notice as much, as gradual change over a generation is far harder to see.

In my opinion, it's now too late for America to do much about the situation. So many people are pissed off with your foreign policy, they're inclined to side with the Chinese and trade without the dollar - that and it's cheaper and easier to do so.

We are not the only ones manipulating currency. The IMF, Japan, and even countries like China are doing so. Many of the G summits have been accusing each other of currency wars already. Purposely deflating the value of currencies to influence trade. Japan being a top contender in that aspect.
Seems to be the number from a lot of my readings.

Inaugural Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

These people know.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

30% may be conservative.
The total collapse of the dollar would probably totally fuck the US economy, leaving massive unemployed and no likely return to what Americans consider to be normality.
The greatest danger to the world is America's massive military. Any mess may well mean wars to take what you want, rather than see your people starve.
Apparently there are powerful people around this planet (including many Americans) who would feel safer if there were 4 billion fewer human beings living here. Presumably starvation and bio-warfare will be used, although, I suppose the 300 million private guns in the US would complicate the plan. I grew up between the end of WWII and the invasion of Vietnam, and I don't think America will ever again experience that economy as long as fossil fuels power it. Maybe there's a nano-future with virtually endless energy, but a lot of us won't survive the transition.
The "petrodollar" is the American dollar. Why would the radical American left celebrate the decline of the US dollar and get away with promoting the insane global warming concept that caused it?

Say what?
Please explain how the global warming theory will destroy the dollar.

In fact, a shift away from oil would be highly beneficial to America.
Even if you ignore global warming, it would free America from the oil need, dominated by people you hate.

The American right are really fucking stupid, or at least, uneducated morons such as yourself are.

You don't understand the relationship between the theory of global warming and fossil fuel production? In short there is no replacement for fossil fuel. Bird killing windmills are a joke and acres of solar panels are a laughable tiny percentage of the grid. When democrats and the president condemn the production of fossil fuel and switch over to wind and sun the global energy equation changes and the producers of fossil fuel become more powerful in Euros or rubles or whatever exchange and the dollar becomes redundant.
A thirty percent hike in food prices, if it happened suddenly, would spark riots in my neighborhood. It would wipe out my monthly SS stipend, and, I assume, greatly increase unemployment and homelessness nationally. Global reset sounds like a good idea for a disaster movie and a lousy reality show.:D

30% may be conservative.
The total collapse of the dollar would probably totally fuck the US economy, leaving massive unemployed and no likely return to what Americans consider to be normality.
The greatest danger to the world is America's massive military. Any mess may well mean wars to take what you want, rather than see your people starve.

We produce a lot of food in this country. Much of it being controlled by the assholes who are tanking the system. They will push a Global Reset, a new currency, probably electronic in nature, and will seize the actual assets all over the world as they hold a lot of the deeds. People who can't pay their taxes, will lose their property as others buy the property for taxes but it'll take 3 years worth to do so. Then take that property as well.

I've heard the old timers talk about that including my parents, who told me how they seized everything they could get their hands on. My parents were poor. They grew the food they ate anyway back then, and they hardly even knew anything was different during the depression.

Could it spark WWIII. Absolutely.
My mom was a child during the GD and it was the WPA that saved her family.
Even so it took WWII to fully stimulate the economy, and that, of course, was before the nuclear genie left the bottle. A Second Constitutional Convention might give Americans an opportunity to re-tool their economy without a major war, but I wouldn't trust any of the current crop of Republicans AND Democrats to organize it since the "Corporation" would be ground zero for any lasting change.

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